

50 most recent events occurring on or after 2016-11-15 14:02:44.

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20:39 Changes to wiki page tested_nodes artifact: ef382c78ce user: matt
20:02 Changes to wiki page tested_nodes artifact: b7826a475c user: matt
19:49 Edit [97105a40d0]: Move to branch integ-home. artifact: 0a108ea82b user: matt
18:45 Changes to wiki page tested_nodes artifact: a3b1f38057 user: matt
18:44 Changes to wiki page tested_nodes artifact: 434d75d2f8 user: matt
17:50 Changes to wiki page tested_nodes artifact: 89007eb22f user: matt
Committing automated merge of v1.62-no-rpc/d06a3ab427 into check-in: 97105a40d0 user: matt tags: integ-home
15:03 Edit [407cb15e6b]: Move to branch trunk-junk. Add propagating "hidden". Mark "Closed". artifact: 6c34896cc4 user: matt
15:02 Edit [22de0551ee]: Move to branch integ-office-junk. Add propagating "hidden". Mark "Closed". artifact: 901cece3cd user: matt
14:05 Changes to wiki page tested_nodes artifact: 5b0378ff92 user: matt
13:13 Changes to wiki page tested_nodes artifact: 1a13093722 user: matt
12:32 Changes to wiki page tested_nodes artifact: ac9b8a79de user: matt
12:31 Changes to wiki page tested_nodes artifact: 5806d1f8b5 user: matt
12:29 Changes to wiki page tested_nodes artifact: 54b96acc2c user: matt
12:13 Changes to wiki page tested_nodes artifact: b38d80d270 user: matt
12:05 Changes to wiki page tested_nodes artifact: e367595904 user: matt
11:44 Changes to wiki page tested_nodes artifact: 47d3921654 user: matt
11:43 Changes to wiki page tested_nodes artifact: dcd643e928 user: matt
11:23 Changes to wiki page tested_nodes artifact: 87bf56447d user: matt
09:55 Changes to wiki page tested_nodes artifact: 13216a1f6a user: matt
09:02 Changes to wiki page tested_nodes artifact: 27c7e47761 user: matt
21:18 Changes to wiki page tested_nodes artifact: 86f5a94035 user: matt
Try tmp db without rpc check-in: d06a3ab427 user: matt tags: v1.62-no-rpc
16:59 Changes to wiki page tested_nodes artifact: 8ca5fdf10d user: matt
15:29 Changes to wiki page tested_nodes artifact: 865cbe0150 user: matt
14:31 Changes to wiki page tested_nodes artifact: 8751998ed8 user: matt
start of /tmp db model Closed-Leaf check-in: eeaf9f94c3 user: mrwellan tags: tmp-db-model
08:02 Edit [22de0551ee]: Move to branch integ-office. artifact: ab4b5163a4 user: mrwellan
22:10 Changes to wiki page tested_nodes artifact: 9ac49ac74e user: matt
21:44 Edit [3e767a9aad]: Add tag "v1.6208". artifact: 3eed0c16ee user: matt
20:13 Changes to wiki page tested_nodes artifact: 650533c12c user: matt
20:05 Changes to wiki page tested_nodes artifact: 8032f8a5a3 user: matt
20:05 Changes to wiki page tested_nodes artifact: c535948933 user: matt
20:05 Changes to wiki page tested_nodes artifact: e4328948e3 user: matt
20:05 Changes to wiki page tested_nodes artifact: a75fee0900 user: matt
20:04 Changes to wiki page tested_nodes artifact: 619dcb055e user: matt
Beginnings of fix for testconfig disks issue Closed-Leaf check-in: 7e67a7638f user: mrwellan tags: testconfig-disks-fix
22:51 Changes to wiki page tested_nodes artifact: 17ad1019bc user: matt
22:42 Edit [7779baf96f]: Move to branch Add_csv_export. artifact: 0f2b3cb290 user: matt
22:13 Deleted wiki page tested_nodes artifact: f6801949a8 user: matt
moved rpc-transport updates into mainline v1.62 branch check-in: f736d3db6e user: bjbarcla tags: v1.62
caught up to v1.62 Closed-Leaf check-in: 4e3d7aed7d user: bjbarcla tags: rpc-transport
Merged v1.62 into rpc-transport Closed-Leaf check-in: 534875ccf1 user: mrwellan tags: rpc-transport-merge-v1.62
did some cleanup check-in: acd56658eb user: bjbarcla tags: rpc-transport
deadlock msg check-in: a66741d98b user: bjbarcla tags: rpc-transport
Try using md5sum instead of sha1. Much faster but what is the collison risk? check-in: 3e767a9aad user: mrwellan tags: v1.62, v1.6208
Fixed remotediff example. Broken by unknown goof up. check-in: 9833288949 user: mrwellan tags: v1.62
fixed bug where client stopped working when server needed restart (cached rpc stub was not refreshing when port changed) check-in: cf3341f204 user: bjbarcla tags: rpc-transport
sync point check-in: 1cf31de4df user: bjbarcla tags: rpc-transport
wrapped access to *runremote* has with mutes check-in: 3dffa0e4f9 user: bjbarcla tags: rpc-transport
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