
History Of Ticket 0b234aeea6b0950de4839b6fa21b4f5593aba0ba

Artifacts Associated With Ticket 0b234aeea6b0950de4839b6fa21b4f5593aba0ba

  1. Ticket change [4d31b0b941] (rid 2477) by mrwellan on 2012-10-11 09:44:51:

    1. foundin initialized to: "v1.46"
    2. severity initialized to: "Cosmetic"
    3. status initialized to: "Open"
    4. title initialized to:
      Need word wrap in description field in test control panel
    5. type initialized to: "Code_Defect"
  2. Ticket change [974d7969fc] (rid 3276) by mrwellan on 2013-01-29 14:43:04:

    1. Appended to comment:
      <hr /><i>mrwellan added on 2013-01-29 21:43:04 UTC:</i><br />
      This is fixed in v1.52 series.
    2. priority changed to: "Immediate"
    3. resolution changed to: "Fixed"
    4. status changed to: "Closed"