Changes In Branch sles11-build Through [5eb6a386a0] Excluding Merge-Ins
This is equivalent to a diff from a69eae02d7 to 5eb6a386a0
| ||
12:47 | Added makefile for installing latest git chicken check-in: 2bb2629922 user: jmoon18 tags: sles11-build | |
| ||
05:35 | Remove zmq cruft check-in: 8e9c153d3c user: matt tags: v1.60 | |
| ||
11:51 | Updated makefile for SLES11 check-in: 5eb6a386a0 user: jmoon18 tags: sles11-build | |
| ||
13:44 | Deleting common.o from process check-in: a69eae02d7 user: ritikaag tags: v1.60 | |
| ||
22:24 | Mostly updated Makefile.installall check-in: e617368726 user: matt tags: v1.60 | |
Modified utils/Makefile.installall from [854a5318e0] to [6ee27046cd].
99 100 101 102 103 104 105 | CSCLIBS=$(shell echo $(LD_LIBRARY_PATH) | sed 's/:/ -L/g') CSC_OPTIONS="-I$(PREFIX)/include -L$(CSCLIBS) -C \"-fPIC\"" # CSC_OPTIONS=-I $(PREFIX)/include -L $(CSCLIBS) nogui : base mutils | | > | 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 | CSCLIBS=$(shell echo $(LD_LIBRARY_PATH) | sed 's/:/ -L/g') CSC_OPTIONS="-I$(PREFIX)/include -L$(CSCLIBS) -C \"-fPIC\"" # CSC_OPTIONS=-I $(PREFIX)/include -L $(CSCLIBS) nogui : base mutils #all : nogui libiup $(PREFIX)/lib/ all : nogui libiup base : chkn eggs # stuff needed for Kiatoa and Megatest from matts miscellaneous stash # NOTE TO SELF: eggifying these would be great... mutils : base logprobin $(PREFIX)/bin/hs \ $(PREFIX)/lib/chicken/7/ \ |
269 270 271 272 273 274 275 | cd ffcall;./configure --prefix=$(PREFIX) --enable-shared && make CC="gcc -fPIC" && make install #====================================================================== # I U P #====================================================================== iuplib.fossil : | | | | > > > > > > > > > > > > > | | | | | 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 | cd ffcall;./configure --prefix=$(PREFIX) --enable-shared && make CC="gcc -fPIC" && make install #====================================================================== # I U P #====================================================================== iuplib.fossil : #fossil clone iuplib.fossil touch iuplib.fossil iup/ : iuplib.fossil $(PREFIX)/lib/ mkdir -p iup pwd #wget -c #wget -c #wget -c #wget -c tar -xzvf cd-5.9_Linux26g4_64_lib.tar.gz -C iup/ tar -xzvf im-3.10_Linux26g4_64_lib.tar.gz -C iup/ tar -xzvf iup-3.17_Linux26g4_64_lib.tar.gz -C iup/ mkdir -p $(PREFIX)/include/ $(PREFIX)/lib/ cp iup/include/* $(PREFIX)/include/ cp iup/*.so $(PREFIX)/lib/ cp iup/*.a $(PREFIX)/lib/ # cd iup && if [ -e ];then fossil update $(IUPBRANCH); else fossil open ../iuplib.fossil;fossil update $(IUPBRANCH); fi iup/alldone : iup/ $(PREFIX)/include/iup.h $(PREFIX)/lib/ # cd iup && ./ $(IUPCONFIG) $(PREFIX)/lib/ $(PREFIX)/include/iup.h : iup/ iup/alldone # cd iup && ./ $(IUPCONFIG) # $(PREFIX)/lib/ : iup/iup/alldone # touch -c $(PREFIX)/lib/ $(CHICKEN_EGG_DIR)/ : $(PREFIX)/lib/ $(PREFIX)/lib/libavcall.a LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(LD_LIBRARY_PATH) CSC_OPTIONS=$(CSC_OPTIONS) $(CHICKEN_INSTALL) $(PROX) -D no-library-checks -feature disable-iup-web iup # -feature disable-iup-web $(CHICKEN_EGG_DIR)/ : $(PREFIX)/lib/ $(PREFIX)/lib/libavcall.a CSC_OPTIONS=$(CSC_OPTIONS) $(CHICKEN_INSTALL) $(PROX) -D no-library-checks canvas-draw clean : rm -rf chicken-4.8.0 eggflags ffcall sqlite-autoconf-$(SQLITE3_VERSION) |