(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* " message: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))
(vector #f (vector exn call-chain dat))) ;; return some stuff for debug if an exception happens
((not (vector? dat)) ;; it is an error to not receive a vector
(vector #f (vector #f "remote must be called with a vector")))
((> *api-process-request-count* 20) ;; 20)
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: api:execute-requests received an overloaded message.")
(set! *server-overloaded* #t)
(vector #f (vector #f 'overloaded))) ;; the inner vector is what gets returned. nope, don't know why. please refactor!
(let* ((cmd-in (vector-ref dat 0))
(cmd (if (symbol? cmd-in)
(string->symbol cmd-in)))
(params (vector-ref dat 1))
;; Copyright 2006-2014, Matthew Welland.
;; This program is made available under the GNU GPL version 2.0 or
;; greater. See the accompanying file COPYING for details.
;; This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
;; strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S','now','localtime')
(use sqlite3 srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69 dot-locking format md5 message-digest srfi-18)
(import (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:))
(use (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:) srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69 format md5 message-digest srfi-18)
(declare (unit archive))
(declare (uses db))
(declare (uses common))
(include "common_records.scm")
(include "db_records.scm")
(define (archive:main linktree target runname testname itempath options)
(let ((testdir (conc linktree "/" target "/" runname "/" testname "/" itempatt))
(flavor 'plain) ;; type of machine to run jobs on
(maxload 1.5) ;; max allowed load for this work
(adisks (archive:get-archive-disks)))
;; get testdir size
;; - hand off du to job mgr
(if (and (file-exists? testdir)
(if (and (common:file-exists? testdir)
(file-is-writable? testdir))
(let* ((dused (jobrunner:run-job
flavor ;; machine type
maxload ;; max allowed load
'() ;; prevars - environment vars to set for the job
common:get-disk-space-used ;; if a proc call it, if a string it is a unix command
(list testdir)))
(toplevel/children (and (db:test-get-is-toplevel test-dat)
(> (rmt:test-toplevel-num-items run-id test-name) 0)))
(test-partial-path (conc target "/" run-name "/" (db:test-make-full-name test-name item-path)))
;; note the trailing slash to get the dir inspite of it being a link
(test-path (conc linktree "/" test-partial-path))
;; if the old path was not deleted then prev-test-physical-path will end up pointing to a real directory
(mutex-lock! rp-mutex)
(prev-test-physical-path (if (file-exists? test-path)
(prev-test-physical-path (if (common:file-exists? test-path)
;; (read-symbolic-link test-path #t)
(common:real-path test-path)
(mutex-unlock! rp-mutex)
(new-test-physical-path (conc best-disk "/" test-partial-path))
(archive-block-id (db:test-get-archived test-dat))
(archive-block-info (rmt:test-get-archive-block-info archive-block-id))
(archive-path (if (vector? archive-block-info)
(vector-ref archive-block-info 2) ;; look in db.scm for test-get-archive-block-info for the vector record info
#f)) ;; no archive found?
(archive-internal-path (conc (common:get-testsuite-name) "-" run-id "/latest/" test-partial-path)))
;; some sanity checks, move an existing path out of the way - iif it is not a toplevel with children
(if (and (not toplevel/children) ;; special handling needed for toplevel with children
(file-exists? prev-test-physical-path)) ;; what to do? abort or clean up or link it in?
(common:file-exists? prev-test-physical-path)) ;; what to do? abort or clean up or link it in?
(let* ((base (pathname-directory prev-test-physical-path))
(dirn (pathname-file prev-test-physical-path))
(newn (conc base "/." dirn)))
(debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "the old directory " prev-test-physical-path ", still exists! Moving it to " newn)
(rename-file prev-test-physical-path newn)))
(if (and archive-path ;; no point in proceeding if there is no actual archive
;; Copyright 2006-2012, Matthew Welland.
;; This program is made available under the GNU GPL version 2.0 or
;; greater. See the accompanying file COPYING for details.
;; This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
(use srfi-1 posix regex-case base64 format dot-locking csv-xml z3 sql-de-lite hostinfo md5 message-digest typed-records directory-utils stack
matchable) matchable regex posix srfi-18 extras
(require-extension regex posix) pkts (prefix dbi dbi:))
(require-extension (srfi 18) extras tcp rpc)
(import (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:))
(import (prefix base64 base64:))
(declare (unit common))
(declare (uses keys))
(include "common_records.scm")
;; (require-library margs)
;; (include "margs.scm")
;; (define old-exit exit)
(debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "bad value for setenv, key=" key ", value=" val)
(setenv key val))
(debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "bad value for setenv, key=" key ", value=" val))))
(define home (getenv "HOME"))
(define user (getenv "USER"))
(defstruct cxt
(taskdb #f)
(cmutex (make-mutex)))
;; (define *contexts* (make-hash-table))
;; (define *context-mutex* (make-mutex))
(define *task-db* #f) ;; (vector db path-to-db)
(define *db-access-allowed* #t) ;; flag to allow access
(define *db-access-mutex* (make-mutex))
(define *db-transaction-mutex* (make-mutex))
(define *db-cache-path* #f)
(define *db-with-db-mutex* (make-mutex))
(define *db-api-call-time* (make-hash-table)) ;; hash of command => (list of times)
;; no sync db
(define *no-sync-db* #f)
(define *my-client-signature* #f)
(define *transport-type* 'http) ;; override with [server] transport http|rpc|nmsg
(define *runremote* #f) ;; if set up for server communication this will hold <host port>
;; (define *max-cache-size* 0)
(define *logged-in-clients* (make-hash-table))
;; (define *server-id* #f)
(define *server-info* #f) ;; good candidate for easily convert to non-global
(define *time-to-exit* #f)
(define *server-run* #t)
(define *run-id* #f)
(define *server-kind-run* (make-hash-table))
(define *home-host* #f)
;; (define *total-non-write-delay* 0)
(define *heartbeat-mutex* (make-mutex))
(define *api-process-request-count* 0)
(define *max-api-process-requests* 0)
(define *server-overloaded* #f)
;; client
(define *rmt-mutex* (make-mutex)) ;; remote access calls mutex
;; RPC transport
(define *rpc:listener* #f)
;; KEY info
(define *target* (make-hash-table)) ;; cache the target here; target is keyval1/keyval2/.../keyvalN
(define *keys* (make-hash-table)) ;; cache the keys here
(define *keyvals* (make-hash-table))
(define *toptest-paths* (make-hash-table)) ;; cache toptest path settings here
(define *test-paths* (make-hash-table)) ;; cache test-id to test run paths here
(define *test-ids* (make-hash-table)) ;; cache run-id, testname, and item-path => test-id
(define *test-info* (make-hash-table)) ;; cache the test info records, update the state, status, run_duration etc. from testdat.db
(define *run-info-cache* (make-hash-table)) ;; run info is stable, no need to reget
(define *launch-setup-mutex* (make-mutex)) ;; need to be able to call launch:setup often so mutex it and re-call the real deal only if *toppath* not set
(define *homehost-mutex* (make-mutex))
;; Miscellaneous
(define *triggers-mutex* (make-mutex)) ;; block overlapping processing of triggers
(defstruct remote
(hh-dat (common:get-homehost)) ;; homehost record ( addr . hhflag )
(server-url (if *toppath* (server:check-if-running *toppath*))) ;; (server:check-if-running *toppath*) #f))
(last-server-check 0) ;; last time we checked to see if the server was alive
(conndat #f)
(transport *transport-type*)
(server-timeout (server:get-timeout)) ;; default from server:get-timeout
(define (common:get-last-run-version-number)
(substring (common:get-last-run-version) 0 6)))
(define (common:set-last-run-version)
(rmt:set-var "MEGATEST_VERSION" (common:version-signature)))
;; postive number if megatest version > db version
;; negative number if megatest version < db version
(define (common:version-db-delta)
(- megatest-version (common:get-last-run-version-number)))
(define (common:version-changed?)
(not (equal? (common:get-last-run-version)
(define (common:api-changed?)
(not (equal? (substring (->string megatest-version) 0 4)
(substring (conc (common:get-last-run-version)) 0 4))))
;; Move me elsewhere ...
;; RADT => Why do we meed the version check here, this is called only if version misma
(define (common:cleanup-db dbstruct)
;; 'new2old
;; 'adj-testids 'adj-target
;; 'old2new
(if (common:version-changed?)
(if (common:api-changed?)
;; Rotate logs, logic:
;; if > 500k and older than 1 week:
;; remove previous compressed log and compress this log
;; WARNING: This proc operates assuming that it is in the directory above the
;; logs directory you wish to log-rotate.
#f ;; I don't really care why this failed (at least for now)
(delete-file* fname)))
;; S T A T E S A N D S T A T U S E S
;; BBnote: *common:std-states* - dashboard filter control and test control state buttons defined here; used in set-fields-panel and dboard:make-controls
(define *common:std-states*
(define *common:std-states* ;; for toggle buttons in dashboard
'((0 "ARCHIVED")
(1 "STUCK")
(3 "KILLED")
;; BBnote: *common:std-statuses* dashboard filter control and test control status buttons defined here; used in set-fields-panel and dboard:make-controls
(define *common:std-statuses*
'(;; (0 "DELETED")
(1 "n/a")
(2 "PASS")
(3 "CHECK")
(4 "SKIP")
(5 "WARN")
(6 "WAIVED")
(3 "SKIP")
(4 "WARN")
(5 "WAIVED")
(6 "CHECK")
(8 "FAIL")
(9 "ABORT")))
(define *common:ended-states* ;; states which indicate the test is stopped and will not proceed
(define *common:badly-ended-states* ;; these roll up as CHECK, i.e. results need to be checked
;; BBnote: *common:running-states* used from db:set-state-status-and-roll-up-items
(define *common:running-states* ;; test is either running or can be run
(define *common:cant-run-states* ;; These are stopping conditions that prevent a test from being run
(define *common:not-started-ok-statuses* ;; if not one of these statuses when in not_started state treat as dead
'("n/a" "na" "PASS" "FAIL" "WARN" "CHECK" "WAIVED" "DEAD" "SKIP"))
(if (string? *toppath* )
(pathname-file *toppath*)
#f))) ;; (pathname-file (current-directory)))))
(define common:get-area-name common:get-testsuite-name)
(define (common:get-db-tmp-area)
(define (common:get-db-tmp-area . junk)
(if *db-cache-path*
(if *toppath*
(let ((dbpath (create-directory (conc "/tmp/" (current-user-name)
(common:get-testsuite-name) "/"
(string-translate *toppath* "/" ".")) #t)))
(set! *db-cache-path* dbpath)
(if *toppath* ;; common:get-create-writeable-dir
(debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "Couldn't create path to " dbdir)
(exit 1))
(let ((dbpath (common:get-create-writeable-dir
(list (conc "/tmp/" (current-user-name)
(common:get-testsuite-name) "/"
(string-translate *toppath* "/" ".")))))) ;; #t))))
(set! *db-cache-path* dbpath)
(define (common:get-area-path-signature)
(message-digest-string (md5-primitive) *toppath*))
(define (common:get-signature str)
(message-digest-string (md5-primitive) str))
;; E X I T H A N D L I N G
(define (common:run-sync?)
(and (common:on-homehost?)
(args:get-arg "-server")))
;; (let ((ohh (common:on-homehost?))
;; (srv (args:get-arg "-server")))
;; (and ohh srv)))
;; (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "common:run-sync? ohh=" ohh ", srv=" srv)
;;;; run-ids;; if #f use *db-local-sync* : or 'local-sync-flags;; if #t use timestamps : or 'timestamps(define (common:sync-to-megatest.db dbstruct) (let ((start-time (current-seconds)) (res (db:multi-db-sync dbstruct 'new2old))) (let ((sync-time (- (current-seconds) start-time))) (debug:print-info 3 *default-log-port* "Sync of newdb to olddb completed in " sync-time " seconds pid="(current-process-id)) (if (common:low-noise-print 30 "sync new to old") (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Sync of newdb to olddb completed in " sync-time " seconds pid="(current-process-id)))) res))
(define *wdnum* 0)
(define *wdnum*mutex (make-mutex))
;; currently the primary job of the watchdog is to run the sync back to megatest.db from the db in /tmp
;; if we are on the homehost and we are a server (by definition we are on the homehost if we are a server)
(if target
(debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "Invalid target, spaces or blanks not allowed \"" target "\", target should be: " (string-intersperse keys "/") ", have " tlist " for elements")
(if exit-if-bad (exit 1))
;; looking only (at least for now) at the MT_ variables craft the full testname
(define (common:get-full-test-name)
(if (getenv "MT_TEST_NAME")
(if (and (getenv "MT_ITEMPATH")
(not (equal? (getenv "MT_ITEMPATH") "")))
(getenv "MT_TEST_NAME")
(conc (getenv "MT_TEST_NAME") "/" (getenv "MT_ITEMPATH")))
;; logic for getting homehost. Returns (host . at-home)
;; IF *toppath* is not set, wait up to five seconds trying every two seconds
;; (this is to accomodate the watchdog)
(define (common:get-homehost #!key (trynum 5))
;; called often especially at start up. use mutex to eliminate collisions
(if hh
(cdr hh)
;; do we honor the caches of the config files?
(define (common:use-cache?)
(not (or (args:get-arg "-no-cache") (and *configdat*
(equal? (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "use-cache") "no")))))
(let ((res #t)) ;; priority by order of evaluation
(if *configdat* ;; sillyness here. can't use setup/use-cache to know if we can use the cached files!
(if (equal? (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "use-cache") "no")
(set! res #f)
(if (equal? (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "use-cache") "yes")
(set! res #t))))
(if (args:get-arg "-no-cache")(set! res #f)) ;; overrides setting in "setup"
(if (getenv "MT_USE_CACHE")
(if (equal? (getenv "MT_USE_CACHE") "yes")
(set! res #t)
(if (equal? (getenv "MT_USE_CACHE") "no")
(set! res #f)))) ;; overrides -no-cache switch
;; force use of server?
(define (common:force-server?)
(let* ((force-setting (configf:lookup *configdat* "server" "force"))
(force-type (if force-setting (string->symbol force-setting) #f))
(force-result (case force-type
((#f) #f)
((always) #t)
((test) (if (args:get-arg "-execute") ;; we are in a test
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: Bad server force setting " force-setting ", forcing server.")
#t)))) ;; default to requiring server
(if force-result
(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "forcing use of server, force setting is \"" force-setting "\".")
;; do we honor the caches of the config files?;;(define (common:use-cache?) (not (or (args:get-arg "-no-cache") (and *configdat* (equal? (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "use-cache") "no")))));;======================================================================
;; M I S C L I S T S
;; items in lista are matched value and position in listb
;; return the remaining items in listb or #f
;; apply-wildcards: #t/#f - apply vars from targets with % wildcards to all matching sections
(define (read-config path ht allow-system #!key (environ-patt #f) (curr-section #f)
(sections #f) (settings (make-hash-table)) (keep-filenames #f)
(post-section-procs '()) (apply-wildcards #t))
(debug:print 9 *default-log-port* "START: " path)
(if (and (not (port? path))
(not (file-exists? path))) ;; for case where we are handed a port
(not (common:file-exists? path))) ;; for case where we are handed a port
(debug:print-info 1 *default-log-port* "read-config - file not found " path " current path: " (current-directory))
;; WARNING: This is a risky change but really, we should not return an empty hash table if no file read?
#f) ;; (if (not ht)(make-hash-table) ht))
(let ((inp (if (string? path)
(open-input-file path)
path)) ;; we can be handed a port
(proc (cdr dat)))
(if (string-match patt curr-section-name)
(proc curr-section-name section-name res path))))
;; after gathering the vars for a section and if apply-wildcards is true and if there is a wildcard in the section name process wildcards
;; NOTE: we are processing the curr-section-name, NOT section-name.
(process-wildcards res curr-section-name)
(if (not (hash-table-ref/default res section-name #f))(hash-table-set! res section-name '())) ;; ensure that mere mention of a section is not lost
(loop (configf:read-line inp res (calc-allow-system allow-system curr-section-name sections) settings)
;; if we have the sections list then force all settings into "" and delete it later?
;; (if (or (not sections)
;; (member section-name sections))
;; section-name "") ;; stick everything into "". NOPE: We need new strategy. Put stuff in correct sections and then delete all sections later.
#f #f)))
;; runs
((allruns '()) : list) ;; list of dboard:rundat records
((allruns-by-id (make-hash-table)) : hash-table) ;; hash of run-id -> dboard:rundat records
((done-runs '()) : list) ;; list of runs already drawn
((not-done-runs '()) : list) ;; list of runs not yet drawn
(header #f) ;; header for decoding the run records
(keys #f) ;; keys for this run (i.e. target components)
((numruns (string->number (or (args:get-arg "-cols") "10"))) : number) ;; ((numruns (string->number (or (args:get-arg "-cols")
(configf:lookup *configdat* "dashboard" "cols")
"8"))) : number) ;;
((tot-runs 0) : number)
((last-data-update 0) : number) ;; last time the data in allruns was updated
((last-runs-update 0) : number) ;; last time we pulled the runs info to update the tree
(runs-mutex (make-mutex)) ;; use to prevent parallel access to draw objects
((run-update-times (make-hash-table)) : hash-table) ;; update times indexed by run-id
((last-test-dat (make-hash-table)) : hash-table) ;; cache last tests dat by run-id
((run-db-paths (make-hash-table)) : hash-table) ;; cache the paths to the run db files
;; Runs view
((buttondat (make-hash-table)) : hash-table) ;;
((item-test-names '()) : list) ;; list of itemized tests
((run-keys (make-hash-table)) : hash-table)
(runs-matrix #f) ;; used in newdashboard
((start-run-offset 0) : number) ;; left-right slider value
((start-test-offset 0) : number) ;; up-down slider value
((runs-btn-height (or (configf:lookup *configdat* "dashboard" "btn-height") "x16")) : string) ;; was 12
((runs-btn-fontsz (or (configf:lookup *configdat* "dashboard" "btn-fontsz") "10")) : string) ;; was 8
((runs-cell-width (or (configf:lookup *configdat* "dashboard" "cell-width") "60")) : string) ;; was 50
((runs-cell-width (or (configf:lookup *configdat* "dashboard" "cell-width") "50")) : string) ;; was 50
((all-test-names '()) : list)
;; Canvas and drawing data
(cnv #f)
(cnv-obj #f)
(drawing #f)
((run-start-row 0) : number)
(dboard:tabdat-curr-run-id-set! tabdat run-id)
(dboard:tabdat-view-changed-set! tabdat #t))
(debug:print-error 5 *default-log-port* "tree-path->run-id returned non-number " run-id))))
;; (print "path: " (tree:node->path obj id) " run-id: " run-id)
(dboard:tabdat-runs-tree-set! tabdat tb)
(iup:vbox tb txtbox))) (iup:vbox
;; R U N C O N T R O L S
;; A gui for launching tests
;; General info about the run(s) and megatest area
(define (dashboard:summary commondat tabdat #!key (tab-num #f))
(let* ((rawconfig (read-config (conc *toppath* "/megatest.config") #f #f)) ;; changed to #f since I want #{} to be expanded by [system ...] to NOT be expanded. WAS: 'return-string)))
(changed #f))
#:value 500
#:value 300
#:title "General Info"
(iup:label "Area Path")
(iup:textbox #:value *toppath* #:expand "HORIZONTAL"))
(iup:label) ;; (iup:valuator)
(apply iup:vbox
(map (lambda (x)
(let ((res (iup:hbox #:expand "HORIZONTAL"
(iup:label x #:size (conc 40 btn-height) #:fontsize btn-fontsz #:expand "NO") ;; "HORIZONTAL")
(iup:textbox #:size (conc 35 btn-height) #:fontsize btn-fontsz #:value "%" #:expand "NO" ;; "HORIZONTAL"
#:action (lambda (obj unk val)
;; each field (field name is "x" var) live updates
;; the search filter as it is typed
(dboard:tabdat-target-set! runs-dat #f) ;; ensure the fields text boxes are used and not the info from the tree
(mark-for-update runs-dat)
(update-search commondat runs-dat x val))))))
(set! i (+ i 1))
(let loop ((testnum 0)
(res '()))
;; The heavy lifting starts here
(define (main)
(let ((mtdb-path (conc *toppath* "/megatest.db"))) ;;
(if (and (file-exists? mtdb-path)
(if (and (common:file-exists? mtdb-path)
(file-write-access? mtdb-path))
(if (not (args:get-arg "-skip-version-check"))
(let* ((commondat (dboard:commondat-make)))
;; Move this stuff to db.scm? I'm not sure that is the right thing to do...
((args:get-arg "-test") ;; run-id,test-id
;; (dbr:dbstruct-olddb-set! dbstruct olddb)
;; ;;; (mutex-unlock! *rundb-mutex*) ;;; why did we need a mutex on opening db's?
;; (db:sync-tables db:sync-tests-only *megatest-db* db)
;; db))
;; This routine creates the db if not already present. It is only called if the db is not already opened
(define (db:open-db dbstruct #!key (areapath #f)) ;; TODO: actually use areapath
(define (db:open-db dbstruct #!key (areapath #f)(do-sync #t)) ;; TODO: actually use areapath
(let ((tmpdb-stack (dbr:dbstruct-dbstack dbstruct))) ;; RA => Returns the first reference in dbstruct
(if (stack? tmpdb-stack)
(db:get-db tmpdb-stack) ;; get previously opened db (will create new db handle if all in the stack are already used
(let* ((dbpath (db:dbfile-path )) ;; path to tmp db area
(dbexists (file-exists? dbpath))
(dbexists (common:file-exists? dbpath))
(tmpdbfname (conc dbpath "/megatest.db"))
(dbfexists (file-exists? tmpdbfname)) ;; (conc dbpath "/megatest.db")))
(mtdbexists (file-exists? (conc *toppath* "/megatest.db")))
(dbfexists (common:file-exists? tmpdbfname)) ;; (conc dbpath "/megatest.db")))
(mtdbexists (common:file-exists? (conc *toppath* "/megatest.db")))
(mtdb (db:open-megatest-db))
(mtdbpath (db:dbdat-get-path mtdb))
(tmpdb (db:open-megatest-db path: dbpath)) ;; lock-create-open dbpath db:initialize-main-db))
(refndb (db:open-megatest-db path: dbpath name: "megatest_ref.db"))
(write-access (file-write-access? mtdbpath))
(mtdbmodtime (if mtdbexists (common:lazy-sqlite-db-modification-time mtdbpath) #f))
(dbr:dbstruct-read-only-set! dbstruct #t)))
(dbr:dbstruct-mtdb-set! dbstruct mtdb)
(dbr:dbstruct-tmpdb-set! dbstruct tmpdb)
(dbr:dbstruct-dbstack-set! dbstruct (make-stack)) ;; BB: why a stack? Why would the number of db's be indeterminate? Is this a legacy of 1.db 2.db .. ?
(stack-push! (dbr:dbstruct-dbstack dbstruct) tmpdb) ;; olddb is already a (cons db path)
(dbr:dbstruct-refndb-set! dbstruct refndb)
;; (mutex-unlock! *rundb-mutex*)
(if (or (not dbfexists)
(and modtimedelta
(> modtimedelta 10))) ;; if db in tmp is over ten seconds older than the file in MTRA then do a sync back
(if (and (or (not dbfexists)
(and modtimedelta
(> modtimedelta 10))) ;; if db in tmp is over ten seconds older than the file in MTRA then do a sync back
(debug:print 4 *default-log-port* "filling db " (db:dbdat-get-path tmpdb) " with data \n from " (db:dbdat-get-path mtdb) " mod time delta: " modtimedelta)
(db:sync-tables (db:sync-all-tables-list dbstruct) #f mtdb refndb tmpdb)
(debug:print-info 13 *default-log-port* "db:sync-all-tables-list done.")
(debug:print 4 *default-log-port* " db, " (db:dbdat-get-path tmpdb) " already exists or fresh enough, not propogating data from\n " (db:dbdat-get-path mtdb) " mod time delta: " modtimedelta) )
;; (db:multi-db-sync dbstruct 'old2new)) ;; migrate data from megatest.db automatically
;; Make the dbstruct, setup up auxillary db's and call for main db at least once
;; called in http-transport and replicated in rmt.scm for *local* access.
(define (db:setup #!key (areapath #f))
(define (db:setup do-sync #!key (areapath #f))
(*dbstruct-db* *dbstruct-db*);; TODO: when multiple areas are supported, this optimization will be a hazard
(else ;;(common:on-homehost?)
(debug:print-info 13 *default-log-port* "db:setup entered (first time, not cached.)")
(let* ((dbstruct (make-dbr:dbstruct)))
(when (not *toppath*)
(debug:print-info 13 *default-log-port* "in db:setup, *toppath* not set; calling launch:setup")
(launch:setup areapath: areapath))
(debug:print-info 13 *default-log-port* "Begin db:open-db")
(db:open-db dbstruct areapath: areapath)
(db:open-db dbstruct areapath: areapath do-sync: do-sync)
(debug:print-info 13 *default-log-port* "Done db:open-db")
(set! *dbstruct-db* dbstruct)
;;(debug:print-info 13 *default-log-port* "new dbstruct = "(dbr:dbstruct->alist dbstruct))
;; (else
;; (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: attempt to open database when not on homehost. Exiting. Homehost: " (common:get-homehost))
;; (exit 1))))
;; Open the classic megatest.db file (defaults to open in toppath)
;; NOTE: returns a dbdat not a dbstruct!
(define (db:open-megatest-db #!key (path #f)(name #f))
(let* ((dbdir (or path *toppath*))
(dbpath (conc dbdir "/" (or name "megatest.db")))
(dbexists (file-exists? dbpath))
(dbexists (common:file-exists? dbpath))
(db (db:lock-create-open dbpath
(lambda (db)
(db:initialize-main-db db)
;;(db:initialize-run-id-db db)
(write-access (file-write-access? dbpath)))
(debug:print-info 13 *default-log-port* "db:open-megatest-db "dbpath)
(sqlite3:execute maindb "CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS update_run_stats_trigger AFTER UPDATE ON run_stats
UPDATE run_stats SET last_update=(strftime('%s','now'))
WHERE id=old.id;
(define (db:adj-target db)
(let ((fields (configf:get-section *configdat* "fields"))
(field-num 0))
;; because we will be refreshing the keys table it is best to clear it here
(sqlite3:execute db "DELETE FROM keys;")
(lambda (field)
(let ((column (car field))
(spec (cadr field)))
(if (string-match ".*duplicate.*" ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Target field " column " already exists in the runs table")
(db:general-sqlite-error-dump exn "alter table runs ..." #f "none"))
;; Add the column if needed
(conc "ALTER TABLE runs ADD COLUMN " column " " spec)))
;; correct the entry in the keys column
"INSERT INTO keys (id,fieldname,fieldtype) VALUES (?,?,?);"
field-num column spec)
;; fill in blanks (not allowed as it would be part of the path
(conc "UPDATE runs SET " column "='x' WHERE " column "='';"))
(set! field-num (+ field-num 1))))
(define *global-db-store* (make-hash-table))
(define (db:get-access-mode)
(if (args:get-arg "-use-db-cache") 'cached 'rmt))
;; Add db direct
;; These are defunct tests, do not do all the overhead of set-state-status. Force them to INCOMPLETE.
;; (db:delay-if-busy dbdat)
(let* (;; (min-incompleted (filter (lambda (x)
;; (let* ((testpath (cadr x))
;; (tdatpath (conc testpath "/testdat.db"))
;; (dbexists (file-exists? tdatpath)))
;; (dbexists (common:file-exists? tdatpath)))
;; (or (not dbexists) ;; if no file then something wrong - mark as incomplete
;; (> (- (current-seconds)(file-modification-time tdatpath)) 600)))) ;; no change in 10 minutes to testdat.db - she's dead Jim
;; incompleted))
(min-incompleted-ids (map car incompleted)) ;; do 'em all
(all-ids (append min-incompleted-ids (map car oldlaunched))))
(if (> (length all-ids) 0)
(lambda (db)
(sqlite3:execute db "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO metadat (var,val) VALUES (?,?);" var val))))
(define (db:del-var dbstruct var)
(db:with-db dbstruct #f #t
(lambda (db)
(sqlite3:execute db "DELETE FROM metadat WHERE var=?;" var))))
;; no-sync.db - small bits of data to be shared between servers
(define (db:open-no-sync-db)
(let* ((dbpath (db:dbfile-path))
(dbname (conc dbpath "/no-sync.db"))
(db (sqlite3:open-database dbname)))
(sqlite3:set-busy-handler! db (make-busy-timeout 136000))
(sqlite3:execute db "PRAGMA synchronous = 0;")
(sqlite3:execute db "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS no_sync_metadat (var TEXT,val TEXT, CONSTRAINT no_sync_metadat_constraint UNIQUE (var));")
;; if we are not a server create a db handle. this is not finalized
;; so watch for problems. I'm still not clear if it is needed to manually
;; finalize sqlite3 dbs with the sqlite3 egg.
(define (db:no-sync-db db-in)
(if db-in
(let ((db (db:open-no-sync-db)))
(set! *no-sync-db* db)
(define (db:no-sync-set db var val)
(sqlite3:execute (db:no-sync-db db) "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO no_sync_metadat (var,val) VALUES (?,?);" var val))
(define (db:no-sync-del! db var)
(sqlite3:execute (db:no-sync-db db) "DELETE FROM no_sync_metadat WHERE var=?;" var))
(define (db:no-sync-get/default db var default)
(let ((res default))
(lambda (val)
(set! res val))
(db:no-sync-db db)
"SELECT val FROM no_sync_metadat WHERE var=?;"
(if res
(let ((newres (if (string? res)
(string->number res)
(if newres
(define (db:no-sync-close-db db)
(db:safely-close-sqlite3-db db))
;; use a global for some primitive caching, it is just silly to
;; re-read the db over and over again for the keys since they never
;; change
;; why get the keys from the db? why not get from the *configdat*
;; using keys:config-get-fields?
(lambda (db)
(lambda (id test_id category variable value expected tol units comment status type)
(set! res (cons (vector id test_id category variable value expected tol units comment status type) res)))
"SELECT id,test_id,category,variable,value,expected,tol,units,comment,status,type FROM test_data WHERE test_id=? AND category LIKE ? ORDER BY category,variable;" test-id categorypatt)
(reverse res)))))
;; This routine moved from tdb.scm, tdb:read-test-data
(define (db:read-test-data* dbstruct run-id test-id categorypatt varpatt)
(let* ((res '()))
dbstruct #f #f
(lambda (db)
(lambda (id test_id category variable value expected tol units comment status type)
(set! res (cons (vector id test_id category variable value expected tol units comment status type) res)))
"SELECT id,test_id,category,variable,value,expected,tol,units,comment,status,type FROM test_data WHERE test_id=? AND category LIKE ? AND variable LIKE ? ORDER BY category,variable;" test-id categorypatt varpatt)
(reverse res)))))
;; Misc. test related queries
(define (db:get-run-ids-matching-target dbstruct keynames target res runname testpatt statepatt statuspatt)
;; state is the priority rollup of all states
;; status is the priority rollup of all completed statesfu
;; if test-name is an integer work off that instead of test-name test-path
(define (db:set-state-status-and-roll-up-items dbstruct run-id test-name item-path state status comment)
;; establish info on incoming test followed by info on top level test
;; BBnote - for mode itemwait, linkage between upstream test & matching item status is propagated to run queue in db:prereqs-not-met
(let* ((testdat (if (number? test-name)
(db:get-test-info-by-id dbstruct run-id test-name) ;; test-name is actually a test-id
(db:get-test-info dbstruct run-id test-name item-path)))
(test-id (db:test-get-id testdat))
(test-name (if (number? test-name)
(db:test-get-testname testdat)
(item-path (db:test-get-item-path testdat))
(tl-testdat (db:get-test-info dbstruct run-id test-name ""))
(tl-test-id (if tl-testdat
(tl-test-id (db:test-get-id tl-testdat)))
(db:test-get-id tl-testdat)
(if (member state '("LAUNCHED" "REMOTEHOSTSTART"))
(db:general-call dbstruct 'set-test-start-time (list test-id)))
(mutex-lock! *db-transaction-mutex*)
dbstruct #f #f
(lambda (db)
(let ((tr-res
;; Note: mode 'normal means that tests must be COMPLETED and ok (i.e. PASS, WARN, CHECK, SKIP or WAIVED)
;; mode 'toplevel means that tests must be COMPLETED only
;; mode 'itemmatch or 'itemwait means that tests items must be COMPLETED and (PASS|WARN|WAIVED|CHECK) [[ NB// NOT IMPLEMENTED YET ]]
;; mode 'exclusive means this test/item cannot run if the same test/item is LAUNCHED,REMOTEHOSTSTART or RUNNING
;; (define (db:get-prereqs-not-met dbstruct run-id waitons ref-item-path mode)
(define (db:get-prereqs-not-met dbstruct run-id waitons ref-test-name ref-item-path mode itemmaps) ;; #!key (mode '(normal))(itemmap #f))
;; BBnote - rollup of an itemized test's overall state/status done in db:set-state-status-and-roll-up-items
(if (member 'exclusive mode)
(let ((running-tests (db:get-tests-for-run dbstruct
#f ;; run-id of #f means for all runs.
(if (string=? ref-item-path "") ;; testpatt
(conc ref-test-name "/" ref-item-path))
;; and related sub items
;; next should be using mt:get-tests-for-run?
(let ((tests (db:get-tests-for-run-state-status dbstruct run-id waitontest-name))
(ever-seen #f)
(parent-waiton-met #f)
(item-waiton-met #f))
(lambda (test)
(lambda (test) ;; BB- this is the upstream test
;; (if (equal? waitontest-name (db:test-get-testname test)) ;; by defintion this had better be true ...
(let* ((state (db:test-get-state test))
(status (db:test-get-status test))
(item-path (db:test-get-item-path test))
(item-path (db:test-get-item-path test)) ;; BB- this is the upstream itempath
(is-completed (equal? state "COMPLETED"))
(is-running (equal? state "RUNNING"))
(is-killed (equal? state "KILLED"))
(is-ok (member status '("PASS" "WARN" "CHECK" "WAIVED" "SKIP")))
;; testname-b path-a path-b
(same-itempath (db:compare-itempaths ref-test-name item-path ref-item-path itemmaps))) ;; (equal? ref-item-path item-path)))
(set! ever-seen #t)
(set! parent-waiton-met #t))
;; For itemwait mode IFF the previous matching item is good the set parent-waiton-met
((and (not (null? (lset-intersection eq? mode '(itemmatch itemwait)))) ;; how is that different from (member mode '(itemmatch itemwait)) ?????
;; (not (equal? item-path "")) ;; this applies to both top level (to allow launching of next batch) and items
(if (and is-completed is-ok)
(set! item-waiton-met #t))
(if (and (equal? item-path "")
(or is-completed is-running));; this is the parent, set it to run if completed or running
(if (and (equal? item-path "") ;; if upstream rollup test is completed, parent-waiton-met is set
(or is-completed is-running));; this is the parent, set it to run if completed or running ;; BB1
(set! parent-waiton-met #t)))
;; normal checking of parent items, any parent or parent item not ok blocks running
((and is-completed
(or is-ok
(member 'toplevel mode)) ;; toplevel does not block on FAIL
(and is-ok (member 'itemmatch mode))) ;; itemmatch blocks on not ok
(set! item-waiton-met #t)))))
integrating and or running a complex suite of tests for release
<div class="sect1">
<h2 id="_megatest_design_philosophy">Megatest Design Philosophy</h2>
<div class="sectionbody">
<div class="paragraph"><p>Megatest is intended to provide the minimum needed resources to make
writing a suite of tests and tasks for implementing continuous build
for software, design engineering or process control (via owlfs for
example) without being specialized for any specific problem
space. Megatest in of itself does not know what constitutes a PASS or
FAIL of a test or task. In most cases megatest is best used in
conjunction with logpro or a similar tool to parse, analyze and decide
<div class="paragraph"><p>Megatest is a distributed system intended to provide the minimum needed
resources to make writing a suite of tests and tasks for implementing
continuous build for software, design engineering or process control (via
owlfs for example) without being specialized for any specific problem
space. Megatest in of itself does not know what constitutes a PASS or FAIL
of a test or task. In most cases megatest is best used in conjunction with
logpro or a similar tool to parse, analyze and decide on the test outcome.</p></div>
on the test outcome.</p></div><div class="ulist"><ul>
Self-checking -Repeatable strive for directed or self-checking test
as opposed to delta based tests
<h3 id="_architecture_refactor">Architecture Refactor</h3>
<div class="sect3">
<h4 id="_goals">Goals</h4>
<div class="olist arabic"><ol class="arabic">
Reduce load on the file system. Sqlite3 files on network filesystem can be
a burden.
a burden. <span class="green">[DONE]</span>
Reduce number of servers and frequency of start/stop. This is mostly an
issue of clutter but also a reduction in "moving parts".
issue of clutter but also a reduction in "moving parts". <span class="green">[DONE]</span>
Coalesce activities to a single home host where possible. Give the user
feedback that they have started the dashboard on a host other than the
home host.
home host. <span class="green">[DONE]</span>
Reduce number of processes involved in managing running tests.
<div class="sect3">
<h4 id="_changes_needed">Changes Needed</h4>
<div class="olist arabic"><ol class="arabic">
ACID compliant db will be on /tmp and synced to megatest.db with a five
second max delay.
second max delay. <span class="green">[DONE]</span>
Read/writes to db for processes on homehost will go direct to /tmp
megatest.db file.
megatest.db file. <span class="green">[DONE]</span>
Read/wites fron non-homehost processes will go through one server. Bulk
reads (e.g. for dashboard or list-runs) will be cached on the current host
in /tmp and synced from the home megatest.db in the testsuite area.
in /tmp and synced from the home megatest.db in the testsuite area. <span class="green">[DONE]</span>
Db syncs rely on the target db file timestame minus some margin.
Db syncs rely on the target db file timestame minus some margin. <span class="green">[DONE]</span>
Since bulk reads do not use the server we can switch to simple RPC for the
network transport.
network transport. <span class="green">[DONE]</span>
Test running manager process extended to manage multiple running tests.
<div class="sect2">
<h3 id="_current_items">Current Items</h3>
<div class="sect3">
<h4 id="_ww05_migrate_to_inmem_db">ww05 - migrate to inmem-db</h4>
<div class="olist arabic"><ol class="arabic">
Switch to inmem db with fast sync to on disk db’s [DONE]
Switch to inmem db with fast sync to on disk db’s <span class="green">[DONE]</span>
Server polls tasks table for next action
<div class="olist loweralpha"><ol class="loweralpha">
Task table used for tracking runner process [DONE]Task table used for tracking runner process <span class="red">[Replaced by mtutil]</span>
Task table used for jobs to run
Task table used for jobs to run <span class="red">[Replaced by mtutil]</span>
Task table used for queueing runner actions (remove runs, cleanRunExecute, etc)Task table used for queueing runner actions (remove runs,
cleanRunExecute, etc) <span class="red">[Replaced by mtutil</span>]
<div class="paragraph"><p>shifting, note that the preceding blank line is needed.</p></div>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="content monospaced">
A a b c
B d e f</pre>
<div class="paragraph"><p>Then the config file would effectively appear to contain an items section
exactly like the output from the script. This is extremely useful when
dynamically creating items, itemstables and other config structures. You can
see the expansion of the call by looking in the cached files (look in your
linktree for megatest.config and runconfigs.config cache files and in your
test run areas for the expanded and cached testconfig).</p></div>
exactly like the output from the script. This is useful when dynamically
creating items, itemstables and other config structures. You can see the
expansion of the call by looking in the cached files (look in your linktree
for megatest.config and runconfigs.config cache files and in your test run
areas for the expanded and cached testconfig).</p></div>
<div class="paragraph"><p>Wildcards and regexes in Targets</p></div>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="content monospaced">
VAR1 VAL2</pre>
<div class="paragraph"><p>Will result in:</p></div>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="content monospaced">
VAR1 VAL2</pre>
<div class="paragraph"><p>Can use either wildcard of "%" or a regular expression:</p></div>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="content monospaced">
<div class="sect3">
<h4 id="_disk_space_checks">Disk Space Checks</h4>
<div class="paragraph"><p>Some parameters you can put in the [setup] section of megatest.config:</p></div>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="content monospaced">
<pre># minimum space required in a run disk
minspace 10000000
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="content monospaced">
<pre>$MT_MEGATEST -env2file .ezsteps/${stepname}</pre>
<div class="sect2">
<h3 id="_triggers">Triggers</h3>
<div class="paragraph"><p>In your testconfig triggers can be specified</p></div>
<div class="paragraph"><p>In your testconfig or megatest.config triggers can be specified</p></div>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="content monospaced">
# Call script running.sh when test goes to state=RUNNING, status=PASS
RUNNING/PASS running.sh
# Call script running.sh any time state goes to RUNNING
RUNNING/ running.sh
# Call script onpass.sh any time status goes to PASS
PASS/ onpass.sh</pre>
<div class="paragraph"><p>Scripts called will have; test-id test-rundir trigger, added to the commandline.</p></div>
<div class="paragraph"><p>Scripts called will have; test-id test-rundir trigger test-name item-path state status event-time, added to the commandline.</p></div>
<div class="paragraph"><p>HINT</p></div>
<div class="paragraph"><p>To start an xterm (useful for debugging), use a command line like the following:</p></div>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="content monospaced">
COMPLETED/ xterm -e bash -s --</pre>
<div class="admonitionblock">
<td class="icon">
<img src="/nfs/pdx/disks/ice.disk.002/icfadm/pkgs/asciidoc/8.6.7/images/icons/note.png" alt="Note">
<img src="/usr/images/icons/note.png" alt="Note">
<td class="content">There is a trailing space after the --</td>
<div class="paragraph"><p>There are a number of environment variables available to the trigger script
but since triggers can be called in various contexts not all variables are
available at all times. The trigger script should check for the variable and
fail gracefully if it doesn’t exist.</p></div>
<table class="tableblock frame-topbot grid-all"
<caption class="title">Table 4. Environment variables visible to the trigger script</caption>
<col style="width:33%;">
<col style="width:66%;">
<th class="tableblock halign-center valign-top" >Variable </th>
<th class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" > Purpose</th>
<td class="tableblock halign-center valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">MT_TEST_RUN_DIR</p></td>
<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock monospaced">The directory where Megatest ran this test</p></td>
<td class="tableblock halign-center valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">MT_CMDINFO</p></td>
<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock monospaced">Encoded command data for the test</p></td>
<td class="tableblock halign-center valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">MT_DEBUG_MODE</p></td>
<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock monospaced">Used to pass the debug mode to nested calls to Megatest</p></td>
<td class="tableblock halign-center valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">MT_RUN_AREA_HOME</p></td>
<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock monospaced">Megatest home area</p></td>
<td class="tableblock halign-center valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">MT_TESTSUITENAME</p></td>
<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock monospaced">The name of this testsuite or area</p></td>
<td class="tableblock halign-center valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">MT_TEST_NAME</p></td>
<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock monospaced">The name of this test</p></td>
<td class="tableblock halign-center valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">MT_ITEM_INFO</p></td>
<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock monospaced">The variable and values for the test item</p></td>
<td class="tableblock halign-center valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">MT_MEGATEST</p></td>
<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock monospaced">Which Megatest binary is being used by this area</p></td>
<td class="tableblock halign-center valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">MT_TARGET</p></td>
<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock monospaced">The target variable values, separated by <em>/</em></p></td>
<td class="tableblock halign-center valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">MT_LINKTREE</p></td>
<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock monospaced">The base of the link tree where all run tests can be found</p></td>
<td class="tableblock halign-center valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">MT_ITEMPATH</p></td>
<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock monospaced">The values of the item path variables, separated by <em>/</em></p></td>
<td class="tableblock halign-center valign-top" ><p class="tableblock">MT_RUNNAME</p></td>
<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top" ><p class="tableblock monospaced">The name of the run</p></td>
<div class="sect2">
<h3 id="_override_the_toplevel_html_file">Override the Toplevel HTML File</h3>
<div class="paragraph"><p>Megatest generates a simple html file summary for top level tests of
iterated tests. The generation can be overridden. NOTE: the output of
the script is captured from stdout to create the html.</p></div>
<div class="listingblock">
tool, flexible enough to meet the needs of any team doing continuous
integrating and or running a complex suite of tests for release
Megatest Design Philosophy
Megatest is intended to provide the minimum needed resources to make
writing a suite of tests and tasks for implementing continuous build
for software, design engineering or process control (via owlfs for
example) without being specialized for any specific problem
space. Megatest in of itself does not know what constitutes a PASS or
FAIL of a test or task. In most cases megatest is best used in
conjunction with logpro or a similar tool to parse, analyze and decide
Megatest is a distributed system intended to provide the minimum needed
resources to make writing a suite of tests and tasks for implementing
continuous build for software, design engineering or process control (via
owlfs for example) without being specialized for any specific problem
space. Megatest in of itself does not know what constitutes a PASS or FAIL
of a test or task. In most cases megatest is best used in conjunction with
logpro or a similar tool to parse, analyze and decide on the test outcome.
on the test outcome.
* Self-checking -Repeatable strive for directed or self-checking test
as opposed to delta based tests
* Traceable - environment variables, host OS and other possibly influential
variables are captured and kept recorded.
Can use either wildcard of "%" or a regular expression:
Disk Space Checks
Some parameters you can put in the [setup] section of megatest.config:
$MT_MEGATEST -env2file .ezsteps/${stepname}
In your testconfig triggers can be specified
In your testconfig or megatest.config triggers can be specified
# Call script running.sh when test goes to state=RUNNING, status=PASS
RUNNING/PASS running.sh
# Call script running.sh any time state goes to RUNNING
RUNNING/ running.sh
# Call script onpass.sh any time status goes to PASS
PASS/ onpass.sh
Scripts called will have; test-id test-rundir trigger, added to the commandline.
Scripts called will have; test-id test-rundir trigger test-name item-path state status event-time, added to the commandline.
To start an xterm (useful for debugging), use a command line like the following:
COMPLETED/ xterm -e bash -s --
NOTE: There is a trailing space after the --
There are a number of environment variables available to the trigger script
but since triggers can be called in various contexts not all variables are
available at all times. The trigger script should check for the variable and
fail gracefully if it doesn't exist.
.Environment variables visible to the trigger script
|Variable | Purpose
| MT_TEST_RUN_DIR | The directory where Megatest ran this test
| MT_CMDINFO | Encoded command data for the test
| MT_DEBUG_MODE | Used to pass the debug mode to nested calls to Megatest
| MT_RUN_AREA_HOME | Megatest home area
| MT_TESTSUITENAME | The name of this testsuite or area
| MT_TEST_NAME | The name of this test
| MT_ITEM_INFO | The variable and values for the test item
| MT_MEGATEST | Which Megatest binary is being used by this area
| MT_TARGET | The target variable values, separated by '/'
| MT_LINKTREE | The base of the link tree where all run tests can be found
| MT_ITEMPATH | The values of the item path variables, separated by '/'
| MT_RUNNAME | The name of the run
Override the Toplevel HTML File
Megatest generates a simple html file summary for top level tests of
iterated tests. The generation can be overridden. NOTE: the output of
Road Map
Note 1: This road-map is still evolving and subject to change without notice.
Architecture Refactor
. Reduce load on the file system. Sqlite3 files on network filesystem can be
a burden.
a burden. [green]#[DONE]#
. Reduce number of servers and frequency of start/stop. This is mostly an
issue of clutter but also a reduction in "moving parts".
issue of clutter but also a reduction in "moving parts". [green]#[DONE]#
. Coalesce activities to a single home host where possible. Give the user
feedback that they have started the dashboard on a host other than the
home host.
home host. [green]#[DONE]#
. Reduce number of processes involved in managing running tests.
Changes Needed
. ACID compliant db will be on /tmp and synced to megatest.db with a five
second max delay.
second max delay. [green]#[DONE]#
. Read/writes to db for processes on homehost will go direct to /tmp
megatest.db file.
megatest.db file. [green]#[DONE]#
. Read/wites fron non-homehost processes will go through one server. Bulk
reads (e.g. for dashboard or list-runs) will be cached on the current host
in /tmp and synced from the home megatest.db in the testsuite area.
. Db syncs rely on the target db file timestame minus some margin.
in /tmp and synced from the home megatest.db in the testsuite area. [green]#[DONE]#
. Db syncs rely on the target db file timestame minus some margin. [green]#[DONE]#
. Since bulk reads do not use the server we can switch to simple RPC for the
network transport.
network transport. [green]#[DONE]#
. Test running manager process extended to manage multiple running tests.
Current Items
ww05 - migrate to inmem-db
. Switch to inmem db with fast sync to on disk db's [DONE]. Switch to inmem db with fast sync to on disk db's [green]#[DONE]#
. Server polls tasks table for next action
.. Task table used for tracking runner process [DONE]
.. Task table used for jobs to run
.. Task table used for queueing runner actions (remove runs, cleanRunExecute, etc).. Task table used for tracking runner process [red]#[Replaced by mtutil]#
.. Task table used for jobs to run [red]#[Replaced by mtutil]#
.. Task table used for queueing runner actions (remove runs,
cleanRunExecute, etc) [red]#[Replaced by mtutil#]
// ww32
// ~~~~
// . Rerun step and or subsequent steps from gui
// . Refresh test area files from gui
;; Copyright 2006-2012, Matthew Welland.
;; This program is made available under the GNU GPL version 2.0 or
;; greater. See the accompanying file COPYING for details.
;; This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
;; strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S','now','localtime')
(use sqlite3 srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69 dot-locking directory-utils)
(use srfi-1 posix regex srfi-69 directory-utils)
(import (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:))
(declare (unit ezsteps))
(declare (uses db))
(declare (uses common))
(declare (uses items))
(declare (uses runconfig))
;; (declare (uses sdb))
(rollup-status 0)
(exit-info (vector #t #t #t))
(test-id (db:test-get-id testdat))
(run-id (db:test-get-run_id testdat))
(test-name (db:test-get-testname testdat))
(kill-job #f)) ;; for future use (on re-factoring with launch.scm code
(let loop ((count 5))
(if (file-exists? test-run-dir)
(if (common:file-exists? test-run-dir)
(push-directory test-run-dir)
(if (> count 0)
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: ezsteps attempting to run but test run directory " test-run-dir " is not there. Waiting and trying again " count " more times")
(sleep 3)
(loop (- count 1))))))
(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Running in directory " test-run-dir)
(if (not (file-exists? ".ezsteps"))(create-directory ".ezsteps"))
(if (not (common:file-exists? ".ezsteps"))(create-directory ".ezsteps"))
;; if ezsteps was defined then we are sure to have at least one step but check anyway
(if (not (> (length ezstepslst) 0))
(message-window "ERROR: You can only re-run steps defined via ezsteps")
(let loop ((ezstep (car ezstepslst))
(tal (cdr ezstepslst))
(prevstep #f)
(if (not (directory? path))
(print "The path " path " does not exist or is not a directory. Attempting to create it now")
(create-directory path #t)))
;; First check that the directory is empty!
(if (and (file-exists? path)
(if (and (common:file-exists? path)
(not (null? (glob (conc path "/*")))))
(print "WARNING: directory " path " is not empty, are you sure you want to continue?")
(display "Enter y/n: ")
(if (equal? "y" (read-line))
(print "Using directory " path " for your Megatest area.")
(description #f)
(steps '())
(scripts '())
(items '())
(rel-path #f))
((file-exists? "megatest.config") (set! rel-path "./"))
((file-exists? "../megatest.config") (set! rel-path "../"))
((file-exists? "../../megatest.config") (set! rel-path "../../"))
((file-exists? "../../../megatest.config")(set! rel-path "../../../"))) ;; good enough dang it.
((common:file-exists? "megatest.config") (set! rel-path "./"))
((common:file-exists? "../megatest.config") (set! rel-path "../"))
((common:file-exists? "../../megatest.config") (set! rel-path "../../"))
((common:file-exists? "../../../megatest.config")(set! rel-path "../../../"))) ;; good enough dang it.
;; Don't gather data or continue if a) megatest.config can't be found or b) testconfig already exists
(if (not rel-path)
(print "ERROR: I could not find megatest.config, please run -create-test in the top dir of your megatest area")
(exit 1)))
(if (file-exists? (conc rel-path "tests/" testname "/testconfig"))
(if (common:file-exists? (conc rel-path "tests/" testname "/testconfig"))
(print "WARNING: You already have a testconfig in " rel-path "tests/" testname ", do you want to clobber your files?")
(display "Enter y/n: ")
(if (not (equal? "y" (read-line)))
(print "INFO: user abort of creation of test " testname)
(exit 1)))))
;; Copyright 2006-2012, Matthew Welland.
;; This program is made available under the GNU GPL version 2.0 or
;; greater. See the accompanying file COPYING for details.
;; This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
(require-extension (srfi 18) extras tcp s11n)
(use srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69 hostinfo md5 message-digest posix-extras) ;; sqlite3(use srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69 hostinfo md5 message-digest posix-extras)
;; (import (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:))
(use spiffy uri-common intarweb http-client spiffy-request-vars intarweb spiffy-directory-listing)
;; Configurations for server
(tcp-buffer-size 2048)
(max-connections 2048)
(server-state 'available)
(bad-sync-count 0)
(start-time (current-milliseconds)))
;; Use this opportunity to sync the tmp db to megatest.db
(if (not server-going) ;; *dbstruct-db*
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "SERVER: dbprep")
(set! *dbstruct-db* (db:setup)) ;; run-id))
(set! *dbstruct-db* (db:setup #t)) ;; run-id))
(set! server-going #t)
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "SERVER: running, megatest version: " (common:get-full-version)) ;; NOTE: the server is NOT yet marked as running in the log. We do that in the keep-running routine.
(thread-start! *watchdog*)))
;; when things go wrong we don't want to be doing the various queries too often
;; so we strive to run this stuff only every four seconds or so.
(let* ((sync-time (- (current-milliseconds) start-time))
(< (- (current-seconds) server-start-time) 3600)) ;; do not update log or touch log if we've been running for more than one hour.
(if (common:low-noise-print 120 "server continuing")
(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Server continuing, seconds since last db access: " (- (current-seconds) last-access))
(let ((curr-time (current-seconds)))
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: Failed to change timestamp on log file " server-log-file ". Are you out of space on that disk?")
(if (not *server-overloaded*)
(change-file-times server-log-file curr-time curr-time))))
(change-file-times server-log-file curr-time curr-time)))))
(loop 0 server-state bad-sync-count (current-milliseconds)))
(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Server timed out. seconds since last db access: " (- (current-seconds) last-access))
(http-transport:server-shutdown port)))))))
(define (http-transport:server-shutdown port)
;; all routes though here end in exit ...
;; start_server?
(define (http-transport:launch)
;; lets not even bother to start if there are already three or more server files ready to go
(let* ((num-alive (server:get-num-alive (server:get-list *toppath*))))
;; (if (args:get-arg"-daemonize")
;; (begin
(if (> num-alive 3)
;; (daemon:ize) ;; (if *alt-log-file* ;; we should re-connect to this port, I think daemon:ize disrupts it ;; (begin (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: Aborting server start because there are already " num-alive " possible servers either running or starting up")
;; (current-error-port *alt-log-file*) ;; (current-output-port *alt-log-file*)))))
(let* ((th2 (make-thread (lambda ()
(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Server run thread started")
(if (args:get-arg "-server")
(args:get-arg "-server")
)) "Server run"))
(defstruct launch:einf (pid #t)(exit-status #t)(exit-code #t)(rollup-status 0))
;; return (conc status ": " comment) from the final section so that
;; the comment can be set in the step record in launch.scm
(define (launch:load-logpro-dat run-id test-id stepname)
(let ((cname (conc stepname ".dat")))
(if (file-exists? cname)
(if (common:file-exists? cname)
(let* ((dat (read-config cname #f #f))
(csvr (db:logpro-dat->csv dat stepname))
(csvt (let-values (((fmt-cell fmt-record fmt-csv) (make-format ",")))
(fmt-csv (map list->csv-record csvr))))
(status (configf:lookup dat "final" "exit-status"))
(msg (configf:lookup dat "final" "message")))
(if csvt ;; this if blocked stack dump caused by .dat file from logpro being 0-byte. fixed by upgrading logpro
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Failed to create directory " logdir " expect problems, message: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))
(create-directory logdir #t)))))
;; NFS might not have propagated the directory meta data to the run host - give it time if needed
(let loop ((count 0))
(if (or (file-exists? top-path)
(if (or (common:file-exists? top-path)
(> count 10))
(change-directory top-path)
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "INFO: Not starting job yet - directory " top-path " not found")
(thread-sleep! 10)
(loop (+ count 1)))))
(launch:setup) ;; should be properly in the top-path now
(set-signal-handler! signal/term sighand)
) ;; (set-signal-handler! signal/stop sighand)
;; Do not run the test if it is REMOVING, RUNNING, KILLREQ or REMOTEHOSTSTART,
(let* ((test-info (rmt:get-test-info-by-id run-id test-id))
(test-host (if test-info
(test-host (db:test-get-host test-info))
(db:test-get-host test-info)
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: failed to find a record for test-id " test-id ", exiting.")
(test-pid (db:test-get-process_id test-info)))
((member (db:test-get-state test-info) '("INCOMPLETE" "KILLED" "UNKNOWN" "KILLREQ" "STUCK")) ;; prior run of this test didn't complete, go ahead and try to rerun
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "INFO: test is INCOMPLETE or KILLED, treat this execute call as a rerun request")
;; (tests:test-force-state-status! run-id test-id "REMOTEHOSTSTART" "n/a")
(rmt:test-set-state-status run-id test-id "REMOTEHOSTSTART" "n/a" #f)
) ;; prime it for running
(tests:set-full-meta-info #f test-id run-id 0 work-area 10)
;; (thread-sleep! 0.3) ;; NFS slowness has caused grief here
(if (args:get-arg "-xterm")
(set! fullrunscript "xterm")
(if (and fullrunscript
(file-exists? fullrunscript)
(common:file-exists? fullrunscript)
(not (file-execute-access? fullrunscript)))
(system (conc "chmod ug+x " fullrunscript))))
;; We are about to actually kick off the test
;; so this is a good place to remove the records for
;; any previous runs
;; (db:test-remove-steps db run-id testname itemdat)
;; If there is already a symlink delete it and recreate it.
(debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* " Failed to re-create link " lnktarget ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn) ", exiting")
(if (symbolic-link? lnktarget) (delete-file lnktarget))
(if (not (file-exists? lnktarget)) (create-symbolic-link test-path lnktarget)))))
(if (not (common:file-exists? lnktarget)) (create-symbolic-link test-path lnktarget)))))
(if (not (directory? test-path))
(create-directory test-path #t)) ;; this is a hack, I don't know why out of the blue this path does not exist sometimes
(if (and test-src-path (directory? test-path))
(let* ((ovrcmd (let ((cmd (config-lookup *configdat* "setup" "testcopycmd")))
;; - could be netbatch
;; (launch-test db (cadr status) test-conf))
(define (launch-test test-id run-id run-info keyvals runname test-conf test-name test-path itemdat params)
(mutex-lock! *launch-setup-mutex*) ;; setting variables and processing the testconfig is NOT thread-safe, reuse the launch-setup mutex
(let* ((item-path (item-list->path itemdat))
(contour #f)) ;; NOT READY FOR THIS (args:get-arg "-contour")))
(let loop ((delta (- (current-seconds) *last-launch*))
(launch-delay (string->number (or (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "launch-delay")"5"))))
(launch-delay (configf:lookup-number *configdat* "setup" "launch-delay" default: 1)))
(if (> launch-delay delta)
(if (common:low-noise-print 1200 "test launch delay") ;; every two hours or so remind the user about launch delay.
(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Delaying launch of " test-name " for " (- launch-delay delta) " seconds")
(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "NOTE: test launches are delayed by " launch-delay " seconds. See megatest.config launch-delay setting to adjust.")) ;; launch of " test-name " for " (- launch-delay delta) " seconds"))
(thread-sleep! (- launch-delay delta))
(loop (- (current-seconds) *last-launch*) launch-delay))))
(change-directory *toppath*)
(alist->env-vars ;; consolidate this code with the code in megatest.scm for "-execute", *maybe* - the longer they are set the longer each launch takes (must be non-overlapping with the vars)
(list "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME" *toppath*)
(list 'set-vars (if params (hash-table-ref/default params "-setvars" #f)))
(list 'runname runname)
(list 'mt-bindir-path mt-bindir-path))))))))
;; clean out step records from previous run if they exist
;; (rmt:delete-test-step-records run-id test-id)
;; if the dir does not exist we may have a itempath where individual variables are a path, launch anyway
(if (file-exists? work-area)
(if (common:file-exists? work-area)
(change-directory work-area)) ;; so that log files from the launch process don't clutter the test dir
;; ((and launcher hosts) ;; must be using ssh hostname
;; (set! fullcmd (append launcher (car hosts)(list remote-megatest "-m" test-sig "-execute" cmdparms) debug-param)))
;; (set! fullcmd (append launcher (car hosts)(list remote-megatest test-sig "-execute" cmdparms))))
(set! fullcmd (append launcher (list remote-megatest "-m" test-sig "-execute" cmdparms) debug-param)))
;; Copyright 2006-2013, Matthew Welland.
;; This program is made available under the GNU GPL version 2.0 or
;; greater. See the accompanying file COPYING for details.
;; This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
(use sqlite3 srfi-18)
(import (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:))
(use (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:) srfi-18)
(declare (unit lock-queue))
(declare (uses common))
(declare (uses tasks))
;; attempt to prevent overlapping updates of rollup files by queueing
(lock-queue:release-lock fname test-id count: (- count 1)))
(let ((journal (conc fname "-journal")))
;; If we've tried ten times and failed there is a serious problem
;; try to remove the lock db and allow it to be recreated
(if (file-exists? journal)(delete-file journal))
(if (file-exists? fname) (delete-file fname))
(if (common:file-exists? journal)(delete-file journal))
(if (common:file-exists? fname) (delete-file fname))
(sqlite3:execute (lock-queue:db-dat-get-db dbdat) "DELETE FROM runlocks WHERE test_id=?;" test-id)
(sqlite3:finalize! (lock-queue:db-dat-get-db dbdat)))))
(define (lock-queue:steal-lock dbdat test-id #!key (count 10))
(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Attempting to steal lock at " (lock-queue:db-dat-get-path dbdat))
(tasks:wait-on-journal (lock-queue:db-dat-get-path dbdat) 1200 "lock-queue:steal-lock; waiting on journal")
a text
b text
c text
# [fields]
# a text
# b text
# c text
# control over usercode location not implemented, for now must be .mtutil.scm
usercode .mtutil.scm
areafilter area-to-run
targtrans generic-target-translator
runtrans generic-runname-translator
pktsdirs /tmp/pkts /some/other/source
pktsdirs /tmp/mt_pkts /some/other/source
# path-to-area map-target-script(future, optional)
# someqa path=../megatestqa/someqa; targtrans=somefunc; areafilter=area-to-run
fullrun path=tests/fullrun
fullrun path=tests/fullrun;
# targtrans is name of scheme proc stored in .mtutil.scm, which lives in PWD where mtutil is run
# the target translator can return: a/target OR (list/of targets/to apply/run) OR #f i.e. run nothing
# ext-tests path=ext-tests; targtrans=prefix-contour;
ext-tests path=ext-tests
# mode-patt/tag-expr
quick areas=ext-tests; selector=/QUICKPATT
quick selector=QUICKPATT/quick
full areas=fullrun,ext-tests; selector=MAXPATT/
all areas=fullrun,ext-tests
snazy areas=%; selector=QUICKPATT/
# quick areas=fullrun,ext-tests; selector=QUICKPATT/quick
# full areas=fullrun,ext-tests; selector=MAXPATT/
# short areas=fullrun,ext-tests; selector=MAXPATT/
# all areas=fullrun,ext-tests
# snazy selector=QUICKPATT/
-reqtarg key1/key2/... : run for key1, key2, etc. but key1/key2 must be in runconfigs
-testpatt patt1/patt2,patt3/... : % is wildcard
-runname : required, name for this particular test run
-state : Applies to runs, tests or steps depending on context
-status : Applies to runs, tests or steps depending on context
--modepatt key : load testpatt from <key> in runconfigs instead of default TESTPATT if -testpatt and -tagexpr are not specified
-tagexpr tag1,tag2%,.. : select tests with tags matching expression
Test helpers (for use inside tests)
-step stepname
-test-status : set the state and status of a test (use :state and :status)
-setlog logfname : set the path/filename to the final log relative to the test
directory. may be used with -test-status
-set-toplog logfname : set the overall log for a suite of sub-tests
-test-paths : get the test paths matching target, runname, item and test
-list-disks : list the disks available for storing runs
-list-targets : list the targets in runconfigs.config
-list-db-targets : list the target combinations used in the db
-show-config : dump the internal representation of the megatest.config file
-show-runconfig : dump the internal representation of the runconfigs.config file
-dumpmode MODE : dump in MODE format instead of sexpr, MODE=json,ini,sexp etc.
-dumpmode MODE : dump in MODE format instead of sexpr, MODE=json,ini,sexp etc. (add -debug 0,9 to see which file contributes each line)
-show-cmdinfo : dump the command info for a test (run in test environment)
-section sectionName
-var varName : for config and runconfig lookup value for sectionName varName
-since N : get list of runs changed since time N (Unix seconds)
-fields fieldspec : fields to include in json dump; runs:id,runame+tests:testname+steps
-sort fieldname : in -list-runs sort tests by this field
-testdata-csv [categorypatt/]varpatt : dump testdata for given category
-start-dir path : switch to this directory before running megatest
-contour cname : add a level of hierarcy to the linktree and run paths
-rebuild-db : bring the database schema up to date
-cleanup-db : remove any orphan records, vacuum the db
-import-megatest.db : push data from megatest.db to cache db files in /tmp/$USER
(debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "Unrecognised arguments: " (string-intersperse (if (list? remargs) remargs (argv)) " ")))
;; before doing anything else change to the start-dir if provided
(if (args:get-arg "-start-dir")
(if (file-exists? (args:get-arg "-start-dir"))
(if (common:file-exists? (args:get-arg "-start-dir"))
(let ((fullpath (common:real-path (args:get-arg "-start-dir"))))
(setenv "PWD" fullpath)
(change-directory fullpath))
(debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "non-existant start dir " (args:get-arg "-start-dir") " specified, exiting.")
(exit 1))))
;; immediately set MT_TARGET if -reqtarg or -target are available
(let ((targ (or (args:get-arg "-reqtarg")(args:get-arg "-target"))))
(if targ (setenv "MT_TARGET" targ)))
;; The watchdog is to keep an eye on things like db sync etc.
;; TODO: for multiple areas, we will have multiple watchdogs; and multiple threads to manage
(define *watchdog* (make-thread common:watchdog "Watchdog thread"))(define *watchdog* (make-thread
(lambda ()
(print " message: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn)))
"Watchdog thread"))
;;(if (not (args:get-arg "-server"))
;; (thread-start! *watchdog*)) ;; if starting a server; wait till we get to running state before kicking off watchdog
(let* ((no-watchdog-args
"-show-cmdinfo")) "-show-cmdinfo"
(no-watchdog-args-vals (filter (lambda (x) x)
(map args:get-arg no-watchdog-args)))
(start-watchdog (null? no-watchdog-args-vals)))
;;(BB> "no-watchdog-args="no-watchdog-args "no-watchdog-args-vals="no-watchdog-args-vals)
(if start-watchdog
(thread-start! *watchdog*)))
;; bracket open-output-file with code to make leading directory if it does not exist and handle exceptions
(define (open-logfile logpath)
(let* ((log-dir (or (pathname-directory logpath) ".")))
(if (not (directory-exists? log-dir))
(system (conc "mkdir -p " log-dir)))
(open-output-file logpath))
(exn ()
(debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "Could not open log file for write: "logpath)
(define *didsomething* #t)
(exit 1))))
;; this segment will run launch:setup only if -log is not set. This is fairly safe as servers are not
;; manually started and thus should never be started in a non-megatest area. Thus no need to handle situation
;; where (launch:setup) returns #f?
(if (or (args:get-arg "-log")(args:get-arg "-server")) ;; redirect the log always when a server
(print "ERROR: Failed to switch to log output. " ((conition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))
(print "ERROR: Failed to switch to log output. " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))
(let* ((tl (or (args:get-arg "-log")(launch:setup))) ;; run launch:setup if -server
(let* ((tl (or (args:get-arg "-log")(launch:setup))) ;; run launch:setup if -server, ensure we do NOT run launch:setup if -log specified
(logf (or (args:get-arg "-log") ;; use -log unless we are a server, then craft a logfile name
(conc tl "/logs/server-" (current-process-id) "-" (get-host-name) ".log")))
(oup (open-logfile logf)))
(if (not (args:get-arg "-log"))
(hash-table-set! args:arg-hash "-log" logf)) ;; fake out future queries of -log
(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Sending log output to " logf)
(set! *default-log-port* oup))))
(process:children #f))
(original-exit exit-code)))))
;; for some switches always print the command to stderr
(if (args:any? "-run" "-runall" "-remove-runs" "-set-state-status")
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* (string-intersperse (argv) " ")))
;; some switches imply homehost. Exit here if not on homehost
(let ((homehost-required (list "-cleanup-db" "-server")))
(if (apply args:any? homehost-required)
(if (not (common:on-homehost?))
(lambda (switch)
(if (args:get-arg switch)
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: you must be on the homehost to run with " switch
", you can move homehost by removing the .homehost file but this will disrupt any runs in progress.")
(exit 1))))
;; Misc setup stuff
(if (and rundir ;; have all needed variabless
(directory-exists? rundir)
(file-write-access? rundir))
(if (not (common:in-running-test?))
(configf:write-alist data cfgf))
;; force re-read of megatest.config - this resolves circular references between megatest.config
(launch:setup force: #t)
(launch:cache-config))) ;; we can safely cache megatest.config since we have a valid runconfig
(launch:setup force-reread: #t)
;; (launch:cache-config) ;; there are two independent config cache locations, turning this one off for now. MRW.
)) ;; we can safely cache megatest.config since we have a valid runconfig
(if (args:get-arg "-show-runconfig")
(let ((tl (launch:setup)))
(push-directory *toppath*)
(let ((data (full-runconfigs-read)))
;; keep this one local
;; take jobs from the given queue and keep launching them keeping
;; the cpu load at the targeted level
(use sqlite3 srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69 dot-locking format)
(use sqlite3 srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69 format)
(import (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:))
(declare (unit mlaunch))
(declare (uses db))
(declare (uses common))
;; (include "common.scm")
;; (include "megatest-version.scm")
;; fake out readline usage of toplevel-command
(define (toplevel-command . a) #f)
(use srfi-1 posix srfi-69 readline ;; regex regex-case srfi-69 apropos json http-client directory-utils rpc typed-records;; (srfi 18) extras)
srfi-18 extras format pkts pkts regex regex-case
srfi-18 extras format pkts regex regex-case
(prefix dbi dbi:)) ;; zmq extras)
(declare (uses common))
(declare (uses megatest-version))
(declare (uses margs))
(declare (uses configf))
;; (declare (uses rmt))
(include "megatest-fossil-hash.scm")
(require-library stml)
;; stuff for the mapper and checker functions
(define *target-mappers* (make-hash-table)) ;; '())
(define *runname-mappers* (make-hash-table)) ;; '())(define *target-mappers* (make-hash-table))
(define *runname-mappers* (make-hash-table))
(define *area-checkers* (make-hash-table))
;; helpers for mappers/checkers
(define (add-target-mapper name proc)
(hash-table-set! *target-mappers* name proc))
(define (add-runname-mapper name proc)
(hash-table-set! *runname-mappers* name proc))
(define (add-area-checker name proc)
(hash-table-set! *area-checkers* name proc))
;; given a runkey, xlatr-key and other info return one of the following:
;; list of targets, null list to skip processing
(define (map-targets mtconf aval-alist runkey area contour #!key (xlatr-key-in #f))
(let* ((xlatr-key (or xlatr-key-in
(conf-get/default mtconf aval-alist 'targtrans)))
(proc (hash-table-ref/default *target-mappers* xlatr-key #f)))
(if proc
(print "Using target mapper: " xlatr-key)
(print "FAILED TO RUN TARGET MAPPER FOR " area ", called " xlatr-key)
(print " function is: " (hash-table-ref/default *target-mappers* xlatr-key #f ) )
(print " message: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))
(proc runkey area contour)))
(if xlatr-key
(print "ERROR: Failed to find named target translator " xlatr-key ", using original target."))
`(,runkey))))) ;; no proc then use runkey
;; given mtconf and areaconf extract a translator/filter, first look at areaconf
;; then if not found look at default
(define (conf-get/default mtconf areaconf keyname #!key (default #f))
(let ((res (or (alist-ref keyname areaconf)
(configf:lookup mtconf "default" (conc keyname))
(if res
(string->symbol res)
;; this needs some thought regarding security implications.
;; i. Check that owner of the file and calling user are same?
;; ii. Check that we are in a legal megatest area?
;; iii. Have some form of authentication or record of the md5sum or similar of the file?
;; iv. Use compiled version in preference to .scm version. Thus there is a manual "blessing"
;; required to use .mtutil.scm.
(if (file-exists? "megatest.config")
(if (file-exists? ".mtutil.so")
(if (common:file-exists? "megatest.config")
(if (common:file-exists? ".mtutil.so")
(load ".mtutil.so")
(if (file-exists? ".mtutil.scm")
(load ".mtutil.scm"))))
(if (common:file-exists? ".mtutil.scm")
(load ".mtutil.scm"))))
;; Disabled help items
;; -rollup : (currently disabled) fill run (set by :runname) with latest test(s)
;; from prior runs with same keys
;; Contour actions
;; import : import pkts
;; dispatch : dispatch queued run jobs from imported pkts
;; rungen : look at input sense list in [rungen] and generate run pkts
(define help (conc "
mtutil, part of the Megatest tool suite, documentation at http://www.kiatoa.com/fossils/megatest
version " megatest-version "
license GPL, Copyright Matt Welland 2006-2017
Usage: mtutil action [options]
-h : this help
-manual : show the Megatest user manual
-version : print megatest version (currently " megatest-version ")
run : initiate runs
remove : remove runs
rerun : register action for processing
set-ss : set state/status
archive : compress and move test data to archive disk
kill : stop tests or entire runs
db : database utilities
-h : this help
-manual : show the Megatest user manual
-version : print megatest version (currently " megatest-version ")
run : initiate runs
remove : remove runs
rerun : register action for processing
set-ss : set state/status
archive : compress and move test data to archive disk
kill : stop tests or entire runs
db : database utilities
areas, contours, setup : show areas, contours or setup section from megatest.config
Contour actions:
process : runs import, rungen and dispatch
-immediate : apply this action immediately, default is to queue up actions
-area areapatt1,area2... : apply this action only to the specified areas
-target key1/key2/... : run for key1, key2, etc.
-test-patt p1/p2,p3/... : % is wildcard
-run-name : required, name for this particular test run
-contour contourname : run all targets for contourname, requires -run-name, -target
-state-status c/p,c/f : Specify a list of state and status patterns
-tag-expr tag1,tag2%,.. : select tests with tags matching expression
-mode-patt key : load testpatt from <key> in runconfigs instead of default TESTPATT
if -testpatt and -tagexpr are not specified
-new state/status : specify new state/status for set-ss
-start-dir path : switch to this directory before running mtutil
-set-vars V1=1,V2=2 : Add environment variables to a run NB// these are
overwritten by values set in config files.
-log logfile : send stdout and stderr to logfile
-repl : start a repl (useful for extending megatest)
-load file.scm : load and run file.scm
-debug N|N,M,O... : enable debug messages 0-N or N and M and O ...
db pgschema : emit postgresql schema; do \"mtutil db pgschema | psql -d mydb\"
process : runs import, rungen and dispatch
-immediate : apply this action immediately, default is to queue up actions
-area areapatt1,area2... : apply this action only to the specified areas
-target key1/key2/... : run for key1, key2, etc.
-test-patt p1/p2,p3/... : % is wildcard
-run-name : required, name for this particular test run
-contour contourname : run all targets for contourname, requires -run-name, -target
-state-status c/p,c/f : Specify a list of state and status patterns
-tag-expr tag1,tag2%,.. : select tests with tags matching expression
-mode-patt key : load testpatt from <key> in runconfigs instead of default TESTPATT
if -testpatt and -tagexpr are not specified
-new state/status : specify new state/status for set-ss
-start-dir path : switch to this directory before running mtutil
-set-vars V1=1,V2=2 : Add environment variables to a run NB// these are
overwritten by values set in config files.
-log logfile : send stdout and stderr to logfile
-repl : start a repl (useful for extending megatest)
-load file.scm : load and run file.scm
-debug N|N,M,O... : enable debug messages 0-N or N and M and O ...
db pgschema : emit postgresql schema; do \"mtutil db pgschema | psql -d mydb\"
# Start a megatest run in the area \"mytests\"
mtutil -area mytests -action run -target v1.63/aa3e -mode-patt MYPATT -tag-expr quick
mtutil run -area mytests -target v1.63/aa3e -mode-patt MYPATT -tag-expr quick
# Start a contour
mtutil run -contour quick -target v1.63/aa3e
Called as " (string-intersperse (argv) " ") "
Version " megatest-version ", built from " megatest-fossil-hash ))
;; alist to map actions to old megatest commands
(define *action-keys*
'((run . "-run")
(sync . "")
(archive . "-archive")
(set-ss . "-set-state-status")))
;; Card types:
;; A action
;; U username (Unix)
;; D timestamp
;; T card type
;; utilitarian alist for standard cards
(define *additional-cards*
;; Standard Cards
(A . action )
(D . timestamp )
(T . cardtype )
(U . user ) ;; username
(Z . shar1sum )
;; Extras
(a . runkey ) ;; needed for matching up pkts with target derived from runkey
;; inlst is an alternative input
(define (lookup-param-by-key key #!key (inlst #f))
(fold (lambda (a res)
(if (eq? (cdr a) key)
(car a)
(else ;; have some unrecognised junk? spit out error message
(print "ERROR: fossil timeline returned unrecognisable junk \"" inl "\"")
(loop (get-line) date node time))))
(else ;; no more datat and last node on branch not found
(close-input-port timeline-port)
(values (common:date-time->seconds (conc date " " time)) node))))))
;; Card types:;;;; a action;; u username (Unix);; D timestamp;; T card type;; process args
(define *action* (if (> (length (argv)) 1)
(cadr (argv))
(define remargs (args:get-args
(if *action* (cdr (argv)) (argv)) ;; args:get-args dumps first in argv list (the program name)
(map car *arg-keys*)
(ruletype (if (> len-key 1)(cadr keyparts) #f))
(action (if (> len-key 2)(caddr keyparts) #f))
(optional (if (> len-key 3)(cadddr keyparts) #f))
;; (val-list (string-split-fields ";\\s*" val #:infix)) ;; (string-split val)) ;; runname-rule params
(val-alist (val->alist val))
(runname (make-runname "" ""))
(runtrans (alist-ref 'runtrans val-alist))
;; these may or may not be defined and not all are used in each handler type in the case below
(run-name (alist-ref 'run-name val-alist))
(target (alist-ref 'target val-alist))
(crontab (alist-ref 'cron val-alist))
(areas (val-alist->areas val-alist)) ;; areas can be a single string (a reference to call an areas function), or a list of area names.
(dbdest (alist-ref 'dbdest val-alist))
(appendconf (alist-ref 'appendconf val-alist))
(file-globs (alist-ref 'glob val-alist))
(runstarts (find-pkts pdb '(runstart) `((o . ,contour)
(t . ,runkey))))
(rspkts (get-pkt-alists runstarts))
(rspkts (common:get-pkt-alists runstarts))
;; starttimes is for run start times and is used to know when the last run was launched
(starttimes (get-pkt-times rspkts)) ;; sort by age (youngest first) and delete duplicates by target
(last-run (if (null? starttimes) ;; if '() then it has never been run, else get the max
(apply max (map cdr starttimes))))
(starttimes (common:get-pkt-times rspkts)) ;; sort by age (youngest first) and delete duplicates by target
(last-run (if (null? starttimes) ;; if '() then it has never been run, else get the max
(apply max (map cdr starttimes))))
;; synctimes is for figuring out the last time a sync was done
(syncstarts (find-pkts pdb '(syncstart) '())) ;; no qualifiers, a sync does all tarets etc.
(sspkts (get-pkt-alists syncstarts))
(synctimes (get-pkt-times sspkts))
(last-sync (if (null? synctimes) ;; if '() then it has never been run, else get the max
(apply max (map cdr synctimes))))
(syncstarts (find-pkts pdb '(syncstart) '())) ;; no qualifiers, a sync does all tarets etc.
(sspkts (common:get-pkt-alists syncstarts))
(synctimes (common:get-pkt-times sspkts))
(last-sync (if (null? synctimes) ;; if '() then it has never been run, else get the max
(apply max (map cdr synctimes))))
(let ((delta (lambda (x)
(round (/ (- (current-seconds) x) 60)))))
(print "runkey: " runkey ", ruletype: " ruletype ", action: " action ", last-run: " last-run " time since; last-run: " (delta last-run) ", last-sync: " (delta last-sync)))
(print "val-alist=" val-alist " runtrans=" runtrans)
;; look in runstarts for matching runs by target and contour
;; get the timestamp for when that run started and pass it
;; to the rule logic here where "ruletype" will be applied
;; if it comes back "changed" then proceed to register the runs
(case (string->symbol (or ruletype "no-such-rule"))
((no-such-rule) (print "ERROR: no such rule for " sense))
;; Handle crontab like rules
(if (not (alist-ref 'cron val-alist)) ;; gotta have cron spec
(print "ERROR: bad sense spec \"" (string-intersperse sense " ") "\" params: " val-alist)
(let* ((run-name (alist-ref 'run-name val-alist)) (let* (
(target (alist-ref 'target val-alist)) (crontab (alist-ref 'cron val-alist)) ;; (action (alist-ref 'action val-alist))
(cron-safe-string (string-translate (string-intersperse (string-split (alist-ref 'cron val-alist)) "-") "*" "X"))
(cron-safe-string (string-translate (string-intersperse (string-split crontab) "-") "*" "X"))
(runname std-runname)) ;; (conc "sched" (time->string (seconds->local-time (current-seconds)) "%M%H%d")))))
;; (print "last-run: " last-run " need-run: " need-run)
;; (if need-run
(case (string->symbol action)
((sync sync-prepend)
(if (common:extended-cron crontab #f last-sync)
(push-run-spec torun contour runkey
`((message . ,(conc ruletype ":sync-" cron-safe-string))
(action . ,action)
(dbdest . ,(alist-ref 'dbdest val-alist))
(append . ,(alist-ref 'appendconf val-alist))))))
(dbdest . ,dbdest)
(append . ,appendconf)
(areas . ,areas)))))
(if (common:extended-cron crontab #f last-run)
(push-run-spec torun contour runkey
`((message . ,(conc ruletype ":" cron-safe-string))
(runname . ,runname)
`((message . ,(conc ruletype ":" cron-safe-string))
(runname . ,runname)
(runtrans . ,runtrans)
(action . ,action)
(target . ,target)))))
(action . ,action)
(areas . ,areas)
(target . ,target)))))
(push-run-spec torun contour runkey
`((message . ,(conc ruletype ":" cron-safe-string))
(runname . ,runname)
(runtrans . ,runtrans)
(action . ,action)
(areas . ,areas)
(target . ,target))))
(print "ERROR: action \"" action "\" has no scheduled handler")
;; script based sensors
;; syntax is a little different here. It is a list of commands to run, "scriptname = extra_parameters;scriptname = ..."
;; where scriptname may be repeated multiple times. The script must return unix-epoch of last change, new-target-name and new-run-name
;; the script is called like this: scriptname contour runkey std-runname action extra_param1 extra_param2 ...
(lambda (cmd)
(print "cmd: " cmd)
(+ lowport ;; top of registered ports is 49152 but lets use ports in the registered range
(random (- 64000 lowport))))))
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "EXCEPTION: portlogger database probably overloaded or unreadable. If you see this message again remove /tmp/.$USER-portlogger.db")
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* " message: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "exn=" (condition->list exn))
(debug:print 5 *default-log-port* "exn=" (condition->list exn))
(print-call-chain (current-error-port))
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Continuing anyway."))
(portlogger:take-port db portnum))
;; set port to "released", "failed" etc.
(use format typed-records) ;; RADT => purpose of json format??
(declare (unit rmt))
(declare (uses api))
(declare (uses tdb))(declare (uses http-transport))
;;(declare (uses nmsg-transport))(include "common_records.scm")
;; generate entries for ~/.megatestrc with the following
(define *send-receive-mutex* (make-mutex)) ;; should have separate mutex per run-id
;; RA => e.g. usage (rmt:send-receive 'get-var #f (list varname))
(define (rmt:send-receive cmd rid params #!key (attemptnum 1)(area-dat #f)) ;; start attemptnum at 1 so the modulo below works as expected
;;DOT digraph megatest_state_status {
;;DOT ranksep=0;
;;DOT // rankdir=LR;
;;DOT node [shape="box"];
;;DOT "rmt:send-receive" -> MUTEXLOCK;
;;DOT { edge [style=invis];"case 1" -> "case 2" -> "case 3" -> "case 4" -> "case 5" -> "case 6" -> "case 7" -> "case 8" -> "case 9" -> "case 10" -> "case 11"; }
;; do all the prep locked under the rmt-mutex
(mutex-lock! *rmt-mutex*)
;; 1. check if server is started IFF cmd is a write OR if we are not on the homehost, store in runremote
;; 2. check the age of the connections. refresh the connection if it is older than timeout-20 seconds.
;; 3. do the query, if on homehost use local access
(let* ((start-time (current-seconds)) ;; snapshot time so all use cases get same value
(areapath *toppath*);; TODO - resolve from dbstruct to be compatible with multiple areas
(runremote (or area-dat
(readonly-mode (if (and runremote
(remote-ro-mode-checked runremote))
(remote-ro-mode runremote)
(let* ((dbfile (conc *toppath* "/megatest.db"))
(ro-mode (not (file-write-access? dbfile)))) ;; TODO: use dbstruct or runremote to figure this out in future
(if runremote
(remote-ro-mode-set! runremote ro-mode)
(remote-ro-mode-checked-set! runremote #t)
;; DOT INIT_RUNREMOTE; // leaving off - doesn't really add to the clarity
;; DOT MUTEXLOCK -> INIT_RUNREMOTE [label="no remote?"];
;; ensure we have a record for our connection for given area
(if (not runremote) ;; can remove this one. should never get here.
(set! *runremote* (make-remote))
(set! runremote *runremote*))) ;; new runremote will come from this on next iteration
;; ensure we have a homehost record
(if (not (pair? (remote-hh-dat runremote))) ;; not on homehost
(thread-sleep! 0.1) ;; since we shouldn't get here, delay a little
(remote-hh-dat-set! runremote (common:get-homehost)))
;;(print "BB> readonly-mode is "readonly-mode" dbfile is "dbfile)
;; ensure we have a record for our connection for given area
(if (not runremote) ;; can remove this one. should never get here.
(set! *runremote* (make-remote))
(set! runremote *runremote*))) ;; new runremote will come from this on next iteration
;; DOT SET_HOMEHOST; // leaving off - doesn't really add to the clarity
;; DOT MUTEXLOCK -> SET_HOMEHOST [label="no homehost?"];
;; ensure we have a homehost record
(if (not (pair? (remote-hh-dat runremote))) ;; not on homehost
(thread-sleep! 0.1) ;; since we shouldn't get here, delay a little
(remote-hh-dat-set! runremote (common:get-homehost)))
;;(print "BB> readonly-mode is "readonly-mode" dbfile is "dbfile)
;;DOT MUTEXLOCK -> EXIT [label="> 15 attempts"]; {rank=same "case 1" "EXIT" }
;; give up if more than 15 attempts
((> attemptnum 15)
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: 15 tries to start/connect to server. Giving up.")
(exit 1))
;;DOT CASE2 [label="local\nreadonly\nquery"];
;;DOT MUTEXLOCK -> CASE2; {rank=same "case 2" CASE2}
;;DOT CASE2 -> "rmt:open-qry-close-locally";
;; readonly mode, read request- handle it - case 20 ;; readonly mode, read request- handle it - case 2
((and readonly-mode
(member cmd api:read-only-queries))
(mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
(debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case 20")
(debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case 2")
(rmt:open-qry-close-locally cmd 0 params)
;;DOT CASE3 [label="write in\nread-only mode"];
;;DOT MUTEXLOCK -> CASE3 [label="readonly\nmode?"]; {rank=same "case 3" CASE3}
;;DOT CASE3 -> "#f";
;; readonly mode, write request. Do nothing, return #f
(mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
(debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case 21")
(debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case 3")
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: write transaction requested on a readonly area. cmd="cmd" params="params)
;; reset the connection if it has been unused too long
((and runremote
(remote-conndat runremote)
(let ((expire-time (+ (- start-time (remote-server-timeout runremote))(random 10)))) ;; Subtract or add the random value? Seems like it should be substract but Neither fixes the "WARNING: failure in with-input-from-request to #<request>.\n message: Server closed connection before sending response"
(< (http-transport:server-dat-get-last-access (remote-conndat runremote)) expire-time)))
(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Connection to " (remote-server-url runremote) " expired due to no accesses, forcing new connection.")
(remote-conndat-set! runremote #f) ;; invalidate the connection, thus forcing a new connection.
(mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
(rmt:send-receive cmd rid params attemptnum: attemptnum))
;; This block was for pre-emptively resetting the connection if there had been no communication for some time.
;; I don't think it adds any value. If the server is not there, just fail and start a new connection.
;; also, the expire-time calculation might not be correct. We want, time-since-last-server-access > (server:get-timeout)
;; ;;DOT CASE4 [label="reset\nconnection"];
;; ;;DOT MUTEXLOCK -> CASE4 [label="have connection,\nlast_access > expire_time"]; {rank=same "case 4" CASE4}
;; ;;DOT CASE4 -> "rmt:send-receive";
;; ;; reset the connection if it has been unused too long
;; ((and runremote
;; (remote-conndat runremote)
;; (let ((expire-time (+ (- start-time (remote-server-timeout runremote))(random 10)))) ;; Subtract or add the random value? Seems like it should be substract but Neither fixes the "WARNING: failure in with-input-from-request to #<request>.\n message: Server closed connection before sending response"
;; (< (http-transport:server-dat-get-last-access (remote-conndat runremote)) expire-time)))
;; (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Connection to " (remote-server-url runremote) " expired due to no accesses, forcing new connection.")
;; (http-transport:close-connections area-dat: runremote)
;; (remote-conndat-set! runremote #f) ;; invalidate the connection, thus forcing a new connection.
;; (mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
;; (rmt:send-receive cmd rid params attemptnum: attemptnum))
;;DOT CASE5 [label="local\nread"];
;;DOT MUTEXLOCK -> CASE5 [label="server not required,\non homehost,\nread-only query"]; {rank=same "case 5" CASE5};
;;DOT CASE5 -> "rmt:open-qry-close-locally";
;; on homehost and this is a read
((and (not (remote-force-server runremote)) ;; honor forced use of server
(cdr (remote-hh-dat runremote)) ;; on homehost
(member cmd api:read-only-queries)) ;; this is a read
((and (not (remote-force-server runremote)) ;; honor forced use of server, i.e. server NOT required
(cdr (remote-hh-dat runremote)) ;; on homehost
(member cmd api:read-only-queries)) ;; this is a read
(mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
(debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case 3")
(debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case 5")
(rmt:open-qry-close-locally cmd 0 params))
;;DOT CASE6 [label="init\nremote"];
;;DOT MUTEXLOCK -> CASE6 [label="on homehost,\nwrite query,\nhave server,\ncan't reach it"]; {rank=same "case 6" CASE6};
;;DOT CASE6 -> "rmt:send-receive";
;; on homehost and this is a write, we already have a server, but server has died
((and (cdr (remote-hh-dat runremote)) ;; on homehost
(not (member cmd api:read-only-queries)) ;; this is a write
(remote-server-url runremote) ;; have a server
(not (server:ping (remote-server-url runremote)))) ;; server has died. NOTE: this is not a cheap call! Need better approach.
(set! *runremote* (make-remote))
(remote-force-server-set! runremote (common:force-server?))
(mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
(debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case 4.1")
(debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case 6")
(rmt:send-receive cmd rid params attemptnum: attemptnum))
;;DOT CASE7 [label="homehost\nwrite"];
;;DOT MUTEXLOCK -> CASE7 [label="server not required,\non homehost,\na write,\nhave a server"]; {rank=same "case 7" CASE7};
;;DOT CASE7 -> "rmt:open-qry-close-locally";
;; on homehost and this is a write, we already have a server
((and (not (remote-force-server runremote)) ;; honor forced use of server
((and (not (remote-force-server runremote)) ;; honor forced use of server, i.e. server NOT required
(cdr (remote-hh-dat runremote)) ;; on homehost
(not (member cmd api:read-only-queries)) ;; this is a write
(remote-server-url runremote)) ;; have a server
(mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
(debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case 4")
(debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case 4.1")
(rmt:open-qry-close-locally cmd 0 params))
;;DOT CASE8 [label="force\nserver"];
;;DOT MUTEXLOCK -> CASE8 [label="server not required,\nhave homehost info,\nno connection yet,\nnot a read-only query"]; {rank=same "case 8" CASE8};
;;DOT CASE8 -> "rmt:open-qry-close-locally";
;; on homehost, no server contact made and this is a write, passively start a server
((and (not (remote-force-server runremote)) ;; honor forced use of server
(cdr (remote-hh-dat runremote)) ;; new
(not (remote-server-url runremote))
(not (member cmd api:read-only-queries)))
(debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case 5")
((and (not (remote-force-server runremote)) ;; honor forced use of server, i.e. server NOT required
(cdr (remote-hh-dat runremote)) ;; have homehost
(not (remote-server-url runremote)) ;; no connection yet
(not (member cmd api:read-only-queries))) ;; not a read-only query
(debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case 8")
(let ((server-url (server:check-if-running *toppath*))) ;; (server:read-dotserver->url *toppath*))) ;; (server:check-if-running *toppath*))) ;; Do NOT want to run server:check-if-running - very expensive to do for every write call
(if server-url
(remote-server-url-set! runremote server-url) ;; the string can be consumed by the client setup if needed
(if (common:force-server?)
(server:start-and-wait *toppath*)
(server:kind-run *toppath*))))
(remote-force-server-set! runremote (common:force-server?))
(mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
(debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case 5.1")
(debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case 8.1")
(rmt:open-qry-close-locally cmd 0 params))
;;DOT CASE9 [label="force server\nnot on homehost"];
;;DOT MUTEXLOCK -> CASE9 [label="no connection\nand either require server\nor not on homehost"]; {rank=same "case 9" CASE9};
;;DOT CASE9 -> "start\nserver" -> "rmt:send-receive";
((or (and (remote-force-server runremote) ;; we are forcing a server and don't yet have a connection to one
(not (remote-conndat runremote)))
(and (not (cdr (remote-hh-dat runremote))) ;; not on a homehost
(not (remote-conndat runremote)))) ;; and no connection
(debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case 6 hh-dat: " (remote-hh-dat runremote) " conndat: " (remote-conndat runremote))
(debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case 9, hh-dat: " (remote-hh-dat runremote) " conndat: " (remote-conndat runremote))
(mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
(if (not (server:check-if-running *toppath*)) ;; who knows, maybe one has started up?
(server:start-and-wait *toppath*))
(remote-force-server-set! runremote (common:force-server?)) (remote-conndat-set! runremote (rmt:get-connection-info *toppath*)) ;; calls client:setup which calls client:setup-http
(rmt:send-receive cmd rid params attemptnum: attemptnum)) ;; TODO: add back-off timeout as
;;DOT CASE10 [label="on homehost"];
;;DOT MUTEXLOCK -> CASE10 [label="server not required,\non homehost"]; {rank=same "case 10" CASE10};
;;DOT CASE10 -> "rmt:open-qry-close-locally";
;; all set up if get this far, dispatch the query
((and (not (remote-force-server runremote))
(cdr (remote-hh-dat runremote))) ;; we are on homehost
(mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
(debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case 7")
(debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case 10")
(rmt:open-qry-close-locally cmd (if rid rid 0) params))
;;DOT CASE11 [label="send_receive"];
;;DOT MUTEXLOCK -> CASE11 [label="else"]; {rank=same "case 11" CASE11};
;;DOT CASE11 -> "rmt:send-receive" [label="call failed"];
;;DOT CASE11 -> "RESULT" [label="call succeeded"];
;; not on homehost, do server query
(mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
(debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case 9")
(mutex-lock! *rmt-mutex*)
(let* ((conninfo (remote-conndat runremote))
(dat (case (remote-transport runremote)
(if success ;; success only tells us that the transport was successful, have to examine the data to see if there was a detected issue at the other end
(if (and (vector? res)
(eq? (vector-length res) 2)
(eq? (vector-ref res 1) 'overloaded)) ;; since we are looking at the data to carry the error we'll use a fairly obtuse combo to minimise the chances of some sort of collision.
(let ((wait-delay (+ attemptnum (* attemptnum 10))))
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: server is overloaded. Delaying " wait-delay " seconds and trying call again.")
(mutex-lock! *rmt-mutex*)
(http-transport:close-connections area-dat: runremote)
(set! *runremote* #f) ;; force starting over
(mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
(thread-sleep! wait-delay)
(rmt:send-receive cmd rid params attemptnum: (+ attemptnum 1)))
res) ;; All good, return res
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: communication failed. Trying again, try num: " attemptnum)
(remote-conndat-set! runremote #f)
(http-transport:close-connections area-dat: runremote)
(remote-server-url-set! runremote #f)
(debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case 9.1")
(if (not (server:check-if-running *toppath*))
(server:start-and-wait *toppath*))
;; (if (not (server:check-if-running *toppath*))
;; (server:start-and-wait *toppath*))
(rmt:send-receive cmd rid params attemptnum: (+ attemptnum 1)))))))))
;;DOT }
;; (define (rmt:update-db-stats run-id rawcmd params duration)
;; (mutex-lock! *db-stats-mutex*)
;; (handle-exceptions
;; exn
;; (begin
;; (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: stats collection failed in update-db-stats")
;; (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* " message: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))
(loop (car tal)(cdr tal) newmax-cmd currmax)))))))
(mutex-unlock! *db-stats-mutex*)
(define (rmt:open-qry-close-locally cmd run-id params #!key (remretries 5))
(let* ((qry-is-write (not (member cmd api:read-only-queries)))
(db-file-path (db:dbfile-path)) ;; 0))
(dbstruct-local (db:setup)) ;; make-dbr:dbstruct path: dbdir local: #t)))
(dbstruct-local (db:setup #t)) ;; make-dbr:dbstruct path: dbdir local: #t)))
(read-only (not (file-write-access? db-file-path)))
(start (current-milliseconds))
(resdat (if (not (and read-only qry-is-write))
(let ((v (api:execute-requests dbstruct-local (vector (symbol->string cmd) params))))
(handle-exceptions ;; there has been a long history of receiving strange errors from values returned by the client when things go wrong..
exn ;; This is an attempt to detect that situation and recover gracefully
(rmt:send-receive 'tasks-add #f (list action owner target runname testpatt params)))
(define (rmt:tasks-set-state-given-param-key param-key new-state)
(rmt:send-receive 'tasks-set-state-given-param-key #f (list param-key new-state)))
(define (rmt:tasks-get-last target runname)
(rmt:send-receive 'tasks-get-last #f (list target runname)))
;; N O S Y N C D B
(define (rmt:no-sync-set var val)
(rmt:send-receive 'no-sync-set #f `(,var ,val)))
(define (rmt:no-sync-get/default var default)
(rmt:send-receive 'no-sync-get/default #f `(,var ,default)))
(define (rmt:no-sync-del! var)
(rmt:send-receive 'no-sync-del! #f `(,var)))
;; A R C H I V E S
(define (rmt:archive-get-allocations testname itempath dneeded)
(rmt:send-receive 'archive-get-allocations #f (list testname itempath dneeded)))
;; Copyright 2006-2016, Matthew Welland.
;; This program is made available under the GNU GPL version 2.0 or
;; greater. See the accompanying file COPYING for details.
;; This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
;; strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S','now','localtime')
(use sqlite3 srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69 dot-locking (srfi 18)
(use (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:) srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69 (srfi 18)
posix-extras directory-utils pathname-expand typed-records format)
(import (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:))
(declare (unit runs))
(declare (uses db))
(declare (uses common))
(declare (uses items))
(declare (uses runconfig))
(declare (uses tests))
(declare (uses server))
(declare (uses mt))
(declare (uses archive))
(declare (uses keys));; (declare (uses filedb))
(include "common_records.scm")
(include "key_records.scm")
(include "db_records.scm")
(include "run_records.scm")
(include "test_records.scm")
(let ((call-chain (get-call-chain))
(msg ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn)))
(if (< count 5)
(begin ;; this call is colliding, do some crude stuff to fix it.
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: *configdat* was inaccessible! This should never happen. Retry #" count)
(launch:setup force-reread: #t)
(fatal-loop (+ count 1)))
(fatal-loop (+ count 1)))
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "FATAL: *configdat* was inaccessible! This should never happen. Retried " count " times. Message: " msg)
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Call chain:")
(with-output-to-port *default-log-port*
(lambda ()(pp call-chain)))
(lambda ()
(print "*configdat* is >>"*configdat*"<<")
(pp *configdat*)
(pp call-chain)))
(exit 1))))
;;(bb-check-path msg: "runs:set-megatest-env-vars block 1.5")
(when (or (not *configdat*) (not (hash-table? *configdat*)))
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: *configdat* was inaccessible! This should never happen. Brute force reread.")
;;(BB> "ERROR: *configdat* was inaccessible! This should never happen. Brute force reread.")
(thread-sleep! 2) ;; assuming nfs lag.
(launch:setup force-reread: #t))
(alist->env-vars (hash-table-ref/default *configdat* "env-override" '())))) ;;;; environment is tainted HERE in this let block.
;;(bb-check-path msg: "runs:set-megatest-env-vars block 2")
;; Lets use this as an opportunity to put MT_RUNNAME in the environment
(let ((runname (if inrunname inrunname (rmt:get-run-name-from-id run-id))))
(if runname
(setenv "MT_RUNNAME" runname)
(debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "no value for runname for id " run-id)))
(set-signal-handler! signal/term sighand))
;; force the starting of a server
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "waiting on server...")
(server:start-and-wait *toppath*)
(runs:set-megatest-env-vars run-id inkeys: keys inrunname: runname) ;; these may be needed by the launching process
(set! runconf (if (file-exists? runconfigf)
(set! runconf (if (common:file-exists? runconfigf)
(setup-env-defaults runconfigf run-id *already-seen-runconfig-info* keyvals target)
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: You do not have a run config file: " runconfigf)
(if (not test-patts) ;; first time in - adjust testpatt
(set! test-patts (common:args-get-testpatt runconf)))
;; if test-patts is #f at this point there is something wrong and we need to bail out
(if (not test-patts)
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: there is no test pattern for this run. Exiting now.")
(exit 0)))
(if (args:get-arg "-tagexpr")
(set! allowed-tests (string-join (runs:get-tests-matching-tags (args:get-arg "-tagexpr")) ","))
(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "filtering initial test list with tagexpr: " (args:get-arg "-tagexpr") " => " allowed-tests)
));; tests will be ANDed with this list
;; register this run in monitor.db
(rmt:set-tests-state-status run-id test-names state status "NOT_STARTED" status)))
;; list of state/status pairs separated by spaces
(string-split (or (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "allow-auto-rerun") "")))))
;; Ensure all tests are registered in the test_meta table
(runs:update-all-test_meta #f)
;; run the run prehook if there are no tests yet run for this run:
(runs:run-pre-hook run-id)
;; now add non-directly referenced dependencies (i.e. waiton)
;; refactoring this block into tests:get-full-data
;; What happended, this code is now duplicated in tests!?
(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: server is overloaded, trying again in one second")
(thread-sleep! 1)
(if (not testdat) ;; should NOT happen
(debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "failed to get test record for test-id " test-id))
(set! test-id (db:test-get-id testdat))
(if (file-exists? test-path)
(if (common:file-exists? test-path)
(change-directory test-path)
(debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "test run path not created before attempting to run the test. Perhaps you are running -remove-runs at the same time?")
(change-directory *toppath*)))
(case (if force ;; (args:get-arg "-force")
(if testdat
(exit 3))
(let (;; (db #f)
(keys #f))
(if (launch:setup)
(full-runconfigs-read) ;; cache the run config
;; (launch:cache-config) ;; there are two independent config cache locations, turning this one off for now. MRW.
(launch:cache-config)) ;; do not cache here - need to be sure runconfigs is processed
) ;; do not cache here - need to be sure runconfigs is processed
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Failed to setup, exiting")
(exit 1)))
(set! keys (keys:config-get-fields *configdat*))
;; have enough to process -target or -reqtarg here
;; Copyright 2006-2012, Matthew Welland.
;; Copyright 2006-2017, Matthew Welland.
;; This program is made available under the GNU GPL version 2.0 or
;; greater. See the accompanying file COPYING for details.
;; This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
(require-extension (srfi 18) extras tcp s11n)
(use srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69 hostinfo md5 message-digest directory-utils posix-extras matchable)(use srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69 hostinfo md5 message-digest directory-utils posix-extras matchable
;; (use zmq) )
(use spiffy uri-common intarweb http-client spiffy-request-vars)
(declare (unit server))
(declare (uses common))
(declare (uses db))
(declare (uses tasks)) ;; tasks are where stuff is maintained about what is running.
(declare (uses synchash))
;; (declare (uses synchash))
(declare (uses http-transport))
(declare (uses rpc-transport));;(declare (uses nmsg-transport))(declare (uses launch))
(declare (uses daemon))
(include "common_records.scm")
(include "db_records.scm")
(define (server:make-server-url hostport)
(if (not hostport)
(conc "http://" (car hostport) ":" (cadr hostport))))
(define *server-loop-heart-beat* (current-seconds))
;; P K T S S T U F F
;; ???
;; S E R V E R
;; Call this to start the actual server
(cons (append serv-rec (list pid)) res))))
(if (null? tal)
(if (and limit
(> (length new-res) limit))
new-res ;; (take new-res limit) <= need intelligent sorting before this will work
(loop (car tal)(cdr tal) new-res)))))))))
(loop (car tal)(cdr tal) new-res)))))))))
(define (server:get-num-alive srvlst)
(let ((num-alive 0))
(lambda (server)
(match-let (((mod-time host port start-time pid)
(let* ((uptime (- (current-seconds) mod-time))
(runtime (if start-time
(- mod-time start-time)
(if (< uptime 5)(set! num-alive (+ num-alive 1))))))
;; given a list of servers get a list of valid servers, i.e. at least
;; 10 seconds old, has started and is less than 1 hour old and is
;; active (i.e. mod-time < 10 seconds
;; mod-time host port start-time pid
(define (open-test-db work-area)
(debug:print-info 11 *default-log-port* "open-test-db " work-area)
(if (and work-area
(directory? work-area)
(file-read-access? work-area))
(let* ((dbpath (conc work-area "/testdat.db"))
(dbexists (file-exists? dbpath))
(dbexists (common:file-exists? dbpath))
(work-area-writeable (file-write-access? work-area))
(db (handle-exceptions ;; open the db if area writeable or db pre-existing. open in-mem otherwise. if exception, open in-mem
(print-call-chain (current-error-port))
(debug:print 2 *default-log-port* "ERROR: problem accessing test db " work-area ", you probably should clean and re-run this test"
((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))
;; (let ((val (hash-table-ref/default otherdat ":first_warn" #f)))
;; (if val
;; (sqlite3:execute db "UPDATE tests SET first_warn=? WHERE run_id=? AND testname=? AND item_path=?;" val run-id test-name item-path)))
(let ((category (hash-table-ref/default otherdat ":category" ""))
(variable (hash-table-ref/default otherdat ":variable" ""))
(value (hash-table-ref/default otherdat ":value" #f))
(expected (hash-table-ref/default otherdat ":expected" #f))
(tol (hash-table-ref/default otherdat ":tol" #f))
(expected (hash-table-ref/default otherdat ":expected" "n/a"))
(tol (hash-table-ref/default otherdat ":tol" "n/a"))
(units (hash-table-ref/default otherdat ":units" ""))
(type (hash-table-ref/default otherdat ":type" ""))
(dcomment (hash-table-ref/default otherdat ":comment" "")))
(debug:print 4 *default-log-port*
"category: " category ", variable: " variable ", value: " value
", expected: " expected ", tol: " tol ", units: " units)
(if (and value expected tol) ;; all three required
(if (and value) ;; require only value; BB was- all three required
(let ((dat (conc category ","
variable ","
value ","
expected ","
tol ","
units ","
dcomment ",," ;; extra comma for status
type )))
;; This was run remote, don't think that makes sense. Perhaps not, but that is the easiest path for the moment.
(rmt:csv->test-data run-id test-id
dat)))) dat)
(thread-sleep! 10) ;; add 10 second delay before quit incase rmt needs time to start a server.
;; need to update the top test record if PASS or FAIL and this is a subtest
;;;;;; (if (not (equal? item-path ""))
;;;;;; (rmt:set-state-status-and-roll-up-items run-id test-name item-path state status #f) ;;;;;)
(if (or (and (string? comment)
(string-match (regexp "\\S+") comment))
testcopycmd cp --remove-destination -rlv TEST_SRC_PATH/. TEST_TARG_PATH/. >> TEST_TARG_PATH/mt_launch.log 2>> TEST_TARG_PATH/mt_launch.log
# launchwait no
launch-delay 0
launch-delay 0.1
runtime 180
# runtime 180
# timeout is in hours, this is how long the server will stay alive when not being used.
timeout 0.1
# All these are overridden in ../fdk.config
# [jobtools]
# launcher nbfake
# launcher bsub -q priority -o $MT_TEST_RUN_DIR/openlava.log
[include ../fdk.config]
# Add additional steps here. Format is "stepname script"
step1 step1.sh
# Test requirements are specified here
waiton bigrun
priority 0
mode itemwait
itemmap .*/
# Iteration for your tests are controlled by the items section
NUMBER #{scheme (string-intersperse (map (lambda (x)(conc "blah/" x)) \
NUMBER #{scheme (string-intersperse (map (lambda (x)(conc (if (getenv "USEBLAH") "blah/" "") x)) \
(map number->string (sort (let loop ((a 0)(res '())) \
(if (<= a (or (any->number (get-environment-variable "NUMTESTS")) 2500)) \
(loop (+ a 1)(cons a res)) res)) <))) " ")}
# test_meta is a section for storing additional data on your test
# this may save a few milliseconds on launching tests
# launchwait no
waivercommentpatt ^WW\d+ [a-z].*
incomplete-timeout 1
# wait 0.5 seconds between launching every process
launch-delay 0.5
# launch-delay 0.5
launch-delay 0
# wait for runs to completely complete. yes, anything else is no
run-wait yes
# If set to "default" the old code is used. Otherwise defaults to 200 or uses
# numeric value given.
SOMEVAR This should show up in SOMEVAR3
QUICK %QUICKPATT test_mt_vars,test2,priority_9
# target based getting of config file, look at afs.config and nfs.config
[include #{getenv fsname}.config]
[include #{getenv MT_RUN_AREA_HOME}/common_runconfigs.config]
# #{system echo 'VACKYVAR #{shell pwd}' > $MT_RUN_AREA_HOME/configs/$USER.config}