Changes In Branch refactor-api Through [82e43c52e7] Excluding Merge-Ins
This is equivalent to a diff from 987788b967 to 82e43c52e7
| ||
22:40 | Merged v1.55 back to dev to start 1.6 series check-in: 15bc2b9ffa user: matt tags: dev | |
| ||
00:12 | Fixed cleaning of steps window after fresh run. Fixd stuck gui on test-panel check-in: 9a62bcf487 user: matt tags: refactor-api | |
| ||
22:04 | Almost 80% on api conversion for test control panel check-in: 82e43c52e7 user: matt tags: refactor-api | |
20:38 | Added some missing files, more bits of new api in place check-in: d1dbb768c6 user: matt tags: refactor-api | |
10:04 | Experimental fix for test panel crash on test delete check-in: 043797f2d2 user: matt tags: refactor-api | |
| ||
12:16 | Oops. Somehow missed the actual merge check-in: 26a3036b68 user: mrwellan tags: v1.55, v1.5509 | |
09:47 | Adding forgotten file check-in: 987788b967 user: matt tags: dev | |
09:24 | Added vars with no value, proper creation of sheets index and dotfile loading to txtdb check-in: 46eb920500 user: matt tags: dev | |
Modified Makefile from [7660beeb07] to [da294d5ac9].
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | # make install CSCOPTS='-accumulate-profile -profile-name $(PWD)/profile-ww$(shell date +%V.%u)' PREFIX=$(PWD) CSCOPTS= INSTALL=install SRCFILES = common.scm items.scm launch.scm \ ods.scm runconfig.scm server.scm configf.scm \ db.scm keys.scm margs.scm megatest-version.scm \ process.scm runs.scm tasks.scm tests.scm genexample.scm \ fs-transport.scm http-transport.scm \ client.scm gutils.scm synchash.scm daemon.scm mt.scm dcommon.scm \ | | | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | # make install CSCOPTS='-accumulate-profile -profile-name $(PWD)/profile-ww$(shell date +%V.%u)' PREFIX=$(PWD) CSCOPTS= INSTALL=install SRCFILES = common.scm items.scm launch.scm \ ods.scm runconfig.scm server.scm configf.scm \ db.scm keys.scm margs.scm megatest-version.scm \ process.scm runs.scm tasks.scm tests.scm genexample.scm \ fs-transport.scm http-transport.scm \ client.scm gutils.scm synchash.scm daemon.scm mt.scm dcommon.scm \ tree.scm rmt.scm api.scm tdb.scm GUISRCF = dashboard-tests.scm dashboard-guimonitor.scm OFILES = $(SRCFILES:%.scm=%.o) GOFILES = $(GUISRCF:%.scm=%.o) ADTLSCR=mt_laststep mt_runstep mt_ezstep |
Added api.scm version [c0c3ff9c7b].
> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 | ;;====================================================================== ;; Copyright 2006-2013, Matthew Welland. ;; ;; This program is made available under the GNU GPL version 2.0 or ;; greater. See the accompanying file COPYING for details. ;; ;; This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the ;; implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ;; PURPOSE. ;;====================================================================== (declare (unit api)) (declare (uses rmt)) (declare (uses db)) ;; These are called by the server on recipt of /api calls (define (api:execute-requests db cmd params) (debug:print-info 1 "api:execute-requests cmd=" cmd " params=" params) (case (string->symbol cmd) ;; KEYS ((get-key-val-pairs) (apply db:get-key-val-pairs db params)) ;; TESTS ;; json doesn't do vectors, convert to list ((get-test-info-by-id) (vector->list (apply db:get-test-info-by-id db params))) ((test-get-rundir-from-test-id) (apply db:test-get-rundir-from-test-id db params)) ((testmeta-get-record) (vector->list (apply db:testmeta-get-record db params))) ;; RUNS ((get-run-info) (let ((res (apply db:get-run-info db params))) (list (vector-ref res 0) (vector->list (vector-ref res 1))))) (else (list "ERROR" 0)))) ;; http-server send-response ;; api:process-request ;; db:* ;; ;; NB// Runs on the server as part of the server loop ;; (define (api:process-request db $) ;; the $ is the request vars proc (let* ((cmd ($ 'cmd)) (paramsj ($ 'params)) (params (rmt:json-str->dat paramsj)) (res (api:execute-requests db cmd params))) (rmt:dat->json-str (if (or (string? res) (list? res) (number? res) (boolean? res)) res (list "ERROR" 1 cmd params res))))) |
Modified dashboard-tests.scm from [fead104ca1] to [90fbf09413].
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 | (use sqlite3 srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69) (import (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:)) (declare (unit dashboard-tests)) (declare (uses common)) (declare (uses db)) (declare (uses gutils)) (include "common_records.scm") (include "db_records.scm") (include "run_records.scm") (define (test-info-panel testdat store-label widgets) (iup:frame | > | 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 | (use sqlite3 srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69) (import (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:)) (declare (unit dashboard-tests)) (declare (uses common)) (declare (uses db)) (declare (uses gutils)) (declare (uses rmt)) (include "common_records.scm") (include "db_records.scm") (include "run_records.scm") (define (test-info-panel testdat store-label widgets) (iup:frame |
203 204 205 206 207 208 209 | (newstatus #f) (newstate #f)) (iup:frame #:title "Set fields" (iup:vbox (iup:hbox (iup:label "Comment:") (iup:textbox #:action (lambda (val a b) | | | | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | | | | | | 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 | (newstatus #f) (newstate #f)) (iup:frame #:title "Set fields" (iup:vbox (iup:hbox (iup:label "Comment:") (iup:textbox #:action (lambda (val a b) (cdb:remote-run db:test-set-state-status-by-id #f test-id #f #f b) (set! newcomment b)) #:value (db:test-get-comment testdat) #:expand "HORIZONTAL")) (apply iup:hbox (iup:label "STATE:" #:size "30x") (let* ((btns (map (lambda (state) (let ((btn (iup:button state #:expand "HORIZONTAL" #:size "50x" #:font "Courier New, -10" #:action (lambda (x) (cdb:remote-run db:test-set-state-status-by-id #f test-id state #f #f) (db:test-set-state! testdat state))))) btn)) (list "COMPLETED" "NOT_STARTED" "RUNNING" "REMOTEHOSTSTART" "KILLED" "KILLREQ")))) (vector-set! *state-status* 0 (lambda (state color) (for-each (lambda (btn) (let* ((name (iup:attribute btn "TITLE")) (newcolor (if (equal? name state) color "192 192 192"))) (if (not (colors-similar? newcolor (iup:attribute btn "BGCOLOR"))) (iup:attribute-set! btn "BGCOLOR" newcolor)))) btns))) btns)) (apply iup:hbox (iup:label "STATUS:" #:size "30x") (let* ((btns (map (lambda (status) (let ((btn (iup:button status #:expand "HORIZONTAL" #:size "50x" #:font "Courier New, -10" #:action (lambda (x) (cdb:remote-run db:test-set-state-status-by-id #f test-id #f status #f) (db:test-set-status! testdat status))))) btn)) (list "PASS" "WARN" "FAIL" "CHECK" "n/a" "WAIVED" "SKIP")))) (vector-set! *state-status* 1 (lambda (status color) (for-each (lambda (btn) (let* ((name (iup:attribute btn "TITLE")) (newcolor (if (equal? name status) color "192 192 192"))) (if (not (colors-similar? newcolor (iup:attribute btn "BGCOLOR"))) (iup:attribute-set! btn "BGCOLOR" newcolor)))) btns))) btns)))))) ;; get a pretty table to summarize steps ;; (define (dashboard-tests:process-steps-table steps);; db test-id #!key (work-area #f)) ;; (let ((steps (db:get-steps-for-test db test-id work-area: work-area))) ;; organise the steps for better readability (let ((res (make-hash-table))) (for-each (lambda (step) (debug:print 6 "step=" step) (let ((record (hash-table-ref/default res (db:step-get-stepname step) ;; stepname start end status Duration Logfile (vector (db:step-get-stepname step) "" "" "" "" "")))) (debug:print 6 "record(before) = " record "\nid: " (db:step-get-id step) "\nstepname: " (db:step-get-stepname step) "\nstate: " (db:step-get-state step) "\nstatus: " (db:step-get-status step) "\ntime: " (db:step-get-event_time step)) (case (string->symbol (db:step-get-state step)) ((start)(vector-set! record 1 (db:step-get-event_time step)) (vector-set! record 3 (if (equal? (vector-ref record 3) "") (db:step-get-status step))) (if (> (string-length (db:step-get-logfile step)) 0) (vector-set! record 5 (db:step-get-logfile step)))) ((end) (vector-set! record 2 (any->number (db:step-get-event_time step))) (vector-set! record 3 (db:step-get-status step)) (vector-set! record 4 (let ((startt (any->number (vector-ref record 1))) (endt (any->number (vector-ref record 2)))) (debug:print 4 "record[1]=" (vector-ref record 1) ", startt=" startt ", endt=" endt ", get-status: " (db:step-get-status step)) (if (and (number? startt)(number? endt)) (seconds->hr-min-sec (- endt startt)) "-1"))) (if (> (string-length (db:step-get-logfile step)) 0) (vector-set! record 5 (db:step-get-logfile step)))) (else (vector-set! record 2 (db:step-get-state step)) (vector-set! record 3 (db:step-get-status step)) (vector-set! record 4 (db:step-get-event_time step)))) (hash-table-set! res (db:step-get-stepname step) record) (debug:print 6 "record(after) = " record "\nid: " (db:step-get-id step) "\nstepname: " (db:step-get-stepname step) "\nstate: " (db:step-get-state step) "\nstatus: " (db:step-get-status step) "\ntime: " (db:step-get-event_time step)))) ;; (else (vector-set! record 1 (db:step-get-event_time step))) (sort steps (lambda (a b) (cond ((< (db:step-get-event_time a)(db:step-get-event_time b)) #t) ((eq? (db:step-get-event_time a)(db:step-get-event_time b)) (< (db:step-get-id a) (db:step-get-id b))) (else #f))))) res)) (define (dashboard-tests:get-compressed-steps test-id #!key (work-area #f)) (if (or (not work-area) (file-exists? (conc work-area "/testdat.db"))) (let* ((steps-data (rmt:get-steps-for-test test-id work-area)) (comprsteps (dashboard-tests:process-steps-table steps-data))) ;; (open-run-close db:get-steps-table #f test-id work-area: work-area))) (map (lambda (x) ;; take advantage of the \n on time->string (vector (vector-ref x 0) (let ((s (vector-ref x 1))) (if (number? s)(seconds->time-string s) s)) (let ((s (vector-ref x 2))) (if (number? s)(seconds->time-string s) s)) (vector-ref x 3) ;; status (vector-ref x 4) (vector-ref x 5))) ;; time delta (sort (hash-table-values comprsteps) (lambda (a b) (let ((time-a (vector-ref a 1)) (time-b (vector-ref b 1))) (if (and (number? time-a)(number? time-b)) (if (< time-a time-b) #t (if (eq? time-a time-b) (string<? (conc (vector-ref a 2)) (conc (vector-ref b 2))) #f)) (string<? (conc time-a)(conc time-b)))))))) '())) ;;====================================================================== ;; ;;====================================================================== (define (examine-test test-id) ;; run-id run-key origtest) (let* ((testdat (rmt:get-test-info-by-id test-id)) (db-path (conc *toppath* "/megatest.db")) (db-mod-time 0) ;; (file-modification-time db-path)) (last-update 0) ;; (current-seconds)) (request-update #t) (db #f)) (if (not testdat) (begin (debug:print 0 "ERROR: No test data found for test " test-id ", exiting") (exit 1)) (let* ((run-id (if testdat (db:test-get-run_id testdat) #f)) (keydat (if testdat (rmt:get-key-val-pairs run-id) #f)) (rundat (if testdat (rmt:get-run-info run-id) #f)) (runname (if testdat (db:get-value-by-header (db:get-row rundat) (db:get-header rundat) "runname") #f)) ;; These next two are intentional bad values to ensure errors if they should not ;; get filled in properly. (logfile "/this/dir/better/not/exist") (rundir logfile) (teststeps (if testdat (dashboard-tests:get-compressed-steps test-id work-area: rundir) '())) (testfullname (if testdat (db:test-get-fullname testdat) "Gathering data ...")) (testname (if testdat (db:test-get-testname testdat) "n/a")) (testmeta (if testdat (let ((tm (rmt:testmeta-get-record testname))) (if tm tm (make-db:testmeta))) (make-db:testmeta))) (keystring (string-intersperse (map (lambda (keyval) ;; (conc ":" (car keyval) " " (cadr keyval))) (cadr keyval)) |
317 318 319 320 321 322 323 | (need-update (or (and (> curr-mod-time db-mod-time) (> (current-seconds) (+ last-update 2))) ;; every two seconds if db touched request-update)) (newtestdat (if need-update (handle-exceptions exn (debug:print-info 2 "test db access issue: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn)) | | | | 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 | (need-update (or (and (> curr-mod-time db-mod-time) (> (current-seconds) (+ last-update 2))) ;; every two seconds if db touched request-update)) (newtestdat (if need-update (handle-exceptions exn (debug:print-info 2 "test db access issue: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn)) (rmt:get-test-info-by-id test-id ))))) (cond ((and need-update newtestdat) (set! testdat newtestdat) (set! teststeps (dashboard-tests:get-compressed-steps test-id work-area: rundir)) (set! logfile (conc (db:test-get-rundir testdat) "/" (db:test-get-final_logf testdat))) (set! rundir (db:test-get-rundir testdat)) (set! testfullname (db:test-get-fullname testdat)) ;; (debug:print 0 "INFO: teststeps=" (intersperse teststeps "\n ")) ) (need-update ;; if this was true and yet there is no data .... (db:test-set-testname! testdat "DEAD OR DELETED TEST")))))) |
494 495 496 497 498 499 500 | (db:test-data-get-value x) (db:test-data-get-expected x) (db:test-data-get-tol x) (db:test-data-get-status x) (db:test-data-get-units x) (db:test-data-get-type x) (db:test-data-get-comment x))) | | | 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 | (db:test-data-get-value x) (db:test-data-get-expected x) (db:test-data-get-tol x) (db:test-data-get-status x) (db:test-data-get-units x) (db:test-data-get-type x) (db:test-data-get-comment x))) (rmt:read-test-data test-id "%"))) "\n"))) (if (not (equal? currval newval)) (iup:attribute-set! test-data "VALUE" newval ))))) ;; "TITLE" newval))))) test-data)) ;;(dashboard:run-controls) ))) (iup:attribute-set! tabs "TABTITLE0" "Steps") |
Modified dashboard.scm from [163e8cf671] to [91e2b07405].
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 | ;; (declare (uses dashboard-main)) (declare (uses megatest-version)) (declare (uses mt)) (include "common_records.scm") (include "db_records.scm") (include "run_records.scm") (define help (conc "Megatest Dashboard, documentation at version " megatest-version " license GPL, Copyright (C) Matt Welland 2013 Usage: dashboard [options] | > | 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 | ;; (declare (uses dashboard-main)) (declare (uses megatest-version)) (declare (uses mt)) (include "common_records.scm") (include "db_records.scm") (include "run_records.scm") (include "megatest-fossil-hash.scm") (define help (conc "Megatest Dashboard, documentation at version " megatest-version " license GPL, Copyright (C) Matt Welland 2013 Usage: dashboard [options] |
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 | (define remargs (args:get-args (argv) (list "-rows" "-run" "-test" "-debug" "-host" ) (list "-h" "-use-server" "-guimonitor" "-main" "-v" "-q" | > | 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 | (define remargs (args:get-args (argv) (list "-rows" "-run" "-test" "-debug" "-host" "-transport" ) (list "-h" "-use-server" "-guimonitor" "-main" "-v" "-q" |
88 89 90 91 92 93 94 | (define *db* #f) ;; (open-db)) (if (args:get-arg "-host") (begin (set! *runremote* (string-split (args:get-arg "-host" ":"))) (client:launch)) | | > | > | 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 | (define *db* #f) ;; (open-db)) (if (args:get-arg "-host") (begin (set! *runremote* (string-split (args:get-arg "-host" ":"))) (client:launch)) (if (args:get-arg "-transport") (begin (set! *transport-type* (string->symbol (args:get-arg "-transport"))) ;; force fs access (client:launch)) (client:launch))) ;; HACK ALERT: this is a hack, please fix. (define *read-only* (not (file-read-access? (conc *toppath* "/megatest.db")))) ;; (client:setup *db*) (define toplevel #f) |
Modified db.scm from [be19e522a9] to [62d66dee17].
866 867 868 869 870 871 872 | keys) (debug:print-info 11 "db:get-key-val-pairs END keys: " keys " run-id: " run-id) (reverse res))) ;; get key vals for a given run-id (define (db:get-key-vals db run-id) (let ((mykeyvals (hash-table-ref/default *keyvals* run-id #f))) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 | keys) (debug:print-info 11 "db:get-key-val-pairs END keys: " keys " run-id: " run-id) (reverse res))) ;; get key vals for a given run-id (define (db:get-key-vals db run-id) (let ((mykeyvals (hash-table-ref/default *keyvals* run-id #f))) (if mykeyvals mykeyvals (let* ((keys (db:get-keys db)) (res '())) (debug:print-info 11 "db:get-key-vals START keys: " keys " run-id: " run-id) (for-each (lambda (key) (let ((qry (conc "SELECT " key " FROM runs WHERE id=?;"))) ;; (debug:print 0 "qry: " qry) (sqlite3:for-each-row (lambda (key-val) (set! res (cons key-val res))) db qry run-id))) keys) (debug:print-info 11 "db:get-key-vals END keys: " keys " run-id: " run-id) (let ((final-res (reverse res))) (hash-table-set! *keyvals* run-id final-res) final-res))))) ;; The target is keyval1/keyval2..., cached in *target* as it is used often (define (db:get-target db run-id) (let ((mytarg (hash-table-ref/default *target* run-id #f))) (if mytarg mytarg (let* ((keyvals (db:get-key-vals db run-id)) |
1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 | (define (cdb:test-set-rundir! serverdat run-id test-name item-path rundir) (cdb:client-call serverdat 'test-set-rundir #t *default-numtries* rundir run-id test-name item-path)) (define (cdb:test-set-rundir-by-test-id serverdat test-id rundir) (cdb:client-call serverdat 'test-set-rundir-by-test-id #t *default-numtries* rundir test-id)) (define (db:test-get-rundir-from-test-id db test-id) | | < < < < | | 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 | (define (cdb:test-set-rundir! serverdat run-id test-name item-path rundir) (cdb:client-call serverdat 'test-set-rundir #t *default-numtries* rundir run-id test-name item-path)) (define (cdb:test-set-rundir-by-test-id serverdat test-id rundir) (cdb:client-call serverdat 'test-set-rundir-by-test-id #t *default-numtries* rundir test-id)) (define (db:test-get-rundir-from-test-id db test-id) (let ((res #f)) (sqlite3:for-each-row (lambda (tpath) (set! res tpath)) db "SELECT rundir FROM tests WHERE id=?;" test-id) res)) (define (cdb:test-set-log! serverdat test-id logf) (if (string? logf)(cdb:client-call serverdat 'test-set-log #f *default-numtries* logf test-id))) ;;====================================================================== ;; Misc. test related queries ;;====================================================================== |
1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 | (debug:print 4 "AFTER2: category: " category " variable: " variable " value: " value ", expected: " expected " tol: " tol " units: " units " status: " status " comment: " comment) (sqlite3:execute tdb "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO test_data (test_id,category,variable,value,expected,tol,units,comment,status,type) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);" test-id category variable value expected tol units (if comment comment "") status type))) csvlist) (sqlite3:finalize! tdb))))) | < < < < < < < < < < < < < < | 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 | (debug:print 4 "AFTER2: category: " category " variable: " variable " value: " value ", expected: " expected " tol: " tol " units: " units " status: " status " comment: " comment) (sqlite3:execute tdb "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO test_data (test_id,category,variable,value,expected,tol,units,comment,status,type) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);" test-id category variable value expected tol units (if comment comment "") status type))) csvlist) (sqlite3:finalize! tdb))))) ;; NOTE: Run this local with #f for db !!! (define (db:load-test-data db test-id #!key (work-area #f)) (let loop ((lin (read-line))) (if (not (eof-object? lin)) (begin (debug:print 4 lin) (db:csv->test-data db test-id lin work-area: work-area) |
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 | ;;====================================================================== ;; S T E P S ;;====================================================================== (define (db:step-get-time-as-string vec) (seconds->time-string (db:step-get-event_time vec))) | < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < | 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 | ;;====================================================================== ;; S T E P S ;;====================================================================== (define (db:step-get-time-as-string vec) (seconds->time-string (db:step-get-event_time vec))) ;; get a pretty table to summarize steps ;; (define (db:get-steps-table-list db test-id #!key (work-area #f)) (let ((steps (db:get-steps-for-test db test-id work-area: work-area))) ;; organise the steps for better readability (let ((res (make-hash-table))) (for-each |
2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 | (cond ((< (db:step-get-event_time a)(db:step-get-event_time b)) #t) ((eq? (db:step-get-event_time a)(db:step-get-event_time b)) (< (db:step-get-id a) (db:step-get-id b))) (else #f))))) res))) | < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < | 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 | (cond ((< (db:step-get-event_time a)(db:step-get-event_time b)) #t) ((eq? (db:step-get-event_time a)(db:step-get-event_time b)) (< (db:step-get-id a) (db:step-get-id b))) (else #f))))) res))) ;;====================================================================== ;; M I S C M A N A G E M E N T I T E M S ;;====================================================================== ;; the new prereqs calculation, looks also at itempath if specified ;; all prereqs must be met: |
Modified http-transport.scm from [389e48a519] to [56910ff5a9].
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | ;; PURPOSE. (require-extension (srfi 18) extras tcp s11n) (use sqlite3 srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69 hostinfo md5 message-digest) (import (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:)) | | | 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | ;; PURPOSE. (require-extension (srfi 18) extras tcp s11n) (use sqlite3 srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69 hostinfo md5 message-digest) (import (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:)) (use spiffy uri-common intarweb http-client spiffy-request-vars intarweb spiffy-directory-listing) ;; Configurations for server (tcp-buffer-size 2048) (max-connections 2048) (declare (unit http-transport)) |
96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 | (vhost-map `(((* any) . ,(lambda (continue) ;; open the db on the first call (if (not db)(set! db (open-db))) (let* (($ (request-vars source: 'both)) (dat ($ 'dat)) (res #f)) (cond ;; This is the /ctrl path where data is handed to the server and ;; responses ((equal? (uri-path (request-uri (current-request))) '(/ "ctrl")) (let* ((packet (db:string->obj dat)) (qtype (cdb:packet-get-qtype packet))) (debug:print-info 12 "server=> received packet=" packet) | > > > > > | 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 | (vhost-map `(((* any) . ,(lambda (continue) ;; open the db on the first call (if (not db)(set! db (open-db))) (let* (($ (request-vars source: 'both)) (dat ($ 'dat)) (res #f)) (cond ((equal? (uri-path (request-uri (current-request))) '(/ "api")) (print "Got api request") (send-response body: (api:process-request db $) ;; the $ is the request vars proc headers: '((content-type text/plain)))) ;; This is the /ctrl path where data is handed to the server and ;; responses ((equal? (uri-path (request-uri (current-request))) '(/ "ctrl")) (let* ((packet (db:string->obj dat)) (qtype (cdb:packet-get-qtype packet))) (debug:print-info 12 "server=> received packet=" packet) |
237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 | (thread-terminate! th2) (debug:print-info 11 "got res=" res) (let ((match (string-search (regexp "<body>(.*)<.body>") res))) (debug:print-info 11 "match=" match) (let ((final (cadr match))) (debug:print-info 11 "final=" final) final))))))) (define (http-transport:client-connect iface port) (let* ((login-res #f) (uri-dat (make-request method: 'POST uri: (uri-reference (conc "http://" iface ":" port "/ctrl")))) | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | | 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 | (thread-terminate! th2) (debug:print-info 11 "got res=" res) (let ((match (string-search (regexp "<body>(.*)<.body>") res))) (debug:print-info 11 "match=" match) (let ((final (cadr match))) (debug:print-info 11 "final=" final) final))))))) ;; Send "cmd" with json payload "params" to serverdat and receive result ;; (define (http-transport:client-api-send-receive serverdat cmd params #!key (numretries 30)) (let* ((fullurl (if (list? serverdat) (cadddr serverdat) ;; this is the uri for /api (begin (debug:print 0 "FATAL ERROR: http-transport:client-send-receive called with no server info") (exit 1)))) (res #f)) (handle-exceptions exn (begin ;; TODO: Send this output to a log file so it isn't lost when running as daemon (print "ERROR IN http-transport:client-send-receive " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn)) (thread-sleep! 2) (if (> numretries 0) (http-transport:client-api-send-receive serverdat cmd params numretries: (- numretries 1)))) (begin (debug:print-info 11 "fullurl=" fullurl "\n") ;; set up the http-client here (max-retry-attempts 5) ;; consider all requests indempotent (retry-request? (lambda (request) #t)) ;; (thread-sleep! (/ (if (> numretries 100) 100 numretries) 10)) ;; (set! numretries (- numretries 1)) ;; #t)) ;; send the data and get the response ;; extract the needed info from the http data and ;; process and return it. ;; (with-input-from-request "http://localhost/echo-service" ;; '((test . "value")) read-string) (let* ((send-recieve (lambda () (mutex-lock! *http-mutex*) (set! res (with-input-from-request fullurl (list (cons 'key "thekey") (cons 'cmd cmd) (cons 'params params)) read-string)) (close-all-connections!) (mutex-unlock! *http-mutex*))) (time-out (lambda () (thread-sleep! 45) (if (not res) (begin (debug:print 0 "WARNING: communication with the server timed out.") (mutex-unlock! *http-mutex*) (http-transport:client-api-send-receive serverdat cmd params numretries: (- numretries 1)) (if (< numretries 3) ;; on last try just exit (begin (debug:print 0 "ERROR: communication with the server timed out. Giving up.") (exit 1))))))) (th1 (make-thread send-recieve "with-input-from-request")) (th2 (make-thread time-out "time out"))) (thread-start! th1) (thread-start! th2) (thread-join! th1) (thread-terminate! th2) (debug:print-info 11 "got res=" res) res))))) (define (http-transport:client-connect iface port) (let* ((login-res #f) (uri-dat (make-request method: 'POST uri: (uri-reference (conc "http://" iface ":" port "/ctrl")))) (uri-api-dat (make-request method: 'POST uri: (uri-reference (conc "http://" iface ":" port "/api")))) (serverdat (list iface port uri-dat uri-api-dat))) (set! login-res (client:login serverdat)) (if (and (not (null? login-res)) (car login-res)) (begin (debug:print-info 2 "Logged in and connected to " iface ":" port) (set! *runremote* serverdat) serverdat) |
Modified megatest.scm from [d8bccf0232] to [c8be4d1399].
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 | (declare (uses launch)) (declare (uses server)) (declare (uses client)) (declare (uses tests)) (declare (uses genexample)) (declare (uses daemon)) (declare (uses db)) (define *db* #f) ;; this is only for the repl, do not use in general!!!! (include "common_records.scm") (include "key_records.scm") (include "db_records.scm") (include "run_records.scm") | > > | 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 | (declare (uses launch)) (declare (uses server)) (declare (uses client)) (declare (uses tests)) (declare (uses genexample)) (declare (uses daemon)) (declare (uses db)) (declare (uses mt)) (declare (uses api)) (define *db* #f) ;; this is only for the repl, do not use in general!!!! (include "common_records.scm") (include "key_records.scm") (include "db_records.scm") (include "run_records.scm") |
Modified mt.scm from [0026287ae9] to [1433b9fcba].
83 84 85 86 87 88 89 | full-list)))) (define (mt:get-prereqs-not-met run-id waitons ref-item-path #!key (mode 'normal)) (db:get-prereqs-not-met run-id waitons ref-item-path mode: mode)) (define (mt:get-run-stats) (cdb:remote-run db:get-run-stats #f)) | > > > > > | 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 | full-list)))) (define (mt:get-prereqs-not-met run-id waitons ref-item-path #!key (mode 'normal)) (db:get-prereqs-not-met run-id waitons ref-item-path mode: mode)) (define (mt:get-run-stats) (cdb:remote-run db:get-run-stats #f)) ;;====================================================================== ;; S T E P S ;;====================================================================== |
Added rmt.scm version [706a072116].
> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 | ;;====================================================================== ;; Copyright 2006-2013, Matthew Welland. ;; ;; This program is made available under the GNU GPL version 2.0 or ;; greater. See the accompanying file COPYING for details. ;; ;; This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the ;; implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ;; PURPOSE. ;;====================================================================== (use json) (declare (unit rmt)) (declare (uses api)) (declare (uses tdb)) (declare (uses http-transport)) ;; ;; THESE ARE ALL CALLED ON THE CLIENT SIDE!!! ;; ;;====================================================================== ;; S U P P O R T F U N C T I O N S ;;====================================================================== ;; cmd is a symbol ;; vars is a json string encoding the parameters for the call ;; (define (rmt:send-receive cmd params) (case *transport-type* ((fs) (debug:print 0 "ERROR: Not yet (re)supported") (exit 1)) ((http) (let* ((jparams (rmt:dat->json-str params)) (res (http-transport:client-api-send-receive *runremote* cmd jparams))) (if res (rmt:json-str->dat res) (begin (debug:print 0 "ERROR: Bad value from http-transport:client-api-send-receive " res) #f)) )) (else (debug:print 0 "ERROR: Transport not yet (re)supported") (exit 1)))) ;; Wrap json library for strings (why the ports crap in the first place?) (define (rmt:dat->json-str dat) (with-output-to-string (lambda () (json-write dat)))) (define (rmt:json-str->dat json-str) (with-input-from-string json-str (lambda () (json-read)))) ;;====================================================================== ;; ;; A C T U A L A P I C A L L S ;; ;;====================================================================== ;;====================================================================== ;; K E Y S ;;====================================================================== (define (rmt:get-key-val-pairs run-id) (rmt:send-receive 'get-key-val-pairs (list run-id))) ;;====================================================================== ;; T E S T S ;;====================================================================== (define (rmt:get-test-info-by-id test-id) (list->vector (rmt:send-receive 'get-test-info-by-id (list test-id)))) (define (rmt:test-get-rundir-from-test-id test-id) (rmt:send-receive 'test-get-rundir-from-test-id (list test-id))) (define (rmt:open-test-db-by-test-id test-id #!key (work-area #f)) (let* ((test-path (if (string? work-area) work-area (rmt:test-get-rundir-from-test-id test-id)))) (debug:print 3 "TEST PATH: " test-path) (open-test-db test-path))) (define (rmt:testmeta-get-record testname) (list->vector (rmt:send-receive 'testmeta-get-record (list testname)))) ;;====================================================================== ;; R U N S ;;====================================================================== (define (rmt:get-run-info run-id) (let ((res (rmt:send-receive 'get-run-info (list run-id)))) (vector (car res) (list->vector (cadr res))))) ;;====================================================================== ;; S T E P S ;;====================================================================== ;; Getting steps is more complicated. ;; ;; If given work area ;; 1. Find the testdat.db file ;; 2. Open the testdat.db file and do the query ;; If not given the work area ;; 1. Do a remote call to get the test path ;; 2. Continue as above ;; (define (rmt:get-steps-for-test test-id #!key (work-area #f)) (let* ((tdb (rmt:open-test-db-by-test-id test-id work-area: work-area))) (if tdb (tdb:get-steps-data tdb test-id) '()))) ;;====================================================================== ;; T E S T D A T A ;;====================================================================== (define (rmt:read-test-data test-id categorypatt #!key (work-area #f)) (let ((tdb (rmt:open-test-db-by-test-id test-id work-area: work-area))) (if tdb (tdb:read-test-data tdb test-id categorypatt) '()))) |
Added rmtdb.scm version [afdb905959].
> > > > > > > > > > > | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | ;;====================================================================== ;; Copyright 2006-2013, Matthew Welland. ;; ;; This program is made available under the GNU GPL version 2.0 or ;; greater. See the accompanying file COPYING for details. ;; ;; This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the ;; implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ;; PURPOSE. ;;====================================================================== |
Modified runs.scm from [1b46e2afce] to [b71546766a].
906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 | (define (get-dir-up-n dir . params) (let ((dparts (string-split dir "/")) (count (if (null? params) 1 (car params)))) (conc "/" (string-intersperse (take dparts (- (length dparts) count)) "/")))) ;; Remove runs ;; fields are passing in through ;; action: ;; 'remove-runs ;; 'set-state-status ;; ;; NB// should pass in keys? | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 | (define (get-dir-up-n dir . params) (let ((dparts (string-split dir "/")) (count (if (null? params) 1 (car params)))) (conc "/" (string-intersperse (take dparts (- (length dparts) count)) "/")))) (define (runs:recursive-delete-with-error-msg real-dir) (if (> (system (conc "rm -rf " real-dir)) 0) (debug:print 0 "ERROR: There was a problem removing " real-dir " with rm -f"))) (define (runs:safe-delete-test-dir real-dir) ;; first delete all sub-directories (directory-fold (lambda (f x) (let ((fullname (conc real-dir "/" f))) (if (directory? fullname)(runs:recursive-delete-with-error-msg fullname))) (+ 1 x)) 0 real-dir) ;; then files other than *testdat.db* (directory-fold (lambda (f x) (let ((fullname (conc real-dir "/" f))) (if (not (string-search (regexp "testdat.db") f)) (runs:recursive-delete-with-error-msg fullname))) (+ 1 x)) 0 real-dir) ;; then the entire directory (runs:recursive-delete-with-error-msg real-dir)) ;; Remove runs ;; fields are passing in through ;; action: ;; 'remove-runs ;; 'set-state-status ;; ;; NB// should pass in keys? |
987 988 989 990 991 992 993 | (test-fulln (db:test-get-fullname new-test-dat))) (case action ((remove-runs) (debug:print-info 0 "test: " test-name " itest-state: " test-state) (if (member test-state (list "RUNNING" "LAUNCHED" "REMOTEHOSTSTART" "KILLREQ")) (begin (if (not (hash-table-ref/default test-retry-time test-fulln #f)) | > > | | | < | 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 | (test-fulln (db:test-get-fullname new-test-dat))) (case action ((remove-runs) (debug:print-info 0 "test: " test-name " itest-state: " test-state) (if (member test-state (list "RUNNING" "LAUNCHED" "REMOTEHOSTSTART" "KILLREQ")) (begin (if (not (hash-table-ref/default test-retry-time test-fulln #f)) (begin ;; want to set to REMOVING BUT CANNOT do it here? (hash-table-set! test-retry-time test-fulln (current-seconds)))) (if (> (- (current-seconds)(hash-table-ref test-retry-time test-fulln)) allow-run-time) ;; This test is not in a correct state for cleaning up. Let's try some graceful shutdown steps first ;; Set the test to "KILLREQ" and wait five seconds then try again. Repeat up to five times then give ;; up and blow it away. (begin (debug:print 0 "WARNING: could not gracefully remove test " test-fulln ", tried to kill it to no avail. Forcing state to FAILEDKILL and continuing") (cdb:remote-run db:test-set-state-status-by-id db (db:test-get-id test) "FAILEDKILL" "n/a" #f) (thread-sleep! 1)) (begin (cdb:remote-run db:test-set-state-status-by-id db (db:test-get-id test) "KILLREQ" "n/a" #f) (thread-sleep! 1))) ;; NOTE: This is suboptimal as the testdata will be used later and the state/status may have changed ... (if (null? tal) (loop new-test-dat tal) (loop (car tal)(append tal (list new-test-dat))))) (begin (cdb:remote-run db:test-set-state-status-by-id db (db:test-get-id test) "REMOVING" "LOCKED" #f) (debug:print-info 1 "Attempting to remove " (if real-dir (conc " dir " real-dir " and ") "") " link " run-dir) (if (and real-dir (> (string-length real-dir) 5) (file-exists? real-dir)) ;; bad heuristic but should prevent /tmp /home etc. (begin ;; let* ((realpath (resolve-pathname run-dir))) (debug:print-info 1 "Recursively removing " real-dir) (if (file-exists? real-dir) (runs:safe-delete-test-dir real-dir) (debug:print 0 "WARNING: test dir " real-dir " appears to not exist or is not readable"))) (if real-dir (debug:print 0 "WARNING: directory " real-dir " does not exist") (debug:print 0 "WARNING: no real directory corrosponding to link " run-dir ", nothing done"))) (if (symbolic-link? run-dir) (begin (debug:print-info 1 "Removing symlink " run-dir) |
1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 | exn (debug:print 0 "ERROR: Failed to remove directory " run-dir ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn) ", attempting to continue") (delete-directory run-dir))) (if run-dir (debug:print 0 "WARNING: not removing " run-dir " as it either doesn't exist or is not a symlink") (debug:print 0 "NOTE: the run dir for this test is undefined. Test may have already been deleted.")) )) (if (not (null? tal)) (loop (car tal)(cdr tal)))))) ((set-state-status) (debug:print-info 2 "new state " (car state-status) ", new status " (cadr state-status)) (cdb:remote-run db:test-set-state-status-by-id db (db:test-get-id test) (car state-status)(cadr state-status) #f) (if (not (null? tal)) (loop (car tal)(cdr tal)))) | > > | 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 | exn (debug:print 0 "ERROR: Failed to remove directory " run-dir ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn) ", attempting to continue") (delete-directory run-dir))) (if run-dir (debug:print 0 "WARNING: not removing " run-dir " as it either doesn't exist or is not a symlink") (debug:print 0 "NOTE: the run dir for this test is undefined. Test may have already been deleted.")) )) ;; Only delete the records *after* removing the directory. If things fail we have a record (cdb:remote-run db:delete-test-records db #f (db:test-get-id test)) (if (not (null? tal)) (loop (car tal)(cdr tal)))))) ((set-state-status) (debug:print-info 2 "new state " (car state-status) ", new status " (cadr state-status)) (cdb:remote-run db:test-set-state-status-by-id db (db:test-get-id test) (car state-status)(cadr state-status) #f) (if (not (null? tal)) (loop (car tal)(cdr tal)))) |
Added tdb.scm version [f240d1fcf7].
> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 | ;;====================================================================== ;; Copyright 2006-2013, Matthew Welland. ;; ;; This program is made available under the GNU GPL version 2.0 or ;; greater. See the accompanying file COPYING for details. ;; ;; This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the ;; implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ;; PURPOSE. ;;====================================================================== ;;====================================================================== ;; Database access ;;====================================================================== (require-extension (srfi 18) extras tcp) ;; rpc) ;; (import (prefix rpc rpc:)) (use sqlite3 srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69 csv-xml s11n md5 message-digest base64) (import (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:)) (import (prefix base64 base64:)) ;; Note, try to remove this dependency ;; (use zmq) (declare (unit tdb)) (declare (uses common)) (declare (uses keys)) (declare (uses ods)) (declare (uses fs-transport)) (declare (uses client)) (declare (uses mt)) (include "common_records.scm") (include "db_records.scm") (include "key_records.scm") (include "run_records.scm") ;;====================================================================== ;; ;; T E S T D A T A B A S E S ;; ;;====================================================================== (define (tdb:get-steps-data tdb test-id) (let ((res '())) (sqlite3:for-each-row (lambda (id test-id stepname state status event-time logfile) (set! res (cons (vector id test-id stepname state status event-time (if (string? logfile) logfile "")) res))) tdb "SELECT id,test_id,stepname,state,status,event_time,logfile FROM test_steps WHERE test_id=? ORDER BY id ASC;" ;; event_time DESC,id ASC; test-id) (sqlite3:finalize! tdb) (reverse res))) (define (tdb:read-test-data tdb test-id categorypatt) (let ((res '())) (sqlite3:for-each-row (lambda (id test_id category variable value expected tol units comment status type) (set! res (cons (vector id test_id category variable value expected tol units comment status type) res))) tdb "SELECT id,test_id,category,variable,value,expected,tol,units,comment,status,type FROM test_data WHERE test_id=? AND category LIKE ? ORDER BY category,variable;" test-id categorypatt) (sqlite3:finalize! tdb) (reverse res))) |