
Changes On Branch e748d20487bc4df5

Changes In Branch v1.65-real-new-runs-view Through [e748d20487] Excluding Merge-Ins

This is equivalent to a diff from 405c573a88 to e748d20487

Missing dep. check-in: 80a01976f7 user: matt tags: v1.65-real
Missing function check-in: 9e26eb744c user: matt tags: v1.65-real-new-runs-view
Added back couple missed fucntions for ezsteps check-in: e748d20487 user: matt tags: v1.65-real-new-runs-view
regression on area-dat partial work. caused ever growing open files. Might not be entirely fixed but this seemed to help check-in: bc457c7b22 user: matt tags: v1.65-real-new-runs-view
New runs view check-in: 6401245dc8 user: matt tags: v1.65-real-new-runs-view
Oops. Dropped a function. Added it back... check-in: 405c573a88 user: matt tags: v1.65-real
Synced minor changes from modularized v1.6569-mult-db-wip branch check-in: f8657e116c user: matt tags: v1.65-real

Modified Makefile from [0054ab478f] to [053fff40fb].    [diff]

Modified api.scm from [7029eb2f68] to [d5cec96c4e].    [diff]

Modified apimod.scm from [a7cef484dc] to [62658751f7].    [diff]

Modified archive.scm from [35b9e5966e] to [15a0ae937f].    [diff]

Modified client.scm from [dc4c7b41e8] to [d550770e12].    [diff]

Modified common.scm from [82673dacdb] to [e104413238].    [diff]

Modified common_records.scm from [80f9e14f2d] to [e4251bc312].    [diff]

Modified commonmod.scm from [9423abd515] to [fabb765ce1].    [diff]

Modified configf.scm from [15f0835800] to [f2e46e7780].    [diff]

Added configfmod.scm version [16f9252379].

Modified dashboard-context-menu.scm from [48947370a7] to [0d8fd70425].    [diff]

Modified dashboard-guimonitor.scm from [9920d4908c] to [fb51e18df9].    [diff]

Added dashboard-new-runs-view.scm version [3d8dfdd127].

Modified dashboard-tests.scm from [237d160a6c] to [be4fe6285f].    [diff]

Modified dashboard.scm from [065c30d7e0] to [674a0ca61d].    [diff]

Modified db.scm from [ed256dd44f] to [a8f36ca69a].    [diff]

Modified dbmod.scm from [2029a02dc3] to [3f7ad852eb].    [diff]

Modified dcommon.scm from [dbcf309f44] to [e4f3926d50].    [diff]

Added dcommonmod.scm version [e4e80f0a05].

Modified diff-report.scm from [722e4fdcd5] to [03502cd2bf].    [diff]

Modified docs/manual/Makefile from [ec9633c3d9] to [43d7d87a44].    [diff]

Modified docs/manual/megatest_manual.html from [a02a70016f] to [fdd645b09f].    [diff]

Modified docs/manual/ from [3e029f5fe5] to [523e79953d].    [diff]

Modified docs/manual/server.png from [ae7d7ee58e] to [76af712a05].    [diff]

Modified env.scm from [028e47144f] to [dfbf91100a].    [diff]

Modified ezsteps.scm from [5de5d166c7] to [fd3c642425].    [diff]

Modified fs-transport.scm from [d1050dcefe] to [094d0befba].    [diff]

Modified genexample.scm from [c6a2ab2853] to [25924e53ee].    [diff]

Modified http-transport.scm from [2202b22e9f] to [1ced6f64e6].    [diff]

Modified index-tree.scm from [10c620fbfc] to [e2f065e1c8].    [diff]

Modified items.scm from [16328a4b96] to [c9b6afabe6].    [diff]

Modified key_records.scm from [0f706e37f0] to [8cb99c889a].    [diff]

Modified keys.scm from [9fa2c0cfa5] to [82b1675b29].    [diff]

Modified launch.scm from [7e65ac64d4] to [05ec7cefc2].    [diff]

Modified lock-queue.scm from [21543b63ce] to [e12825ce7c].    [diff]

Modified megatest.scm from [35ed864745] to [8e862aec17].    [diff]

Added mofiles/README version [9c3858647c].

Modified mt.scm from [e9055c2687] to [c12acb87b8].    [diff]

Added mtconfigf.scm version [dd571ebac6].

Added mtconfigf/Makefile version [b67298756b].

Added mtconfigf/mtconfigf.meta version [9fb56292e9].

Added mtconfigf/mtconfigf.scm version [1f14c46c82].

Added mtconfigf/mtconfigf.setup version [14a686d751].

Added mtconfigf/tests/run.scm version [f0fc4f2f77].

Added mtconfigf/tests/test.config version [3d5375a8d9].

Added mtconfigf/tests/test2.config version [18058f78ed].

Added mtconfigf/tests/test3.config version [3f1e49e30c].

Modified mtexec.scm from [6016ee8684] to [582cd76cba].    [diff]

Modified mtut.scm from [ead30f316f] to [f14475ff21].    [diff]

Modified newdashboard.scm from [3cc17ecae4] to [07464037c8].    [diff]

Modified ods.scm from [42e94b826f] to [e27f3d7ece].    [diff]

Modified portlogger.scm from [36a4964f50] to [20f479e9c6].    [diff]

Modified process.scm from [f9dfbe5500] to [ed857158db].    [diff]

Modified rmt.scm from [ed2cbd88f2] to [d1560d8558].    [diff]

Modified rmtmod.scm from [4f89f84546] to [9242f5462c].    [diff]

Modified runconfig.scm from [66b9c38588] to [5fc8095c21].    [diff]

Modified runs.scm from [2583922f1c] to [680ea57b0e].    [diff]

Modified server.scm from [5b645d5dff] to [37237a3d19].    [diff]

Added servermod.scm version [6b7ac0b729].

Modified subrun.scm from [bd1952a98c] to [58d9ebfc99].    [diff]

Modified synchash.scm from [6d4566e942] to [ea42164096].    [diff]

Modified tasks.scm from [a73c5b318e] to [2d959c8f92].    [diff]

Modified tcmt.scm from [6658a745e5] to [d89fbc3238].    [diff]

Modified tdb.scm from [6edff6262d] to [265cbd519f].    [diff]

Modified tests.scm from [58a365a2ab] to [7cdd6fc78c].    [diff]

Modified tests/unittests/all-api.scm from [60bcb491ab] to [6967a9bad5].    [diff]

Modified tests/unittests/all-rmt.scm from [3c7b17d5c4] to [d412942bee].    [diff]

Modified tree.scm from [5b84d6f782] to [0b31cedbd5].    [diff]