(tests:testqueue-set-item_path! new-test-record my-item-path)
(hash-table-set! test-records newtestname new-test-record)
(set! tal (cons newtestname tal)))))) ;; since these are itemized create new test names testname/itempath
;; At this point we have possibly added items to tal but all must be handed off to
;; INNER COND logic. I think loop without rotating the queue
;; (loop hed tal reg reruns))
(let ((newtal (append tal (list hed))))
(loop (car newtal)(cdr newtal) reg reruns)))
;; (let ((newtal (append tal (list hed)))) ;; We should discard hed as it has been expanded into it's items?
;; (loop (car newtal)(cdr newtal) reg reruns)) ;; )
(loop (car tal)(cdr tal) reg reruns))
;; if items is a proc then need to run items:get-items-from-config, get the list and loop
;; - but only do that if resources exist to kick off the job
((or (procedure? items)(eq? items 'have-procedure))
(debug:print-info 4 "INNER COND: (or (procedure? items)(eq? items 'have-procedure))")
(let ((can-run-more (runs:can-run-more-tests jobgroup max-concurrent-jobs)))
(if (and (list? can-run-more)