Index: mtut.scm ================================================================== --- mtut.scm +++ mtut.scm @@ -55,36 +55,42 @@ (define help (conc " mtutil, part of the Megatest tool suite, documentation at version " megatest-version " license GPL, Copyright Matt Welland 2006-2017 -Usage: mtutil [options] +Usage: mtutil action [options] -h : this help -manual : show the Megatest user manual -version : print megatest version (currently " megatest-version ") -Launching and managing runs - -action run|remove|rerun : register action for processing - Actions: setss (set state/status), archive, kill (stop tests or runs) +Actions include: + run : initial runs + remove : remove runs + rerun : register action for processing + set-ss : set state/status + archive : compress and move test data to archive disk + kill : stop tests or entire runs Selectors - -target key1/key2/... : run for key1, key2, etc. - -testpatt p1/p2,p3/... : % is wildcard - -runname : required, name for this particular test run - -state : Applies to runs, tests or steps depending on context - -status : Applies to runs, tests or steps depending on context - -modepatt key : load testpatt from in runconfigs instead of default TESTPATT if -testpatt and -tagexpr are not specified - -tagexpr tag1,tag2%,.. : select tests with tags matching expression + -action-mode immediate|queued : apply this action after other actions or immediately + -area areapatt1,area2... : apply this action only to the specified areas + -target key1/key2/... : run for key1, key2, etc. + -test-patt p1/p2,p3/... : % is wildcard + -run-name : required, name for this particular test run + -state-status c/p,c/f : Specify a list of state and status patterns + -mode-patt key : load testpatt from in runconfigs instead of default TESTPATT + if -testpatt and -tagexpr are not specified + -tag-expr tag1,tag2%,.. : select tests with tags matching expression Misc - -start-dir path : switch to this directory before running mtutil - -setvars VAR1=val1,VAR2=val2 : Add environment variables to a run NB// these are + -start-dir path : switch to this directory before running mtutil + -set-vars V1=1,V2=2 : Add environment variables to a run NB// these are overwritten by values set in config files. - -log logfile : send stdout and stderr to logfile - -repl : start a repl (useful for extending megatest) - -load file.scm : load and run file.scm - -debug N|N,M,O... : enable debug 0-N or N and M and O ... + -log logfile : send stdout and stderr to logfile + -repl : start a repl (useful for extending megatest) + -load file.scm : load and run file.scm + -debug N|N,M,O... : enable debug messages 0-N or N and M and O ... Examples: # Start a megatest run in the area \"mytests\" mtutil -area mytests -action run -target v1.63/aa3e -modepatt MYPATT -tagexpr quick