Index: Makefile
--- Makefile
+++ Makefile
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@
process.scm runs.scm tasks.scm tests.scm genexample.scm \
http-transport.scm filedb.scm \
client.scm synchash.scm daemon.scm mt.scm \
ezsteps.scm lock-queue.scm sdb.scm \
rmt.scm api.scm tdb.scm rpc-transport.scm \
- portlogger.scm archive.scm env.scm
+ portlogger.scm archive.scm env.scm diff-report.scm
# Eggs to install (straightforward ones)
EGGS=matchable readline apropos base64 regex-literals format regex-case test coops trace csv \
dot-locking posix-utils posix-extras directory-utils hostinfo tcp-server rpc csv-xml fmt \
json md5 awful http-client spiffy uri-common intarweb spiffy-request-vars \
Index: client.scm
--- client.scm
+++ client.scm
@@ -50,13 +50,13 @@
((zmq) (zmq:client-connect iface port))
(else (rpc:client-connect iface port))))
(define (client:setup areapath #!key (remaining-tries 100) (failed-connects 0))
(case (server:get-transport)
- ((rpc) (rpc-transport:client-setup run-id remaining-tries: remaining-tries failed-connects: failed-connects)) ;;(client:setup-rpc run-id))
+ ((rpc) (rpc-transport:client-setup remaining-tries: remaining-tries failed-connects: failed-connects)) ;;(client:setup-rpc run-id))
((http)(client:setup-http areapath remaining-tries: remaining-tries failed-connects: failed-connects))
- (else (rpc-transport:client-setup run-id remaining-tries: remaining-tries failed-connects: failed-connects)))) ;; (client:setup-rpc run-id))))
+ (else (rpc-transport:client-setup remaining-tries: remaining-tries failed-connects: failed-connects)))) ;; (client:setup-rpc run-id))))
;; Do all the connection work, look up the transport type and set up the
;; connection if required.
;; There are two scenarios.
@@ -67,11 +67,11 @@
;; client:setup
;; lookup_server, need to remove *runremote* stuff
-(define (client:setup-http areapath #!key (remaining-tries 100) (failed-connects 0))
+(define (client:setup-http areapath #!key (remaining-tries 100) (failed-connects 0)(area-dat #f))
(debug:print-info 2 *default-log-port* "client:setup remaining-tries=" remaining-tries)
(server:start-and-wait areapath)
(if (<= remaining-tries 0)
(debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "failed to start or connect to server")
@@ -78,33 +78,36 @@
(exit 1))
;; Alternatively here, we can get the list of candidate servers and work our way
;; through them searching for a good one.
- (let* ((server-dat (server:get-first-best areapath)))
+ (let* ((server-dat (server:get-first-best areapath))
+ (runremote (or area-dat *runremote*)))
(if (not server-dat) ;; no server found
(client:setup-http areapath remaining-tries: (- remaining-tries 1))
(let ((host (cadr server-dat))
(port (caddr server-dat)))
(debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "client:setup server-dat=" server-dat ", remaining-tries=" remaining-tries)
- (if (not *runremote*)(set! *runremote* (make-remote)))
+ (if (and (not area-dat)
+ (not *runremote*))
+ (set! *runremote* (make-remote)))
(if (and host port)
(let* ((start-res (case *transport-type*
((http)(http-transport:client-connect host port))))
(ping-res (case *transport-type*
((http)(rmt:login-no-auto-client-setup start-res)))))
(if (and start-res
- (remote-conndat-set! *runremote* start-res) ;; (hash-table-set! *runremote* run-id start-res)
+ (remote-conndat-set! runremote start-res) ;; (hash-table-set! runremote run-id start-res)
(debug:print-info 2 *default-log-port* "connected to " (http-transport:server-dat-make-url start-res))
(begin ;; login failed but have a server record, clean out the record and try again
(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "client:setup, login failed, will attempt to start server ... start-res=" start-res ", run-id=" run-id ", server-dat=" server-dat)
(case *transport-type*
- ((http)(http-transport:close-connections run-id)))
- (remote-conndat-set! *runremote* #f) ;; (hash-table-delete! *runremote* run-id)
+ ((http)(http-transport:close-connections)))
+ (remote-conndat-set! runremote #f) ;; (hash-table-delete! runremote run-id)
(thread-sleep! 1)
(client:setup-http areapath remaining-tries: (- remaining-tries 1))
(begin ;; no server registered
(server:kind-run areapath)
Index: common.scm
--- common.scm
+++ common.scm
@@ -590,11 +590,11 @@
(thread-sleep! 0.05) ;; delay for startup
(let ((legacy-sync (common:run-sync?))
(debug-mode (debug:debug-mode 1))
(last-time (current-seconds))
(this-wd-num (begin (mutex-lock! *wdnum*mutex) (let ((x *wdnum*)) (set! *wdnum* (add1 *wdnum*)) (mutex-unlock! *wdnum*mutex) x))))
- (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "watchdog starting. legacy-sync is " legacy-sync" pid="(current-process-id)" this-wd-num="this-wd-num)
+ (debug:print-info 3 *default-log-port* "watchdog starting. legacy-sync is " legacy-sync" pid="(current-process-id)" this-wd-num="this-wd-num)
(if (and legacy-sync (not *time-to-exit*))
(let* ((dbstruct (db:setup))
(mtdb (dbr:dbstruct-mtdb dbstruct))
(mtpath (db:dbdat-get-path mtdb)))
(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Server running, periodic sync started.")
@@ -750,11 +750,11 @@
;; (map print (map car (hash-table->alist (read-config "runconfigs.config" #f #t))))
(define (common:get-runconfig-targets #!key (configf #f))
(let ((targs (sort (map car (hash-table->alist
- (or configf
+ (or configf ;; NOTE: There is no value in using runconfig:read here.
(read-config (conc *toppath* "/runconfigs.config")
#f #t)
(target-patt (args:get-arg "-target")))
Index: configf.scm
--- configf.scm
+++ configf.scm
@@ -177,20 +177,46 @@
(and (or (equal? "default" section)
(member section sections))
allow-system) ;; account for sections and return allow-system as it might be a symbol such as return-strings
+;; given a config hash and a section name, apply that section to all matching sections (using wildcard % or regex if /..../)
+;; remove the section when done so that there is no downstream clobbering
+(define (configf:apply-wildcards ht section-name)
+ (if (hash-table-exists? ht section-name)
+ (let ((vars (hash-table-ref ht section-name))
+ (rx (regexp (if (string-contains section-name "%")
+ (string-substitute section-name "%" ".*")
+ section-name))))
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (section)
+ (if (and section-name
+ section
+ (not (string=? section-name section))
+ (string-match rx section))
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (bundle)
+ (let ((key (car bundle))
+ (val (cadr bundle))
+ (meta (if (> (length bundle) 2)(caddr bundle) #f)))
+ (hash-table-set! ht section (config:assoc-safe-add (hash-table-ref ht section) key val metadata: meta))))
+ vars)))
+ (hash-table-keys ht))))
+ ht)
;; read a config file, returns hash table of alists
;; read a config file, returns hash table of alists
;; adds to ht if given (must be #f otherwise)
;; envion-patt is a regex spec that identifies sections that will be eval'd
;; in the environment on the fly
;; sections: #f => get all, else list of sections to gather
;; post-section-procs alist of section-pattern => proc, where: (proc section-name next-section-name ht curr-path)
+;; apply-wildcards: #t/#f - apply vars from targets with % wildcards to all matching sections
-(define (read-config path ht allow-system #!key (environ-patt #f)(curr-section #f)(sections #f)(settings (make-hash-table))(keep-filenames #f)(post-section-procs '()))
+(define (read-config path ht allow-system #!key (environ-patt #f)(curr-section #f)(sections #f)(settings (make-hash-table))(keep-filenames #f)(post-section-procs '())(apply-wildcards #t))
(debug:print-info 5 *default-log-port* "read-config " path " allow-system " allow-system " environ-patt " environ-patt " curr-section: " curr-section " sections: " sections " pwd: " (current-directory))
(debug:print 9 *default-log-port* "START: " path)
(if (and (not (port? path))
(not (file-exists? path))) ;; for case where we are handed a port
@@ -201,18 +227,27 @@
(open-input-file path)
path)) ;; we can be handed a port
(res (if (not ht)(make-hash-table) ht))
(metapath (if (or (debug:debug-mode 9)
- path #f)))
+ path #f))
+ (process-wildcards (lambda (res curr-section-name)
+ (if (and apply-wildcards
+ (or (string-contains curr-section-name "%") ;; wildcard
+ (string-match "/.*/" curr-section-name))) ;; regex
+ (begin
+ (configf:apply-wildcards res curr-section-name)
+ (hash-table-delete! res curr-section-name)))))) ;; NOTE: if the section is a wild card it will be REMOVED from res
(let loop ((inl (configf:read-line inp res (calc-allow-system allow-system curr-section sections) settings)) ;; (read-line inp))
(curr-section-name (if curr-section curr-section "default"))
(var-flag #f);; turn on for key-var-pr and cont-ln-rx, turn off elsewhere
(lead #f))
(debug:print-info 8 *default-log-port* "curr-section-name: " curr-section-name " var-flag: " var-flag "\n inl: \"" inl "\"")
(if (eof-object? inl)
+ ;; process last section for wildcards
+ (process-wildcards res curr-section-name)
(if (string? path) ;; we received a path, not a port, thus we are responsible for closing it.
(close-input-port inp))
(hash-table-delete! res "") ;; we are using "" as a dumping ground and must remove it before returning the ht
(debug:print 9 *default-log-port* "END: " path)
@@ -265,10 +300,13 @@
(let ((patt (car dat))
(proc (cdr dat)))
(if (string-match patt curr-section-name)
(proc curr-section-name section-name res path))))
+ ;; after gathering the vars for a section and if apply-wildcards is true and if there is a wildcard in the section name process wildcards
+ ;; NOTE: we are processing the curr-section-name, NOT section-name.
+ (process-wildcards res curr-section-name)
(loop (configf:read-line inp res (calc-allow-system allow-system curr-section-name sections) settings)
;; if we have the sections list then force all settings into "" and delete it later?
(if (or (not sections)
(member section-name sections))
section-name "") ;; stick everything into ""
Index: dashboard-tests.scm
--- dashboard-tests.scm
+++ dashboard-tests.scm
@@ -463,11 +463,11 @@
(item-path (db:test-get-item-path testdat))
;; this next block was added to fix a bug where variables were
;; needed. Revisit this.
- (runconfig (let ((runconfigf (conc *toppath* "/runconfigs.config")))
+ (runconfig (let ((runconfigf (conc *toppath* "/runconfigs.config"))) ;; no rush but it would be good to convert this call to use runconfig:read
(if (file-exists? runconfigf)
#f ;; do nothing, just keep on trucking ....
(setup-env-defaults runconfigf run-id (make-hash-table) keydat environ-patt: keystring))
Index: diff-report.scm
--- diff-report.scm
+++ diff-report.scm
@@ -1,28 +1,17 @@
-;; #!/bin/bash
-;; #;; rmt:get-tests-for-run
-;; #;; (let* ((dbstruct (db:get-db
-;; #;; (db:get-tests-for-run dbstruct run-id testpatt states statuses offset limit not-in sort-by sort-order qryvals last-update mode)
-;; #;; (rmt:get-test-info-by-id run-id test-id)
-;; #;; (rmt:get-tests-for-run run-id testpatt states statuses offset limit not-in sort-by sort-order qryvals last-update mode)
-;; megatest -repl << EOF
-;; TODO:dashboard not on homehost message exit
+(declare (unit diff-report))
+(declare (uses common))
+(declare (uses rmt))
+(include "common_records.scm")
(use matchable)
+(use fmt)
(use ducttape-lib)
(define css "")
-(use matchable)
-(define (tests-mindat->hash tests-mindat)
+(define (diff:tests-mindat->hash tests-mindat)
(let* ((res (make-hash-table)))
(lambda (item)
(let* ((test-name+item-path (cons (list-ref item 0) (list-ref item 1)))
(value (list-ref item 2)))
@@ -31,11 +20,11 @@
;; return 1 if status1 is better
;; return 0 if status1 and 2 are equally good
;; return -1 if status2 is better
-(define (status-compare3 status1 status2)
+(define (diff:status-compare3 status1 status2)
((status-goodness-ranking (list "PASS" "WARN" "WAIVED" "SKIP" "FAIL" "ABORT" #f))
(mem1 (member status1 status-goodness-ranking))
(mem2 (member status2 status-goodness-ranking))
@@ -46,13 +35,13 @@
((= (length mem1) (length mem2)) 0)
((> (length mem1) (length mem2)) 1)
(else -1))))
-(define (xor-tests-mindat src-tests-mindat dest-tests-mindat #!key (hide-clean #f))
- (let* ((src-hash (tests-mindat->hash src-tests-mindat))
- (dest-hash (tests-mindat->hash dest-tests-mindat))
+(define (diff:xor-tests-mindat src-tests-mindat dest-tests-mindat #!key (hide-clean #f) (consistent-fail-not-clean #f))
+ (let* ((src-hash (diff:tests-mindat->hash src-tests-mindat))
+ (dest-hash (diff:tests-mindat->hash dest-tests-mindat))
(reverse (sort
(append (hash-table-keys src-hash) (hash-table-keys dest-hash)))
@@ -68,16 +57,16 @@
(map ;; TODO: rename xor to delta globally in dcommon and dashboard
(lambda (key)
(let* ((test-name (car key))
(item-path (cdr key))
- (dest-value (hash-table-ref/default dest-hash key (list #f #f #f))) ;; (list test-id state status)
+ (dest-value (hash-table-ref/default dest-hash key (list 0 "NULL" "NULL"))) ;; (list test-id state status)
(dest-test-id (list-ref dest-value 0))
(dest-state (list-ref dest-value 1))
(dest-status (list-ref dest-value 2))
- (src-value (hash-table-ref/default src-hash key (list #f #f #f))) ;; (list test-id state status)
+ (src-value (hash-table-ref/default src-hash key (list 0 "NULL" "NULL"))) ;; (list test-id state status)
(src-test-id (list-ref src-value 0))
(src-state (list-ref src-value 1))
(src-status (list-ref src-value 2))
(incomplete-statuses '("DELETED" "INCOMPLETE" "STUCK/DEAD" "N/A")) ;; if any of these statuses apply, treat test as incomplete
@@ -88,34 +77,36 @@
(not (member dest-status incomplete-statuses))))
(and src-value src-state src-status
(equal? src-state "COMPLETED")
(not (member src-status incomplete-statuses))))
- (status-compare-result (status-compare3 src-status dest-status))
+ (status-compare-result (diff:status-compare3 src-status dest-status))
;; complete, for this case means: state=compelte AND status not in ( deleted uncomplete stuck/dead n/a )
;; neither complete -> bad
;; src !complete, dest complete -> better
((and (not dest-complete) (not src-complete))
(list dest-test-id "BOTH-BAD" "BOTH-INCOMPLETE") src-value dest-value)
((not dest-complete)
- (list src-test-id "DIFF-MISSING" "DEST-INCOMPLETE") src-value dest-value)
+ (list src-test-id "NOT-IN-DEST" "DEST-INCOMPLETE") src-value dest-value)
((not src-complete)
- (list dest-test-id "DIFF-NEW" "SRC-INCOMPLETE") src-value dest-value)
+ (list dest-test-id "NOT-IN-SRC" "SRC-INCOMPLETE") src-value dest-value)
(equal? src-state dest-state)
(equal? src-status dest-status))
- (list dest-test-id (conc "CLEAN") (conc "CLEAN-" dest-status) src-value dest-value))
+ (if (and consistent-fail-not-clean (not (member dest-status '("PASS" "SKIP" "WAIVED" "WARN"))))
+ (list dest-test-id (conc "BOTH-BAD") (conc "CLEAN-" dest-status) src-value dest-value)
+ (list dest-test-id (conc "CLEAN") (conc "CLEAN-" dest-status) src-value dest-value)))
;; better or worse: pass > warn > waived > skip > fail > abort
;; pass > warn > waived > skip > fail > abort
((= 1 status-compare-result) ;; src is better, dest is worse
- (list dest-test-id "DIRTY-WORSE" (conc src-status "->" dest-status) src-value dest-value))
+ (list dest-test-id "WORSE" (conc src-status "->" dest-status) src-value dest-value))
- (list dest-test-id "DIRTY-BETTER" (conc src-status "->" dest-status) src-value dest-value)))))
+ (list dest-test-id "BETTER" (conc src-status "->" dest-status) src-value dest-value)))))
(list test-name item-path xor-new-item)))
(if hide-clean
@@ -125,24 +116,37 @@
(list-ref (list-ref item 2) 1))))
-(define (run-name->run-id runname)
- (if (number? runname)
- runname
- (let* ((qry-res (rmt:get-runs runname 1 0 '())))
+(define (diff:run-name->run-id run-name)
+ (if (number? run-name)
+ run-name
+ (let* ((qry-res (rmt:get-runs run-name 1 0 '())))
(if (eq? 2 (vector-length qry-res))
(vector-ref (car (vector-ref qry-res 1)) 1)
-(define (run-name->tests-mindat runname)
- (let* ((run-id (run-name->run-id runname))
- (testpatt "%/%")
-;; (states '("COMPLETED" "INCOMPLETE"))
- ;; (statuses '("PASS" "FAIL" "ABORT" "SKIP"))
- (states '())
+(define (diff:target+run-name->run-id target run-name)
+ (let* ((keys (rmt:get-keys))
+ (target-parts (if target (string-split target "/") (map (lambda (x) "%") keys))))
+ (if (not (eq? (length keys) (length keys)))
+ (begin
+ (print "Error: Target ("target") item count does not match fields count target tokens="target-parts" fields="keys)
+ #f)
+ (let* ((target-map (zip keys target-parts))
+ (qry-res (rmt:get-runs run-name 1 0 target-map)))
+ (if (eq? 2 (vector-length qry-res))
+ (let ((first-ent (vector-ref qry-res 1)))
+ (if (> (length first-ent) 0)
+ (vector-ref (car first-ent) 1)
+ #f))
+ #f)))))
+(define (diff:run-id->tests-mindat run-id #!key (testpatt "%/%"))
+ (let* ((states '())
(statuses '())
(offset #f)
(limit #f)
(not-in #t)
(sort-by #f)
@@ -173,46 +177,120 @@
-(define (diff-runs run1 run2)
- (let* ((src-tests-mindat (run-name->tests-mindat run1))
- (dest-tests-mindat (run-name->tests-mindat run2)))
- (xor-tests-mindat src-tests-mindat dest-tests-mindat)));; #!key (hide-c
+(define (diff:diff-runs src-run-id dest-run-id)
+ (let* ((src-tests-mindat (diff:run-id->tests-mindat src-run-id))
+ (dest-tests-mindat (diff:run-id->tests-mindat dest-run-id)))
+ (diff:xor-tests-mindat src-tests-mindat dest-tests-mindat consistent-fail-not-clean: #t)))
-(define (rundiff-find-by-state run-diff state)
+(define (diff:rundiff-find-by-state run-diff state)
(lambda (x)
(equal? (list-ref (caddr x) 1) state))
+(define (diff:rundiff-clean-breakdown run-diff)
+ (map
+ (lambda (run-diff-item)
+ (match run-diff-item
+ ((test-name item-path (junk-id diff-state diff-status (src-test-id src-state src-status) (dest-test-id dest-state dest-status)))
+ (list test-name item-path "CLEAN" src-status))
+ (else "")))
+ (diff:rundiff-find-by-state run-diff "CLEAN")))
+(define (diff:summarize-run-diff run-diff)
-(define (summarize-run-diff run-diff)
- (let* ((diff-states (list "CLEAN" "DIRTY-BETTER" "DIRTY-WORSE" "BOTH-BAD" "DIFF-MISSING" "DIFF-NEW" )))
+ (let* ((diff-states (list "CLEAN" "BETTER" "WORSE" "BOTH-BAD" "NOT-IN-DEST" "NOT-IN-SRC" )))
(lambda (state)
(list state
- (length (rundiff-find-by-state run-diff state))))
+ (length (diff:rundiff-find-by-state run-diff state))))
-(define (stml->string in-stml)
+;; Presentation code below, business logic above ;;
+(define (diff:stml->string in-stml)
(lambda ()
-(define (test-state-status->diff-report-cell state status)
- (s:td status))
-(define (diff-state-status->diff-report-cell state status)
- (s:td state 'bgcolor "#33ff33"))
-(define (run-diff->diff-report src-runname dest-runname run-diff)
- (let* ((test-count (length run-diff))
+(define (diff:state-status->bgcolor state status)
+ (match (list state status)
+ (("CLEAN" _) "#88ff88")
+ (("BETTER" _) "#33ff33")
+ (("WORSE" _) "#ff3333")
+ (("BOTH-BAD" _) "#ff3333")
+ ((_ "WARN") "#ffff88")
+ ((_ "FAIL") "#ff8888")
+ ((_ "ABORT") "#ff0000")
+ ((_ "PASS") "#88ff88")
+ ((_ "SKIP") "#ffff00")
+ (else "#ffffff")))
+(define (diff:test-state-status->diff-report-cell state status)
+ (s:td 'bgcolor (diff:state-status->bgcolor state status) status))
+(define (diff:diff-state-status->diff-report-cell state status)
+ (s:td state 'bgcolor (diff:state-status->bgcolor state status)))
+(define (diff:megatest-html-logo)
+ "
+___ ___ _ _
+| \\/ | ___ __ _ __ _| |_ ___ ___| |_
+| |\\/| |/ _ \\/ _` |/ _` | __/ _ \\/ __| __|
+| | | | __/ (_| | (_| | || __/\\__ \\ |_
+|_| |_|\\___|\\__, |\\__,_|\\__\\___||___/\\__|
+ |___/
+(define (diff:megatest-html-diff-logo)
+ "
+___ ___ _ _
+| \\/ | ___ __ _ __ _| |_ ___ ___| |_ | _ \\(_)/ _|/ _|
+| |\\/| |/ _ \\/ _` |/ _` | __/ _ \\/ __| __| | | | | | |_| |_
+| | | | __/ (_| | (_| | || __/\\__ \\ |_ | |_| | | _| _|
+|_| |_|\\___|\\__, |\\__,_|\\__\\___||___/\\__| |____/|_|_| |_|
+ |___/
+(define (diff:run-id->target+run-name+starttime run-id)
+ (let* ((target (rmt:get-target run-id))
+ (runinfo (rmt:get-run-info run-id)) ; vector of header (list) and result (vector)
+ (info-hash (alist->hash-table
+ (map (lambda (x) (cons (car x) (cadr x))) ; make it a useful hash
+ (zip (vector-ref runinfo 0) (vector->list (vector-ref runinfo 1))))))
+ (run-name (hash-table-ref/default info-hash "runname" "N/A"))
+ (start-time (hash-table-ref/default info-hash "event_time" 0)))
+ (list target run-name start-time)))
+(define (diff:deliver-diff-report src-run-id dest-run-id
+ #!key
+ (html-output-file #f)
+ (email-subject-prefix "[MEGATEST DIFF]")
+ (email-recipients-list '()) )
+ (let* ((src-info (diff:run-id->target+run-name+starttime src-run-id))
+ (src-target (car src-info))
+ (src-run-name (cadr src-info))
+ (src-start (conc (seconds->string (caddr src-info)) " " (local-timezone-abbreviation)))
+ (dest-info (diff:run-id->target+run-name+starttime dest-run-id))
+ (dest-target (car dest-info))
+ (dest-run-name (cadr dest-info))
+ (dest-start (conc (seconds->string (caddr dest-info)) " " (local-timezone-abbreviation)))
+ (run-diff (diff:diff-runs src-run-id dest-run-id ))
+ (test-count (length run-diff))
(apply s:table 'cellspacing "0" 'border "1"
(s:th "Diff type")
(s:th "% share")
@@ -219,61 +297,112 @@
(s:th "Count"))
(lambda (state-count)
- (s:td (car state-count))
- (s:td (* 100 (/ (cadr state-count) test-count)))
- (s:td (cadr state-count))))
- (summarize-run-diff run-diff))))
+ (diff:diff-state-status->diff-report-cell (car state-count) #f)
+ (s:td 'align "right" (fmt #f
+ (decimal-align 3
+ (fix 2
+ (num/fit 6
+ (* 100 (/ (cadr state-count) test-count)))))))
+ (s:td 'align "right" (cadr state-count))))
+ (diff:summarize-run-diff run-diff))))
+ (meta-table
+ (s:table 'cellspacing "0" 'border "1"
+ (s:tr
+ (s:td 'colspan "2"
+ (s:table 'cellspacing "0" 'border "1"
+ (s:tr
+ (s:th 'align "LEFT" "") (s:th "SOURCE RUN") (s:th "DESTINATION RUN"))
+ (s:tr
+ (s:th 'align "LEFT" "Started") (s:td src-start) (s:td dest-start))
+ (s:tr
+ (s:th 'align "LEFT" "TARGET") (s:td src-target) (s:td dest-target))
+ (s:tr
+ (s:th 'align "LEFT" "RUN NAME") (s:td src-run-name) (s:td dest-run-name)))))))
(apply s:table 'cellspacing "0" 'border "1"
(s:th "Test name")
(s:th "Item Path")
- (s:th (conc "Source=" src-runname))
- (s:th (conc "Dest=" dest-runname))
+ (s:th (conc "SOURCE"))
+ (s:th (conc "DEST"))
(s:th "Diff"))
(lambda (run-diff-item)
(match run-diff-item
((test-name item-path (junk-id diff-state diff-status (src-test-id src-state src-status) (dest-test-id dest-state dest-status)))
(s:td test-name)
(s:td item-path)
- (test-state-status->diff-report-cell src-state src-status)
- (test-state-status->diff-report-cell dest-state dest-status)
- (diff-state-status->diff-report-cell diff-state diff-status)))
+ (diff:test-state-status->diff-report-cell src-state src-status)
+ (diff:test-state-status->diff-report-cell dest-state dest-status)
+ (diff:diff-state-status->diff-report-cell diff-state diff-status)))
(else "")))
(filter (lambda (run-diff-item)
(match run-diff-item
((test-name item-path (junk-id diff-state diff-status (src-test-id src-state src-status) (dest-test-id dest-state dest-status)))
(not (equal? diff-state "CLEAN")))
(else #f)))
- run-diff)))))
- (stml->string (s:body
- summary-table
- main-table))))
-(let* ((src-runname "all57")
- (dest-runname "all60")
- (to "bjbarcla")
- (subj (conc "[MEGATEST DIFF] "src-runname" vs. "dest-runname))
- (run-diff (diff-runs src-runname dest-runname))
- (diff-summary (summarize-run-diff run-diff))
- (html-report (run-diff->diff-report src-runname dest-runname run-diff)))
- ;;(pretty-print run-diff)
- ;;(pretty-print diff-summary)
- (sendmail to subj html-report use_html: #t)
- ;;(print html-report)
- )
-;; (match de
-;; ((test-name test-path ( test-id "BOTH-BAD" test-status)) test-path)
-;; (else #f))
+ run-diff))))
+ (email-subject (conc email-subject-prefix " " src-target "/" src-run-name" vs. "dest-target"/"dest-run-name))
+ (html-body (diff:stml->string (s:body
+ (diff:megatest-html-diff-logo)
+ (s:h2 "Summary")
+ (s:table 'border "0"
+ (s:tr
+ (s:td "Diff calculated at")
+ (s:td (conc (seconds->string) " " (local-timezone-abbreviation))))
+ (s:tr
+ (s:td "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME" ) (s:td *toppath*))
+ (s:tr 'valign "TOP"
+ (s:td summary-table)
+ (s:td meta-table)))
+ (s:h2 "Diffs + consistently failing tests")
+ main-table)))
+ )
+ (if html-output-file
+ (with-output-to-file html-output-file (lambda () (print html-body))))
+ (when (and email-recipients-list (> (length email-recipients-list) 0))
+ (sendmail (string-join email-recipients-list ",") email-subject html-body use_html: #t))
+ html-body))
+;; (let* ((src-run-name "all57")
+;; (dest-run-name "all60")
+;; (src-run-id (diff:run-name->run-id src-run-name))
+;; (dest-run-id (diff:run-name->run-id dest-run-name))
+;; (to-list (list "bjbarcla")))
+;; (diff:deliver-diff-report src-run-id dest-run-id email-recipients-list: to-list html-output-file: "/tmp/bjbarcla/zippy.html")
+;; )
+(define (do-diff-report src-target src-runname dest-target dest-runname html-file to-list-raw)
+ (let* (;;(src-target "nope%")
+ ;;(src-runname "all57")
+ ;;(dest-target "%")
+ ;;(dest-runname "all60")
+ (src-run-id (diff:target+run-name->run-id src-target src-runname))
+ (dest-run-id (diff:target+run-name->run-id dest-target dest-runname))
+ ;(html-file "/tmp/bjbarcla/zippy.html")
+ (to-list (if (string? to-list-raw) (string-split to-list-raw ",:") #f))
+ )
+ (cond
+ ((not src-run-id)
+ (print "No match for source target/runname="src-target"/"src-runname)
+ (print "Cannot proceed.")
+ #f)
+ ((not dest-run-id)
+ (print "No match for source target/runname="dest-target"/"dest-runname)
+ (print "Cannot proceed.")
+ #f)
+ (else
+ (diff:deliver-diff-report src-run-id dest-run-id email-recipients-list: to-list html-output-file: html-file)))))
Index: docs/api.html
--- docs/api.html
+++ docs/api.html
@@ -1,1024 +1,1024 @@
-Megatest Web App API Specificiation
+See runs
+Manage jobs
Example Abstract
The Megatest Web App aims to make as much of the power of the dashboard available to the web based user.
1. Common
This is an example endpoint. You will need to use your own cgi server to serve out your megatest runs.
All API errors are returned in the following format:
{ "error" : "Error message" }
1.2. Get List of Runs
Filter Params: target, testpatt, offset, limit
Megatest Cmd: megatest -start-dir <path to megatest area> -list-runs % -target % -dumpmode json -fields runs:runname,id+tests:state,status:id
+ {
+ "run_id" : "1",
+ "name" : "runname1",
+ "target" : "target1",
+ "tests" :
+ [
+ "test":
+ [
+ {"id": 1, "name":test1, "item_path": "", "shortdir": "/temp/foo/bar/target1/runname1/test1", "final_logf": "megatest-rollup-test1.html", "status": "PASS#"}
+ {"id": 2, "name":test2, "item_path": "", "shortdir": "/temp/foo/bar/target1/runname1/test2", "final_logf": "megatest-rollup-test2.html", "status": "PASS"}
+ {"id": 3, "name":test3, "item_path": "", "shortdir": "/temp/foo/bar/target1/runname1/test3", "final_logf": "megatest-rollup-test3.html", "status": "PASS"}
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "run_id" : "2",
+ "name" : "runname2",
+ "target" : "target2",
+ "tests" :
+ [
+ "test:
+ [
+ {"id": 4, "name":[blue]test1, "item_path": "", "shortdir": "/temp/foo/bar/target2/runname2/test1", "final_logf": "megatest-rollup-test1.html", "status": "PASS"}
+ {"id": 5, "name":[blue]test2, "item_path": "", "shortdir": "/temp/foo/bar/target2/runname2/test2", "final_logf": "megatest-rollup-test2.html", "status": "FAIL"}
+ {"id": 6, "name":test3, "item_path": "", "shortdir": "/temp/foo/bar/target2/runname2/test3", "final_logf": "megatest-rollup-test3.html", "status": "PASS"}
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
1.3. Trigger a new Run
Megatest Cmd: megatest -runtests % -target <target> :runname <run_name> -run
{"target": "target_value", "runname" : "runname", "test_pattern": "optional test pattern"}
{ "error" : "Error message" }
If Success returns the results of the run
+ {
+ "run_id" : "2",
+ "name" : "runname2",
+ "target" : "target2",
+ "tests" :
+ [
+ "test:
+ [
+ {"id": 4, "name":[blue]test1, "item_path": "", "shortdir": "/temp/foo/bar/target2/runname2/test1", "final_logf": "megatest-rollup-test1.html", "status": "PASS"}
+ {"id": 5, "name":[blue]test2, "item_path": "", "shortdir": "/temp/foo/bar/target2/runname2/test2", "final_logf": "megatest-rollup-test2.html", "status": "FAIL"}
+ {"id": 6, "name":test3, "item_path": "", "shortdir": "/temp/foo/bar/target2/runname2/test3", "final_logf": "megatest-rollup-test3.html", "status": "PASS"}
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
1.4. Get perticular Run
Megatest Cmd: megatest -start-dir <path to megatest area> -list-runs <runname> -target % -dumpmode json -fields runs:runname,id+tests:state,status:id
+ {
+ "run_id" : "2",
+ "name" : "runname2",
+ "target" : "target2",
+ "tests" :
+ [
+ "test":
+ [
+ {"id": 4, "name":[blue]test1, "item_path": "", "shortdir": "/temp/foo/bar/target2/runname2/test1", "final_logf": "megatest-rollup-test1.html", "status": "PASS"}
+ {"id": 5, "name":[blue]test2, "item_path": "", "shortdir": "/temp/foo/bar/target2/runname2/test2", "final_logf": "megatest-rollup-test2.html", "status": "FAIL"}
+ {"id": 6, "name":test3, "item_path": "", "shortdir": "/temp/foo/bar/target2/runname2/test3", "final_logf": "megatest-rollup-test3.html", "status": "PASS"}
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
1.5. Re-execute a run
Request Params: {"testpatt" : "pattern"}
+ {
+ "run_id" : "2",
+ "name" : "runname2",
+ "target" : "target2",
+ "tests" :
+ [
+ "test":
+ [
+ {"id": 4, "name":[blue]test1, "item_path": "", "shortdir": "/temp/foo/bar/target2/runname2/test1", "final_logf": "megatest-rollup-test1.html", "status": "PASS"}
+ {"id": 5, "name":[blue]test2, "item_path": "", "shortdir": "/temp/foo/bar/target2/runname2/test2", "final_logf": "megatest-rollup-test2.html", "status": "FAIL"}
+ {"id": 6, "name":test3, "item_path": "", "shortdir": "/temp/foo/bar/target2/runname2/test3", "final_logf": "megatest-rollup-test3.html", "status": "PASS"}
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
1.6. Get List of tests within a run
URL: <base>/runs/:id/tests
Megatest Cmd: megatest -start-dir <path to megatest area> -list-runs <runname> -target % -dumpmode json -fields runs:runname,id+tests:state,status:id
+ "tests" :
+ [
+ {"id": 4, "name":[blue]test1, "item_path": "", "shortdir": "/temp/foo/bar/target2/runname2/test1", "final_logf": "megatest-rollup-test1.html", "status": "PASS"}
+ {"id": 5, "name":[blue]test2, "item_path": "", "shortdir": "/temp/foo/bar/target2/runname2/test2", "final_logf": "megatest-rollup-test2.html", "status": "FAIL"}
+ {"id": 6, "name":test3, "item_path": "", "shortdir": "/temp/foo/bar/target2/runname2/test3", "final_logf": "megatest-rollup-test3.html", "status": "PASS"}
+ ]
1.7. Re-execute a test within a run
URL: <base>/runs/:id/tests/:id
{"id": "4", "name":"test1", "item_path": "", "shortdir": "/temp/foo/bar/target2/runname2/test1", "final_logf": "megatest-rollup-test1.html", "status": "PASS"}
1.8. Get perticular test that belongs to a Runs
URL: <base>/runs/:id/tests/:id
Megatest Cmd: megatest -start-dir <path to megatest area> -list-runs <runname> -target % -testpattern <pattern> -dumpmode json -fields runs:runname,id+tests:state,status:id
{"id": "4", "name":"test1", "item_path": "", "shortdir": "/temp/foo/bar/target2/runname2/test1", "final_logf": "megatest-rollup-test1.html", "status": "PASS"}
2. Notes
Index: docs/manual/reference.txt
--- docs/manual/reference.txt
+++ docs/manual/reference.txt
@@ -42,15 +42,36 @@
A a b c
B d e f
Then the config file would effectively appear to contain an items section
-exactly like the output from the script. This is extremely useful when
-dynamically creating items, itemstables and other config structures. You can
-see the expansion of the call by looking in the cached files (look in your
-linktree for megatest.config and runconfigs.config cache files and in your
-test run areas for the expanded and cached testconfig).
+exactly like the output from the script. This is useful when dynamically
+creating items, itemstables and other config structures. You can see the
+expansion of the call by looking in the cached files (look in your linktree
+for megatest.config and runconfigs.config cache files and in your test run
+areas for the expanded and cached testconfig).
+Wildcards and regexes in Targets
+Will result in:
+Can use either wildcard of "%" or a regular expression:
Disk Space Checks
Some parameters you can put in the [setup] section of megatest.config:
Index: ducttape/Makefile
--- ducttape/Makefile
+++ ducttape/Makefile
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
-SHELL=/bin/tcsh -f
@echo ""
@echo "make targets:"
@echo "============="
@echo "install - build and install general_lib egg as icfadm"
@@ -20,11 +18,11 @@
chicken-install -no-install
csc test_ducttape.scm
- if (-e foo) rm -f foo
+ rm -f foo
@csc test_example.scm
@rm test_example
Index: ducttape/README
--- /dev/null
+++ ducttape/README
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+This directory holds the "ducttape" chicken scheme egg used by megatest.
+Run "make test" to ensure this egg works on your system.
+Run "make install" as your admin user with chicken on your $PATH to install this egg.
Index: ducttape/ducttape-lib.scm
--- ducttape/ducttape-lib.scm
+++ ducttape/ducttape-lib.scm
@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@
; launch-repl
- process-command-line
+ ducttape-process-command-line
@@ -46,11 +46,14 @@
(import scheme chicken extras ports data-structures )
- (use posix regex ansi-escape-sequences test srfi-1 irregex slice srfi-13 rfc3339 scsh-process directory-utils uuid-lib filepath srfi-19 ) ; linenoise
+ (use posix regex ansi-escape-sequences test srfi-1 irregex slice srfi-13 rfc3339)
+ ;;scsh-process ;; dropping scsh-process, it was clobbering posix's process and process*
+ (use directory-utils uuid-lib filepath srfi-19 ) ; linenoise
(include "mimetypes.scm") ; provides ext->mimetype
(include "workweekdate.scm")
(define ducttape-lib-version 1.00)
(define (toplevel-command sym proc) (lambda () #f))
;;;; utility procedures
@@ -182,23 +185,10 @@
(if (equal? 0 exit-code)
(ierr (conc "Command > " command " " "< failed with " exit-code " because: \n" stderr-str) )
(if nodie #f (exit exit-code))))))
- ;; this is broken. one day i will fix it and thus understand run/collecting... don't use isys-broken.
- (define (isys-broken command-list)
- (let-values ( ( (rv outport errport) (run/collecting (1 2) ("ls" "-l") ) ) )
- (print "rv is " rv)
- (print "op is " outport)
- (print "ep is " errport)
- (values rv (port->string outport) (port->string errport))))
;; runs-ok: evaluate expression while suppressing exceptions.
; on caught exception, returns #f
; otherwise, returns expression value
@@ -341,23 +331,19 @@
(ducttape-log-file logfile)
(setenv "DUCTTAPE_LOG_FILE" (ducttape-log-file))))
(ducttape-append-logfile 'note (format #f "START - pid=~A ppid=~A argv=(~A) pwd=~A user=~A host=~A" pid ppid argv pwd user host) #t)))
- ;; immediately activate logfile (will be noop if logfile disabled)
- (ducttape-activate-logfile)
;; log exit code
- (define (set-exit-handler)
+ (define (set-ducttape-log-exit-handler)
(let ((orig-exit-handler (exit-handler)))
(lambda (exitcode)
(ducttape-append-logfile 'note (format #f "Exit ~A by sys.exit" exitcode) #t)
(orig-exit-handler exitcode)))))
- (set-exit-handler)
- ;; TODO: hook exception handler so we can log exception before we sign off.
(define (idbg first-message . rest-args)
(let* ((debug-level-threshold
(if (> (length rest-args) 0) (car rest-args) 1))
@@ -495,11 +481,13 @@
(from_addr "admin")
- (attach-files-list '()))
+ (attach-files-list '())
+ (images-with-content-id-alist '())
+ )
(define (sendmail-proc sendmail-port)
(define (wl line-str)
(write-line line-str sendmail-port))
@@ -531,10 +519,11 @@
(wl "")
(wl (conc "Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=\"" mailpart-body-uuid "\""))
(wl "")
(define (email-text-body)
(wl "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1")
(wl "Content-Disposition: inline")
@@ -551,12 +540,12 @@
(wl "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1")
(wl "Content-Disposition: inline")
(wl "")
(wl body)
- (define (attach-file file)
+ (define (attach-file file #!key (content-id #f))
(let* ((filename
(filepath:take-file-name file))
(filepath:take-extension file))
(ext (string-take-right
@@ -565,24 +554,32 @@
(mimetype (ext->mimetype ext))
(uuencode-command (conc "uuencode " file " " filename)))
(wl (conc "Content-Type: " mimetype "; name=\"" filename "\""))
(wl "Content-Transfer-Encoding: uuencode")
+ (if content-id
+ (wl (conc "Content-Id: " content-id)))
(wl (conc "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" filename "\""))
(wl "")
(lambda (line)
(wl line)))))
+ (define (embed-image file+content-id)
+ (let ((file (car file+content-id))
+ (content-id (cdr file+content-id)))
+ (attach-file file content-id: content-id)))
;; send the email
(if use_html
(for-each attach-file attach-files-list)
+ (for-each embed-image images-with-content-id-alist)
(close-output-port sendmail-port)))
(do-or-die "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t"
stdin-proc: sendmail-proc))
@@ -604,71 +601,10 @@
(if (file-execute-access? candidate)
(loop next-rest)))))))
- ;; (define (launch-repl )
- ;; (use linenoise)
- ;; (current-input-port (make-linenoise-port))
- ;; (let ((histfile (conc (or (get-environment-variable "HOME") ".") "/." (script-name) "-hist")))
- ;; (set-history-length! 30000)
- ;; (load-history-from-file histfile)
- ;; (let loop ((l (linenoise "> ")))
- ;; (cond ((equal? l "bye")
- ;; (save-history-to-file histfile)
- ;; "Bye!")
- ;; ((eof-object? l)
- ;; (save-history-to-file histfile)
- ;; (exit))
- ;; (else
- ;; (display l)
- ;; (handle-exceptions exn
- ;; ;;(print-call-chain (current-error-port))
- ;; (let ((message ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn)))
- ;; (print "exn> " message )
- ;; ;;(pp (condition->list exn))
- ;; ;;(exit)
- ;; ;;(display "Went wrong")
- ;; (newline))
- ;; (print (eval l)))))
- ;; (newline)
- ;; (history-add l)
- ;; (loop (linenoise "> ")))))
- ;; (define (launch-repl2 )
- ;; (use readline)
- ;; (use apropos)
- ;; (use trace)
- ;; ;(import csi)
- ;; (current-input-port (make-readline-port (conc (script-name) "> ") "... "))
- ;; ; (install-history-file #f (conc (or (get-environment-variable "HOME") ".") "/." (script-name) "_history"))
- ;; (parse-and-bind "set editing-mode emacs")
- ;; (install-history-file)
- ;; (let loop ((foo #f))
- ;; (let ((expr (read)))
- ;; (cond
- ;; ((eof-object? expr) (exit))
- ;; (else
- ;; (handle-exceptions exn
- ;; ;;(print-call-chain (current-error-port))
- ;; (let ((message ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn)))
- ;; (print "exn> " message )
- ;; ;;(pp (condition->list exn))
- ;; ;;(exit)
- ;; ;;(display "Went wrong")
- ;; (newline))
- ;; (print (eval expr))))))
- ;; (loop #f))
- ;; )
;;;; process command line options
;; get command line switches (have no subsequent arg; eg. [-foo])
;; assumes these are switches without arguments
;; will return list of matches
@@ -728,11 +664,13 @@
;; recognize ducttape-lib command line switches (--quiet, --silent, --color, -d.., -dp.., -logfile)
;; - reset parameters; reset DUCTTAPE_* env vars to match user specified intent
;; - mutate (command-line-arguments) parameter to subtract these recognized and handled switches
;; * beware -- now (argv) and (command-line-arguments) are inconsistent... cannot mutate (argv) alas. Use (command-line-arguments)
- (define (process-command-line)
+ ;; WARNING: this defines command line arguments that may clash with your program. Only call this if you
+ ;; are sure they can coexist.
+ (define (ducttape-process-command-line)
;; --quiet
(let ((quiet-opts (skim-cmdline-opts-noarg-by-regex "--?quiet")))
(if (not (null? quiet-opts))
@@ -792,10 +730,18 @@
(if (not (null? debugpat-opts))
(ducttape-debug-regex-filter (string-join debugpat-opts "|"))
(setenv "DUCTTAPE_DEBUG_PATTERN" (ducttape-debug-regex-filter))))))
+ ;;; following code commented out; side effects not wanted on startup
+ ;; immediately activate logfile (will be noop if logfile disabled)
+ ;;(ducttape-activate-logfile)
+ ;;(set-ducttape-log-exit-handler)
+ ;; TODO: hook exception handler so we can log exception before we sign off.
;; handle command line immediately;
- (process-command-line)
+ ;;(process-command-line)
) ; end module
Index: ducttape/test_ducttape.scm
--- ducttape/test_ducttape.scm
+++ ducttape/test_ducttape.scm
@@ -7,34 +7,34 @@
(set! systype (do-or-die (if (file-exists? "/bin/uname") "/bin/uname" "/usr/bin/uname")))
;(trace skim-cmdline-opts-withargs-by-regex)
;(trace keyword-skim)
;(trace re-match?)
(define (reset-ducttape)
- (unsetenv "ducttape_DEBUG_LEVEL")
(ducttape-debug-level #f)
- (unsetenv "ducttape_DEBUG_PATTERN")
(ducttape-debug-regex-filter ".")
- (unsetenv "ducttape_LOG_FILE")
+ (unsetenv "DUCTTAPE_LOG_FILE")
(ducttape-log-file #f)
- (unsetenv "ducttape_SILENT_MODE")
(ducttape-silent-mode #f)
- (unsetenv "ducttape_QUIET_MODE")
+ (unsetenv "DUCTTAPE_QUIET_MODE")
(ducttape-quiet-mode #f)
- (unsetenv "ducttape_COLOR_MODE")
+ (unsetenv "DUCTTAPE_COLOR_MODE")
(ducttape-color-mode #f)
(define (reset-ducttape-with-cmdline-list cmdline-list)
(command-line-arguments cmdline-list)
- (process-command-line)
+ (ducttape-process-command-line)
(define (direct-iputs-test)
(ducttape-color-mode #f)
@@ -112,10 +112,12 @@
(test-assert "mktemp: temp file created" (file-exists? tmpfile))
(if (file-exists? tmpfile)
(delete-file tmpfile))
(define (test-systemstuff)
"system commands"
@@ -335,11 +337,19 @@
) ; end main()
-(sendmail "" "6hello subject" "test body")
+(sendmail "" "6hello subject" "test body" )
+;(let* ((image-file "/nfs/site/home/bjbarcla/megatest-logo.png")
+; (cid "mtlogo")
+; (image-alist (list (cons image-file cid)))
+; (body (conc "Hello world
+; (sendmail "" "7hello subject" body use_html: #t images-with-content-id-alist: image-alist)
+; (print "sent image mail"))
;(sendmail "bjbarcla" "2hello subject html" "test bodyhello
italics" use_html: #t)
;(sendmail "bb" "4hello attach subject html" "hmm
" use_html: #t attach-files-list: '( "/Users/bb/Downloads/wdmycloud-manual-4779-705103.pdf" ) )
Index: http-transport.scm
--- http-transport.scm
+++ http-transport.scm
@@ -202,19 +202,20 @@
(mutex-lock! *http-mutex*)
(set! *http-requests-in-progress* (+ 1 *http-requests-in-progress*)))
;; Send "cmd" with json payload "params" to serverdat and receive result
-(define (http-transport:client-api-send-receive run-id serverdat cmd params #!key (numretries 3))
+(define (http-transport:client-api-send-receive run-id serverdat cmd params #!key (numretries 3)(area-dat #f))
(let* ((fullurl (if (vector? serverdat)
(http-transport:server-dat-get-api-req serverdat)
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "FATAL ERROR: http-transport:client-api-send-receive called with no server info")
(exit 1))))
(res (vector #f "uninitialized"))
(success #t)
- (sparams (db:obj->string params transport: 'http)))
+ (sparams (db:obj->string params transport: 'http))
+ (runremote (or area-dat *runremote*)))
(debug:print-info 11 *default-log-port* "fullurl=" fullurl ", cmd=" cmd ", params=" params ", run-id=" run-id "\n")
;; set up the http-client here
(max-retry-attempts 1)
;; consider all requests indempotent
(retry-request? (lambda (request)
@@ -233,12 +234,12 @@
(set! success #f)
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: failure in with-input-from-request to " fullurl ".")
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* " message: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))
- (if *runremote*
- (remote-conndat-set! *runremote* #f))
+ (if runremote
+ (remote-conndat-set! runremote #f))
;; Killing associated server to allow clean retry.")
;; (tasks:kill-server-run-id run-id) ;; better to kill the server in the logic that called this routine?
(mutex-unlock! *http-mutex*)
;;; (signal (make-composite-condition
;;; (make-property-condition 'commfail 'message "failed to connect to server")))
@@ -283,13 +284,14 @@
'message "nmsg-transport:client-api-send-receive-raw timed out talking to server")))))))
;; careful closing of connections stored in *runremote*
-(define (http-transport:close-connections run-id)
- (let* ((server-dat (if *runremote*
- (remote-conndat *runremote*)
+(define (http-transport:close-connections #!key (area-dat #f))
+ (let* ((runremote (or area-dat *runremote*))
+ (server-dat (if runremote
+ (remote-conndat runremote)
#f))) ;; (hash-table-ref/default *runremote* run-id #f)))
(if (vector? server-dat)
(let ((api-dat (http-transport:server-dat-get-api-uri server-dat)))
(close-connection! api-dat)
Index: launch.scm
--- launch.scm
+++ launch.scm
@@ -773,11 +773,11 @@
given-toppath: toppath
pathenvvar: "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME"))
(first-rundat (let ((toppath (if toppath
(car first-pass))))
- (read-config ;; (conc toppath "/runconfigs.config")
+ (read-config ;; (conc toppath "/runconfigs.config") ;; this should be converted to runconfig:read but it is non-trivial, leaving it for now.
(conc (if (string? toppath)
(get-environment-variable "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME"))
*runconfigdat* #t
@@ -806,11 +806,11 @@
pathenvvar: "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME"))
(runconfigdat (begin ;; this read of the runconfigs will see any adjustments made by re-reading megatest.config
(for-each (lambda (kt)
(setenv (car kt) (cadr kt)))
- (read-config (conc toppath "/runconfigs.config") *runconfigdat* #t
+ (read-config (conc toppath "/runconfigs.config") *runconfigdat* #t ;; consider using runconfig:read some day ...
sections: sections))))
(if cancreate (configf:write-alist runconfigdat rccachef))
(set! *runconfigdat* runconfigdat)
(if cancreate (configf:write-alist *configdat* mtcachef))
(if cancreate (set! *configstatus* 'fulldata))))
@@ -824,11 +824,11 @@
environ-patt: "env-override"
given-toppath: (get-environment-variable "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME")
pathenvvar: "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME")))
(if cfgdat
(let* ((toppath (or (get-environment-variable "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME")(cadr cfgdat)))
- (rdat (read-config (conc toppath
+ (rdat (read-config (conc toppath ;; convert this to use runconfig:read!
"/runconfigs.config") *runconfigdat* #t sections: sections)))
(set! *configinfo* cfgdat)
(set! *configdat* (car cfgdat))
(set! *runconfigdat* rdat)
(set! *toppath* toppath)
Index: megatest-version.scm
--- megatest-version.scm
+++ megatest-version.scm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
;; Always use two or four digit decimal
;; 1.01, 1.02...1.10,1.11,1.1101 ... 1.99,2.00..
(declare (unit megatest-version))
-(define megatest-version 1.6306)
+(define megatest-version 1.6307)
Index: megatest.scm
--- megatest.scm
+++ megatest.scm
@@ -43,10 +43,11 @@
(declare (uses tdb))
(declare (uses mt))
(declare (uses api))
(declare (uses tasks)) ;; only used for debugging.
(declare (uses env))
+(declare (uses diff-report))
(define *db* #f) ;; this is only for the repl, do not use in general!!!!
(include "common_records.scm")
(include "key_records.scm")
@@ -175,10 +176,18 @@
-archive cmd : archive runs specified by selectors to one of disks specified
in the [archive-disks] section.
cmd: keep-html, restore, save, save-remove
-generate-html : create a simple html tree for browsing your runs
+Diff report
+ -diff-rep : generate diff report (must include -src-target, -src-runname, -target, -runname
+ and either -diff-email or -diff-html)
+ -src-target
+ -src-runname
+ -diff-email : comma separated list of email addresses to send diff report
+ -diff-html : path to html file to generate
Spreadsheet generation
-extract-ods fname.ods : extract an open document spreadsheet from the database
-pathmod path : insert path, i.e. path/runame/itempath/logfile.html
will clear the field if no rundir/testname/itempath/logfile
if it contains forward slashes the path will be converted
@@ -267,10 +276,15 @@
"-recover-test" ;; run-id,test-id - used internally to recover a test stuck in RUNNING state
+ "-src-target"
+ "-src-runname"
+ "-diff-email"
+ "-diff-html"
(list "-h" "-help" "--help"
@@ -326,11 +340,13 @@
"-v" ;; verbose 2, more than normal (normal is 1)
"-q" ;; quiet 0, errors/warnings only
- )
+ "-diff-rep"
+ )
;; Add args that use remargs here
@@ -353,15 +369,28 @@
(define *watchdog* (make-thread common:watchdog "Watchdog thread"))
(if (not (args:get-arg "-server"))
(thread-start! *watchdog*)) ;; if starting a server; wait till we get to running state before kicking off watchdog
+;; bracket open-output-file with code to make leading directory if it does not exist and handle exceptions
+(define (open-logfile logpath)
+ (condition-case
+ (let* ((log-dir (or (pathname-directory logpath) ".")))
+ (if (not (directory-exists? log-dir))
+ (system (conc "mkdir -p " log-dir)))
+ (open-output-file logpath))
+ (exn ()
+ (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "Could not open log file for write: "logpath)
+ (define *didsomething* #t)
+ (exit 1))))
(if (or (args:get-arg "-log")(args:get-arg "-server")) ;; redirect the log always when a server
(let* ((tl (or (args:get-arg "-log")(launch:setup))) ;; run launch:setup if -server
(logf (or (args:get-arg "-log") ;; use -log unless we are a server, then craft a logfile name
(conc tl "/logs/server-" (current-process-id) "-" (get-host-name) ".log")))
- (oup (open-output-file logf)))
+ (oup (open-logfile logf)))
(if (not (args:get-arg "-log"))
(hash-table-set! args:arg-hash "-log" logf)) ;; fake out future queries of -log
(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Sending log output to " logf)
(set! *default-log-port* oup)))
@@ -811,11 +840,12 @@
(setenv "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME" *toppath*)
(if key-vals
(for-each (lambda (kt)
(setenv (car kt) (cadr kt)))
- (read-config (conc *toppath* "/runconfigs.config") #f #t sections: sections))))
+ ;; (read-config (conc *toppath* "/runconfigs.config") #f #t sections: sections))))
+ (runconfig:read (conc *toppath* "/runconfigs.config") target #f))))
(if (and rundir ;; have all needed variabless
(directory-exists? rundir)
(file-write-access? rundir))
(configf:write-alist data cfgf)
@@ -833,16 +863,17 @@
((and (args:get-arg "-section")
(args:get-arg "-var"))
(let ((val (or (configf:lookup data (args:get-arg "-section")(args:get-arg "-var"))
(configf:lookup data "default" (args:get-arg "-var")))))
(if val (print val))))
- ((not (args:get-arg "-dumpmode"))
+ ((or (not (args:get-arg "-dumpmode"))
+ (string=? (args:get-arg "-dumpmode") "ini"))
+ (configf:config->ini data))
+ ((string=? (args:get-arg "-dumpmode") "sexp")
(pp (hash-table->alist data)))
((string=? (args:get-arg "-dumpmode") "json")
(json-write data))
- ((string=? (args:get-arg "-dumpmode") "ini")
- (configf:config->ini data))
(debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "-dumpmode of " (args:get-arg "-dumpmode") " not recognised")))
(set! *didsomething* #t))
@@ -1839,10 +1870,30 @@
;; fakeout readline
(include "readline-fix.scm")
+(when (args:get-arg "-diff-rep")
+ (when (and
+ (not (args:get-arg "-diff-html"))
+ (not (args:get-arg "-diff-email")))
+ (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Must specify -diff-html or -diff-email with -diff-rep")
+ (set! *didsomething* 1)
+ (exit 1))
+ (let* ((toppath (launch:setup)))
+ (do-diff-report
+ (args:get-arg "-src-target")
+ (args:get-arg "-src-runname")
+ (args:get-arg "-target")
+ (args:get-arg "-runname")
+ (args:get-arg "-diff-html")
+ (args:get-arg "-diff-email"))
+ (set! *didsomething* #t)
+ (exit 0)))
(if (or (getenv "MT_RUNSCRIPT")
(args:get-arg "-repl")
(args:get-arg "-load"))
(let* ((toppath (launch:setup))
(dbstruct (if (and toppath
@@ -1954,11 +2005,11 @@
(set! *didsomething* #t)))
(if (args:get-arg "-generate-html")
(let* ((toppath (launch:setup)))
(if (tests:create-html-tree #f)
- (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "HTML output created in " toppath "/lt/runs-index.html")
+ (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "HTML output created in " toppath "/lt/page#.html")
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Failed to create HTML output in " toppath "/lt/runs-index.html"))
(set! *didsomething* #t)))
;; Exit and clean up
Index: rmt.scm
--- rmt.scm
+++ rmt.scm
@@ -31,12 +31,13 @@
;; if a server is either running or in the process of starting call client:setup
;; else return #f to let the calling proc know that there is no server available
-(define (rmt:get-connection-info areapath) ;; TODO: push areapath down.
- (let ((cinfo (remote-conndat *runremote*))
+(define (rmt:get-connection-info areapath #!key (area-dat #f)) ;; TODO: push areapath down.
+ (let* ((runremote (or area-dat *runremote*))
+ (cinfo (remote-conndat runremote))
(run-id 0))
(if cinfo
(if (server:check-if-running areapath)
(client:setup areapath)
@@ -44,130 +45,131 @@
(define *send-receive-mutex* (make-mutex)) ;; should have separate mutex per run-id
;; RA => e.g. usage (rmt:send-receive 'get-var #f (list varname))
-(define (rmt:send-receive cmd rid params #!key (attemptnum 1)) ;; start attemptnum at 1 so the modulo below works as expected
+(define (rmt:send-receive cmd rid params #!key (attemptnum 1)(area-dat #f)) ;; start attemptnum at 1 so the modulo below works as expected
;; do all the prep locked under the rmt-mutex
(mutex-lock! *rmt-mutex*)
- ;; 1. check if server is started IFF cmd is a write OR if we are not on the homehost, store in *runremote*
+ ;; 1. check if server is started IFF cmd is a write OR if we are not on the homehost, store in runremote
;; 2. check the age of the connections. refresh the connection if it is older than timeout-20 seconds.
;; 3. do the query, if on homehost use local access
- (let* ((start-time (current-seconds))) ;; snapshot time so all use cases get same value
+ (let* ((start-time (current-seconds)) ;; snapshot time so all use cases get same value
+ (runremote (or area-dat *runremote*)))
;; give up if more than 15 attempts
((> attemptnum 15)
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: 15 tries to start/connect to server. Giving up.")
(exit 1))
;; reset the connection if it has been unused too long
- ((and *runremote*
- (remote-conndat *runremote*)
- (let ((expire-time (+ (- start-time (remote-server-timeout *runremote*))(random 30)))) ;; add 30 seconds of noise so that not all running tests expire at the same time causing a storm of server starts
- (< (http-transport:server-dat-get-last-access (remote-conndat *runremote*)) expire-time)))
+ ((and runremote
+ (remote-conndat runremote)
+ (let ((expire-time (+ (- start-time (remote-server-timeout runremote))(random 30)))) ;; add 30 seconds of noise so that not all running tests expire at the same time causing a storm of server starts
+ (< (http-transport:server-dat-get-last-access (remote-conndat runremote)) expire-time)))
(debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case 8")
- (remote-conndat-set! *runremote* #f)
+ (remote-conndat-set! runremote #f)
(mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
(rmt:send-receive cmd rid params attemptnum: attemptnum))
;; ensure we have a record for our connection for given area
- ((not *runremote*)
+ ((not runremote)
(set! *runremote* (make-remote))
(mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
(debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case 1")
(rmt:send-receive cmd rid params attemptnum: attemptnum))
;; ensure we have a homehost record
- ((not (pair? (remote-hh-dat *runremote*))) ;; not on homehost
+ ((not (pair? (remote-hh-dat runremote))) ;; not on homehost
(thread-sleep! 0.1) ;; since we shouldn't get here, delay a little
- (remote-hh-dat-set! *runremote* (common:get-homehost))
+ (remote-hh-dat-set! runremote (common:get-homehost))
(mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
(debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case 2")
(rmt:send-receive cmd rid params attemptnum: attemptnum))
;; on homehost and this is a read
- ((and (cdr (remote-hh-dat *runremote*)) ;; on homehost
+ ((and (cdr (remote-hh-dat runremote)) ;; on homehost
(member cmd api:read-only-queries)) ;; this is a read
(mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
(debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case 3")
(rmt:open-qry-close-locally cmd 0 params))
;; on homehost and this is a write, we already have a server, but server has died
- ((and (cdr (remote-hh-dat *runremote*)) ;; on homehost
+ ((and (cdr (remote-hh-dat runremote)) ;; on homehost
(not (member cmd api:read-only-queries)) ;; this is a write
- (remote-server-url *runremote*) ;; have a server
+ (remote-server-url runremote) ;; have a server
(not (server:check-if-running *toppath*))) ;; server has died.
(set! *runremote* (make-remote))
(mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
(debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case 4.1")
(rmt:send-receive cmd rid params attemptnum: attemptnum))
;; on homehost and this is a write, we already have a server
- ((and (cdr (remote-hh-dat *runremote*)) ;; on homehost
+ ((and (cdr (remote-hh-dat runremote)) ;; on homehost
(not (member cmd api:read-only-queries)) ;; this is a write
- (remote-server-url *runremote*)) ;; have a server
+ (remote-server-url runremote)) ;; have a server
(mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
(debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case 4")
(rmt:open-qry-close-locally cmd 0 params))
;; on homehost, no server contact made and this is a write, passively start a server
- ((and (cdr (remote-hh-dat *runremote*)) ; new
- (not (remote-server-url *runremote*))
+ ((and (cdr (remote-hh-dat runremote)) ; new
+ (not (remote-server-url runremote))
(not (member cmd api:read-only-queries)))
(debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case 5")
(let ((server-url (server:check-if-running *toppath*))) ;; (server:read-dotserver->url *toppath*))) ;; (server:check-if-running *toppath*))) ;; Do NOT want to run server:check-if-running - very expensive to do for every write call
(if server-url
- (remote-server-url-set! *runremote* server-url) ;; the string can be consumed by the client setup if needed
+ (remote-server-url-set! runremote server-url) ;; the string can be consumed by the client setup if needed
(server:kind-run *toppath*)))
(mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
(debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case 5.1")
(rmt:open-qry-close-locally cmd 0 params))
- ((and (not (cdr (remote-hh-dat *runremote*))) ;; not on a homehost
- (not (remote-conndat *runremote*))) ;; and no connection
- (debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case 6 hh-dat: " (remote-hh-dat *runremote*) " conndat: " (remote-conndat *runremote*))
+ ((and (not (cdr (remote-hh-dat runremote))) ;; not on a homehost
+ (not (remote-conndat runremote))) ;; and no connection
+ (debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case 6 hh-dat: " (remote-hh-dat runremote) " conndat: " (remote-conndat runremote))
(mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
(server:start-and-wait *toppath*)
- (remote-conndat-set! *runremote* (rmt:get-connection-info *toppath*)) ;; calls client:setup which calls client:setup-http
+ (remote-conndat-set! runremote (rmt:get-connection-info *toppath*)) ;; calls client:setup which calls client:setup-http
(rmt:send-receive cmd rid params attemptnum: attemptnum)) ;; TODO: add back-off timeout as
;; all set up if get this far, dispatch the query
- ((cdr (remote-hh-dat *runremote*)) ;; we are on homehost
+ ((cdr (remote-hh-dat runremote)) ;; we are on homehost
(mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
(debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case 7")
(rmt:open-qry-close-locally cmd (if rid rid 0) params))
;; not on homehost, do server query
(mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
(debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case 9")
(mutex-lock! *rmt-mutex*)
- (let* ((conninfo (remote-conndat *runremote*))
- (dat (case (remote-transport *runremote*)
+ (let* ((conninfo (remote-conndat runremote))
+ (dat (case (remote-transport runremote)
((http) (condition-case ;; handling here has caused a lot of problems. However it is needed to deal with attemtped communication to servers that have gone away
(http-transport:client-api-send-receive 0 conninfo cmd params)
((commfail)(vector #f "communications fail"))
((exn)(vector #f "other fail" (print-call-chain)))))
- (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: transport " (remote-transport *runremote*) " not supported")
+ (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: transport " (remote-transport runremote) " not supported")
(success (if (vector? dat) (vector-ref dat 0) #f))
(res (if (vector? dat) (vector-ref dat 1) #f)))
(if (vector? conninfo)(http-transport:server-dat-update-last-access conninfo)) ;; refresh access time
;; (mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
- (debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case 9. conninfo=" conninfo " dat=" dat " *runremote* = "*runremote*)
+ (debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case 9. conninfo=" conninfo " dat=" dat " runremote = "runremote)
(if success
- (case (remote-transport *runremote*)
+ (case (remote-transport runremote)
(mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
- (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: transport " (remote-transport *runremote*) " is unknown")
+ (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: transport " (remote-transport runremote) " is unknown")
(mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
(exit 1)))
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: communication failed. Trying again, try num: " attemptnum)
- (remote-conndat-set! *runremote* #f)
- (remote-server-url-set! *runremote* #f)
+ (remote-conndat-set! runremote #f)
+ (remote-server-url-set! runremote #f)
(debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case 9.1")
(mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
(server:start-and-wait *toppath*)
(rmt:send-receive cmd rid params attemptnum: (+ attemptnum 1)))))))))
Index: runconfig.scm
--- runconfig.scm
+++ runconfig.scm
@@ -8,10 +8,15 @@
(declare (unit runconfig))
(declare (uses common))
(include "common_records.scm")
+(define (runconfig:read fname target environ-patt)
+ (let ((ht (make-hash-table)))
+ (hash-table-set! ht target '())
+ (read-config fname ht #t environ-patt: environ-patt sections: (if target (list "default" target) #f))))
;; NB// to process a runconfig ensure to use environ-patt with target!
(define (setup-env-defaults fname run-id already-seen keyvals #!key (environ-patt #f)(change-env #t))
(let* ((keys (map car keyvals))
(thekey (if keyvals
@@ -21,11 +26,11 @@
(debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "setup-env-defaults called with no run-id or -target or -reqtarg")
"nothing matches this I hope"))))
;; Why was system disallowed in the reading of the runconfigs file?
;; NOTE: Should be setting env vars based on (target|default)
- (confdat (read-config fname #f #t environ-patt: environ-patt sections: (list "default" thekey)))
+ (confdat (runconfig:read fname thekey environ-patt))
(whatfound (make-hash-table))
(finaldat (make-hash-table))
(sections (list "default" thekey)))
(if (not *target*)(set! *target* thekey)) ;; may save a db access or two but repeats db:get-target code
(debug:print 4 *default-log-port* "Using key=\"" thekey "\"")
DELETED sample-sauth-paths.scm
Index: sample-sauth-paths.scm
--- sample-sauth-paths.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-(define *db-path* "/path/to/db")
-(define *exe-path* "/path/to/store/suids")
-(define *exe-src* "/path/to/spublish/and/sretrieve/executables")
-(define *sauth-path* "/path/to/production/sauthorize/exe")
DELETED sauth-common.scm
Index: sauth-common.scm
--- sauth-common.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
-;; Create the sqlite db
-(define (sauthorize:db-do proc)
- (if (or (not *db-path*)
- (not (file-exists? *db-path*)))
- (begin
- (print 0 "[database]\nlocation " *db-path* " \n\n Is missing from the config file!")
- (exit 1)))
- (if (and *db-path*
- (directory? *db-path*)
- (file-read-access? *db-path*))
- (let* ((dbpath (conc *db-path* "/sauthorize.db"))
- (writeable (file-write-access? dbpath))
- (dbexists (file-exists? dbpath)))
- (handle-exceptions
- exn
- (begin
- (debug:print 2 "ERROR: problem accessing db " dbpath
- ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))
- (exit 1))
- ; (print "calling proc " proc "db path " dbpath )
- (call-with-database
- dbpath
- (lambda (db)
- ;(print 0 "calling proc " proc " on db " db)
- (set-busy-handler! db (busy-timeout 10000)) ;; 10 sec timeout
- (if (not dbexists)(sauthorize:initialize-db db))
- (proc db)))))
- (print 0 "ERROR: invalid path for storing database: " *db-path*)))
-;;execute a query
-(define (sauthorize:db-qry db qry)
- (exec (sql db qry)))
-(define (sauthorize:do-as-calling-user proc)
- (let ((eid (current-effective-user-id))
- (cid (current-user-id)))
- (if (not (eq? eid cid)) ;; running suid
- (set! (current-effective-user-id) cid))
- ;(print 0 "cid " cid " eid:" eid)
- (proc)
- (if (not (eq? eid cid))
- (set! (current-effective-user-id) eid))))
-(define (run-cmd cmd arg-list)
- ; (print (current-effective-user-id))
- ;(handle-exceptions
-; exn
-; (print 0 "ERROR: failed to run script " cmd " with params " arg-list " " (exn assert))
- (let ((pid (process-run cmd arg-list)))
- (process-wait pid))
-(define (regster-log inl usr-id area-id cmd)
- (sauth-common:shell-do-as-adm
- (lambda ()
- (sauthorize:db-do (lambda (db)
- (sauthorize:db-qry db (conc "INSERT INTO actions (cmd,user_id,area_id,action_type ) VALUES ('sretrieve " inl "'," usr-id "," area-id ", 'cat' )")))))))
-; Check user types
-;;check if a user is an admin
-(define (is-admin username)
- (let* ((admin #f))
- (sauthorize:db-do (lambda (db)
- (let* ((data-row (query fetch (sql db (conc "SELECT users.is_admin FROM users where users.username = '" username "'")))))
- (if (not (null? data-row))
- (let ((col (car data-row)))
- (if (equal? col "yes")
- (set! admin #t)))))))
-;;check if a user is an read-admin
-(define (is-read-admin username)
- (let* ((admin #f))
- (sauthorize:db-do (lambda (db)
- (let* ((data-row (query fetch (sql db (conc "SELECT users.is_admin FROM users where users.username = '" username "'")))))
- (if (not (null? data-row))
- (let ((col (car data-row)))
- (if (equal? col "read-admin")
- (set! admin #t)))))))
-;;check if user has specifc role for a area
-(define (is-user role username area)
- (let* ((has-access #f))
- (sauthorize:db-do (lambda (db)
- (let* ((data-row (query fetch (sql db (conc "SELECT permissions.access_type, permissions.expiration FROM users , areas, permissions where permissions.user_id = and permissions.area_id = and users.username = '" username "' and areas.code = '" area "'")))))
- (if (not (null? data-row))
- (begin
- (let* ((access-type (car data-row))
- (exdate (cadr data-row)))
- (if (not (null? exdate))
- (begin
- (let ((valid (is-access-valid exdate)))
- ;(print valid)
- (if (and (equal? access-type role)
- (equal? valid #t))
- (set! has-access #t))))
- (print "Access expired"))))))))
- ;(print has-access)
-(define (is-access-valid exp-str)
- (let* ((ret-val #f )
- (date-parts (string-split exp-str "/"))
- (yr (string->number (car date-parts)))
- (month (string->number(car (cdr date-parts))))
- (day (string->number(caddr date-parts)))
- (exp-date (make-date 0 0 0 0 day month yr )))
- ;(print exp-date)
- ;(print (current-date))
- (if (> (date-compare exp-date (current-date)) 0)
- (set! ret-val #t))
- ;(print ret-val)
- ret-val))
-;check if area exists
-(define (area-exists area)
- (let* ((area-defined #f))
- (sauthorize:db-do (lambda (db)
- (let* ((data-row (query fetch (sql db (conc "SELECT id FROM areas where areas.code = '" area "'")))))
- (if (not (null? data-row))
- (set! area-defined #t)))))
-; Get Record from database
-;gets area id by code
-(define (get-area area)
- (let* ((area-defined '()))
- (sauthorize:db-do (lambda (db)
- (let* ((data-row (query fetch (sql db (conc "SELECT id FROM areas where areas.code = '" area "'")))))
- (set! area-defined data-row))))
-;get id of users table by user name
-(define (get-user user)
- (let* ((user-defined '()))
- (sauthorize:db-do (lambda (db)
- (let* ((data-row (query fetch (sql db (conc "SELECT id FROM users where users.username = '" user "'")))))
- (set! user-defined data-row))))
-;get permissions id by userid and area id
-(define (get-perm userid areaid)
- (let* ((user-defined '()))
- (sauthorize:db-do (lambda (db)
- (let* ((data-row (query fetch (sql db (conc "SELECT id FROM permissions where user_id = " userid " and area_id = " areaid)))))
- (set! user-defined data-row))))
-(define (get-restrictions base-path usr)
-(let* ((user-defined '()))
- (sauthorize:db-do (lambda (db)
- (let* ((data-row (query fetch (sql db (conc "SELECT restriction FROM areas, users, permissions where = permissions.area_id and = permissions.user_id and users.username = '" usr "' and areas.basepath = '" base-path "'")))))
- ;(print data-row)
- (set! user-defined data-row))))
- ; (print user-defined)
- (if (null? user-defined)
- ""
- (car user-defined))))
-(define (get-obj-by-path path)
- (let* ((obj '()))
- (sauthorize:db-do (lambda (db)
- (let* ((data-row (query fetch (sql db (conc "SELECT code,exe_name, id, basepath FROM areas where areas.basepath = '" path "'")))))
- (set! obj data-row))))
-(define (get-obj-by-code code )
- (let* ((obj '()))
- (sauthorize:db-do (lambda (db)
- (let* ((data-row (query fetch (sql db (conc "SELECT code, exe_name, id, basepath FROM areas where areas.code = '" code "'")))))
- (set! obj data-row))))
-;(print obj)
-;; function to validate the users input for target path and resolve the path
-;; TODO: Check for restriction in subpath
-(define (sauth-common:resolve-path new current allowed-sheets)
- (let* ((target-path (append current (string-split new "/")))
- (target-path-string (string-join target-path "/"))
- (normal-path (normalize-pathname target-path-string))
- (normal-list (string-split normal-path "/"))
- (ret '()))
- (if (string-contains normal-path "..")
- (begin
- (print "ERROR: Path " new " resolved outside target area ")
- #f)
- (if(equal? normal-path ".")
- ret
- (if (not (member (car normal-list) allowed-sheets))
- (begin
- (print "ERROR: Permision denied to " new )
- #f)
- normal-list)))))
-(define (sauth-common:get-target-path base-path-list ext-path top-areas base-path)
- (let* ((resolved-path (sauth-common:resolve-path ext-path base-path-list top-areas ))
- (usr (current-user-name) ) )
- (if (not (equal? resolved-path #f))
- (if (null? resolved-path)
- #f
- (let* ((sheet (car resolved-path))
- (restricted-areas (get-restrictions base-path usr))
- (restrictions (conc ".*" (string-join (string-split restricted-areas ",") ".*|.*") ".*"))
- (target-path (if (null? (cdr resolved-path))
- base-path
- (conc base-path "/" (string-join (cdr resolved-path) "/")))))
- ; (print restricted-areas)
- (if (and (not (equal? restricted-areas "" ))
- (string-match (regexp restrictions) target-path))
- (begin
- (print "Access denied to " (string-join resolved-path "/"))
- ;(exit 1)
- #f)
- target-path)))
- #f)))
-(define (sauth-common:shell-ls-cmd base-path-list ext-path top-areas base-path tail-cmd-list)
- (if (and (null? base-path-list) (equal? ext-path "") )
- (print (string-intersperse top-areas " "))
- (let* ((resolved-path (sauth-common:resolve-path ext-path base-path-list top-areas )))
- ;(print resolved-path)
- (if (not (equal? resolved-path #f))
- (if (null? resolved-path)
- (print (string-intersperse top-areas " "))
- (let* ((target-path (sauth-common:get-target-path base-path-list ext-path top-areas base-path)))
- (print target-path)
- (if (not (equal? target-path #f))
- (begin
- (cond
- ((null? tail-cmd-list)
- (run (pipe
- (ls "-lrt" ,target-path))))
- ((not (equal? (car tail-cmd-list) "|"))
- (print "ls cmd cannot accept " (string-join tail-cmd-list) " as an argument!!"))
- (else
- (run (pipe
- (ls "-lrt" ,target-path)
- (begin (system (string-join (cdr tail-cmd-list))))))
- )
DELETED sauthorize.scm
Index: sauthorize.scm
--- sauthorize.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,566 +0,0 @@
-;; Copyright 2006-2013, Matthew Welland.
-;; This program is made available under the GNU GPL version 2.0 or
-;; greater. See the accompanying file COPYING for details.
-;; This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-(use defstruct)
-(use scsh-process)
-(use srfi-18)
-(use srfi-19)
-(use refdb)
-(use sql-de-lite srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69)
-(declare (uses common))
-(declare (uses configf))
-(declare (uses margs))
-(declare (uses megatest-version))
-(include "megatest-fossil-hash.scm")
-;;; please create this file before using sautherise. For sample file is avaliable sample-sauth-paths.scm.
-(include "sauth-paths.scm")
-(include "sauth-common.scm")
-(define *verbosity* 1)
-(define *logging* #f)
-(define *exe-name* (pathname-file (car (argv))))
-(define *sretrieve:current-tab-number* 0)
-(define *args-hash* (make-hash-table))
-(define sauthorize:help (conc "Usage: " *exe-name* " [action [params ...]]
- list : list areas $USER's can access
- log : get listing of recent activity.
- sauth list-area-user : list the users that can access the area.
- sauth open --group : Open up an area. User needs to be the owner of the area to open it.
- --code
- --retrieve|--publish
- sauth grant --area : Grant permission to read or write to a area that is alrady opend up.
- --expiration yyyy/mm/dd --retrieve|--publish
- [--restrict ]
- sauth read-shell : Open sretrieve shell for reading.
- sauth write-shell : Open spublish shell for writing.
-Part of the Megatest tool suite.
-Learn more at
-Version: " megatest-fossil-hash)) ;; "
-;; DB
-;; replace (strftime('%s','now')), with datetime('now'))
-(define (sauthorize:initialize-db db)
- (for-each
- (lambda (qry)
- (exec (sql db qry)))
- (list
- datetime TIMESTAMP DEFAULT (datetime('now','localtime')),
- action_type TEXT NOT NULL);"
- username TEXT NOT NULL,
- is_admin TEXT NOT NULL,
- datetime TIMESTAMP DEFAULT (datetime('now','localtime'))
- );"
- basepath TEXT NOT NULL,
- exe_name TEXT NOT NULL,
- datetime TIMESTAMP DEFAULT (datetime('now','localtime'))
- );"
- access_type TEXT NOT NULL,
- datetime TIMESTAMP DEFAULT (datetime('now','localtime')),
- restriction TEXT DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- )))
-(define (get-access-type args)
- (let loop ((hed (car args))
- (tal (cdr args)))
- (cond
- ((equal? hed "--retrieve")
- "retrieve")
- ((equal? hed "--publish")
- "publish")
- ((equal? hed "--area-admin")
- "area-admin")
- ((equal? hed "--writer-admin")
- "writer-admin")
- ((equal? hed "--read-admin")
- "read-admin")
- ((null? tal)
- #f)
- (else
- (loop (car tal)(cdr tal))))))
-;; check if user can gran access to an area
-(define (can-grant-perm username access-type area)
- (let* ((isadmin (is-admin username))
- (is-area-admin (is-user "area-admin" username area ))
- (is-read-admin (is-user "read-admin" username area) )
- (is-writer-admin (is-user "writer-admin" username area) ) )
- (cond
- ((equal? isadmin #t)
- #t)
- ((equal? is-area-admin #t )
- #t)
- ((and (equal? is-writer-admin #t ) (equal? access-type "retrieve"))
- #t)
- ((and (equal? is-read-admin #t ) (equal? access-type "retrieve"))
- #t)
- (else
- #f))))
-(define (sauthorize:list-areausers area )
- (sauthorize:db-do (lambda (db)
- (print "Users having access to " area ":")
- (query (for-each-row
- (lambda (row)
- (let* ((exp-date (cadr row)))
- (if (is-access-valid exp-date)
- (apply print (intersperse row " | "))))))
- (sql db (conc "SELECT users.username, permissions.expiration, permissions.access_type FROM users, areas, permissions where permissions.user_id = and permissions.area_id = and areas.code = '" area "'"))))))
-; check if executable exists
-(define (exe-exist exe access-type)
- (let* ((filepath (conc *exe-path* "/" access-type "/" exe)))
- ; (print filepath)
- (if (file-exists? filepath)
- #t
- #f)))
-(define (copy-exe access-type exe-name group)
- (run-cmd "/bin/chmod" (list "g+w" (conc *exe-path* "/" access-type)))
- (let* ((spath (conc *exe-src* "/s" access-type))
- (dpath (conc *exe-path* "/" access-type "/" exe-name)))
- (sauthorize:do-as-calling-user
- (lambda ()
- (run-cmd "/bin/cp" (list spath dpath ))
- (if (equal? access-type "publish")
- (run-cmd "/bin/chmod" (list "u+s,o+rx" dpath))
- (begin
- (if (equal? group "none")
- (run-cmd "/bin/chmod" (list "u+s,o+rx" dpath))
- (begin
- (run-cmd "/bin/chgrp" (list group dpath))
- (run-cmd "/bin/chmod" (list "g+s,o+rx" dpath))))))))
- (run-cmd "chmod" (list "g-w" (conc *exe-path* "/" access-type)))))
-(define (get-exe-name path group)
- (let ((name ""))
- (sauthorize:do-as-calling-user
- (lambda ()
- (if (equal? (current-effective-user-id) (file-owner path))
- (set! name (conc (current-user-name) "_" group))
- (begin
- (print "You cannot open areas that you dont own!!")
- (exit 1)))))
-(define (sauthorize:valid-unix-user username)
- (let* ((ret-val #f))
- (let-values (((inp oup pid)
- (process "/usr/bin/id" (list username))))
- (let loop ((inl (read-line inp)))
- (if (string? inl)
- (if (string-contains inl "No such user")
- (set! ret-val #f)
- (set! ret-val #t)))
- (if (eof-object? inl)
- (begin
- (close-input-port inp)
- (close-output-port oup))
- (loop (read-line inp)))))
- ret-val))
-;check if a paths/codes are vaid and if area is alrady open
-(define (open-area group path code access-type)
- (let* ((exe-name (get-exe-name path group))
- (path-obj (get-obj-by-path path))
- (code-obj (get-obj-by-code code)))
- ;(print path-obj)
- (cond
- ((not (null? path-obj))
- (if (equal? code (car path-obj))
- (begin
- (if (equal? exe-name (cadr path-obj))
- (begin
- (if (not (exe-exist exe-name access-type))
- (copy-exe access-type exe-name group)
- (begin
- (print "Area already open!!")
- (exit 1))))
- (begin
- (if (not (exe-exist exe-name access-type))
- (copy-exe access-type exe-name group))
- ;; update exe-name in db
- (sauthorize:db-do (lambda (db)
- (sauthorize:db-qry db (conc "update areas set exe_name = '" exe-name "' where id = " (caddr path-obj)))))
- )))
- (begin
- (print "Path " path " is registered with --code " (car path-obj) ". To open this area please execute following cmd: \n sauthorize open " path " --group " group " --code " (car path-obj) " --" access-type )
- (exit 1))))
- ((not (null? code-obj))
- (print "Code " code " is used for diffrent path. Please try diffrent value of --code" )
- (exit 1))
- (else
- ; (print (exe-exist exe-name access-type))
- (if (not (exe-exist exe-name access-type))
- (copy-exe access-type exe-name group))
- (sauthorize:db-do (lambda (db)
- ;(print (conc "insert into areas (code, basepath, exe_name) values ('" code "', '" path "', '" exe-name "') "))
- (sauthorize:db-qry db (conc "insert into areas (code, basepath, exe_name) values ('" code "', '" path "', '" exe-name "') "))))))))
-(define (user-has-open-perm user path access)
- (let* ((has-access #f)
- (eid (current-user-id)))
- (cond
- ((is-admin user)
- (set! has-access #t ))
- ((and (is-read-admin user) (equal? access "retrieve"))
- (set! has-access #t ))
- (else
- (print "User " user " does not have permission to open areas")))
- has-access))
-;;check if user has group access
-(define (is-group-washed req_grpid current-grp-list)
- (let loop ((hed (car current-grp-list))
- (tal (cdr current-grp-list)))
- (cond
- ((equal? hed req_grpid)
- #t)
- ((null? tal)
- #f)
- (else
- (loop (car tal)(cdr tal))))))
-;create executables with appropriate suids
-(define (sauthorize:open user path group code access-type)
- (let* ((gpid (group-information group))
- (req_grpid (if (equal? group "none")
- group
- (if (equal? gpid #f)
- #f
- (caddr gpid))))
- (current-grp-list (get-groups))
- (valid-grp (if (equal? group "none")
- group
- (is-group-washed req_grpid current-grp-list))))
- (if (and (not (equal? group "none")) (equal? valid-grp #f ))
- (begin
- (print "Group " group " is not washed in the current xterm!!")
- (exit 1))))
- (if (not (file-write-access? path))
- (begin
- (print "You can open areas owned by yourself. You do not have permissions to open path." path)
- (exit 1)))
- (if (user-has-open-perm user path access-type)
- (begin
- ;(print "here")
- (open-area group path code access-type)
- (sauthorize:grant user user code "2017/12/25" "read-admin" "")
- (sauthorize:db-do (lambda (db)
- (sauthorize:db-qry db (conc "INSERT INTO actions (cmd,user_id,area_id,action_type ) VALUES ('sauthorize open " path " --code " code " --group " group " --" access-type "'," (car (get-user user)) "," (car (get-area code)) ", 'open' )"))))
- (print "Area has " path " been opened for " access-type ))))
-(define (sauthorize:grant auser guser area exp-date access-type restrict)
- ; check if user exist in db
- (let* ((area-obj (get-area area))
- (auser-obj (get-user auser))
- (user-obj (get-user guser)))
- (if (null? user-obj)
- (begin
- ;; is guser a valid unix user
- (if (not (sauthorize:valid-unix-user guser))
- (begin
- (print "User " guser " is Invalid unix user!!")
- (exit 1)))
- (sauthorize:db-do (lambda (db)
- (sauthorize:db-qry db (conc "insert into users (username, is_admin) values ('" guser "', 'no') "))))
- (set! user-obj (get-user guser))))
- (let* ((perm-obj (get-perm (car user-obj) (car area-obj))))
- (if(null? perm-obj)
- (begin
- ;; insert permissions
- (sauthorize:db-do (lambda (db)
- (sauthorize:db-qry db (conc "insert into permissions (access_type, user_id, area_id, restriction, expiration ) values ('" access-type "', " (car user-obj) ", " (car area-obj) ", '" restrict "', '" exp-date "')")))))
- (begin
- ;update permissions
- (sauthorize:db-do (lambda (db)
- (sauthorize:db-qry db (conc "update permissions set access_type = '" access-type "' , restriction = '" restrict "', expiration = '" exp-date "' where user_id = " (car user-obj) " and area_id = " (car area-obj)))))))
- (sauthorize:db-do (lambda (db)
- (sauthorize:db-qry db (conc "INSERT INTO actions (cmd,user_id,area_id,action_type ) VALUES ('sauthorize grant " guser " --area " area " --expiration " exp-date " --" access-type " --restrict " restrict "'," (car auser-obj) "," (car area-obj) ", 'grant' )"))))
- (print "Permission has been sucessfully granted to user " guser))))
-(define (sauthorize:process-action username action . args)
- (case (string->symbol action)
- ((grant)
- (if (< (length args) 6)
- (begin
- (print "ERROR: Missing arguments; " (string-intersperse args ", "))
- (exit 1)))
- (let* ((remargs (args:get-args args '("--area" "--expiration" "--restrict") '() args:arg-hash 0))
- (guser (car args))
- (restrict (or (args:get-arg "--restrict") ""))
- (area (or (args:get-arg "--area") ""))
- (exp-date (or (args:get-arg "--expiration") ""))
- (access-type (get-access-type remargs)))
- ; (print "version " guser " restrict " restrict )
- ; (print "area " area " exp-date " exp-date " access-type " access-type)
- (cond
- ((equal? guser "")
- (print "Username not found!! Try \"sauthorize help\" for useage ")
- (exit 1))
- ((equal? area "")
- (print "Area not found!! Try \"sauthorize help\" for useage ")
- (exit 1))
- ((equal? access-type #f)
- (print "Access type not found!! Try \"sauthorize help\" for useage ")
- (exit 1))
- ((equal? exp-date "")
- (print "Date of expiration not found!! Try \"sauthorize help\" for useage ")
- (exit 1)))
- (if (not (area-exists area))
- (begin
- (print "Area does not exisit!!")
- (exit 1)))
- (if (can-grant-perm username access-type area)
- (begin
- (print "calling sauthorize:grant ")
- (sauthorize:grant username guser area exp-date access-type restrict))
- (begin
- (print "User " username " does not have permission to grant permissions to area " area "!!")
- (exit 1)))))
- ((list-area-user)
- (if (not (equal? (length args) 1))
- (begin
- (print "Missing argument area code to list-area-user ")
- (exit 1)))
- (let* ((area (car args)))
- (if (not (area-exists area))
- (begin
- (print "Area does not exisit!!")
- (exit 1)))
- (sauthorize:list-areausers area )
- ))
- ((read-shell)
- (if (not (equal? (length args) 1))
- (begin
- (print "Missing argument area code to read-shell ")
- (exit 1)))
- (let* ((area (car args))
- (code-obj (get-obj-by-code area)))
- (if (or (null? code-obj)
- (not (exe-exist (cadr code-obj) "retrieve")))
- (begin
- (print "Area " area " is not open for reading!!")
- (exit 1)))
- (sauthorize:do-as-calling-user
- (lambda ()
- (run-cmd (conc *exe-path* "/retrieve/" (cadr code-obj) ) (list "shell" area ))))))
- ((write-shell)
- (if (not (equal? (length args) 1))
- (begin
- (print "Missing argument area code to read-shell ")
- (exit 1)))
- (let* ((area (car args))
- (code-obj (get-obj-by-code area)))
- (if (or (null? code-obj)
- (not (exe-exist (cadr code-obj) "publish")))
- (begin
- (print "Area " area " is not open for Writing!!")
- (exit 1)))
- (sauthorize:do-as-calling-user
- (lambda ()
- (run-cmd (conc *exe-path* "/publish/" (cadr code-obj) ) (list "shell" area))))))
- ((publish)
- (if (< (length args) 2)
- (begin
- (print "Missing argument to publish. \n publish [opts] ")
- (exit 1)))
- (let* ((action (car args))
- (area (cadr args))
- (cmd-args (cddr args))
- (code-obj (get-obj-by-code area)))
- (if (or (null? code-obj)
- (not (exe-exist (cadr code-obj) "publish")))
- (begin
- (print "Area " area " is not open for writing!!")
- (exit 1)))
- (sauthorize:do-as-calling-user
- (lambda ()
- (run-cmd (conc *exe-path* "/publish/" (cadr code-obj) ) (append (list action area ) cmd-args))))))
- ((retrieve)
- (if (< (length args) 2)
- (begin
- (print "Missing argument to publish. \n publish [opts] ")
- (exit 1)))
- (let* ((action (car args))
- (area (cadr args))
- (cmd-args (cddr args))
- (code-obj (get-obj-by-code area)))
- (if (or (null? code-obj)
- (not (exe-exist (cadr code-obj) "retrieve")))
- (begin
- (print "Area " area " is not open for reading!!")
- (exit 1)))
- (sauthorize:do-as-calling-user
- (lambda ()
- (run-cmd (conc *exe-path* "/retrieve/" (cadr code-obj) ) (append (list action area ) cmd-args))))))
- ((open)
- (if (< (length args) 6)
- (begin
- (print "sauthorize open cmd takes 6 arguments!! \n Useage: sauthorize open --group --code --retrieve|--publish")
- (exit 1)))
- (let* ((remargs (args:get-args args '("--group" "--code") '() args:arg-hash 0))
- (path (car args))
- (group (or (args:get-arg "--group") ""))
- (area (or (args:get-arg "--code") ""))
- (access-type (get-access-type remargs)))
- (cond
- ((equal? path "")
- (print "path not found!! Try \"sauthorize help\" for useage ")
- (exit 1))
- ((equal? area "")
- (print "--code not found!! Try \"sauthorize help\" for useage ")
- (exit 1))
- ((equal? access-type #f)
- (print "Access type not found!! Try \"sauthorize help\" for useage ")
- (exit 1))
- ((and (not (equal? access-type "publish"))
- (not (equal? access-type "retrieve")))
- (print "Access type can be eiter --retrieve or --publish !! Try \"sauthorize help\" for useage ")
- (exit 1)))
- (sauthorize:open username path group area access-type)))
- ((area-admin)
- (let* ((usr (car args))
- (usr-obj (get-user usr))
- (user-id (car (get-user username))))
- (if (is-admin username)
- (begin
- ; (print usr-obj)
- (if (null? usr-obj)
- (begin
- (sauthorize:db-do (lambda (db)
- ;(print (conc "INSERT INTO users (username,is_admin) VALUES ( '" usr "', 'read-admin' )"))
- (sauthorize:db-qry db (conc "INSERT INTO users (username,is_admin) VALUES ( '" usr "', 'read-admin' )")))))
- (begin
- ; (print (conc "update users set is_admin = 'no' where id = " (car usr-obj) ))
- (sauthorize:db-do (lambda (db)
- (sauthorize:db-qry db (conc "update users set is_admin = 'read-admin' where id = " (car usr-obj)))))))
- (print "User " usr " is updated with area-admin access!"))
- (print "Admin only function"))
- (sauthorize:db-do (lambda (db)
- (sauthorize:db-qry db (conc "INSERT INTO actions (cmd,user_id,area_id,action_type ) VALUES ('area-admin " usr " ', " user-id ",0, 'area-admin ')" ))))))
- ((register-log)
- (if (< (length args) 4)
- (print "Invalid arguments"))
- ;(print args)
- (let* ((cmd-line (car args))
- (user-id (cadr args))
- (area-id (caddr args))
- (user-obj (get-user username))
- (cmd (cadddr args)))
- (if (and (not (null? user-obj)) (equal? user-id (number->string(car user-obj))))
- (begin
- (sauthorize:db-do (lambda (db)
- (sauthorize:db-qry db (conc "INSERT INTO actions (cmd,user_id,area_id,action_type ) VALUES ('" cmd-line"', " user-id "," area-id ", '" cmd "')" )))))
- (print "You ar not authorised to run this cmd")
- (else (print 0 "Unrecognised command " action))))
-(define (main)
- (let* ((args (argv))
- (prog (car args))
- (rema (cdr args))
- (username (current-user-name)))
- ;; preserve the exe data in the config file
- (cond
- ;; one-word commands
- ((eq? (length rema) 1)
- (case (string->symbol (car rema))
- ((help -h -help --h --help)
- (print sauthorize:help))
- ((list)
- (sauthorize:db-do (lambda (db)
- (print "My Area accesses: ")
- (query (for-each-row
- (lambda (row)
- (let* ((exp-date (car row)))
- (if (is-access-valid exp-date)
- (apply print (intersperse (cdr row) " | "))))))
- (sql db (conc "SELECT permissions.expiration, areas.basepath, areas.code, permissions.access_type FROM users, areas, permissions where permissions.user_id = and permissions.area_id = and users.username = '" username "'"))))))
- ((log)
- (sauthorize:db-do (lambda (db)
- (print "Logs : ")
- (query (for-each-row
- (lambda (row)
- (apply print (intersperse row " | "))))
- (sql db "SELECT actions.cmd, users.username, actions.action_type, actions.datetime, areas.code FROM actions, users, areas where actions.user_id = and actions.area_id = ")))))
- (else
- (print "ERROR: Unrecognised command. Try \"sauthorize help\""))))
- ;; multi-word commands
- ((null? rema)(print sauthorize:help))
- ((>= (length rema) 2)
- (apply sauthorize:process-action username (car rema)(cdr rema)))
- (else (debug:print 0 "ERROR: Unrecognised command. Try \"sauthorize help\"")))))
DELETED thunk-utils.scm
Index: thunk-utils.scm
--- thunk-utils.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-(use srfi-18)
-;; wrap a proc with a mutex so that two threads may not call proc simultaneously.
-;; will catch exceptions to ensure mutex is unlocked even if exception is thrown.
-;; will generate a unique mutex for proc unless one is specified with canned-mutex: option
-;; example 1: (define thread-safe-+ (make-synchronized-proc +))
-;; example 2: (define thread-safe-plus
-;; (make-synchronized-proc
-;; (lambda (x y)
-;; (+ x y))))
-(define (make-synchronized-proc proc
- #!key (canned-mutex #f))
- (let* ((guard-mutex (if canned-mutex canned-mutex (make-mutex)))
- (guarded-proc ;; we are guarding the thunk against exceptions. We will record whether result of evaluation is an exception or a regular result.
- (lambda args
- (mutex-lock! guard-mutex)
- (let* ((EXCEPTION (gensym)) ;; using gensym to avoid potential collision with a proc that returns a pair having the first element be our flag. gensym guarantees the symbol is unique.
- (res
- (condition-case
- (apply proc args) ;; this is what we are guarding the execution of
- [x () (cons EXCEPTION x)]
- )))
- (mutex-unlock! guard-mutex)
- (cond
- ((and (pair? res) (eq? (car res) EXCEPTION))
- (raise (cdr res)))
- (else
- res))))))
- guarded-proc))
-;; retry an operation (depends on srfi-18)
-;; ==================
-;; idea here is to avoid spending time on coding retrying something. Trying to be generic here.
-;; Exception handling:
-;; -------------------
-;; if evaluating the thunk results in exception, it will be retried.
-;; on last try, if final-failure-returns-actual is true, the exception will be re-thrown to caller.
-;; look at options below #!key to see how to configure behavior
-(define (retry-thunk
- the-thunk
- #!key ;;;; options below
- (accept-result? (lambda (x) x)) ;; retry if predicate applied to thunk's result is false
- (retries 4) ;; how many tries
- (failure-value #f) ;; return this on final failure, unless following option is enabled:
- (final-failure-returns-actual #f) ;; on failure, on the last try, just return the result, not failure-value
- (retry-delay 0.1) ;; delay between tries
- (back-off-factor 1) ;; multiply retry-delay by this factor on retry
- (random-delay 0.1) ;; add a random portion of this value to wait
- (chatty #f) ;; print status as we go, for debugging.
- )
- (when chatty (print) (print "Entered retry-thunk") (print "-=-=-=-=-=-"))
- (let* ((guarded-thunk ;; we are guarding the thunk against exceptions. We will record whether result of evaluation is an exception or a regular result.
- (lambda ()
- (let* ((EXCEPTION (gensym)) ;; using gensym to avoid potential collision
- (res
- (condition-case
- (the-thunk) ;; this is what we are guarding the execution of
- [x () (cons EXCEPTION x)]
- )))
- (cond
- ((and (pair? res) (eq? (car res) EXCEPTION))
- (if chatty
- (print " - the-thunk threw exception >"(cdr res)"<"))
- (cons 'exception (cdr res)))
- (else
- (if chatty
- (print " - the-thunk returned result >"res"<"))
- (cons 'regular-result res)))))))
- (let loop ((guarded-res (guarded-thunk))
- (retries-left retries)
- (fail-wait retry-delay))
- (if chatty (print " =========="))
- (let* ((wait-time (+ fail-wait (+ (* fail-wait back-off-factor)
- (* random-delay
- (/ (random 1024) 1024) ))))
- (res-type (car guarded-res))
- (res-value (cdr guarded-res)))
- (cond
- ((and (eq? res-type 'regular-result) (accept-result? res-value))
- (if chatty (print " + return result that satisfied accept-result? >"res-value"<"))
- res-value)
- ((> retries-left 0)
- (if chatty (print " - sleep "wait-time))
- (thread-sleep! wait-time)
- (if chatty (print " + retry ["retries-left" tries left]"))
- (loop (guarded-thunk)
- (sub1 retries-left)
- wait-time))
- ((eq? res-type 'regular-result)
- (if final-failure-returns-actual
- (begin
- (if chatty (print " + last try failed- return the result >"res-value"<"))
- res-value)
- (begin
- (if chatty (print " + last try failed- return canned failure value >"failure-value"<"))
- failure-value)))
- (else ;; no retries left; result was not accepted and res-type can only be 'exception
- (if final-failure-returns-actual
- (begin
- (if chatty (print " + last try failed with exception- re-throw it >"res-value"<"))
- (abort res-value)); re-raise the exception. TODO: find a way for call-history to show as though from entry to this function
- (begin
- (if chatty (print " + last try failed with exception- return canned failure value >"failure-value"<"))
- failure-value))))))))
Index: utils/
--- utils/
+++ utils/
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
#! /usr/bin/env bash
+# This file installs prerequisites for megatest (chicken, eggs, etc.)
+# Before running this script, set PREFIX environment variable
+# to chicken install target area. /opt/chicken is a typical value
# set -x
# Copyright 2007-2014, Matthew Welland.
# This program is made available under the GNU GPL version 2.0 or
@@ -8,16 +11,20 @@
# greater. See the accompanying file COPYING for details.
# This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
+if [[ $OPTION=="" ]]; then
+ export OPTION=std
echo You may need to do the following first:
echo sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev
echo sudo apt-get install libwebkitgtk-dev
echo sudo apt-get install libpangox-1.0-0 zlib1g-dev libfreetype6-dev cmake
-echo sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
+echo sudo apt-get install libssl-dev uuid-dev
echo sudo apt-get install libmotif3 -OR- set KTYPE=26g4
echo Set OPTION to std, currently OPTION=$OPTION
echo Additionally, if you want mysql-client, you will need to make sure
@@ -56,11 +63,11 @@
@@ -172,11 +179,24 @@
tar xfz tgz/sqlite-autoconf-$SQLITE3_VERSION.tar.gz
(cd sqlite-autoconf-$SQLITE3_VERSION;./configure --prefix=$PREFIX;make;make install)
+for egg in "sqlite3" sql-de-lite # nanomsg
+ echo "Installing $egg"
+ CSC_OPTIONS="-I$PREFIX/include -L$PREFIX/lib -L$PREFIX/lib64" $CHICKEN_INSTALL $PROX -keep-installed $egg
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "$egg failed to install"
+ exit 1
+ fi
# Some eggs are quoted since they are reserved to Bash
# for f in matchable readline apropos base64 regex-literals format "regex-case" "test" coops trace csv dot-locking posix-utils posix-extras directory-utils hostinfo tcp rpc csv-xml fmt json md5; do
# $CHICKEN_INSTALL $PROX -keep-installed matchable readline apropos base64 regex-literals format "regex-case" "test" coops trace csv dot-locking posix-utils posix-extras directory-utils hostinfo tcp rpc csv-xml fmt json md5 awful http-client spiffy uri-common intarweb http-client spiffy-request-vars md5 message-digest http-client spiffy-directory-listing
for egg in matchable readline apropos base64 regex-literals format "regex-case" "test" \
@@ -206,20 +226,10 @@
if [[ -e `which mysql_config` ]]; then
$CHICKEN_INSTALL $PROX -keep-installed mysql-client
-for egg in "sqlite3" sql-de-lite # nanomsg
- echo "Installing $egg"
- CSC_OPTIONS="-I$PREFIX/include -L$PREFIX/lib -L$PREFIX/lib64" $CHICKEN_INSTALL $PROX -keep-installed $egg
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "$egg failed to install"
- exit 1
- fi
cd `$PREFIX/bin/csi -p '(chicken-home)'`
curl | tar zx
@@ -342,12 +352,18 @@
CSC_OPTIONS="-I$PREFIX/include -L$PREFIX/lib" $CHICKEN_INSTALL $PROX -D no-library-checks canvas-draw
# CSC_OPTIONS="-I$PREFIX/include -L$CSCLIBS" $CHICKEN_INSTALL $PROX -D no-library-checks -deploy -prefix $DEPLOYTARG canvas-draw
+# install ducttape
+cd ../ducttape
echo You may need to add $LD_LIBRARY_PATH to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable, a
echo file can be found in the current directory which should work for setting up to run chicken4x
echo Testing iup
$PREFIX/bin/csi -b -eval '(use iup)(print "Success")'