Index: common.scm
--- common.scm
+++ common.scm
@@ -143,21 +143,26 @@
 (define (common:version-signature)
   (conc megatest-version "-" (substring megatest-fossil-hash 0 4)))
 ;; from metadat lookup MEGATEST_VERSION
-(define (common:get-last-run-version)
+(define (common:get-last-run-version) ;; RADT => How does this work in send-receive function??; assume it is the value saved in some DB
   (rmt:get-var "MEGATEST_VERSION"))
+(define (common:get-last-run-version-number)
+  (string->number 
+   (substring (common:get-last-run-version) 0 6)))
 (define (common:set-last-run-version)
   (rmt:set-var "MEGATEST_VERSION" (common:version-signature)))
 (define (common:version-changed?)
   (not (equal? (common:get-last-run-version)
 ;; Move me elsewhere ...
+;; RADT => Why do we meed the version check here, this is called only if version misma
 (define (common:cleanup-db)
    #f ;; do all run-ids
    ;; 'new2old
@@ -167,15 +172,17 @@
    ;; 'old2new
   (if (common:version-changed?)
+;; Force a megatest cleanup-db if version is changed and skip-version-check not specified
 (define (common:exit-on-version-changed)
   (if (common:version-changed?)
       (let ((mtconf (conc (get-environment-variable "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME") "/megatest.config")))
         (debug:print 0 *default-log-port*
-		     "ERROR: Version mismatch!\n"
+		     "WARNING: Version mismatch!\n"
 		     "   expected: " (common:version-signature) "\n"
 		     "   got:      " (common:get-last-run-version))
 	(if (and (file-exists? mtconf)
 		 (eq? (current-user-id)(file-owner mtconf))) ;; safe to run -cleanup-db
@@ -634,10 +641,18 @@
 ;; S Y S T E M   S T U F F
+;; lazy-safe get file mod time. on any error (file not existing etc.) return 0
+(define (common:lazy-modification-time fpath)
+  (handle-exceptions
+   exn
+   0
+   (file-modification-time fpath)))
 ;; return a nice clean pathname made absolute
 (define (common:nice-path dir)
   (let ((match (string-match "^(~[^\\/]*)(\\/.*|)$" dir)))
     (if match ;; using ~ for home?

Index: common_records.scm
--- common_records.scm
+++ common_records.scm
@@ -103,10 +103,24 @@
 	(lambda ()
 	  (if *logging*
 	      (db:log-event (apply conc params))
 	      (apply print params)
+;; Brandon's debug printer shortcut (indulge me :)
+(define (BB> . in-args)
+  (let* ((stack (get-call-chain))
+         (location #f))
+    (for-each
+     (lambda (frame)
+       (let* ((this-loc (vector-ref frame 0))
+              (this-func (cadr (string-split this-loc " "))))
+         (if (equal? this-func "BB>")
+             (set! location this-loc))))
+     stack)
+    (let ((dp-args (append (list 0 *default-log-port* location"   "  ) in-args)))
+      (apply debug:print dp-args))))
 (define (debug:print-error n e . params)
   ;; normal print
   (if (debug:debug-mode n)
       (with-output-to-port (or e (current-error-port))

Index: dashboard-tests.scm
--- dashboard-tests.scm
+++ dashboard-tests.scm
@@ -414,11 +414,11 @@
-(define (examine-test run-id test-id) ;; run-id run-key origtest)
+(define (dashboard-tests:examine-test run-id test-id) ;; run-id run-key origtest)
   (let* ((db-path       (db:dbfile-path run-id)) ;; (conc (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "linktree") "/db/" run-id ".db"))
 	 (dbstruct      (make-dbr:dbstruct path:  (db:dbfile-path #f) ;; (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "linktree") 
 					   local: #t))
 	 (testdat        (rmt:get-test-info-by-id run-id test-id)) ;; (db:get-test-info-by-id dbstruct run-id test-id))
 	 (db-mod-time   0) ;; (file-modification-time db-path))

Index: dashboard.scm
--- dashboard.scm
+++ dashboard.scm
@@ -109,10 +109,11 @@
   uidat ;; needs to move to tabdat at some time
 (define (dboard:commondat-make)
    curr-tab-num:         0
    tabdats:              (make-hash-table)
@@ -121,37 +122,42 @@
    updaters:             (make-hash-table)
    updating:             #f
    hide-not-hide-tabs:   #f
+;; RA => returns the tabdat stored at hashkey passed in commondat-tabdats table (e.g. 0 gives summary)
 (define (dboard:common-get-tabdat commondat #!key (tab-num #f))
    (dboard:commondat-tabdats commondat)
-   (or tab-num (dboard:commondat-curr-tab-num commondat))
+   (or tab-num (dboard:commondat-curr-tab-num commondat)) ;; tab-num value is curr-tab-num value in passed commondat
+;; RA => sets the tabdat passed to the hashkey at commondat:tabdats hash table
 (define (dboard:common-set-tabdat! commondat tabnum tabdat)
    (dboard:commondat-tabdats commondat)
-;; gets and calls updater based on curr-tab-num
+;; gets and calls updater list based on curr-tab-num
 (define (dboard:common-run-curr-updaters commondat #!key (tab-num #f))
   (if (dboard:common-get-tabdat commondat tab-num: tab-num) ;; only update if there is a tabdat
       (let* ((tnum     (or tab-num (dboard:commondat-curr-tab-num commondat)))
 	     (updaters (hash-table-ref/default (dboard:commondat-updaters commondat)
 	(debug:print 4 *default-log-port* "Found these updaters: " updaters " for tab-num: " tnum)
-	(for-each
+	(for-each ;; perform the function calls for the complete updaters list
 	 (lambda (updater)
 	   ;; (debug:print 3 *default-log-port* "Running " updater)
 ;; if tab-num passed in then use it, otherwise look in commondat at curr-tab-num
+;; adds the updater passed in the updaters list at that hashkey
 (define (dboard:commondat-add-updater commondat updater #!key (tab-num #f))
   (let* ((tnum          (or tab-num
 			     (dboard:commondat-curr-tab-num commondat)))
 	 (curr-updaters (hash-table-ref/default (dboard:commondat-updaters commondat) tnum '())))
@@ -211,12 +217,13 @@
   states                                                ;; states for -state s1,s2 ...
   statuses                                              ;; statuses for -status s1,s2 ...
   ;; Selector variables				         
   curr-run-id                                           ;; current row to display in Run summary view
+  prev-run-id                                           ;; previous runid selected before current runid was selected (used in xor-two-runs runs summary mode
   curr-test-ids                                         ;; used only in dcommon:run-update which is used in newdashboard
-  ((filters-changed  #f)                  : boolean)    ;; to to indicate that the user changed filters for this tab
+  ((filters-changed  #t)                  : boolean)    ;; to to indicate that the user changed filters for this tab
   ((last-filter-str  "")                  : string)      ;; conc the target runname and testpatt for a signature of changed filters
   ((hide-empty-runs  #f)                  : boolean)     
   ((hide-not-hide    #t)                  : boolean)     ;; toggle for hide/not hide empty runs
   (hide-not-hide-button #f)
   ((searchpatts        (make-hash-table)) : hash-table)  ;;
@@ -243,10 +250,19 @@
   ;; tab data
   ((view-changed       #t)                : boolean)   
   ((xadj               0)                 : number)     ;; x slider number (if using canvas)
   ((yadj               0)                 : number)     ;; y slider number (if using canvas)
+  ;; runs-summary tab state
+  ((runs-summary-modes '((one-run . "Show One Run") (xor-two-runs . "XOR Two Runs") (xor-two-runs-hide-clean . "XOR; Hide Clean")) )   : list)
+  ((runs-summary-mode-buttons '())               : list)
+  ((runs-summary-mode  'one-run)            : symbol)
+  ((runs-summary-mode-change-callbacks '()) : list)
+  (runs-summary-source-runname-label #f)
+  (runs-summary-dest-runname-label #f)
+  ;; runs summary view
   tests-tree       ;; used in newdashboard
 (define (dboard:tabdat-target-string vec)
   (let ((targ (dboard:tabdat-target vec)))
@@ -472,13 +488,21 @@
 ;; gets all the tests for run-id that match testnamepatt and key-vals, merges them
 ;;    NOTE: Yes, this is used
 (define (dboard:get-tests-for-run-duplicate tabdat run-id run testnamepatt key-vals)
-  (let* ((num-to-get  100)
+  (let* ((num-to-get
+          (let ((num-tests-from-config (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "num-tests-to-get")))
+            (if num-tests-from-config
+                (begin
+                  (BB> "override num-tests 100 -> "num-tests-from-config)
+                  (string->number num-tests-from-config))
+                100)))
 	 (states      (hash-table-keys (dboard:tabdat-state-ignore-hash tabdat)))
 	 (statuses    (hash-table-keys (dboard:tabdat-status-ignore-hash tabdat)))
+         (do-not-use-db-file-timestamps (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "do-not-use-db-file-timestamps")) ;; this still hosts runs-summary-tab
+         (do-not-use-query-timestamps (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "do-not-use-query-timestamps")) ;; this no longer troubles runs-summary-tab
 	 (sort-info   (get-curr-sort))
 	 (sort-by     (vector-ref sort-info 1))
 	 (sort-order  (vector-ref sort-info 2))
 	 (bubble-type (if (member sort-order '(testname))
@@ -487,19 +511,25 @@
 	 (run-dat    (or (hash-table-ref/default (dboard:tabdat-allruns-by-id tabdat) run-id #f)
 			 (let ((rd (dboard:rundat-make-init run: run key-vals: key-vals)))
 			   (hash-table-set! (dboard:tabdat-allruns-by-id tabdat) run-id rd)
 	 ;; (prev-tests  (dboard:rundat-tests prev-dat)) ;; (vector-ref prev-dat 1))
-	 (last-update (dboard:rundat-last-update run-dat)) ;; (vector-ref prev-dat 3))
+         (last-update
+          (if do-not-use-query-timestamps
+              0
+              (dboard:rundat-last-update run-dat)
+              ;;(hash-table-ref/default (dboard:tabdat-run-update-times tabdat) run-id 0)
+              ))
 	 (db-path     (or (dboard:rundat-db-path run-dat)
 			  (let* ((db-dir (tasks:get-task-db-path))
 				 (db-pth (conc db-dir "/" run-id ".db")))
 			    (dboard:rundat-db-path-set! run-dat db-pth)
-	 (tmptests    (if (or (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "do-not-use-db-file-timestamps")
-			      (>= (file-modification-time db-path) last-update))
-			  (rmt:get-tests-for-run run-id testnamepatt states statuses  ;; run-id testpatt states statuses
+	 (tmptests    (if (or do-not-use-db-file-timestamps
+			      (>=  (common:lazy-modification-time db-path) last-update))
+                          (rmt:get-tests-for-run run-id testnamepatt states statuses  ;; run-id testpatt states statuses
 						 (dboard:rundat-run-data-offset run-dat)
 						 (dboard:tabdat-hide-not-hide tabdat) ;; no-in
 						 sort-by                              ;; sort-by
 						 sort-order                           ;; sort-order
@@ -539,11 +569,14 @@
     ;; set last-update to 0 if still getting data incrementally
     (if (> (dboard:rundat-run-data-offset run-dat) 0)
 	  ;; (print "run-data-offset: " (dboard:rundat-run-data-offset run-dat) ", setting last-update to 0")
-	  (dboard:rundat-last-update-set! run-dat 0))
+	  ;; (dboard:rundat-last-update-set! run-dat 0)
+          (dboard:rundat-last-update-set! run-dat 0))
+        ;; (hash-table-set! (dboard:tabdat-run-update-times tabdat) run-id (- start-time 3))
 	(dboard:rundat-last-update-set! run-dat (- (current-seconds) 2))) ;; go back two seconds in time to ensure all changes are captured.
     ;; (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "tests-ht: " (hash-table-keys tests-ht))
@@ -637,10 +670,13 @@
 		  (if (> (dboard:rundat-run-data-offset run-struct) 0)
 		      (loop run tal new-res newmaxtests) ;; not done getting data for this run
 		      (loop (car tal)(cdr tal) new-res newmaxtests)))))))
     (dboard:tabdat-filters-changed-set! tabdat #f)
     (dboard:update-tree tabdat runs-hash header tb)))
 (define *collapsed* (make-hash-table))
 (define (toggle-hide lnum uidat) ; fulltestname)
   (let* ((btn (vector-ref (dboard:uidat-get-lftcol uidat) lnum))
@@ -790,11 +826,10 @@
 	 (lftcol      (dboard:uidat-get-lftcol uidat))
 	 (tableheader (dboard:uidat-get-header uidat))
 	 (table       (dboard:uidat-get-runsvec uidat))
 	 (coln        0)
 	 (all-test-names (make-hash-table)))
     ;; create a concise list of test names
      (lambda (rundat)
        (if rundat
@@ -892,10 +927,11 @@
 			   (curr-title (vector-ref buttondat 2))) ;; (iup:attribute button "TITLE")))
 		      (if (not (equal? curr-color color))
 			  (iup:attribute-set! button "BGCOLOR" color))
 		      (if (not (equal? curr-title buttontxt))
 			  (iup:attribute-set! button "TITLE"   buttontxt))
+                      ;;(print "RA => testdat " testdat " teststate " teststate " teststatus " teststatus " buttondat " buttondat " curr-color " curr-color  " curr-title " curr-title "buttontxt" buttontxt " title " curr-title )
 		      (vector-set! buttondat 0 run-id)
 		      (vector-set! buttondat 1 color)
 		      (vector-set! buttondat 2 buttontxt)
 		      (vector-set! buttondat 3 testdat)
 		      (vector-set! buttondat 4 run-key)))
@@ -1223,32 +1259,37 @@
  ;;				   #:multiline "YES")))
  ;;	 (dboard:tabdat-logs-textbox-set! tabdat logs-tb)
  ;;	 logs-tb))
 (define (dboard:runs-tree-browser commondat tabdat)
-  (let* ((tb      (iup:treebox
-		   #:value 0
-		   #:name "Runs"
-		   #:expand "YES"
-		   #:addexpanded "NO"
-		   #:selection-cb
-		   (lambda (obj id state)
-		     (debug:catch-and-dump
-		      (lambda ()
-			(let* ((run-path (tree:node->path obj id))
-			       (run-id    (tree-path->run-id tabdat (cdr run-path))))
-                          ;; (dboard:tabdat-view-changed-set! tabdat #t) ;; ?? done below when run-id is a number
-			  (dboard:tabdat-target-set! tabdat (cdr run-path)) ;; (print "run-path: " run-path)			    
-			  (dboard:tabdat-layout-update-ok-set! tabdat #f)
-			  (if (number? run-id)
-			      (begin
-				(dboard:tabdat-curr-run-id-set! tabdat run-id)
-				(dboard:tabdat-view-changed-set! tabdat #t))
-			      (debug:print-error 5 *default-log-port* "tree-path->run-id returned non-number " run-id))))
-		      "treebox"))
-		   ;; (print "path: " (tree:node->path obj id) " run-id: " run-id)
-		   )))
+  (let* ((tb
+          (iup:treebox
+           #:value 0
+           #:name "Runs"
+           #:expand "YES"
+           #:addexpanded "NO"
+           #:selection-cb
+           (lambda (obj id state)
+             (debug:catch-and-dump
+              (lambda ()
+                (let* ((run-path (tree:node->path obj id))
+                       (run-id    (tree-path->run-id tabdat (cdr run-path))))
+                  ;; (dboard:tabdat-view-changed-set! tabdat #t) ;; ?? done below when run-id is a number
+                  (dboard:tabdat-target-set! tabdat (cdr run-path)) ;; (print "run-path: " run-path)			    
+                  (dboard:tabdat-layout-update-ok-set! tabdat #f)
+                  (if (number? run-id)
+                      (begin
+                        ;; capture last two in tabdat.
+                        (dboard:tabdat-prev-run-id-set!
+                         tabdat
+                         (dboard:tabdat-curr-run-id tabdat))
+                        (dboard:tabdat-curr-run-id-set! tabdat run-id)
+                        (dboard:tabdat-view-changed-set! tabdat #t))
+                      (debug:print-error 5 *default-log-port* "tree-path->run-id returned non-number " run-id))))
+              "treebox"))
+           ;; (print "path: " (tree:node->path obj id) " run-id: " run-id)
+           )))
     (dboard:tabdat-runs-tree-set! tabdat tb)
 ;; R U N   C O N T R O L S
@@ -1428,129 +1469,182 @@
 				       userdata: (conc "run-id: " run-id))
 			(hash-table-set! (dboard:tabdat-path-run-ids tabdat) run-path run-id)
 			;; (set! colnum (+ colnum 1))
-(define (dashboard:one-run-updater commondat tabdat tb cell-lookup run-matrix)
-  (let* ((last-runs-update  (dboard:tabdat-last-runs-update tabdat))
+(define (dashboard:tests-ht->tests-dat tests-ht)
+  (reverse
+   (sort
+    (hash-table-values tests-ht)
+    (lambda (a b) 
+      (let ((a-test-name  (db:test-get-testname a))
+            (a-item-path  (db:test-get-item-path a))
+            (b-test-name  (db:test-get-testname b))
+            (b-item-path  (db:test-get-item-path b)))
+        (cond
+         ((< 0 (string-compare3 a-test-name b-test-name)) #t)
+         ((> 0 (string-compare3 a-test-name b-test-name)) #f)
+         ((< 0 (string-compare3 a-item-path b-item-path)) #t)
+         (else #f)))))))
+(define (dashboard:run-id->tests-mindat run-id tabdat runs-hash)
+  (let* ((run          (hash-table-ref/default runs-hash run-id #f))
+         (key-vals     (rmt:get-key-vals run-id))
+         (testnamepatt (or (dboard:tabdat-test-patts tabdat) "%/%"))
+         (tests-ht     (dboard:get-tests-for-run-duplicate tabdat run-id run testnamepatt key-vals))
+         (tests-dat    (dashboard:tests-ht->tests-dat tests-ht)) 
+         (tests-mindat (dcommon:minimize-test-data tests-dat)))  ;; reduces data for display
+    (dboard:tabdat-last-runs-update-set! tabdat (- (current-seconds) 2))
+    (hash-table-set! (dboard:tabdat-last-test-dat tabdat) run-id tests-dat)
+    (hash-table-set! (dboard:tabdat-run-update-times tabdat) run-id (- (current-seconds) 10))
+    (when (not run)
+        (BB> "ERROR: NO RUN FOR RUN-ID run-id="run-id)
+        (BB> "runs-hash-> " (hash-table->alist runs-hash))
+        )
+    tests-mindat))
+(define (dashboard:runs-summary-xor-matrix-content tabdat runs-hash #!key (hide-clean #f))
+  (let* ((src-run-id (dboard:tabdat-prev-run-id tabdat))
+         (dest-run-id (dboard:tabdat-curr-run-id tabdat)))
+    (if (and src-run-id dest-run-id)
+        (dcommon:xor-tests-mindat 
+         (dashboard:run-id->tests-mindat src-run-id tabdat runs-hash)
+         (dashboard:run-id->tests-mindat dest-run-id tabdat runs-hash)
+         hide-clean: hide-clean)
+        #f)))
+(define (dashboard:get-runs-hash tabdat)
+  (let* ((last-runs-update  0);;(dboard:tabdat-last-runs-update tabdat))
 	 (runs-dat     (rmt:get-runs-by-patt (dboard:tabdat-keys tabdat) "%" #f #f #f #f last-runs-update))
 	 (runs-header  (vector-ref runs-dat 0)) ;; 0 is header, 1 is list of records
+         (runs         (vector-ref runs-dat 1))
 	 (run-id       (dboard:tabdat-curr-run-id tabdat))
          (runs-hash    (let ((ht (make-hash-table)))
 			 (for-each (lambda (run)
 				     (hash-table-set! ht (db:get-value-by-header run runs-header "id") run))
-				   (vector-ref runs-dat 1))
-			 ht)))
+				   runs) ht)))
+    runs-hash))
+(define (dashboard:runs-summary-updater commondat tabdat tb cell-lookup run-matrix)
+  (dashboard:do-update-rundat tabdat) 
+  (dboard:runs-summary-control-panel-updater tabdat)
+  (let* ((last-runs-update  (dboard:tabdat-last-runs-update tabdat))
+	 (runs-dat     (rmt:get-runs-by-patt (dboard:tabdat-keys tabdat) "%" #f #f #f #f last-runs-update))
+	 (runs-header  (vector-ref runs-dat 0)) ;; 0 is header, 1 is list of records
+         (runs         (vector-ref runs-dat 1))
+	 (run-id       (dboard:tabdat-curr-run-id tabdat))
+         (runs-hash (dashboard:get-runs-hash tabdat))
+         ;; (runs-hash    (let ((ht (make-hash-table)))
+	 ;;        	 (for-each (lambda (run)
+	 ;;        		     (hash-table-set! ht (db:get-value-by-header run runs-header "id") run))
+	 ;;        		   runs)
+	 ;;        	 ht))
+         )
     (dboard:update-tree tabdat runs-hash runs-header tb)
     (if run-id
-        (let* (
-               (last-update  (hash-table-ref/default (dboard:tabdat-run-update-times tabdat) run-id 0))
-               (db-path      (or (hash-table-ref/default (dboard:tabdat-run-db-paths tabdat) run-id #f)
-                                 (let* ((db-dir (tasks:get-task-db-path))
-                                        (db-pth (conc db-dir "/" run-id ".db")))
-                                   (hash-table-set! (dboard:tabdat-run-db-paths tabdat) run-id db-pth)
-                                   db-pth)))
-               (tests-dat    (if (or (not run-id)
-                                     (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "do-not-use-db-file-timestamps")
-                                     (not (hash-table-exists? (dboard:tabdat-last-test-dat tabdat) run-id))
-                                     (>= (file-modification-time db-path) last-update))
-                                 (dboard:get-tests-dat tabdat run-id last-update)
-                                 (hash-table-ref (dboard:tabdat-last-test-dat tabdat) run-id)))
-               (tests-mindat (dcommon:minimize-test-data tests-dat))
-               (indices      (common:sparse-list-generate-index tests-mindat)) ;;  proc: set-cell))
-               (row-indices  (cadr indices))
-               (col-indices  (car indices))
-               (max-row      (if (null? row-indices) 1 (common:max (map cadr row-indices))))
-               (max-col      (if (null? col-indices) 1 (common:max (map cadr col-indices))))
-               (max-visible  (max (- (dboard:tabdat-num-tests tabdat) 15) 3)) ;; (dboard:tabdat-num-tests tabdat) is proportional to the size of the window
-               (numrows      1)
-               (numcols      1)
-               (changed      #f)
-               )
-    (dboard:tabdat-last-runs-update-set! tabdat (- (current-seconds) 2))
-          (hash-table-set! (dboard:tabdat-last-test-dat tabdat) run-id tests-dat)
-          (hash-table-set! (dboard:tabdat-run-update-times tabdat) run-id (- (current-seconds) 10))
-          (dboard:tabdat-filters-changed-set! tabdat #f)
-          (let loop ((pass-num 0)
-                     (changed  #f))
-            ;; Update the runs tree
-            (dboard:update-tree tabdat runs-hash runs-header tb)
-            (if (eq? pass-num 1)
-                (begin ;; big reset
-                  (iup:attribute-set! run-matrix "CLEARVALUE" "ALL") ;; NOTE: Was CONTENTS
-                  (iup:attribute-set! run-matrix "CLEARATTRIB" "CONTENTS")
-                  (iup:attribute-set! run-matrix "RESIZEMATRIX" "YES")))
-            (if (> max-col (string->number (iup:attribute run-matrix "NUMCOL")))
-                (iup:attribute-set! run-matrix "NUMCOL" max-col ))
-            (let ((effective-max-row (if (< max-row max-visible) max-visible max-row)))
-              (if (> effective-max-row (string->number (iup:attribute run-matrix "NUMLIN")))
-                (iup:attribute-set! run-matrix "NUMLIN" effective-max-row )))
-            ;; Row labels
-            (for-each (lambda (ind)
-                        (let* ((name (car ind))
-                               (num  (cadr ind))
-                               (key  (conc num ":0")))
-                          (if (not (equal? (iup:attribute run-matrix key) name))
-                              (begin
-                                (set! changed #t)
-                                (iup:attribute-set! run-matrix key name)))))
-                      row-indices)
-            ;; (print "row-indices: " row-indices " col-indices: " col-indices)
-            (if (and (eq? pass-num 0) changed)
-                (loop 1 #t)) ;; force second pass
-            ;; Cell contents
-            (for-each (lambda (entry)
-                        ;; (print "entry: " entry)
-                        (let* ((row-name  (cadr entry))
-                               (col-name  (car entry))
-                               (valuedat  (caddr entry))
-                               (test-id   (list-ref valuedat 0))
-                               (test-name row-name) ;; (list-ref valuedat 1))
-                               (item-path col-name) ;; (list-ref valuedat 2))
-                               (state     (list-ref valuedat 1))
-                               (status    (list-ref valuedat 2))
-                               (value     (gutils:get-color-for-state-status state status))
-                               (row-num   (cadr (assoc row-name row-indices)))
-                               (col-num   (cadr (assoc col-name col-indices)))
-                               (key       (conc row-num ":" col-num)))
-                          (hash-table-set! cell-lookup key test-id)
-                          (if (not (equal? (iup:attribute run-matrix key) (cadr value)))
-                              (begin
-                                (set! changed #t)
-                                (iup:attribute-set! run-matrix key (cadr value))
-                                (iup:attribute-set! run-matrix (conc "BGCOLOR" key) (car value))))))
-                      tests-mindat)
-            ;; Col labels - do after setting Cell contents so they are accounted for in the size calc.
-            (for-each (lambda (ind)
-                        (let* ((name (car ind))
-                               (num  (cadr ind))
-                               (key  (conc "0:" num)))
-                          (if (not (equal? (iup:attribute run-matrix key) name))
-                              (begin
-                                (set! changed #t)
-                                (iup:attribute-set! run-matrix key name)
-                                (if (<= num max-col)
-                                    (iup:attribute-set! run-matrix "FITTOTEXT" (conc "C" num)))))))
-                      col-indices)
-            (if (and (eq? pass-num 0) changed)
-                (loop 1 #t)) ;; force second pass due to column labels changing
-            ;; (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "one-run-updater, changed: " changed " pass-num: " pass-num)
-            ;; (print "one-run-updater, changed: " changed " pass-num: " pass-num)
-            (if changed (iup:attribute-set! run-matrix "REDRAW" "ALL"))))))
-  )
+        (let* ((matrix-content
+                (case (dboard:tabdat-runs-summary-mode tabdat) 
+                  ((one-run) (dashboard:run-id->tests-mindat run-id tabdat runs-hash))
+                  ((xor-two-runs) (dashboard:runs-summary-xor-matrix-content tabdat runs-hash))
+                  ((xor-two-runs-hide-clean) (dashboard:runs-summary-xor-matrix-content tabdat runs-hash hide-clean: #t))
+                  (else (dashboard:run-id->tests-mindat run-id tabdat runs-hash)))))
+          (when matrix-content
+            (let* ((indices      (common:sparse-list-generate-index matrix-content)) ;;  proc: set-cell))
+                   (row-indices  (cadr indices))
+                   (col-indices  (car indices))
+                   (max-row      (if (null? row-indices) 1 (common:max (map cadr row-indices))))
+                   (max-col      (if (null? col-indices) 1 (common:max (map cadr col-indices))))
+                   (max-visible  (max (- (dboard:tabdat-num-tests tabdat) 15) 3)) ;; (dboard:tabdat-num-tests tabdat) is proportional to the size of the window
+                   (numrows      1)
+                   (numcols      1)
+                   (changed      #f)
+                   )
+              (dboard:tabdat-filters-changed-set! tabdat #f)
+              (let loop ((pass-num 0)
+                         (changed  #f))
+                ;; Update the runs tree
+                (dboard:update-tree tabdat runs-hash runs-header tb)
+                (if (eq? pass-num 1)
+                    (begin ;; big reset
+                      (iup:attribute-set! run-matrix "CLEARVALUE" "ALL") ;; NOTE: Was CONTENTS
+                      (iup:attribute-set! run-matrix "CLEARATTRIB" "CONTENTS")
+                      (iup:attribute-set! run-matrix "RESIZEMATRIX" "YES")))
+                (if (> max-col (string->number (iup:attribute run-matrix "NUMCOL")))
+                    (iup:attribute-set! run-matrix "NUMCOL" max-col ))
+                (let ((effective-max-row (if (< max-row max-visible) max-visible max-row)))
+                  (if (> effective-max-row (string->number (iup:attribute run-matrix "NUMLIN")))
+                      (iup:attribute-set! run-matrix "NUMLIN" effective-max-row )))
+                ;; Row labels
+                (for-each (lambda (ind)
+                            (let* ((name (car ind))
+                                   (num  (cadr ind))
+                                   (key  (conc num ":0")))
+                              (if (not (equal? (iup:attribute run-matrix key) name))
+                                  (begin
+                                    (set! changed #t)
+                                    (iup:attribute-set! run-matrix key name)))))
+                          row-indices)
+                ;; (print "row-indices: " row-indices " col-indices: " col-indices)
+                (if (and (eq? pass-num 0) changed)
+                    (loop 1 #t)) ;; force second pass
+                ;; Cell contents
+                (for-each (lambda (entry)
+                            ;; (print "entry: " entry)
+                            (let* ((row-name  (cadr entry))
+                                   (col-name  (car entry))
+                                   (valuedat  (caddr entry))
+                                   (test-id   (list-ref valuedat 0))
+                                   (test-name row-name) ;; (list-ref valuedat 1))
+                                   (item-path col-name) ;; (list-ref valuedat 2))
+                                   (state     (list-ref valuedat 1))
+                                   (status    (list-ref valuedat 2))
+                                   (value     (gutils:get-color-for-state-status state status))
+                                   (row-num   (cadr (assoc row-name row-indices)))
+                                   (col-num   (cadr (assoc col-name col-indices)))
+                                   (key       (conc row-num ":" col-num)))
+                              (hash-table-set! cell-lookup key test-id)
+                              (if (not (equal? (iup:attribute run-matrix key) (cadr value)))
+                                  (begin
+                                    (set! changed #t)
+                                    (iup:attribute-set! run-matrix key (cadr value))
+                                    (iup:attribute-set! run-matrix (conc "BGCOLOR" key) (car value))))))
+                          matrix-content)
+                ;; Col labels - do after setting Cell contents so they are accounted for in the size calc.
+                (for-each (lambda (ind)
+                            (let* ((name (car ind))
+                                   (num  (cadr ind))
+                                   (key  (conc "0:" num)))
+                              (if (not (equal? (iup:attribute run-matrix key) name))
+                                  (begin
+                                    (set! changed #t)
+                                    (iup:attribute-set! run-matrix key name)
+                                    (if (<= num max-col)
+                                        (iup:attribute-set! run-matrix "FITTOTEXT" (conc "C" num)))))))
+                          col-indices)
+                (if (and (eq? pass-num 0) changed)
+                    (loop 1 #t)) ;; force second pass due to column labels changing
+                ;; (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "runs-summary-updater, changed: " changed " pass-num: " pass-num)
+                ;; (print "runs-summary-updater, changed: " changed " pass-num: " pass-num)
+                (if changed (iup:attribute-set! run-matrix "REDRAW" "ALL")))))))))
 ;; S U M M A R Y 
@@ -1643,20 +1737,103 @@
     (if success
 	  ;; (iup:attribute-set! tabs (conc "TABTITLE" tab-num) view-name)
 	  (dboard:common-set-tabdat! commondat tab-num (dboard:tabdat-make-data))))
+(define (dboard:runs-summary-buttons-updater tabdat)
+  (let loop ((buttons-left (dboard:tabdat-runs-summary-mode-buttons tabdat))
+             (modes-left (dboard:tabdat-runs-summary-modes tabdat)))
+    (if (or (null? buttons-left) (null? modes-left))
+        #t
+        (let* ((this-button (car buttons-left))
+               (mode-item (car modes-left))
+               (this-mode (car mode-item))
+               (sel-color    "180 100 100")
+               (nonsel-color "170 170 170")
+               (current-mode (dboard:tabdat-runs-summary-mode tabdat)))
+          (if (eq? this-mode current-mode)
+              (iup:attribute-set! this-button "BGCOLOR" sel-color)
+              (iup:attribute-set! this-button "BGCOLOR" nonsel-color))
+          (loop (cdr buttons-left) (cdr modes-left))))))
+(define (dboard:runs-summary-xor-labels-updater tabdat)
+  (let ((source-runname-label (dboard:tabdat-runs-summary-source-runname-label tabdat))
+        (dest-runname-label (dboard:tabdat-runs-summary-dest-runname-label tabdat))
+        (mode (dboard:tabdat-runs-summary-mode tabdat)))
+    (when (and source-runname-label dest-runname-label)
+      (case mode
+        ((xor-two-runs xor-two-runs-hide-clean)
+         (let* ((curr-run-id          (dboard:tabdat-curr-run-id tabdat))
+                (prev-run-id          (dboard:tabdat-prev-run-id tabdat))
+                (curr-runname (if curr-run-id
+                                  (rmt:get-run-name-from-id curr-run-id)
+                                  "None"))
+                (prev-runname (if prev-run-id
+                                  (rmt:get-run-name-from-id prev-run-id)
+                                  "None")))
+           (iup:attribute-set! source-runname-label "TITLE" (conc " SRC: "prev-runname"  "))
+           (iup:attribute-set! dest-runname-label "TITLE" (conc "DEST: "curr-runname"  "))))
+        (else
+         (iup:attribute-set! source-runname-label "TITLE" "")
+         (iup:attribute-set! dest-runname-label "TITLE" ""))))))
+(define (dboard:runs-summary-control-panel-updater tabdat)
+  (dboard:runs-summary-xor-labels-updater tabdat)
+  (dboard:runs-summary-buttons-updater tabdat))
+;; setup buttons and callbacks to switch between modes in runs summary tab
+(define (dashboard:runs-summary-control-panel tabdat)
+  (let* ((summary-buttons ;; build buttons
+          (map
+           (lambda (mode-item)
+             (let* ((this-mode (car mode-item))
+                    (this-mode-label (cdr mode-item)))
+               (iup:button this-mode-label
+                           #:action
+                           (lambda (obj)
+                             (debug:catch-and-dump
+                              (lambda ()
+                                (dboard:tabdat-runs-summary-mode-set! tabdat this-mode)
+                                (dboard:runs-summary-control-panel-updater tabdat))
+                              "runs summary control panel updater")))))
+           (dboard:tabdat-runs-summary-modes tabdat)))
+         (summary-buttons-hbox (apply iup:hbox summary-buttons))
+         (xor-runname-labels-hbox
+          (iup:hbox
+           (let ((temp-label
+                  (iup:label "" #:size "125x15" #:fontsize "10" )))
+             (dboard:tabdat-runs-summary-source-runname-label-set! tabdat temp-label)
+             temp-label
+             )
+           (let ((temp-label
+                  (iup:label "" #:size "125x15" #:fontsize "10")))
+             (dboard:tabdat-runs-summary-dest-runname-label-set! tabdat temp-label)
+             temp-label))))
+    (dboard:tabdat-runs-summary-mode-buttons-set! tabdat summary-buttons)
+    ;; maybe wrap in a frame
+    (let ((res (iup:vbox summary-buttons-hbox xor-runname-labels-hbox )))
+      (dboard:runs-summary-control-panel-updater tabdat)
+      res
+      )))
 ;; R U N
 ;; display and manage a single run at a time
 ;; This is the Run Summary tab
-(define (dashboard:one-run commondat tabdat #!key (tab-num #f))
+(define (dashboard:runs-summary commondat tabdat #!key (tab-num #f))
   (let* ((update-mutex (dboard:commondat-update-mutex commondat))
 	 (tb      (iup:treebox
 		   #:value 0
 		   #:name "Runs"
 		   #:expand "YES"
@@ -1668,60 +1845,118 @@
 			;; (print "obj: " obj ", id: " id ", state: " state)
 			(let* ((run-path (tree:node->path obj id))
 			       (run-id   (tree-path->run-id tabdat (cdr run-path))))
 			  (if (number? run-id)
+                                (dboard:tabdat-prev-run-id-set!
+                                 tabdat
+                                 (dboard:tabdat-curr-run-id tabdat))
 				(dboard:tabdat-curr-run-id-set! tabdat run-id)
 				(dboard:tabdat-layout-update-ok-set! tabdat #f)
 				;; (dashboard:update-run-summary-tab)
 			      ;; (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "tree-path->run-id returned non-number " run-id)
-		      "selection-cb in one-run")
+		      "selection-cb in runs-summary")
 		     ;; (print "path: " (tree:node->path obj id) " run-id: " run-id)
 	 (cell-lookup (make-hash-table))
 	 (run-matrix (iup:matrix
 		      #:expand "YES"
 		      (lambda (obj lin col status)
-			(let* ((toolpath (car (argv)))
-			       (key      (conc lin ":" col))
-			       (test-id  (hash-table-ref/default cell-lookup key -1))
-			       (cmd      (conc toolpath " -test " (dboard:tabdat-curr-run-id tabdat) "," test-id "&")))
-			  (system cmd)))))
-	 (one-run-updater  
+                        (debug:catch-and-dump
+                         (lambda ()
+                           ;; Bummer - we dont have the global get/set api mapped in chicken
+                           ;; (let* ((modkeys (iup:global "MODKEYSTATE")))
+                           ;;   (BB> "modkeys="modkeys))
+                           (BB> "click-cb: obj="obj" lin="lin" col="col" status="status)
+                           ;; status is corrupted on Brandon's home machine.  will have to wait until after shutdown to see if it is still broken in PDX SLES
+                           (let* ((toolpath (car (argv)))
+                                  (key      (conc lin ":" col))
+                                  (test-id   (hash-table-ref/default cell-lookup key -1))
+                                  (run-id   (dboard:tabdat-curr-run-id tabdat))
+                                  (run-info (rmt:get-run-info run-id))
+                                  (target   (rmt:get-target run-id))
+                                  (runname  (db:get-value-by-header (db:get-rows run-info)
+                                                                    (db:get-header run-info) "runname"))
+                                  (test-name (db:test-get-testname (rmt:get-test-info-by-id run-id test-id)))
+                                  (testpatt  (let ((tlast (rmt:tasks-get-last target runname)))
+                                                (if tlast
+                                                    (let ((tpatt (tasks:task-get-testpatt tlast)))
+                                                      (if (member tpatt '("0" 0)) ;; known bad historical value - remove in 2017
+                                                          "%"
+                                                          tpatt))
+                                                    "%")))
+                                  (item-path (db:test-get-item-path (rmt:get-test-info-by-id run-id test-id)))
+                                  (item-test-path (conc test-name "/" (if (equal? item-path "")
+									"%" 
+									item-path)))
+                                  (status-chars (char-set->list (string->char-set status)))
+                                  (testpanel-cmd      (conc toolpath " -test " (dboard:tabdat-curr-run-id tabdat) "," test-id " &")))
+                             (BB> "status-chars=["status-chars"] status=["status"]")
+                             (cond
+                              ((member #\1 status-chars) ;; 1 is left mouse button
+                               (system testpanel-cmd))
+                              ((member #\2 status-chars) ;; 2 is middle mouse button
+                               (BB> "mmb- test-name="test-name" testpatt="testpatt)
+                               (iup:show (dashboard:popup-menu run-id test-id target runname test-name testpatt item-test-path) ;; popup-menu
+                                         #:x 'mouse
+                                         #:y 'mouse
+                                         #:modal? "NO")
+                               )
+                              (else
+                               (BB> "unhandled status in run-summary-click-cb.  Doing right click action. (status is corrupted on Brandon's ubuntu host - bad/buggy  iup install??" )
+                               (iup:show (dashboard:popup-menu run-id test-id target runname test-name testpatt item-test-path) ;; popup-menu
+                                         #:x 'mouse
+                                         #:y 'mouse
+                                         #:modal? "NO")
+                               )
+                              )
+                             )) "runs-summary-click-callback"))))
+	 (runs-summary-updater  
           (lambda ()
 	    (mutex-lock! update-mutex)
             (if  (or (dashboard:database-changed? commondat tabdat)
                      (dboard:tabdat-view-changed tabdat))
                   (lambda () ;; check that run-matrix is initialized before calling the updater
 		    (if run-matrix 
-			(dashboard:one-run-updater commondat tabdat tb cell-lookup run-matrix)))
-                  "dashboard:one-run-updater")
+			(dashboard:runs-summary-updater commondat tabdat tb cell-lookup run-matrix)))
+                  "dashboard:runs-summary-updater")
-	    (mutex-unlock! update-mutex))))
-    (dboard:commondat-add-updater commondat one-run-updater tab-num: tab-num)
+	    (mutex-unlock! update-mutex)))
+         (runs-summary-control-panel (dashboard:runs-summary-control-panel tabdat))
+         )
+    (dboard:commondat-add-updater commondat runs-summary-updater tab-num: tab-num)
     (dboard:tabdat-runs-tree-set! tabdat tb)
+      #:value 200
-     (dboard:make-controls commondat tabdat))))
+     (dboard:make-controls commondat tabdat extra-widget: runs-summary-control-panel))))
 ;; R U N S 
-(define (dboard:make-controls commondat tabdat)
+(define (dboard:make-controls commondat tabdat #!key (extra-widget #f) )
   (let ((btn-fontsz  (dboard:tabdat-runs-btn-fontsz tabdat)))
        #:title "filter test and items"
-       (iup:hbox
+       (iup:vbox
+        (iup:hbox
 	 (iup:textbox #:size "120x15" #:fontsize "10" #:value "%"
 		      #:expand "NO"
 		      #:action (lambda (obj unk val)
@@ -1772,10 +2007,11 @@
 					 #:dropdown "YES"
 					 #:action (lambda (obj val index lbstate)
 						    (set! *tests-sort-reverse* index)
 						    (mark-for-update tabdat))))
 		(default-cmd (car (list-ref *tests-sort-type-index* *tests-sort-reverse*))))
 	   (iuplistbox-fill-list sort-lb cmds-list selected-item: default-cmd)
 	   (set! hide-empty (iup:button "HideEmpty"
 					;; #:expand HORIZONTAL"
 					#:expand "NO" #:size "80x15"
@@ -1799,14 +2035,25 @@
 					     (iup:attribute-set! hide "BGCOLOR" nonsel-color)
 					     (mark-for-update tabdat))))
 	   (iup:attribute-set! hide "BGCOLOR" sel-color)
 	   (iup:attribute-set! show "BGCOLOR" nonsel-color)
 	   ;; (dboard:tabdat-hide-not-hide-button-set! tabdat hideit) ;; never used, can eliminate ...
-	   (iup:vbox
-	    (iup:hbox hide show)
-	    hide-empty sort-lb)))
-	)))
+           (iup:vbox
+            (iup:hbox hide show)
+            sort-lb))) 
+	)
+        ;; insert extra widget here
+        (if extra-widget
+            extra-widget
+            (iup:hbox)) ;; empty widget
+        )))
       #:title "state/status filter"
@@ -1844,24 +2091,66 @@
 					   (iup:attribute-set! obj "MAX" (* maxruns 10))))
 		     #:expand "HORIZONTAL"
 		     #:max (* 10 (max (hash-table-size (dboard:tabdat-allruns-by-id tabdat)) 10))
 		     #:min 0
 		     #:step 0.01)))
-					;(iup:button "inc rows" #:action (lambda (obj)(dboard:tabdat-num-tests-set! tabdat (+ (dboard:tabdat-num-tests tabdat) 1))))
+     ;;(iup:button "inc rows" #:action (lambda (obj)(dboard:tabdat-num-tests-set! tabdat (+ (dboard:tabdat-num-tests tabdat) 1))))
 					;(iup:button "dec rows" #:action (lambda (obj)(dboard:tabdat-num-tests-set! tabdat (if (> (dboard:tabdat-num-tests tabdat) 0)(- (dboard:tabdat-num-tests tabdat) 1) 0))))
-(define (dashboard:popup-menu buttndat run-id test-id target runname test-name testpatt item-test-path)
+(define (dashboard:popup-menu  run-id test-id target runname test-name testpatt item-test-path)
+   (iup:menu-item
+    "Test Control Panel"
+    #:action
+    (lambda (obj)
+      (let* ((toolpath (car (argv)))
+             (testpanel-cmd
+              (conc toolpath " -test " run-id "," test-id " &")))
+        (system testpanel-cmd)
+        )))
+   (iup:menu-item
+    (conc "View Log (not yet implemented) " item-test-path)
+    )
+   (iup:menu-item
+    (conc "Rerun " item-test-path)
+    #:action
+    (lambda (obj)
+      (common:run-a-command
+       (conc "megatest -set-state-status NOT_STARTED,n/a -run -target " target
+             " -runname " runname
+             " -testpatt " item-test-path
+             " -preclean -clean-cache"))))
+   (iup:menu-item
+    "Start xterm"
+    #:action
+    (lambda (obj)
+      (dcommon:examine-xterm run-id test-id)))
+   (iup:menu-item
+    (conc "Kill " item-test-path)
+    #:action
+    (lambda (obj)
+      ;; (rmt:test-set-state-status-by-id run-id test-id "KILLREQ" #f #f)
+      (common:run-a-command
+       (conc "megatest -set-state-status KILLREQ,n/a -target " target
+             " -runname " runname
+             " -testpatt " item-test-path 
+             " -state RUNNING,REMOTEHOSTSTART,LAUNCHED"))))
       (conc "Rerun " testpatt)
       (lambda (obj)
-        ;; (print "buttndat: " buttndat " run-id: " run-id " test-id: " test-id " target: " target " runname: " runname " test-name: " test-name " testpatt: " testpatt "item-path : " item-path)
+        ;; (print  " run-id: " run-id " test-id: " test-id " target: " target " runname: " runname " test-name: " test-name " testpatt: " testpatt "item-path : " item-path)
 	 (conc "megatest -run -target " target
 	       " -runname " runname
 	       " -testpatt " testpatt
 	       " -preclean -clean-cache")
@@ -1880,11 +2169,20 @@
       (lambda (obj)
          (conc "megatest -remove-runs -target " target
                " -runname " runname
-               " -testpatt % "))))))
+               " -testpatt % "))))
+     (iup:menu-item ;; RADT => itemize this run lists before merging with v1.61
+      "Kill Complete Run"
+      #:action
+      (lambda (obj)
+        (common:run-a-command
+         (conc "megatest -set-state-status KILLREQ,n/a -target " target
+               " -runname " runname
+               " -testpatt % "
+               "  -state RUNNING,REMOTEHOSTSTART,LAUNCHED"))))))
       (conc "Rerun " item-test-path)
@@ -1939,11 +2237,11 @@
 (define (make-dashboard-buttons commondat) ;;  runs-sum-dat new-view-dat)
   (let* ((stats-dat       (dboard:tabdat-make-data))
 	 (runs-dat        (dboard:tabdat-make-data))
-	 (onerun-dat      (dboard:tabdat-make-data))
+	 (onerun-dat      (dboard:tabdat-make-data)) ;; name for run-summary structure 
 	 (runcontrols-dat (dboard:tabdat-make-data))
 	 (runtimes-dat    (dboard:tabdat-make-data))
 	 (nruns           (dboard:tabdat-numruns runs-dat))
 	 (ntests          (dboard:tabdat-num-tests runs-dat))
 	 (keynames        (dboard:tabdat-dbkeys runs-dat))
@@ -2069,11 +2367,11 @@
                                               (item-path (db:test-get-item-path (rmt:get-test-info-by-id run-id test-id)))
                                               (item-test-path (conc test-name "/" (if (equal? item-path "")
-					 (iup:show (dashboard:popup-menu buttndat run-id test-id target runname test-name testpatt item-test-path) ;; popup-menu
+					 (iup:show (dashboard:popup-menu run-id test-id target runname test-name testpatt item-test-path) ;; popup-menu
 						   #:x 'mouse
 						   #:y 'mouse
 						   #:modal? "NO")
 					 ;; (print "got here")
@@ -2148,11 +2446,11 @@
 						   (dboard:commondat-please-update-set! commondat #t)
 						   (dboard:tabdat-layout-update-ok-set! tabdat #t)))
 			  (dashboard:summary commondat stats-dat tab-num: 0)
-			  (dashboard:one-run commondat onerun-dat tab-num: 2)
+			  (dashboard:runs-summary commondat onerun-dat tab-num: 2)
 			  ;; (dashboard:new-view db data new-view-dat tab-num: 3)
 			  (dashboard:run-controls commondat runcontrols-dat tab-num: 3)
 			  (dashboard:run-times commondat runtimes-dat tab-num: 4)
 	;; (set! (iup:callback tabs tabchange-cb:) (lambda (a b c)(print "SWITCHED TO TAB: " a " " b " " c)))
@@ -2251,10 +2549,12 @@
 ;; point inside line
 (define-inline (dashboard:px-between px lx1 lx2)
   (and (< lx1 px)(> lx2 px)))
+;;Not reference anywhere
 ;; can a bar be placed in row "rownum" covering x1 to x2 without overlapping with existing 
 ;; bars? Use num-rows to check that a block will fit from rownum to (+ rownum num-rows)
 (define (dashboard:row-collision rowhash rownum x1 x2 #!key (num-rows #f))
   (let ((lastrow   (if num-rows (+ rownum num-rows) rownum)))
@@ -2842,37 +3142,112 @@
 					    (runloop (car runtal)(cdr runtal) (+ run-num 1) newdoneruns)
 					    (escapeloop #t) ;; (dboard:tabdat-layout-update-ok tabdat)
 					    ))))))))) ;;  new-run-start-row
 	(debug:print 2 *default-log-port* "no tabdat for run-times-tab-updater"))))
+(define (tabdat-values tabdat)
+  (let ((allruns (dboard:tabdat-allruns tabdat))
+        (allruns-by-id (dboard:tabdat-allruns-by-id tabdat))
+        (done-runs (dboard:tabdat-done-runs tabdat))
+        (not-done-runs (dboard:tabdat-not-done-runs tabdat))
+        (header  (dboard:tabdat-header  tabdat))
+        (keys (dboard:tabdat-keys tabdat))
+        (numruns (dboard:tabdat-numruns tabdat))
+        (tot-runs (dboard:tabdat-tot-runs tabdat))
+        (last-data-update (dboard:tabdat-last-data-update tabdat))
+        (runs-mutex (dboard:tabdat-runs-mutex tabdat))
+        (run-update-times (dboard:tabdat-run-update-times tabdat))
+        (last-test-dat (dboard:tabdat-last-test-dat tabdat))
+        (run-db-paths (dboard:tabdat-run-db-paths tabdat))
+        (buttondat (dboard:tabdat-buttondat tabdat))
+        (item-test-names (dboard:tabdat-item-test-names tabdat))
+        (run-keys (dboard:tabdat-run-keys tabdat))
+        (start-run-offset (dboard:tabdat-start-run-offset tabdat))
+        (start-test-offset (dboard:tabdat-start-test-offset tabdat))
+        (runs-btn-height (dboard:tabdat-runs-btn-height tabdat))
+        (all-test-names (dboard:tabdat-all-test-names tabdat))
+        (cnv (dboard:tabdat-cnv tabdat))
+        (command (dboard:tabdat-command tabdat))
+        (run-name (dboard:tabdat-run-name tabdat))
+        (states (dboard:tabdat-states tabdat))
+        (statuses (dboard:tabdat-statuses tabdat))
+        (curr-run-id (dboard:tabdat-curr-run-id tabdat))
+        (curr-test-ids (dboard:tabdat-curr-test-ids tabdat))
+        (state-ignore-hash (dboard:tabdat-state-ignore-hash tabdat))
+        (test-patts (dboard:tabdat-test-patts tabdat))
+        (target (dboard:tabdat-target tabdat))
+        (dbdir (dboard:tabdat-dbdir tabdat))
+        (monitor-db-path (dboard:tabdat-monitor-db-path tabdat))
+        (path-run-ids (dboard:tabdat-path-run-ids tabdat)))
+        (print "allruns is : " allruns)
+        (print "allruns-by-id is : " allruns-by-id)
+        (print "done-runs is : " done-runs)
+        (print "not-done-runs is : " not-done-runs)
+        (print "header  is : " header )
+        (print "keys is : " keys)
+        (print "numruns is : " numruns)
+        (print "tot-runs is : " tot-runs)
+        (print "last-data-update is : " last-data-update)
+        (print "runs-mutex is : " runs-mutex)
+        (print "run-update-times is : " run-update-times)
+        (print "last-test-dat is : " last-test-dat)
+        (print "run-db-paths is : " run-db-paths)
+        (print "buttondat is : " buttondat)
+        (print "item-test-names is : " item-test-names)
+        (print "run-keys is : " run-keys)
+        (print "start-run-offset is : " start-run-offset)
+        (print "start-test-offset is : " start-test-offset)
+        (print "runs-btn-height is : " runs-btn-height)
+        (print "all-test-names is : " all-test-names)
+        (print "cnv is : " cnv)
+        (print "command is : " command)
+        (print "run-name is : " run-name)
+        (print "states is : " states)
+        (print "statuses is : " statuses)
+        (print "curr-run-id is : " curr-run-id)
+        (print "curr-test-ids is : " curr-test-ids)
+        (print "state-ignore-hash is : " state-ignore-hash)
+        (print "test-patts is : " test-patts)
+        (print "target is : " target)
+        (print "dbdir is : " dbdir)
+        (print "monitor-db-path is : " monitor-db-path)
+        (print "path-run-ids is : " path-run-ids)))
+(define (dashboard:do-update-rundat tabdat)
+  (update-rundat
+   tabdat
+   (hash-table-ref/default (dboard:tabdat-searchpatts tabdat) "runname" "%")
+   (dboard:tabdat-numruns tabdat)
+   (hash-table-ref/default (dboard:tabdat-searchpatts tabdat) "test-name" "%/%")
+   ;; (hash-table-ref/default (dboard:tabdat-searchpatts tabdat) "item-name" "%")
+   (let* ((dbkeys (dboard:tabdat-dbkeys tabdat)))
+     ;; (print "dbkeys: " dbkeys)
+     (let ((fres   (if (dboard:tabdat-target tabdat)
+                       (let ((ptparts (append (dboard:tabdat-target tabdat)(make-list (length dbkeys) "%"))))
+                         (map (lambda (k v)(list k v)) dbkeys ptparts))
+                       (let ((res '()))
+                         ;; (print "target: " (dboard:tabdat-target tabdat))
+                         (for-each (lambda (key)
+                                     (if (not (equal? key "runname"))
+                                         (let ((val (hash-table-ref/default (dboard:tabdat-searchpatts tabdat) key #f)))
+                                           (if val (set! res (cons (list key val) res))))))
+                                   dbkeys)
+                         res))))
+       ;; (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "fres: " fres)
+       fres))))
 (define (dashboard:runs-tab-updater commondat tab-num)
    (lambda ()
      (let* ((tabdat (dboard:common-get-tabdat commondat tab-num: tab-num))
 	    (dbkeys (dboard:tabdat-dbkeys tabdat)))
-       (update-rundat tabdat
-		      (hash-table-ref/default (dboard:tabdat-searchpatts tabdat) "runname" "%")
-		      (dboard:tabdat-numruns tabdat)
-		      (hash-table-ref/default (dboard:tabdat-searchpatts tabdat) "test-name" "%/%")
-		      ;; (hash-table-ref/default (dboard:tabdat-searchpatts tabdat) "item-name" "%")
-		      (let* ((dbkeys (dboard:tabdat-dbkeys tabdat)))
-			;; (print "dbkeys: " dbkeys)
-			(let ((fres   (if (dboard:tabdat-target tabdat)
-					 (let ((ptparts (append (dboard:tabdat-target tabdat)(make-list (length dbkeys) "%"))))
-					   (map (lambda (k v)(list k v)) dbkeys ptparts))
-					 (let ((res '()))
-					   ;; (print "target: " (dboard:tabdat-target tabdat))
-					   (for-each (lambda (key)
-						       (if (not (equal? key "runname"))
-							   (let ((val (hash-table-ref/default (dboard:tabdat-searchpatts tabdat) key #f)))
-							     (if val (set! res (cons (list key val) res))))))
-						     dbkeys)
-					   res))))
-			  ;; (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "fres: " fres)
-			  fres)))
+       ;;(print "RA => calling runs-tab-updater with commondat " commondat " tab-num " tab-num)
+       ;;(tabdat-values tabdat) ;;RA added 
+       (dashboard:do-update-rundat tabdat)
        (let ((uidat (dboard:commondat-uidat commondat)))
+         ;;(print "RA => Calling update-buttons with tabdat : " tabdat " uidat " uidat)
 	 (update-buttons tabdat uidat (dboard:tabdat-numruns tabdat) (dboard:tabdat-num-tests tabdat)))
 ;; ((2)
@@ -2891,25 +3266,30 @@
 (let ((debugcontrolf (conc (get-environment-variable "HOME") "/.dashboardrc")))
   (if (file-exists? debugcontrolf)
       (load debugcontrolf)))
 (define (main)
-  (if (not (args:get-arg "-skip-version-check"))(common:exit-on-version-changed))
+  (if (not (args:get-arg "-skip-version-check"))
+      (let ((th1 (make-thread common:exit-on-version-changed)))
+	(thread-start! th1)
+	(if (> megatest-version (common:get-last-run-version-number))
+	    (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Version bump detected, blocking until db sync complete")
+	    (thread-join! th1))))
   (let* ((commondat       (dboard:commondat-make)))
     ;; Move this stuff to db.scm? I'm not sure that is the right thing to do...
      ((args:get-arg "-test") ;; run-id,test-id
-      (let* ((dat     (let ((d (map string->number (string-split (args:get-arg "-test") ","))))
+      (let* ((dat     (let ((d (map string->number (string-split (args:get-arg "-test") ",")))) ;; RADT couldn't find string->number, though it works
 			(if (> (length d) 1)
 			    (list #f #f))))
 	     (run-id  (car dat))
 	     (test-id (cadr dat)))
 	(if (and (number? run-id)
 		 (number? test-id)
 		 (>= test-id 0))
-	    (examine-test run-id test-id)
+	    (dashboard-tests:examine-test run-id test-id)
 	      (debug:print 3 *default-log-port* "INFO: tried to open test with invalid run-id,test-id. " (args:get-arg "-test"))
 	      (exit 1)))))
      ;; ((args:get-arg "-guimonitor")
      ;;  (gui-monitor (dboard:tabdat-dblocal tabdat)))

Index: db.scm
--- db.scm
+++ db.scm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-;; Copyright 2006-2013, Matthew Welland.
+;; Copyright 2006-2016, Matthew Welland.
 ;;  This program is made available under the GNU GPL version 2.0 or
 ;;  greater. See the accompanying file COPYING for details.
 ;;  This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
@@ -11,14 +11,16 @@
 ;; Database access
-(require-extension (srfi 18) extras tcp)
-(use sqlite3 srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69 csv-xml s11n md5 message-digest base64 format dot-locking z3)
+;; dbstruct vector containing all the relevant dbs like main.db, megatest.db, run.db etc
+(require-extension (srfi 18) extras tcp) ;; RADT => use of require-extension?
+(use sqlite3 srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69 csv-xml s11n md5 message-digest base64 format dot-locking z3 typed-records)
 (import (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:))
-(import (prefix base64 base64:))
+(import (prefix base64 base64:)) ;; RADT => prefix??
 (declare (unit db))
 (declare (uses common))
 (declare (uses keys))
 (declare (uses ods))
@@ -31,23 +33,43 @@
 (include "run_records.scm")
 (define *rundb-mutex* (make-mutex)) ;; prevent problems opening/closing rundb's
 (define *number-of-writes* 0)
 (define *number-non-write-queries* 0)
+;;  R E C O R D S
+(defstruct dbr:dbstruct 
+  main
+  strdb
+  ((path #f)  : string)
+  ((local #f) : boolean)
+  rundb
+  inmem
+  mtime
+  rtime 
+  stime
+  inuse
+  refdb
+  ((locdbs (make-hash-table)) : hash-table)
+  olddb)
 (define (db:general-sqlite-error-dump exn stmt . params)
-  (let ((err-status ((condition-property-accessor 'sqlite3 'status #f) exn)))
+  (let ((err-status ((condition-property-accessor 'sqlite3 'status #f) exn))) ;; RADT ... how does this work?
     ;; check for (exn sqlite3) ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn)
     (print "err-status: " err-status)
     (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* " query " stmt " failed, params: " params ", error: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))
     (print-call-chain (current-error-port))))
 ;; convert to -inline
 (define (db:first-result-default db stmt default . params)
    (let ((err-status ((condition-property-accessor 'sqlite3 'status #f) exn)))
      ;; check for (exn sqlite3) ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn)
@@ -64,11 +86,11 @@
 ;;    if #f     => get main db
 ;;    if db already open - return inmem
 ;;    if db not open, open inmem, rundb and sync then return inmem
 ;;    inuse gets set automatically for rundb's
-(define (db:get-db dbstruct run-id)
+(define (db:get-db dbstruct run-id) 
   (if (sqlite3:database? dbstruct) ;; pass sqlite3 databases on through
 	(let ((dbdat (if (or (not run-id)
 			     (eq? run-id 0))
@@ -75,10 +97,12 @@
 			 (db:open-main dbstruct)
 			 (db:open-rundb dbstruct run-id)
+;; legacy handling of structure for managing db's. Refactor this into dbr:?
 (define (db:dbdat-get-db dbdat)
   (if (pair? dbdat)
       (car dbdat)
@@ -88,30 +112,30 @@
 ;; mod-read:
 ;;     'mod   modified data
 ;;     'read  read data
+;; Locks the mutex and depending on 'mod or 'read passed, sets the last timestamp in dbstruct
 (define (db:done-with dbstruct run-id mod-read)
   (if (not (sqlite3:database? dbstruct))
 	(mutex-lock! *rundb-mutex*)
 	(if (eq? mod-read 'mod)
-	    (dbr:dbstruct-set-mtime! dbstruct (current-milliseconds))
-	    (dbr:dbstruct-set-rtime! dbstruct (current-milliseconds)))
-	(dbr:dbstruct-set-inuse! dbstruct #f)
+	    (dbr:dbstruct-mtime-set! dbstruct (current-milliseconds))
+	    (dbr:dbstruct-rtime-set! dbstruct (current-milliseconds)))
+	(dbr:dbstruct-inuse-set! dbstruct #f)
 	(mutex-unlock! *rundb-mutex*))))
 ;; (db:with-db dbstruct run-id sqlite3:exec "select blah from blaz;")
 ;; r/w is a flag to indicate if the db is modified by this query #t = yes, #f = no
 (define (db:with-db dbstruct run-id r/w proc . params)
-  (let* ((dbdat (if (vector? dbstruct)
+  (let* ((dbdat (if (dbr:dbstruct? dbstruct)
 		    (db:get-db dbstruct run-id)
 		    dbstruct)) ;; cheat, allow for passing in a dbdat
 	 (db    (db:dbdat-get-db dbdat)))
-    (db:delay-if-busy dbdat)
        (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "sqlite3 issue in db:with-db, dbstruct=" dbstruct ", run-id=" run-id ", proc=" proc ", params=" params " error: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))
        (print-call-chain (current-error-port)))
@@ -143,10 +167,12 @@
 ;;   (let ((fdb (db:get-filedb dbstruct)))
 ;;     (filedb:get-path db id)))
 ;; NB// #f => return dbdir only
 ;;      (was planned to be;  zeroth db with name=main.db)
+;; If run-id is #f return to create and retrieve the path where the db will live.
 (define (db:dbfile-path run-id)
   (let* ((dbdir           (db:get-dbdir))
 	 (fname           (if run-id
 			      (if (eq? run-id 0) "main.db" (conc run-id ".db"))
@@ -159,21 +185,23 @@
      (if (not (directory? dbdir))(create-directory dbdir #t)))
     (if fname
 	(conc dbdir "/" fname)
+;; Returns the database location as specified in config file
 (define (db:get-dbdir)
   (or (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "dbdir")
       (conc (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "linktree") "/.db")))
 (define (db:set-sync db)
   (let ((syncprag (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "sychronous")))
-    (sqlite3:execute db (conc "PRAGMA synchronous = " (or syncprag 1) ";"))))
+    (sqlite3:execute db (conc "PRAGMA synchronous = " (or syncprag 1) ";")))) 
 ;; open an sql database inside a file lock
 ;; returns: db existed-prior-to-opening
+;; RA => Returns a db handler; sets the lock if opened in writable mode
 (define (db:lock-create-open fname initproc)
   ;; (if (file-exists? fname)
   ;;     (let ((db (sqlite3:open-database fname)))
   ;;       (sqlite3:set-busy-handler! db (make-busy-timeout 136000))
@@ -198,14 +226,14 @@
 	  (sqlite3:open-database fname))))) ;; )
 ;; This routine creates the db. It is only called if the db is not already opened
 (define (db:open-rundb dbstruct run-id #!key (attemptnum 0)(do-not-open #f)) ;;  (conc *toppath* "/megatest.db") (car *configinfo*)))
-  (let* ((local  (dbr:dbstruct-get-local dbstruct))
+  (let* ((local  (dbr:dbstruct-local dbstruct))
 	 (rdb    (if local
-		     (dbr:dbstruct-get-localdb dbstruct run-id)
-		     (dbr:dbstruct-get-inmem dbstruct)))) ;; (dbr:dbstruct-get-runrec dbstruct run-id 'inmem)))
+		     (dbr:dbstruct-localdb dbstruct run-id)
+		     (dbr:dbstruct-inmem dbstruct)))) ;; (dbr:dbstruct-runrec dbstruct run-id 'inmem)))
     (if (or rdb
 	  (mutex-lock! *rundb-mutex*)
@@ -240,36 +268,36 @@
 		 (write-access (file-write-access? dbpath))
 		 ;; (handler      (make-busy-timeout 136000))
 	    (if (and dbexists (not write-access))
 		(set! *db-write-access* #f)) ;; only unset so other db's also can use this control
-	    (dbr:dbstruct-set-rundb!  dbstruct (cons db dbpath))
-	    (dbr:dbstruct-set-inuse!  dbstruct #t)
-	    (dbr:dbstruct-set-olddb!  dbstruct olddb)
-	    ;; (dbr:dbstruct-set-run-id! dbstruct run-id)
+	    (dbr:dbstruct-rundb-set!  dbstruct (cons db dbpath))
+	    (dbr:dbstruct-inuse-set!  dbstruct #t)
+	    (dbr:dbstruct-olddb-set!  dbstruct olddb)
+	    ;; (dbr:dbstruct-run-id-set! dbstruct run-id)
 	    (mutex-unlock! *rundb-mutex*)
 	    (if local
-		  (dbr:dbstruct-set-localdb! dbstruct run-id db) ;; (dbr:dbstruct-set-inmem! dbstruct db) ;; direct access ...
+		  (dbr:dbstruct-localdb-set! dbstruct run-id db) ;; (dbr:dbstruct-inmem-set! dbstruct db) ;; direct access ...
-		  (dbr:dbstruct-set-inmem!  dbstruct inmem)
+		  (dbr:dbstruct-inmem-set!  dbstruct inmem)
 		  ;; dec 14, 2014 - keep deleted records available. hunch is that they are needed for id placeholders
 		  ;; (sqlite3:execute db "DELETE FROM tests WHERE state='DELETED';") ;; they just slow us down in this context
 		  (db:sync-tables db:sync-tests-only db inmem)
 		  (db:delay-if-busy refdb) ;; dbpath: (db:dbdat-get-path refdb)) ;; What does delaying here achieve? 
-		  (dbr:dbstruct-set-refdb!  dbstruct refdb)
+		  (dbr:dbstruct-refdb-set!  dbstruct refdb)
 		  (db:sync-tables db:sync-tests-only inmem refdb) ;; use inmem as the reference, don't read again from db
 		  ;; sync once more to deal with delays?
 		  ;; (db:sync-tables db:sync-tests-only db inmem)
 		  ;; (db:sync-tables db:sync-tests-only inmem refdb)
-;; This routine creates the db. It is only called if the db is not already ls opened
+;; This routine creates the db if not already present. It is only called if the db is not already ls opened
-(define (db:open-main dbstruct) ;;  (conc *toppath* "/megatest.db") (car *configinfo*)))
-  (let ((mdb (dbr:dbstruct-get-main dbstruct)))
+(define (db:open-main dbstruct) ;;  (conc *toppath* "/megatest.db") (car *configinfo*))) 
+  (let ((mdb (dbr:dbstruct-main dbstruct))) ;; RA => Returns the first reference in dbstruct
     (if mdb
 	  (mutex-lock! *rundb-mutex*)
 	  (let* ((dbpath       (db:dbfile-path 0))
@@ -278,12 +306,12 @@
 		 (olddb        (db:open-megatest-db))
 		 (write-access (file-write-access? dbpath))
 		 (dbdat        (cons db dbpath)))
 	    (if (and dbexists (not write-access))
 		(set! *db-write-access* #f))
-	    (dbr:dbstruct-set-main!   dbstruct dbdat)
-	    (dbr:dbstruct-set-olddb!  dbstruct olddb) ;; olddb is already a (cons db path)
+	    (dbr:dbstruct-main-set!   dbstruct dbdat)
+	    (dbr:dbstruct-olddb-set!  dbstruct olddb) ;; olddb is already a (cons db path)
 	    (mutex-unlock! *rundb-mutex*)
 	    (if (and (not dbexists)
 		     *db-write-access*) ;; did not have a prior db and do have write access
 		(db:multi-db-sync #f 'old2new))  ;; migrate data from megatest.db automatically
@@ -310,18 +338,18 @@
     (cons db dbpath)))
 ;; sync run to disk if touched
 (define (db:sync-touched dbstruct run-id #!key (force-sync #f))
-  (let ((mtime  (dbr:dbstruct-get-mtime dbstruct))
-	(stime  (dbr:dbstruct-get-stime dbstruct))
-	(rundb  (dbr:dbstruct-get-rundb dbstruct))
-	(inmem  (dbr:dbstruct-get-inmem dbstruct))
-	(maindb (dbr:dbstruct-get-main  dbstruct))
-	(refdb  (dbr:dbstruct-get-refdb dbstruct))
-	(olddb  (dbr:dbstruct-get-olddb dbstruct))
-	;; (runid  (dbr:dbstruct-get-run-id dbstruct))
+  (let ((mtime  (dbr:dbstruct-mtime dbstruct))
+	(stime  (dbr:dbstruct-stime dbstruct))
+	(rundb  (dbr:dbstruct-rundb dbstruct))
+	(inmem  (dbr:dbstruct-inmem dbstruct))
+	(maindb (dbr:dbstruct-main  dbstruct))
+	(refdb  (dbr:dbstruct-refdb dbstruct))
+	(olddb  (dbr:dbstruct-olddb dbstruct))
+	;; (runid  (dbr:dbstruct-run-id dbstruct))
     (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "Syncing for run-id: " run-id)
     ;; (mutex-lock! *http-mutex*)
     (if (eq? run-id 0)
 	;; runid equal to 0 is main.db
@@ -332,11 +360,11 @@
 		  (db:delay-if-busy maindb)
 		  (db:delay-if-busy olddb)
 		  (let ((num-synced (db:sync-tables (db:sync-main-list maindb) maindb olddb)))
-		    (dbr:dbstruct-set-stime! dbstruct (current-milliseconds))
+		    (dbr:dbstruct-stime-set! dbstruct (current-milliseconds))
 	      ;; this can occur when using local access (i.e. not in a server)
 	      ;; need a flag to turn it off.
@@ -349,33 +377,33 @@
 		(> mtime stime)
 	      (db:delay-if-busy rundb)
 	      (db:delay-if-busy olddb)
-	      (dbr:dbstruct-set-stime! dbstruct (current-milliseconds))
+	      (dbr:dbstruct-stime-set! dbstruct (current-milliseconds))
 	      (let ((num-synced (db:sync-tables db:sync-tests-only inmem refdb rundb olddb)))
 		;; (mutex-unlock! *http-mutex*)
 		;; (mutex-unlock! *http-mutex*)
 (define (db:close-main dbstruct)
-  (let ((maindb (dbr:dbstruct-get-main dbstruct)))
+  (let ((maindb (dbr:dbstruct-main dbstruct)))
     (if maindb
 	  (sqlite3:finalize! (db:dbdat-get-db maindb))
-	  (dbr:dbstruct-set-main! dbstruct #f)))))
+	  (dbr:dbstruct-main-set! dbstruct #f)))))
 (define (db:close-run-db dbstruct run-id)
   (let ((rdb (db:open-rundb dbstruct run-id do-not-open: #t)))
     (if (and rdb
 	     (sqlite3:database? rdb))
 	  (sqlite3:finalize! rdb)
-	  (dbr:dbstruct-set-localdb! dbstruct run-id #f)
-	  (dbr:dbstruct-set-inmem! dbstruct #f)))))
+	  (dbr:dbstruct-localdb-set! dbstruct run-id #f)
+	  (dbr:dbstruct-inmem-set! dbstruct #f)))))
 ;; close all opened run-id dbs
 (define (db:close-all dbstruct)
   ;; finalize main.db
   (db:sync-touched dbstruct 0 force-sync: #t)
@@ -382,11 +410,11 @@
   ;; (mutex-lock! *db-sync-mutex*) ;; with this perhaps it isn't necessary to use the block-further-queries mechanism?
   (db:close-main dbstruct)
-  (let ((locdbs (dbr:dbstruct-get-locdbs dbstruct)))
+  (let ((locdbs (dbr:dbstruct-locdbs dbstruct)))
     (if (hash-table? locdbs)
 	(for-each (lambda (run-id)
 		    (db:close-run-db dbstruct run-id))
 		  (hash-table-keys locdbs)))))
@@ -749,11 +777,11 @@
 	     (db:delay-if-busy mtdb)
 	     (let ((testrecs (db:get-all-tests-info-by-run-id mtdb run-id))
 		   (dbstruct (if toppath (make-dbr:dbstruct path: toppath local: #t) #f)))
 	       (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "INFO: Propagating " (length testrecs) " records for run-id=" run-id " to run specific db")
 	       (db:replace-test-records dbstruct run-id testrecs)
-	       (sqlite3:finalize! (db:dbdat-get-db (dbr:dbstruct-get-rundb dbstruct)))))
+	       (sqlite3:finalize! (db:dbdat-get-db (dbr:dbstruct-rundb dbstruct)))))
     ;; now ensure all newdb data are synced to megatest.db
     ;; do not use the run-ids list passed in to the function
@@ -3349,12 +3377,15 @@
 		  (if (null? tal)
 		      (map cdr (hash-table->alist tests-hash)) ;; return a list of the most recent tests
 		      (loop (car tal)(cdr tal))))))))))
+;; Function recursively checks if <db>.journal exists; if yes means db busy; call itself after delayed interval
+;; return the sqlite3 db handle if possible
 (define (db:delay-if-busy dbdat #!key (count 6))
-  (if (not (configf:lookup *configdat* "server" "delay-on-busy"))
+  (if (not (configf:lookup *configdat* "server" "delay-on-busy")) ;;RADT => two conditions in a if block?? also understand what config looked up
       (and dbdat (db:dbdat-get-db dbdat))
       (if dbdat
 	  (let* ((dbpath (db:dbdat-get-path dbdat))
 		 (db     (db:dbdat-get-db   dbdat)) ;; we'll return this so (db:delay--if-busy can be called inline
 		 (dbfj   (conc dbpath "-journal")))
@@ -3385,11 +3416,11 @@
 		   (thread-sleep! 6.4)
 		   (db:delay-if-busy count: 0))
 		   (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "delaying db access due to high database load.")
 		   (thread-sleep! 12.8))))
-	    db)
+	    db) ;; RADT => why does it need to return db, not #t
 	  "bogus result from db:delay-if-busy")))
 (define (db:test-get-records-for-index-file dbstruct run-id test-name)
   (let ((res '()))

Index: db_records.scm
--- db_records.scm
+++ db_records.scm
@@ -13,59 +13,61 @@
 ;; Accessors for a dbstruct
-(define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-get-main    vec)    (vector-ref  vec 0)) ;; ( db path )
-(define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-get-strdb   vec)    (vector-ref  vec 1)) ;; ( db path )
-(define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-get-path    vec)    (vector-ref  vec 2)) 
-(define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-get-local   vec)    (vector-ref  vec 3))
-(define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-get-rundb   vec)    (vector-ref  vec 4)) ;; ( db path )
-(define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-get-inmem   vec)    (vector-ref  vec 5)) ;; ( db #f )
-(define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-get-mtime   vec)    (vector-ref  vec 6))
-(define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-get-rtime   vec)    (vector-ref  vec 7))
-(define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-get-stime   vec)    (vector-ref  vec 8))
-(define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-get-inuse   vec)    (vector-ref  vec 9))
-(define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-get-refdb   vec)    (vector-ref  vec 10)) ;; ( db path )
-(define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-get-locdbs  vec)    (vector-ref  vec 11))
-(define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-get-olddb   vec)    (vector-ref  vec 12)) ;; ( db path )
-;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-get-main-path vec)  (vector-ref  vec 13))
-;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-get-rundb-path vec) (vector-ref  vec 14))
-;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-get-run-id  vec)    (vector-ref  vec 13))
-(define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-set-main!   vec val)(vector-set! vec 0 val))
-(define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-set-strdb!  vec val)(vector-set! vec 1 val))
-(define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-set-path!   vec val)(vector-set! vec 2 val))
-(define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-set-local!  vec val)(vector-set! vec 3 val))
-(define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-set-rundb!  vec val)(vector-set! vec 4 val))
-(define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-set-inmem!  vec val)(vector-set! vec 5 val))
-(define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-set-mtime!  vec val)(vector-set! vec 6 val))
-(define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-set-rtime!  vec val)(vector-set! vec 7 val))
-(define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-set-stime!  vec val)(vector-set! vec 8 val))
-(define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-set-inuse!  vec val)(vector-set! vec 9 val))
-(define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-set-refdb!  vec val)(vector-set! vec 10 val))
-(define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-set-locdbs! vec val)(vector-set! vec 11 val))
-(define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-set-olddb!  vec val)(vector-set! vec 12 val))
-(define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-set-main-path! vec val)(vector-set! vec 13 val))
-(define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-set-rundb-path! vec val)(vector-set! vec 14 val))
-; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-set-run-id! vec val)(vector-set! vec 13 val))
+;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-main    vec)    (vector-ref  vec 0)) ;; ( db path )
+;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-strdb   vec)    (vector-ref  vec 1)) ;; ( db path )
+;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-path    vec)    (vector-ref  vec 2)) 
+;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-local   vec)    (vector-ref  vec 3))
+;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-rundb   vec)    (vector-ref  vec 4)) ;; ( db path )
+;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-inmem   vec)    (vector-ref  vec 5)) ;; ( db #f )
+;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-mtime   vec)    (vector-ref  vec 6))
+;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-rtime   vec)    (vector-ref  vec 7))
+;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-stime   vec)    (vector-ref  vec 8))
+;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-inuse   vec)    (vector-ref  vec 9))
+;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-refdb   vec)    (vector-ref  vec 10)) ;; ( db path )
+;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-locdbs  vec)    (vector-ref  vec 11))
+;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-olddb   vec)    (vector-ref  vec 12)) ;; ( db path )
+;; ;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-main-path vec)  (vector-ref  vec 13))
+;; ;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-rundb-path vec) (vector-ref  vec 14))
+;; ;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-run-id  vec)    (vector-ref  vec 13))
+;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-main-set!   vec val)(vector-set! vec 0 val))
+;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-strdb-set!  vec val)(vector-set! vec 1 val))
+;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-path-set!   vec val)(vector-set! vec 2 val))
+;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-local-set!  vec val)(vector-set! vec 3 val))
+;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-rundb-set!  vec val)(vector-set! vec 4 val))
+;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-inmem-set!  vec val)(vector-set! vec 5 val))
+;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-mtime-set!  vec val)(vector-set! vec 6 val))
+;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-rtime-set!  vec val)(vector-set! vec 7 val))
+;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-stime-set!  vec val)(vector-set! vec 8 val))
+;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-inuse-set!  vec val)(vector-set! vec 9 val))
+;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-refdb-set!  vec val)(vector-set! vec 10 val))
+;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-locdbs-set! vec val)(vector-set! vec 11 val))
+;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-olddb-set!  vec val)(vector-set! vec 12 val))
+;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-main-path-set! vec val)(vector-set! vec 13 val))
+;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-rundb-path-set! vec val)(vector-set! vec 14 val))
+; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-run-id-set! vec val)(vector-set! vec 13 val))
 ;; constructor for dbstruct
-(define (make-dbr:dbstruct #!key (path #f)(local #f))
-  (let ((v (make-vector 15 #f)))
-    (dbr:dbstruct-set-path! v path)
-    (dbr:dbstruct-set-local! v local)
-    (dbr:dbstruct-set-locdbs! v (make-hash-table))
-    v))
-(define (dbr:dbstruct-get-localdb v run-id)
-  (hash-table-ref/default (dbr:dbstruct-get-locdbs v) run-id #f))
-(define (dbr:dbstruct-set-localdb! v run-id db)
-  (hash-table-set! (dbr:dbstruct-get-locdbs v) run-id db))
+;; (define (make-dbr:dbstruct #!key (path #f)(local #f))
+;;   (let ((v (make-vector 15 #f)))
+;;     (dbr:dbstruct-path-set! v path)
+;;     (dbr:dbstruct-local-set! v local)
+;;     (dbr:dbstruct-locdbs-set! v (make-hash-table))
+;;     v))
+;; Returns the database for a particular run-id fron the dbstruct:localdbs
+(define (dbr:dbstruct-localdb v run-id)
+  (hash-table-ref/default (dbr:dbstruct-locdbs v) run-id #f))
+(define (dbr:dbstruct-localdb-set! v run-id db)
+  (hash-table-set! (dbr:dbstruct-locdbs v) run-id db))
 (define (make-db:test)(make-vector 20))
 (define-inline (db:test-get-id           vec) (vector-ref vec 0))
 (define-inline (db:test-get-run_id       vec) (vector-ref vec 1))
@@ -94,11 +96,11 @@
 ;; replace runs:make-full-test-name with this routine
 (define (db:test-make-full-name testname itempath)
   (if (equal? itempath "") testname (conc testname "/" itempath)))
 (define-inline (db:test-get-first_err    vec) (printable (vector-ref vec 15)))
-(define-inline (db:test-get-first_warn   vec) (printable (vector-ref vec 16)))
+(define-inline (db:test-get-first_warn   vec) (printable (vector-ref vec 16))) ;; RADT => reference 16 is repeated
 (define-inline (db:test-set-cpuload!  vec val)(vector-set! vec 7 val))
 (define-inline (db:test-set-diskfree! vec val)(vector-set! vec 8 val))
 (define-inline (db:test-set-testname! vec val)(vector-set! vec 2 val))
 (define-inline (db:test-set-state!    vec val)(vector-set! vec 3 val))
@@ -113,10 +115,11 @@
 (define (db:test-get-is-toplevel vec)
   (and (equal? (db:test-get-item-path vec) "")      ;; test is not an item
        (equal? (db:test-get-uname vec)     "n/a"))) ;; test has never been run
 ;; make-vector-record "" db mintest id run_id testname state status event_time item_path
+;; RADT => purpose of mintest??
 (define (make-db:mintest)(make-vector 7))
 (define-inline (db:mintest-get-id           vec)    (vector-ref  vec 0))
 (define-inline (db:mintest-get-run_id       vec)    (vector-ref  vec 1))
 (define-inline (db:mintest-get-testname     vec)    (vector-ref  vec 2))

Index: dcommon.scm
--- dcommon.scm
+++ dcommon.scm
@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@
 (use format)
 (require-library iup)
 (import (prefix iup iup:))
 (use canvas-draw)
 (import canvas-draw-iup)
-(use regex defstruct)
+(use regex typed-records)
 (declare (unit dcommon))
 (declare (uses megatest-version))
 (declare (uses gutils))
@@ -281,27 +281,135 @@
 	       (status     (db:test-get-status hed))
 	       (newitem    (list test-name item-path (list test-id state status))))
 	  (if (null? tal)
 	      (reverse (cons newitem res))
 	      (loop (car tal)(cdr tal)(cons newitem res)))))))
+(define (dcommon:tests-mindat->hash tests-mindat)
+  (let* ((res (make-hash-table)))
+    (for-each
+     (lambda (item)
+       (let* ((test-name+item-path (cons (list-ref item 0) (list-ref item 1)))
+              (value (list-ref item 2)))
+         (hash-table-set! res test-name+item-path value)))
+     tests-mindat)
+    res))
+;; return 1 if status1 is better
+;; return 0 if status1 and 2 are equally good
+;; return -1 if status2 is better
+(define (dcommon:status-compare3 status1 status2)
+  (let*
+      ((status-goodness-ranking  (list "PASS" "WARN" "WAIVED" "SKIP" "FAIL" "ABORT" #f))
+       (mem1 (member status1 status-goodness-ranking))
+       (mem2 (member status2 status-goodness-ranking))
+       )
+    (cond
+     ((and (not mem1) (not mem2)) 0)
+     ((not mem1) -1)
+     ((not mem2) 1)
+     ((= (length mem1) (length mem2)) 0)
+     ((> (length mem1) (length mem2)) 1)
+     (else -1))))
+(define (dcommon:xor-tests-mindat src-tests-mindat dest-tests-mindat #!key (hide-clean #f))
+  (let* ((src-hash (dcommon:tests-mindat->hash src-tests-mindat))
+         (dest-hash (dcommon:tests-mindat->hash dest-tests-mindat))
+         (all-keys
+          (reverse (sort 
+           (delete-duplicates
+            (append (hash-table-keys src-hash) (hash-table-keys dest-hash)))
+           (lambda (a b) 
+             (cond
+              ((< 0 (string-compare3 (car a) (car b))) #t)
+              ((> 0 (string-compare3 (car a) (car b))) #f)
+              ((< 0 (string-compare3 (cdr a) (cdr b))) #t)
+              (else #f)))
+           ))))
+    (let ((res
+           (map ;; TODO: rename xor to delta globally in dcommon and dashboard
+            (lambda (key)
+              (let* ((test-name (car key))
+                     (item-path (cdr key))
+                     (dest-value (hash-table-ref/default dest-hash key #f)) ;; (list test-id state status)
+                     (dest-test-id  (if dest-value (list-ref dest-value 0) #f))
+                     (dest-state    (if dest-value (list-ref dest-value 1) #f))
+                     (dest-status   (if dest-value (list-ref dest-value 2) #f))
+                     (src-value     (hash-table-ref/default src-hash key #f))   ;; (list test-id state status)
+                     (src-test-id   (if src-value (list-ref src-value 0) #f))
+                     (src-state     (if src-value (list-ref src-value 1) #f))
+                     (src-status    (if src-value (list-ref src-value 2) #f))
+                     (incomplete-statuses '("DELETED" "INCOMPLETE" "STUCK/DEAD" "N/A")) ;; if any of these statuses apply, treat test as incomplete
+                     (dest-complete
+                      (and dest-value dest-state dest-status
+                           (equal? dest-state "COMPLETED")
+                           (not (member dest-status incomplete-statuses))))
+                     (src-complete
+                      (and src-value src-state src-status
+                           (equal? src-state "COMPLETED")
+                           (not (member src-status incomplete-statuses))))
+                     (status-compare-result (dcommon:status-compare3 src-status dest-status))
+                     (xor-new-item
+                      (cond
+                       ;; complete, for this case means: state=compelte AND status not in ( deleted uncomplete stuck/dead n/a )
+                       ;; neither complete -> bad
+                       ;; src !complete, dest complete -> better
+                       ((and (not dest-complete) (not src-complete))
+                        (list dest-test-id "BOTH-BAD" "BOTH-INCOMPLETE"))
+                       ((not dest-complete)
+                        (list src-test-id "DIFF-MISSING" "DEST-INCOMPLETE"))  
+                       ((not src-complete)
+                        (list dest-test-id "DIFF-NEW" "SRC-INCOMPLETE"))      
+                       ((and
+                         (equal? src-state dest-state)
+                         (equal? src-status dest-status))
+                        (list dest-test-id  (conc "CLEAN") (conc "CLEAN-" dest-status) )) 
+                       ;;    better or worse: pass > warn > waived > skip > fail > abort
+                       ;;     pass > warn > waived > skip > fail > abort
+                       ((= 1 status-compare-result) ;; src is better, dest is worse
+                        (list dest-test-id "DIRTY-WORSE" (conc src-status "->" dest-status)))
+                       (else
+                        (list dest-test-id "DIRTY-BETTER" (conc src-status "->" dest-status)))
+                       )))
+                (list test-name item-path  xor-new-item)))
+            all-keys)))
+      (if hide-clean
+          (filter
+           (lambda (item)
+             ;;(print item)
+             (not
+              (equal?
+               "CLEAN"
+               (list-ref (list-ref item 2) 1))))
+           res)
+          res))))
 (define (dcommon:examine-xterm run-id test-id)
   (let* ((testdat (rmt:get-test-info-by-id run-id test-id)))
     (if (not testdat)
-	(begin
-	  (debug:print 2 "ERROR: No test data found for test " test-id ", exiting")
-	  (exit 1))
+        (begin
+          (debug:print 2 "ERROR: No test data found for test " test-id ", exiting")
+          (exit 1))
             ((rundir        (if testdat 
-				(db:test-get-rundir testdat)
-				  logfile))
+                                (db:test-get-rundir testdat)
+                                logfile))
              (testfullname  (if testdat (db:test-get-fullname testdat) "Gathering data ..."))
              (xterm      (lambda ()
                            (if (directory-exists? rundir)
                                (let* ((shell (if (get-environment-variable "SHELL") 
-                                                (conc "-e " (get-environment-variable "SHELL"))
-                                                ""))
+                                                 (conc "-e " (get-environment-variable "SHELL"))
+                                                 ""))
                                       (command (conc "cd " rundir 
                                                      ";mt_xterm -T \"" (string-translate testfullname "()" "  ") "\" " shell "&")))
                                  (print "Command =" command)
@@ -315,21 +423,21 @@
 ;; Table of keys
 (define (dcommon:keys-matrix rawconfig)
   (let* ((curr-row-num 1)
-	 (key-vals     (configf:section-vars rawconfig "fields"))
-	 (keys-matrix  (iup:matrix
-			#:alignment1 "ALEFT"
-			#:expand "YES" ;; "HORIZONTAL" ;; "VERTICAL"
-			;; #:scrollbar "YES"
-			#:numcol 1
-			#:numlin (length key-vals)
-			#:numcol-visible 1
-			#:numlin-visible (length key-vals)
-			#:click-cb (lambda (obj lin col status)
-				     (print "obj: " obj " lin: " lin " col: " col " status: " status)))))
+         (key-vals     (configf:section-vars rawconfig "fields"))
+         (keys-matrix  (iup:matrix
+                        #:alignment1 "ALEFT"
+                        #:expand "YES" ;; "HORIZONTAL" ;; "VERTICAL"
+                        ;; #:scrollbar "YES"
+                        #:numcol 1
+                        #:numlin (length key-vals)
+                        #:numcol-visible 1
+                        #:numlin-visible (length key-vals)
+                        #:click-cb (lambda (obj lin col status)
+                                     (print "obj: " obj " lin: " lin " col: " col " status: " status)))))
     ;; (iup:attribute-set! keys-matrix "0:0" "Run Keys")
     (iup:attribute-set! keys-matrix "WIDTH0" 0)
     (iup:attribute-set! keys-matrix "0:1" "Key Name")
     ;; (iup:attribute-set! keys-matrix "WIDTH1" "100")
     ;; fill in keys
@@ -344,18 +452,18 @@
 ;; Section to table
 (define (dcommon:section-matrix rawconfig sectionname varcolname valcolname #!key (title #f))
   (let* ((curr-row-num    1)
-	 (key-vals        (configf:section-vars rawconfig sectionname))
-	 (section-matrix  (iup:matrix
-			   #:alignment1 "ALEFT"
-			   #:expand "YES" ;; "HORIZONTAL"
-			   #:numcol 1
-			   #:numlin (length key-vals)
-			   #:numcol-visible 1
-			   #:numlin-visible (min 10 (length key-vals))
+         (key-vals        (configf:section-vars rawconfig sectionname))
+         (section-matrix  (iup:matrix
+                           #:alignment1 "ALEFT"
+                           #:expand "YES" ;; "HORIZONTAL"
+                           #:numcol 1
+                           #:numlin (length key-vals)
+                           #:numcol-visible 1
+                           #:numlin-visible (min 10 (length key-vals))
 			   #:scrollbar "YES")))
     (iup:attribute-set! section-matrix "0:0" varcolname)
     (iup:attribute-set! section-matrix "0:1" valcolname)
     (iup:attribute-set! section-matrix "WIDTH1" "200")
     ;; fill in keys

Index: gutils.scm
--- gutils.scm
+++ gutils.scm
@@ -48,7 +48,17 @@
     ((REMOTEHOSTSTART)  (list "50 130 195"   state))
     ((RUNNING)          (list "9 131 232"    state))
     ((KILLREQ)          (list "39 82 206"    state))
     ((KILLED)           (list "234 101 17"   state))
     ((NOT_STARTED)      (list "240 240 240"  state))
+    ;; for xor mode below
+    ;;
+    ((CLEAN)
+     (case (string->symbol status)
+       ((CLEAN-FAIL CLEAN-CHECK CLEAN-ABORT)  (list "200 130 13" status)) ;; orange requested for these
+       (else  (list "60  235 63" status))))
+    ((DIRTY-BETTER)     (list "160  255 153" status))
+    ((DIRTY-WORSE)      (list "165 42  42" status))
+    ((BOTH-BAD)         (list "180 33 49" status))
     (else               (list "192 192 192"  state))))

Index: launch.scm
--- launch.scm
+++ launch.scm
@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@
 ;; launch a task - this runs on the originating host, tests themselves
 (use regex regex-case base64 sqlite3 srfi-18 directory-utils posix-extras z3 call-with-environment-variables csv)
-(use defstruct pathname-expand)
+(use typed-records pathname-expand)
 (import (prefix base64 base64:))
 (import (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:))
 (declare (unit launch))
@@ -68,11 +68,14 @@
 	       (csvr (db:logpro-dat->csv dat stepname))
 	       (csvt (let-values (( (fmt-cell fmt-record fmt-csv) (make-format ",")))
 				 (fmt-csv (map list->csv-record csvr))))
 	       (status (configf:lookup dat "final" "exit-status"))
 	       (msg     (configf:lookup dat "final" "message")))
-	  (rmt:csv->test-data run-id test-id csvt)
+          ;;(if csvt  ;; this if blocked stack dump caused by .dat file from logpro being 0-byte.  fixed by upgrading logpro
+              (rmt:csv->test-data run-id test-id csvt)
+            ;;  (BB> "Error: run-id/test-id/stepname="run-id"/"test-id"/"stepname" => bad csvr="csvr)
+            ;;  )
 	   ((equal? status "PASS") "PASS") ;; skip the message part if status is pass
 	   (status (conc (configf:lookup dat "final" "exit-status") ": " (if msg msg "no message")))
 	   (else #f)))

Index: megatest-version.scm
--- megatest-version.scm
+++ megatest-version.scm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ;; Always use two or four digit decimal
 ;; 1.01, 1.02...1.10,1.11,1.1101 ... 1.99,2.00..
 (declare (unit megatest-version))
-(define megatest-version 1.6105)
+(define megatest-version 1.6201)

Index: megatest.scm
--- megatest.scm
+++ megatest.scm
@@ -1879,10 +1879,11 @@
 ;; Start a repl
 ;; fakeout readline
+(include "readline-fix.scm")
 (if (or (getenv "MT_RUNSCRIPT")
 	(args:get-arg "-repl")
 	(args:get-arg "-load"))
     (let* ((toppath (launch:setup))
@@ -1908,11 +1909,10 @@
 	      (import extras) ;; might not be needed
 	      ;; (import csi)
 	      (import readline)
 	      (import apropos)
 	      ;; (import (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:)) ;; doesn't work ...
-	      (include "readline-fix.scm")
 	      (if *use-new-readline*
 		    (install-history-file (get-environment-variable "HOME") ".megatest_history") ;;  [homedir] [filename] [nlines])
 		    (current-input-port (make-readline-port "megatest> ")))

Index: rmt.scm
--- rmt.scm
+++ rmt.scm
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@
 ;;  This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-(use json format)
+(use json format) ;; RADT => purpose of json format??
 (declare (unit rmt))
 (declare (uses api))
 (declare (uses tdb))
 (declare (uses http-transport))
@@ -71,10 +71,13 @@
 	(if (tasks:server-running-or-starting? (db:delay-if-busy (tasks:open-db)) run-id)
 	    (client:setup run-id)
 (define *send-receive-mutex* (make-mutex)) ;; should have separate mutex per run-id
+;; RA => e.g. usage (rmt:send-receive 'get-var #f (list varname))
 (define (rmt:send-receive cmd rid params #!key (attemptnum 1)) ;; start attemptnum at 1 so the modulo below works as expected
   ;; clean out old connections
   ;; (mutex-lock! *db-multi-sync-mutex*)
   (let ((expire-time (- (current-seconds) (server:get-timeout) 10))) ;; don't forget the 10 second margin

Index: tdb.scm
--- tdb.scm
+++ tdb.scm
@@ -209,11 +209,13 @@
 (define (tdb:load-test-data run-id test-id)
   (let loop ((lin (read-line)))
     (if (not (eof-object? lin))
 	  (debug:print 4 *default-log-port* lin)
-	  (rmt:csv->test-data run-id test-id lin)
+          ;;(when lin ;; this when blocked stack dump caused by .dat file from logpro being 0-byte.  fixed by upgrading logpro
+          (rmt:csv->test-data run-id test-id lin)
+          ;;)
 	  (loop (read-line)))))
   ;; roll up the current results.
   ;; FIXME: Add the status too 
   (rmt:test-data-rollup run-id test-id #f))
@@ -221,11 +223,13 @@
 (define (tdb:load-logpro-data run-id test-id)
   (let loop ((lin (read-line)))
     (if (not (eof-object? lin))
 	  (debug:print 4 *default-log-port* lin)
-	  (rmt:csv->test-data run-id test-id lin)
+          ;;(when lin  ;; this when blocked stack dump caused by .dat file from logpro being 0-byte.  fixed by upgrading logpro
+          (rmt:csv->test-data run-id test-id lin)
+          ;;)
 	  (loop (read-line)))))
   ;; roll up the current results.
   ;; FIXME: Add the status too 
   (rmt:test-data-rollup run-id test-id #f))

Index: utils/
--- utils/
+++ utils/
@@ -12,20 +12,56 @@
 echo You may need to do the following first:
 echo sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev
 echo sudo apt-get install libwebkitgtk-dev 
+echo sudo apt-get install libpangox-1.0-0 zlib1g-dev libfreetype6-dev cmake
 echo sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
 echo sudo apt-get install libmotif3 -OR- set KTYPE=26g4
-echo KTYPE can be 26, 26g4, or 32
+echo Set OPTION to std, currently OPTION=$OPTION
 echo You are using PREFIX=$PREFIX
 echo You are using proxy="$proxy"
 echo "Set additional_libpath to help find gtk or other libraries, don't forget a leading :"
+SYSTEM_TYPE=$(lsb_release -irs |tr ' ' '_' |tr '\n' '-')$(uname -i)-$OPTION
+# Set up variables
+case $SYSTEM_TYPE in
+	KTYPE=32
+	CDVER=5.10
+	IUPVER=3.17
+	IMVER=3.11
+	;;
+	KTYPE=32
+	CDVER=5.10
+	IUPVER=3.17
+	IMVER=3.11
+	;;
+  KTYPE=26g4 
+	CDVER=5.10
+	IUPVER=3.17
+	IMVER=3.11
+  ;;
+  KTYPE=24g3 
+  CDVER=5.4.1
+  IUPVER=3.5
+  IMVER=3.6.3
+  ;; 
+echo KTYPE=$KTYPE			  
 # Centos with security setup may need to do commands such as following as root:
 # NB// fix the paths first
@@ -55,21 +91,21 @@
   export PROX="-proxy $proxy"
 if [[ $KTYPE == "" ]]; then
   echo 'Using KTYPE=26'
-  export KTYPE=26
+  export KTYPE=26g4
   echo Using KTYPE=$KTYPE
 # Put all the downloaded tar files in tgz
 mkdir -p tgz
-export CHICKEN_BASEVER=4.8.0
+export CHICKEN_VERSION=4.11.0
+export CHICKEN_BASEVER=4.11.0
 if ! [[ -e tgz/$chicken_targz ]]; then 
     mv $chicken_targz tgz
@@ -80,167 +116,210 @@
 if [[ $PREFIX == "" ]]; then
 export PATH=$PREFIX/bin:$PATH
 export CHICKEN_INSTALL=$PREFIX/bin/chicken-install
-echo "export PATH=$PREFIX/bin:\$PATH" >
+mkdir -p $PREFIX
+echo "export PATH=$PREFIX/bin:\$PATH" > $PREFIX/
+echo "setenv PATH $PREFIX/bin:\$PATH" > $PREFIX/setup-chicken4x.csh
+echo "setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $LD_LIBRARY_PATH:\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" >> $PREFIX/setup-chicken4x.csh
 echo PATH=$PATH
 if ! [[ -e $PREFIX/bin/csi ]]; then
-    tar xfvz tgz/$chicken_targz
+    tar xfz tgz/$chicken_targz
     cd chicken-${CHICKEN_VERSION}
     # make PLATFORM=linux PREFIX=$PREFIX spotless
     make PLATFORM=linux PREFIX=$PREFIX install
     cd $BUILDHOME
+#wget --no-check-certificate 
+#mv 1.0.0 1.0.0.tar.gz
+if ! [[ -e $PREFIX/lib64/ ]]; then
+        wget --no-check-certificate 
+        mv 1.0.0 1.0.0.tar.gz
+	tar xf 1.0.0.tar.gz 
+	cd nanomsg-1.0.0
+	./configure --prefix=$PREFIX
+	make
+	make install
+export SQLITE3_VERSION=3090200
+if ! [[ -e $PREFIX/bin/sqlite3 ]]; then
+	echo Install sqlite3
+	sqlite3_tgz=sqlite-autoconf-$SQLITE3_VERSION.tar.gz
+	if ! [[ -e tgz/$sqlite3_tgz ]]; then
+	    wget$sqlite3_tgz
+	    mv $sqlite3_tgz tgz
+	fi
+	if ! [[ -e $PREFIX/bin/sqlite3 ]] ; then
+	    if [[ -e tgz/sqlite-autoconf-$SQLITE3_VERSION.tar.gz ]]; then
+		tar xfz tgz/sqlite-autoconf-$SQLITE3_VERSION.tar.gz 
+		(cd sqlite-autoconf-$SQLITE3_VERSION;./configure --prefix=$PREFIX;make;make install)
+	    fi
+	fi
 # Some eggs are quoted since they are reserved to Bash
 # for f in matchable readline apropos base64 regex-literals format "regex-case" "test" coops trace csv dot-locking posix-utils posix-extras directory-utils hostinfo tcp rpc csv-xml fmt json md5; do
 # $CHICKEN_INSTALL $PROX -keep-installed matchable readline apropos base64 regex-literals format "regex-case" "test" coops trace csv dot-locking posix-utils posix-extras directory-utils hostinfo tcp rpc csv-xml fmt json md5 awful http-client spiffy uri-common intarweb http-client spiffy-request-vars md5 message-digest http-client spiffy-directory-listing
-$CHICKEN_INSTALL $PROX -keep-installed matchable readline apropos base64 regex-literals format "regex-case" "test" coops trace csv dot-locking posix-utils posix-extras directory-utils hostinfo tcp rpc csv-xml fmt json md5 awful http-client spiffy uri-common intarweb http-client spiffy-request-vars s md5 message-digest piffy-directory-listing ssax sxml-serializer sxml-modifications logpro
-#   if ! [[ -e $PREFIX/lib/chicken/6/$ ]];then
-#     # $CHICKEN_INSTALL -deploy -prefix $DEPLOYTARG $PROX $f
-#   else
-#     echo Skipping install of egg $f as it is already installed
-#   fi
-# done
-for a in `ls */*.meta|cut -f1 -d/` ; do 
-    echo $a
-    (cd $a;$CHICKEN_INSTALL)
+for egg in matchable readline apropos base64 regex-literals format "regex-case" "test" \
+	coops trace csv dot-locking posix-utils posix-extras directory-utils hostinfo \
+	tcp rpc csv-xml fmt json md5 awful http-client spiffy uri-common intarweb http-client \
+	spiffy-request-vars s md5 message-digest spiffy-directory-listing ssax sxml-serializer \
+	sxml-modifications logpro z3 call-with-environment-variables \
+	pathname-expand typed-records simple-exceptions numbers crypt parley srfi-42
+	echo "Installing $egg"
+	$CHICKEN_INSTALL $PROX -keep-installed $egg
+	if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+		echo "$egg failed to install"
+		exit 1
+	fi
+for egg in "sqlite3" sql-de-lite nanomsg
+	echo "Installing $egg"
+	CSC_OPTIONS="-I$PREFIX/include -L$PREFIX/lib -L$PREFIX/lib64"  $CHICKEN_INSTALL $PROX -keep-installed $egg
+	if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+		echo "$egg failed to install"
+		exit 1
+	fi
-export SQLITE3_VERSION=3071401
-echo Install sqlite3
-if ! [[ -e tgz/$sqlite3_tgz ]]; then
-    wget$sqlite3_tgz
-    mv $sqlite3_tgz tgz
-if ! [[ -e $PREFIX/bin/sqlite3 ]] ; then
-    if [[ -e tgz/sqlite-autoconf-$SQLITE3_VERSION.tar.gz ]]; then
-	tar xfz tgz/sqlite-autoconf-$SQLITE3_VERSION.tar.gz 
-	(cd sqlite-autoconf-$SQLITE3_VERSION;./configure --prefix=$PREFIX;make;make install)
-	# CSC_OPTIONS="-I$PREFIX/include -L$PREFIX/lib" $CHICKEN_INSTALL -prefix $DEPLOYTARG -deploy $PROX sqlite3
-    fi
-# IUP versions
-if [[ x$USEOLDIUP == "x" ]];then
-  CDVER=5.7
-  IUPVER=3.8
-  IMVER=3.8
-  CDVER=5.7
-  IUPVER=3.8
-  IMVER=3.8
+# # IUP versions
+# if [[ x$USEOLDIUP == "x" ]];then
+#   CDVER=5.10
+#   IUPVER=3.17
+#   IMVER=3.11
+# else
+#   CDVER=5.10
+#   IUPVER=3.17
+#   IMVER=3.11
+# fi
+# if [[ x$KTYPE == "x24g3" ]];then
+#   CDVER=5.4.1
+#   IUPVER=3.5
+#   IMVER=3.6.3
+# fi
 if [[ `uname -a | grep x86_64` == "" ]]; then 
     export ARCHSIZE=''
     export ARCHSIZE=64_
     # export files="cd-5.4.1_Linux${KTYPE}_lib.tar.gz im-3.6.3_Linux${KTYPE}_lib.tar.gz iup-3.5_Linux${KTYPE}_lib.tar.gz"
 if [[ x$USEOLDIUP == "x" ]];then
-   export files="cd-${CDVER}_Linux${KTYPE}_${ARCHSIZE}lib.tar.gz im-${IMVER}_Linux${KTYPE}_${ARCHSIZE}lib.tar.gz iup-${IUPVER}_Linux${KTYPE}_${ARCHSIZE}lib.tar.gz"
+   export files="cd/cd-${CDVER}_Linux${KTYPE}_${ARCHSIZE}lib.tar.gz im/im-${IMVER}_Linux${KTYPE}_${ARCHSIZE}lib.tar.gz iup/iup-${IUPVER}_Linux${KTYPE}_${ARCHSIZE}lib.tar.gz"
    echo WARNING: Using old IUP libraries
-   export files="cd-5.4.1_Linux${KTYPE}_${ARCHSIZE}lib.tar.gz im-3.6.3_Linux${KTYPE}_${ARCHSIZE}lib.tar.gz iup-3.5_Linux${KTYPE}_${ARCHSIZE}lib.tar.gz"
+   export files="cd/cd-5.4.1_Linux${KTYPE}_${ARCHSIZE}lib.tar.gz im/im-3.6.3_Linux${KTYPE}_${ARCHSIZE}lib.tar.gz iup/iup-3.5_Linux${KTYPE}_${ARCHSIZE}lib.tar.gz"
+echo $files
 mkdir -p $PREFIX/iuplib
+mkdir -p iup/
 for a in `echo $files` ; do
     if ! [[ -e tgz/$a ]] ; then
-	wget$a
-        mv $a tgz/$a
+        echo wget -c -O tgz/$a$a
+	wget -c$a
+        mv `echo $a | cut -d'/' -f2` tgz/
     echo Untarring tgz/$a into $BUILDHOME/lib
-    (cd $PREFIX/lib;tar xfvz $BUILDHOME/tgz/$a;mv include/* ../include)
+    tar -xzf tgz/`echo $a | cut -d'/' -f2` -C iup/
+    #(cd $PREFIX/lib;tar xfvz $BUILDHOME/tgz/$a;mv include/* ../include)
     # (cd $DEPLOYTARG;tar xfvz $BUILDHOME/$a)
+cp iup/include/* $PREFIX/include/
+cp iup/*.so $PREFIX/lib/
+cp iup/*.a $PREFIX/lib/
+cp iup/ftgl/lib/*/* $PREFIX/lib/
 # ffcall obtained from:
 # cvs -z3 co ffcall 
-if ! [[ -e tgz/ffcall.tar.gz ]] ; then
-    wget 
-    mv ffcall.tar.gz tgz
+if ! [[ -e $PREFIX/include/callback.h ]] ; then
+	#fossil clone ffcall.fossil
+	wget -c -O ffcall.tar.gz ''
+	tar -xzf ffcall.tar.gz
+	#mkdir -p ffcall
+	cd ffcall
+	#fossil open ../ffcall.fossil
+	./configure --prefix=$PREFIX --enable-shared
+	make CC="gcc -fPIC"
+	make install
+#wget -c -O opensrc.tar.gz ''
+# Not working due to login problems.
+if ! [[ -e $PREFIX/bin/hs ]] ; then
+	#fossil clone opensrc.fossil
+	#mkdir -p opensrc
+	wget -c -O opensrc.tar.gz ''
+	tar -xzf opensrc.tar.gz
+	cd opensrc
+	#fossil open ../opensrc.fossil
+	cd histstore
+	$PREFIX/bin/csc histstore.scm -o hs 
+	cp -f hs $PREFIX/bin/hs 
+	cd ../mutils
+	$PREFIX/bin/chicken-install
+	cd ../dbi 
+	$PREFIX/bin/chicken-install
+	cd ../margs
+	$PREFIX/bin/chicken-install
-tar xfvz tgz/ffcall.tar.gz
-cd ffcall
-./configure --prefix=$PREFIX --enable-shared
-make install
+if ! [[ -e $PREFIX/bin/stmlrun ]] ; then
+	#fossil clone stml.fossil
+	wget -c -O stml.tar.gz ''
+	tar -xzf stml.tar.gz
+	cd stml
+	#fossil open ../stml.fossil
+	cp install.cfg.template install.cfg
+	echo "TARGDIR=$PREFIX/bin" > install.cfg
+	echo "LOGDIR=/tmp/stmlrun" >> install.cfg
+	echo "SQLITE3=$PREFIX/bin/sqlite3" >> install.cfg
+	cp requirements.scm.template requirements.scm
+	which csc
+	make clean
+	CSCOPTS="-C -fPIC" make
 export CSCLIBS=`echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH | sed 's/:/ -L/g'`
-CSC_OPTIONS="-I$PREFIX/include -L$CSCLIBS" $CHICKEN_INSTALL $PROX -D no-library-checks -feature disable-iup-web iup
+if [[ $IUPVER == "3.5" ]]; then
+  IUPEGGVER='iup:1.2.1'
+#CSC_OPTIONS="-I$PREFIX/include -L$CSCLIBS" $CHICKEN_INSTALL $PROX -D no-library-checks -feature disable-iup-web iup
+CSC_OPTIONS="-I$PREFIX/include -L$PREFIX/lib" $CHICKEN_INSTALL $PROX -D no-library-checks -feature disable-iup-web $IUPEGGVER
 # CSC_OPTIONS="-I$PREFIX/include -L$CSCLIBS" $CHICKEN_INSTALL $PROX -D no-library-checks -feature disable-iup-web -deploy -prefix $DEPLOYTARG iup
 # iup:1.0.2 
-CSC_OPTIONS="-I$PREFIX/include -L$CSCLIBS" $CHICKEN_INSTALL $PROX -D no-library-checks canvas-draw
+CSC_OPTIONS="-I$PREFIX/include -L$PREFIX/lib" $CHICKEN_INSTALL $PROX -D no-library-checks canvas-draw
 # CSC_OPTIONS="-I$PREFIX/include -L$CSCLIBS" $CHICKEN_INSTALL $PROX -D no-library-checks -deploy -prefix $DEPLOYTARG canvas-draw
-# NB// Removed bunch of zmq compiling tricks. Look at older versions of this file if you need to recreate...
-# git clone zmq-3.2
-# cd zmq-3.2
-# chicken-install
-## WEBKIT=WebKit-r131972
-## if  ! [[ -e ${WEBKIT}.tar.bz2 ]] ; then
-##    #
-##    wget${WEBKIT}.tar.bz2
-## fi
-## if [[ x$only_it_worked == $I_wish ]] ;then
-##    if [[ -e ${WEBKIT}.tar.bz2 ]] ; then
-##       tar xfj ${WEBKIT}.tar.bz2
-##       cd $WEBKIT
-##       ./
-##       ./configure --prefix=$PREFIX
-##       make
-##       make install
-##    fi
-## fi
-## cd $BUILHOME
-# export CD_REL=d704525ebe1c6d08
-# if ! [[ -e  Canvas_Draw-$ ]]; then
-#     wget$
-# fi
-# unzip -o Canvas_Draw-$
-# cd "Canvas Draw-$CD_REL/chicken"
-# CSC_OPTIONS="-I$PREFIX/include -L$LIBPATH" $CHICKEN_INSTALL $PROX -D no-library-checks
 echo You may need to add $LD_LIBRARY_PATH to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable, a 
 echo file can be found in the current directory which should work for setting up to run chicken4x
 echo Testing iup
 $PREFIX/bin/csi -b -eval '(use iup)(print "Success")'