Index: Makefile
--- Makefile
+++ Makefile
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
 SRCFILES = common.scm items.scm launch.scm \
            ods.scm runconfig.scm server.scm configf.scm \
            db.scm keys.scm margs.scm megatest-version.scm \
            process.scm runs.scm tasks.scm tests.scm genexample.scm \
-	   fs-transport.scm zmq-transport.scm http-transport.scm \
+	   fs-transport.scm http-transport.scm \
            client.scm gutils.scm synchash.scm daemon.scm
 GUISRCF  = dashboard-tests.scm dashboard-guimonitor.scm 
 OFILES   = $(SRCFILES:%.scm=%.o)
@@ -109,11 +109,11 @@
 	chmod a+x $(PREFIX)/bin/dashboard
 install : bin $(PREFIX)/bin/mtest $(PREFIX)/bin/megatest $(PREFIX)/bin/dboard $(PREFIX)/bin/dashboard $(HELPERS) $(PREFIX)/bin/nbfake $(PREFIX)/bin/nbfind $(PREFIX)/bin/newdboard
 deploytarg/ : Makefile
-	for i in apropos base64 canvas-draw csv-xml directory-utils dot-locking extras fmt format hostinfo http-client intarweb json md5 message-digest posix posix-extras readline regex regex-case s11n spiffy spiffy-request-vars sqlite3 srfi-1 srfi-18 srfi-69 tcp test uri-common zmq check-errors synch matchable sql-null tcp-server rpc blob-utils string-utils variable-item defstruct uri-generic sendfile opensll openssl lookup-table list-utils stack; do \
+	for i in apropos base64 canvas-draw csv-xml directory-utils dot-locking extras fmt format hostinfo http-client intarweb json md5 message-digest posix posix-extras readline regex regex-case s11n spiffy spiffy-request-vars sqlite3 srfi-1 srfi-18 srfi-69 tcp test uri-common check-errors synch matchable sql-null tcp-server rpc blob-utils string-utils variable-item defstruct uri-generic sendfile opensll openssl lookup-table list-utils stack; do \
 	chicken-install -prefix deploytarg -deploy $$i;done
 deploytarg/ : 
 	CSC_OPTIONS="-Ideploytarg -Ldeploytarg" $CHICKEN_INSTALL -prefix deploytarg -deploy sqlite3

Index: client.scm
--- client.scm
+++ client.scm
@@ -12,11 +12,13 @@
 ;; C L I E N T S
 (require-extension (srfi 18) extras tcp s11n)
-(use sqlite3 srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69 hostinfo md5 message-digest zmq)
+(use sqlite3 srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69 hostinfo md5 message-digest)
+;; (use zmq)
 (import (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:))
 (use spiffy uri-common intarweb http-client spiffy-request-vars)
 (declare (unit client))

Index: db.scm
--- db.scm
+++ db.scm
@@ -19,11 +19,11 @@
 (use sqlite3 srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69 csv-xml s11n md5 message-digest base64)
 (import (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:))
 (import (prefix base64 base64:))
 ;; Note, try to remove this dependency 
-(use zmq)
+;; (use zmq)
 (declare (unit db))
 (declare (uses common))
 (declare (uses keys))
 (declare (uses ods))
@@ -1139,15 +1139,15 @@
 ;; NOTE: Can remove the regex and base64 encoding for zmq
 (define (db:obj->string obj)
   (case *transport-type*
     ((fs) obj)
-	((http)
+    ((http)
-       (regexp "=") "_"
-         (base64:base64-encode (with-output-to-string (lambda ()(serialize obj))))
-        #t))
+      (regexp "=") "_"
+      (base64:base64-encode (with-output-to-string (lambda ()(serialize obj))))
+      #t))
     ((zmq)(with-output-to-string (lambda ()(serialize obj))))
     (else obj)))
 (define (db:string->obj msg)
   (case *transport-type*
@@ -1442,11 +1442,11 @@
 	       (< (current-seconds) timeout))
 	    (thread-sleep! 0.01)
     (set! *number-of-writes*   (+ *number-of-writes*   1))
-    (set! *writes-total-delay* (+ *writes-total-delay* 1))
+    (set! *writes-total-delay* (+ *writes-total-delay* (- (current-milliseconds) start-time)))
 (define (db:process-queue-item db item)
   (let* ((stmt-key       (cdb:packet-get-qtype item))
 	 (qry-sig        (cdb:packet-get-query-sig item))
@@ -1529,19 +1529,20 @@
      "SELECT id,item_path,state,status,run_duration,final_logf,comment FROM tests WHERE run_id=? AND testname=? AND item_path != '';"
      run-id test-name)
 ;; Rollup the pass/fail counts from itemized tests into fail_count and pass_count
+;; NOTE: Is this duplicating (db:test-data-rollup db test-id status) ????
 (define (db:roll-up-pass-fail-counts db run-id test-name item-path status)
   ;; (cdb:flush-queue *runremote*)
   (if (and (not (equal? item-path ""))
 	   (member status '("PASS" "WARN" "FAIL" "WAIVED" "RUNNING" "CHECK" "SKIP")))
 	 "UPDATE tests 
-             SET fail_count=(SELECT count(id) FROM tests WHERE run_id=? AND testname=? AND item_path != '' AND status='FAIL'),
+             SET fail_count=(SELECT count(id) FROM tests WHERE run_id=? AND testname=? AND item_path != '' AND status IN ('FAIL','CHECK')),
                  pass_count=(SELECT count(id) FROM tests WHERE run_id=? AND testname=? AND item_path != '' AND status IN ('PASS','WARN','WAIVED'))
              WHERE run_id=? AND testname=? AND item_path='';"
 	 run-id test-name run-id test-name run-id test-name)
         ;; (thread-sleep! 0.1) ;; give other processes a chance here, no, better to be done ASAP?
 	(if (equal? status "RUNNING") ;; running takes priority over all other states, force the test state to RUNNING
@@ -1553,16 +1554,20 @@
                                    WHEN (SELECT count(id) FROM tests 
                                                 WHERE run_id=? AND testname=?
                                                      AND item_path != '' 
                                                      AND state in ('RUNNING','NOT_STARTED')) > 0 THEN 'RUNNING'
                                    ELSE 'COMPLETED' END,
-                                      status=CASE 
-                                            WHEN fail_count > 0 THEN 'FAIL' 
-                                            WHEN pass_count > 0 AND fail_count=0 THEN 'PASS' 
-                                            ELSE 'UNKNOWN' END
+                            status=CASE 
+                                  WHEN fail_count > 0 THEN 'FAIL' 
+                                  WHEN pass_count > 0 AND fail_count=0 THEN 'PASS' 
+                                  WHEN (SELECT count(id) FROM tests
+                                         WHERE run_id=? AND testname=?
+                                              AND item_path != ''
+                                              AND status = 'SKIP') > 0 THEN 'SKIP'
+                                  ELSE 'UNKNOWN' END
                        WHERE run_id=? AND testname=? AND item_path='';"
-	     run-id test-name run-id test-name))
+	     run-id test-name run-id test-name run-id test-name))
 ;; Tests meta data
@@ -1699,11 +1704,15 @@
 	  ;; Now rollup the counts to the central megatest.db
 	  (cdb:pass-fail-counts *runremote* test-id fail-count pass-count)
 	  ;; (sqlite3:execute db "UPDATE tests SET fail_count=?,pass_count=? WHERE id=?;" 
 	  ;;                     fail-count pass-count test-id)
-	  (cdb:flush-queue *runremote*)
+	  ;; The flush is not needed with the transaction based write agregation enabled. Remove these commented lines
+	  ;; next time you read this!
+	  ;;
+	  ;; (cdb:flush-queue *runremote*)
 	  ;; (thread-sleep! 1) ;; play nice with the queue by ensuring the rollup is at least 10ms later than the set
 	  ;; if the test is not FAIL then set status based on the fail and pass counts.
 	  (cdb:test-rollup-test_data-pass-fail *runremote* test-id)
 	  ;; (sqlite3:execute

Index: http-transport.scm
--- http-transport.scm
+++ http-transport.scm
@@ -22,10 +22,11 @@
 (declare (uses common))
 (declare (uses db))
 (declare (uses tests))
 (declare (uses tasks)) ;; tasks are where stuff is maintained about what is running.
 (declare (uses server))
+(declare (uses daemon))
 (include "common_records.scm")
 (include "db_records.scm")
 (define (http-transport:make-server-url hostport)
@@ -43,10 +44,22 @@
 ;; Call this to start the actual server
 (define *db:process-queue-mutex* (make-mutex))
+(define (server:get-best-guess-address hostname)
+  (let ((res #f))
+    (for-each 
+     (lambda (adr)
+       (if (not (eq? (u8vector-ref adr 0) 127))
+	   (set! res adr)))
+     (vector->list (hostinfo-addresses (hostname->hostinfo hostname))))
+    (string-intersperse 
+     (map number->string
+	  (u8vector->list
+	   (if res res (hostname->ip hostname)))) ".")))
 (define (http-transport:run hostn)
   (debug:print 2 "Attempting to start the server ...")
   (if (not *toppath*)
       (if (not (setup-for-run))
@@ -56,11 +69,12 @@
 	 ;;        	      #f ;; (get-host-name) 
 	 ;;        	      hostn))
 	 (db              #f) ;;        (open-db)) ;; we don't want the server to be opening and closing the db unnecesarily
 	 (hostname        (get-host-name))
 	 (ipaddrstr       (let ((ipstr (if (string=? "-" hostn)
-					   (string-intersperse (map number->string (u8vector->list (hostname->ip hostname))) ".")
+					   ;; (string-intersperse (map number->string (u8vector->list (hostname->ip hostname))) ".")
+					   (server:get-best-guess-address hostname)
 			    (if ipstr ipstr hostn))) ;; hostname)))
 	 (start-port    (if (and (args:get-arg "-port")
 				 (string->number (args:get-arg "-port")))
 			    (string->number (args:get-arg "-port"))
@@ -118,11 +132,11 @@
      (print-error-message exn)
      (if (< portnum 9000)
-	   (print "WARNING: failed to start on portnum: " portnum ", trying next port")
+	   (debug:print 0 "WARNING: failed to start on portnum: " portnum ", trying next port")
 	   (thread-sleep! 0.1)
 	   ;; (open-run-close tasks:remove-server-records tasks:open-db)
 	   (open-run-close tasks:server-delete tasks:open-db ipaddrstr portnum)
 	   (http-transport:try-start-server ipaddrstr (+ portnum 1)))
 	 (print "ERROR: Tried and tried but could not start the server")))
@@ -133,11 +147,12 @@
 		   ipaddrstr portnum 0 'live 'http)
    (print "INFO: Trying to start server on " ipaddrstr ":" portnum)
    ;; This starts the spiffy server
-   (start-server port: portnum)
+   (start-server bind-address: ipaddrstr port: portnum)
    (open-run-close tasks:server-delete tasks:open-db ipaddrstr portnum)
    (print "INFO: server has been stopped")))
 ;; S E R V E R   U T I L I T I E S 
@@ -187,16 +202,17 @@
 	 (serverdat   (list iface port)))
     (set! login-res (client:login serverdat))
     (if (and (not (null? login-res))
 	     (car login-res))
-	  (debug:print-info 2 "Logged in and connected to " iface ":" port)
+	  (debug:print-info 0 "Logged in and connected to " iface ":" port)
 	  (set! *runremote* serverdat)
-	  (debug:print-info 2 "Failed to login or connect to " iface ":" port)
+	  (debug:print-info 0 "Failed to login or connect to " iface ":" port)
 	  (set! *runremote* #f)
+	  (set! *transport-type* 'fs)
 ;; run http-transport:keep-running in a parallel thread to monitor that the db is being 
 ;; used and to shutdown after sometime if it is not.
@@ -216,17 +232,18 @@
          (iface       (car server-info))
          (port        (cadr server-info))
          (last-access 0)
 	 (tdb         (tasks:open-db))
-	 (spid        (tasks:server-get-server-id tdb #f iface port #f))
+	 (spid        ;;(open-run-close tasks:server-get-server-id tasks:open-db #f iface port #f))
+	   (tasks:server-get-server-id tdb #f iface port #f))
 	 (server-timeout (let ((tmo (config-lookup  *configdat* "server" "timeout")))
 			   (if (and (string? tmo)
 				    (string->number tmo))
 			       (* 60 60 (string->number tmo))
 			       ;; default to three days
-			       (* 3 24 60)))))
+			       (* 3 24 60 60)))))
     (debug:print-info 2 "server-timeout: " server-timeout ", server pid: " spid " on " iface ":" port)
     (let loop ((count 0))
       (thread-sleep! 4) ;; no need to do this very often
       ;; NB// sync currently does NOT return queue-length
       (let () ;; (queue-len (cdb:client-call server-info 'sync #t 1)))
@@ -237,18 +254,20 @@
 	;; Check that iface and port have not changed (can happen if server port collides)
 	(mutex-lock! *heartbeat-mutex*)
 	(set! sdat *runremote*)
 	(mutex-unlock! *heartbeat-mutex*)
-	(if (not (equal? sdat (list iface port)))
+	(if (or (not (equal? sdat (list iface port)))
+		(not spid))
-	      (debug:print-info 1 "interface changed, refreshing iface and port info")
+	      (debug:print-info 0 "interface changed, refreshing iface and port info")
 	      (set! iface (car sdat))
 	      (set! port  (cadr sdat))
 	      (set! spid  (tasks:server-get-server-id tdb #f iface port #f))))
         ;; NOTE: Get rid of this mechanism! It really is not needed...
+        ;; (open-run-close tasks:server-update-heartbeat tasks:open-db spid)
         (tasks:server-update-heartbeat tdb spid)
         ;; (if ;; (or (> numrunning 0) ;; stay alive for two days after last access
         (mutex-lock! *heartbeat-mutex*)
         (set! last-access *last-db-access*)
@@ -261,11 +280,11 @@
               (loop 0))
               (debug:print-info 0 "Starting to shutdown the server.")
               ;; need to delete only *my* server entry (future use)
               (set! *time-to-exit* #t)
-              (tasks:server-deregister-self tdb (get-host-name))
+              (open-run-close tasks:server-deregister-self tasks:open-db (get-host-name))
               (thread-sleep! 1)
               (debug:print-info 0 "Max cached queries was    " *max-cache-size*)
 	      (debug:print-info 0 "Number of cached writes   " *number-of-writes*)
 	      (debug:print-info 0 "Average cached write time "
 				(if (eq? *number-of-writes* 0)
@@ -312,10 +331,27 @@
 	      (set! *didsomething* #t)
 	      (thread-join! th2))
 	    (debug:print 0 "ERROR: Failed to setup for megatest")))
+;; (use trace)
+;; (trace http-transport:keep-running 
+;;        tasks:server-update-heartbeat
+;;        tasks:server-get-server-id)
+;;        tasks:get-best-server
+;;        http-transport:run
+;;        http-transport:launch
+;;        http-transport:try-start-server
+;;        http-transport:client-send-receive
+;;        http-transport:make-server-url
+;;        tasks:server-register
+;;        tasks:server-delete
+;;        start-server
+;;        hostname->ip
+;;        with-input-from-request
+;;        tasks:server-deregister-self)
 (define (http-transport:server-signal-handler signum)
    (debug:print " ... exiting ...")
    (let ((th1 (make-thread (lambda ()

Index: megatest-version.scm
--- megatest-version.scm
+++ megatest-version.scm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ;; Always use two digit decimal
 ;; 1.01, 1.02...1.10,1.11 ... 1.99,2.00..
 (declare (unit megatest-version))
-(define megatest-version 1.5415)
+(define megatest-version 1.5417)

Index: megatest.scm
--- megatest.scm
+++ megatest.scm
@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@
 (use sqlite3 srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69 base64 format readline apropos json) ;; (srfi 18) extras)
 (import (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:))
 (import (prefix base64 base64:))
-(use zmq)
+;; (use zmq)
 (declare (uses common))
 (declare (uses megatest-version))
 (declare (uses margs))
 (declare (uses runs))
@@ -23,10 +23,11 @@
 (declare (uses launch))
 (declare (uses server))
 (declare (uses client))
 (declare (uses tests))
 (declare (uses genexample))
+(declare (uses daemon))
 (define *db* #f) ;; this is only for the repl, do not use in general!!!!
 (include "common_records.scm")
 (include "key_records.scm")
@@ -127,11 +128,11 @@
   -env2file fname         : write the environment to fname.csh and
   -setvars VAR1=val1,VAR2=val2 : Add environment variables to a run NB// these are
                                  overwritten by values set in config files.
   -server -|hostname      : start the server (reduces contention on megatest.db), use
                             - to automatically figure out hostname
-  -transport http|zmq     : use http or zmq for transport (default is http) 
+  -transport http|fs      : use http or direct access for transport (default is http) 
   -daemonize              : fork into background and disconnect from stdin/out
   -list-servers           : list the servers 
   -stop-server id         : stop server specified by id (see output of -list-servers)
   -repl                   : start a repl (useful for extending megatest)
   -load file.scm          : load and run file.scm
@@ -313,21 +314,29 @@
 		     (hash-table-keys args:arg-hash)
 		     '("-runtests"    "-list-runs"   "-rollup"
 		       "-remove-runs" "-lock"        "-unlock"
 		       "-update-meta" "-extract-ods"))))
 	(if (setup-for-run)
-	    (let ((servers (open-run-close tasks:get-best-server tasks:open-db)))
+	    (let loop ((servers  (open-run-close tasks:get-best-server tasks:open-db))
+		       (trycount 0))
 	      (if (or (not servers)
 		      (null? servers))
-		    (debug:print 0 "INFO: Starting server as none running ...")
-		    ;; (server:launch (string->symbol (args:get-arg "-transport" "http"))))
-		    (system (conc (car (argv)) " -server - -daemonize -transport " (args:get-arg "-transport" "http")))
-		    (thread-sleep! 3)) ;; give the server a few seconds to start
-		  (debug:print 0 "INFO: Servers already running " servers)
+		    (if (eq? trycount 0) ;; just do the server start once
+			(begin
+			  (debug:print 0 "INFO: Starting server as none running ...")
+			  ;; (server:launch (string->symbol (args:get-arg "-transport" "http"))))
+			  ;; (process-run (car (argv)) (list "-server" "-" "-daemonize" "-transport" (args:get-arg "-transport" "http")))
+			  (process-fork (lambda ()
+					  (daemon:ize)
+					  (server:launch (string->symbol (args:get-arg "-transport" "http")))))
+			  (thread-sleep! 3))
+			(debug:print-info 0 "Waiting for server to start"))
+		    (loop (open-run-close tasks:get-best-server tasks:open-db) 
+			  (+ trycount 1)))
+		  (debug:print 0 "INFO: Server(s) running " servers)
 (if (or (args:get-arg "-list-servers")
 	(args:get-arg "-stop-server"))
     (let ((tl (setup-for-run)))
       (if tl 
@@ -370,12 +379,11 @@
 		       (debug:print-info 0 "Attempting to stop server with pid " pid)
 		       (tasks:kill-server status hostname pullport pid transport)))))
 	    (debug:print-info 1 "Done with listservers")
 	    (set! *didsomething* #t)
-	    (exit) ;; must do, would have to add checks to many/all calls below
-	    )
+	    (exit)) ;; must do, would have to add checks to many/all calls below
     ;; if not list or kill then start a client (if appropriate)
     (if (or (args-defined? "-h" "-version" "-gen-megatest-area" "-gen-megatest-test")
 	    (eq? (length (hash-table-keys args:arg-hash)) 0))
 	(debug:print-info 1 "Server connection not needed")
@@ -500,12 +508,13 @@
 			 ;; (print "[" targetstr "]"))))
 			 (print targetstr))))
 	       (if (not db-targets)
 		   (let* ((run-id (db:get-value-by-header run header "id"))
 			  (tests  (cdb:remote-run db:get-tests-for-run #f run-id testpatt '() '())))
-		     (debug:print 1 "Run: " targetstr " status: " (db:get-value-by-header run header "state")
-				  " run-id: " run-id ", number tests: " (length tests))
+		     (print "Run: " targetstr "/" (db:get-value-by-header run header "runname") 
+			    " status: " (db:get-value-by-header run header "state")
+			    " run-id: " run-id ", number tests: " (length tests))
 		      (lambda (test)
 			(format #t
 				"  Test: ~25a State: ~15a Status: ~15a Runtime: ~5@as Time: ~22a Host: ~10a\n"
 				(conc (db:test-get-testname test)

Index: server.scm
--- server.scm
+++ server.scm
@@ -8,11 +8,12 @@
 (require-extension (srfi 18) extras tcp s11n)
-(use srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69 hostinfo md5 message-digest zmq)
+(use srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69 hostinfo md5 message-digest)
+;; (use zmq)
 (use spiffy uri-common intarweb http-client spiffy-request-vars)
 (declare (unit server))
@@ -19,11 +20,11 @@
 (declare (uses common))
 (declare (uses db))
 (declare (uses tasks)) ;; tasks are where stuff is maintained about what is running.
 (declare (uses synchash))
 (declare (uses http-transport))
-(declare (uses zmq-transport))
+;; (declare (uses zmq-transport))
 (declare (uses daemon))
 (include "common_records.scm")
 (include "db_records.scm")

Index: tasks.scm
--- tasks.scm
+++ tasks.scm
@@ -26,11 +26,11 @@
   (let* ((dbpath  (conc *toppath* "/monitor.db"))
 	 (exists  (file-exists? dbpath))
 	 (mdb     (sqlite3:open-database dbpath)) ;; (never-give-up-open-db dbpath))
 	 (handler (make-busy-timeout 36000)))
     (sqlite3:set-busy-handler! mdb handler)
-    (sqlite3:execute mdb (conc "PRAGMA synchronous = 0;"))
+    (sqlite3:execute mdb (conc "PRAGMA synchronous = 1;"))
     (if (not exists)
 	  (sqlite3:execute mdb "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tasks_queue (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                                 action TEXT DEFAULT '',
                                 owner TEXT,
@@ -141,10 +141,11 @@
 	 "SELECT id FROM servers WHERE pid=-999;")))
      (if hostname hostname iface)(if pid pid port))
 (define (tasks:server-update-heartbeat mdb server-id)
+  (debug:print-info 0 "Heart beat update of server id=" server-id)
   (sqlite3:execute mdb "UPDATE servers SET heartbeat=strftime('%s','now') WHERE id=?;" server-id))
 ;; alive servers keep the heartbeat field upto date with seconds every 6 or so seconds
 (define (tasks:server-alive? mdb server-id #!key (iface #f)(hostname #f)(port #f)(pid #f))
   (let* ((server-id  (if server-id 

Index: tests/Makefile
--- tests/Makefile
+++ tests/Makefile
@@ -49,16 +49,16 @@
 test4 : fullprep
 	cd fullrun;$(MEGATEST) -debug $(DEBUG) -runall -reqtarg ubuntu/nfs/none :runname $(RUNNAME)_b -m "This is a comment specific to a run" -v $(LOGGING)
 # NOTE: Only one instance can be a server
 test5 : fullprep
-	cd fullrun;sleep  0;$(MEGATEST) -runtests % -target $(TARGET) :runname $(RUNNAME)_aa -debug $(DEBUG) $(LOGGING) > aa.log 2> aa.log &
-	cd fullrun;sleep 10;$(MEGATEST) -runtests % -target $(TARGET) :runname $(RUNNAME)_ab -debug $(DEBUG) $(LOGGING) > ab.log 2> ab.log &
-	cd fullrun;sleep 10;$(MEGATEST) -runtests % -target $(TARGET) :runname $(RUNNAME)_ac -debug $(DEBUG) $(LOGGING) > ac.log 2> ac.log &
-	cd fullrun;sleep 10;$(MEGATEST) -runtests % -target $(TARGET) :runname $(RUNNAME)_ad -debug $(DEBUG) $(LOGGING) > ad.log 2> ad.log &	
-#	cd fullrun;sleep 10;$(MEGATEST) -runtests % -target $(TARGET) :runname $(RUNNAME)_ae -debug $(DEBUG) $(LOGGING) > ae.log 2> ae.log &	
-#	cd fullrun;sleep 10;$(MEGATEST) -runtests % -target $(TARGET) :runname $(RUNNAME)_af -debug $(DEBUG) $(LOGGING) > af.log 2> af.log &	
+	cd fullrun;sleep 0;$(MEGATEST) -runtests % -target $(TARGET) :runname $(RUNNAME)_aa -debug $(DEBUG) $(LOGGING) > aa.log 2> aa.log &
+	cd fullrun;sleep 0;$(MEGATEST) -runtests % -target $(TARGET) :runname $(RUNNAME)_ab -debug $(DEBUG) $(LOGGING) > ab.log 2> ab.log &
+	cd fullrun;sleep 0;$(MEGATEST) -runtests % -target $(TARGET) :runname $(RUNNAME)_ac -debug $(DEBUG) $(LOGGING) > ac.log 2> ac.log &
+	cd fullrun;sleep 0;$(MEGATEST) -runtests % -target $(TARGET) :runname $(RUNNAME)_ad -debug $(DEBUG) $(LOGGING) > ad.log 2> ad.log &	
+#	cd fullrun;sleep 0;$(MEGATEST) -runtests % -target $(TARGET) :runname $(RUNNAME)_ae -debug $(DEBUG) $(LOGGING) > ae.log 2> ae.log &	
+#	cd fullrun;sleep 0;$(MEGATEST) -runtests % -target $(TARGET) :runname $(RUNNAME)_af -debug $(DEBUG) $(LOGGING) > af.log 2> af.log &	
 test6: fullprep
 	cd fullrun;$(MEGATEST) -runtests runfirst -testpatt %/1 -reqtarg ubuntu/nfs/none :runname $(RUNNAME)_itempatt -v
 	cd fullrun;$(MEGATEST) -runtests runfirst -testpatt %blahha% -reqtarg ubuntu/nfs/none :runname $(RUNNAME)_itempatt -debug 10
 	cd fullrun;$(MEGATEST) -rollup :runname newrun -target ubuntu/nfs/none -debug 10

ADDED   tests/fdktestqa/testqa/tests/bigrun2/
Index: tests/fdktestqa/testqa/tests/bigrun2/
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fdktestqa/testqa/tests/bigrun2/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+prev_test=`$MT_MEGATEST -test-paths -target $MT_TARGET :runname $MT_RUNNAME -testpatt bigrun/$NUMBER`
+if [ -e $prev_test/testconfig ]; then
+  exit 0
+  exit 1

ADDED   tests/fdktestqa/testqa/tests/bigrun2/testconfig
Index: tests/fdktestqa/testqa/tests/bigrun2/testconfig
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fdktestqa/testqa/tests/bigrun2/testconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Add additional steps here. Format is "stepname script"
+# Test requirements are specified here
+waiton bigrun
+priority 0
+mode itemmatch
+# Iteration for your tests are controlled by the items section
+NUMBER #{scheme (string-intersperse (map number->string (sort (let loop ((a 0)(res '()))(if (< a 120)(loop (+ a 1)(cons a res)) res)) >)) " ")}
+# test_meta is a section for storing additional data on your test
+author matt
+owner  matt
+description An example test
+tags tagone,tagtwo
+reviewed never

ADDED   tests/fslsync/megatest.config
Index: tests/fslsync/megatest.config
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fslsync/megatest.config
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Adjust max_concurrent_jobs to limit how much you load your machines
+max_concurrent_jobs 50
+# This is your link path, you can move it but it is generally better to keep it stable
+linktree #{shell readlink -f #{getenv PWD}/fslsynclinks}
+# Job tools are more advanced ways to control how your jobs are launched
+useshell yes
+launcher nbfind
+# As you run more tests you may need to add additional disks, the names are arbitrary but must be unique
+disk0 #{shell readlink -f #{getenv PWD}/fslsyncruns}

ADDED   tests/fslsync/runconfigs.config
Index: tests/fslsync/runconfigs.config
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fslsync/runconfigs.config
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+WORKAREA /tmp/#{getenv USER}/fslsync
+FSLSAREA /tmp/#{getenv USER}/fsls
+AREANAMES code data
+SITENAMES zeus xena

ADDED   tests/fslsync/tests/setup/mkdirs.logpro
Index: tests/fslsync/tests/setup/mkdirs.logpro
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fslsync/tests/setup/mkdirs.logpro
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+;; You should have at least one expect:required. This ensures that your process ran
+(expect:required in "LogFileBody" > 0 "done" #/done/)
+;; You may need ignores to suppress false error or warning hits from the later expects
+;; NOTE: Order is important here!
+(expect:ignore   in "LogFileBody"  < 99 "Ignore the word error in comments" #/^\/\/.*error/)
+(expect:warning  in "LogFileBody"  = 0 "Any warning" #/warn/)
+(expect:error    in "LogFileBody"  = 0 "Any error"  (list #/ERROR/ #/error/)) ;; but disallow any other errors

ADDED   tests/fslsync/tests/setup/
Index: tests/fslsync/tests/setup/
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fslsync/tests/setup/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Create needed directories both local and remote
+# Remote
+# Local
+echo done

ADDED   tests/fslsync/tests/setup/seedcache.logpro
Index: tests/fslsync/tests/setup/seedcache.logpro
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fslsync/tests/setup/seedcache.logpro
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+;; You should have at least one expect:required. This ensures that your process ran
+(expect:required in "LogFileBody" > 0 "done" #/done/)
+;; You may need ignores to suppress false error or warning hits from the later expects
+;; NOTE: Order is important here!
+(expect:ignore   in "LogFileBody"  < 99 "Ignore the word error in comments" #/^\/\/.*error/)
+(expect:warning  in "LogFileBody"  = 0 "Any warning" #/warn/)
+(expect:error    in "LogFileBody"  = 0 "Any error"  (list #/ERROR/ #/error/)) ;; but disallow any other errors

ADDED   tests/fslsync/tests/setup/
Index: tests/fslsync/tests/setup/
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fslsync/tests/setup/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copy any non-existant files to the cache before doing the rsync 
+# in the hopes of saving some time.
+echo done

ADDED   tests/fslsync/tests/setup/testconfig
Index: tests/fslsync/tests/setup/testconfig
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fslsync/tests/setup/testconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# Add additional steps here. Format is "stepname script"
+# Test requirements are specified here
+priority 0
+# Iteration for your tests are controlled by the items section
+# test_meta is a section for storing additional data on your test
+author matt
+owner  matt
+description Setup needed directories and seed the caches
+tags tagone,tagtwo
+reviewed never

ADDED   tests/fslsync/tests/sync/fsync.logpro
Index: tests/fslsync/tests/sync/fsync.logpro
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fslsync/tests/sync/fsync.logpro
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+;; You should have at least one expect:required. This ensures that your process ran
+(expect:required in "LogFileBody" > 0 "done" #/done/)
+;; You may need ignores to suppress false error or warning hits from the later expects
+;; NOTE: Order is important here!
+(expect:ignore   in "LogFileBody"  < 99 "Ignore the word error in comments" #/^\/\/.*error/)
+(expect:warning  in "LogFileBody"  = 0 "Any warning" #/warn/)
+(expect:error    in "LogFileBody"  = 0 "Any error"  (list #/ERROR/ #/error/)) ;; but disallow any other errors

ADDED   tests/fslsync/tests/sync/
Index: tests/fslsync/tests/sync/
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fslsync/tests/sync/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Get the list of fossils from the cache
+FILES=$(ls $FSLSAREA/$AREANAME|grep fossil)
+# Do the remote sync from CACHE to FOSSILS
+ssh $SITENAME /bin/bash <<EOF
+for f in $FILES;do
+    if [ ! -e \$FOSSLF ];then
+	chmod ug+rw \$FOSSLF
+    elif [ \$CACHEF -nt \$FOSSLF ];then
+	fossil pull -R \$FOSSLF \$CACHEF
+    fi
+# Do the local sync 
+for f in $FILES;do
+    if [ ! -e \$FOSSLF ];then
+	chmod ug+rw \$FOSSLF
+    elif [ \$CACHEF -nt \$FOSSLF ];then
+	fossil pull -R \$FOSSLF \$CACHEF
+    fi
+echo done

ADDED   tests/fslsync/tests/sync/rsync.logpro
Index: tests/fslsync/tests/sync/rsync.logpro
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fslsync/tests/sync/rsync.logpro
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+;; You should have at least one expect:required. This ensures that your process ran
+(expect:required in "LogFileBody" > 0 "done" #/done/)
+;; You may need ignores to suppress false error or warning hits from the later expects
+;; NOTE: Order is important here!
+(expect:ignore   in "LogFileBody"  < 99 "Ignore the word error in comments" #/^\/\/.*error/)
+(expect:warning  in "LogFileBody"  = 0 "Any warning" #/warn/)
+(expect:error    in "LogFileBody"  = 0 "Any error"  (list #/ERROR/ #/error/)) ;; but disallow any other errors

ADDED   tests/fslsync/tests/sync/
Index: tests/fslsync/tests/sync/
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fslsync/tests/sync/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Sync to remote cache
+# Sync to local cache
+# Wait until rsyncs complete
+echo done

ADDED   tests/fslsync/tests/sync/testconfig
Index: tests/fslsync/tests/sync/testconfig
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fslsync/tests/sync/testconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Add additional steps here. Format is "stepname script"
+# Test requirements are specified here
+waiton setup
+priority 0
+# Iteration for your tests are controlled by the items section
+# test_meta is a section for storing additional data on your test
+author matt
+owner  matt
+description Sync fossils to remote
+tags tagone,tagtwo
+reviewed never

ADDED   utils/example-launch-dispatcher.scm
Index: utils/example-launch-dispatcher.scm
--- /dev/null
+++ utils/example-launch-dispatcher.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+(let ((target (assoc 
+	       ;; Put the variable name here, note: only *one* '
+	       ;; 'TARGET_OS
+	       'MANYITEMS
+	       (read (open-input-string (get-environment-variable "MT_ITEM_INFO"))))))
+  (case (if target target 'var-undef)
+    ((suse)      (system "echo"))
+    ((redhat)    (system "echo"))
+    ((af)        (system "echo Got af"))
+    ((var-undef) (system "echo Variable not in MT_ITEM_INFO list"))
+    (else        (system "echo"))))

Index: utils/
--- utils/
+++ utils/
@@ -164,137 +164,137 @@
 # CSC_OPTIONS="-I$PREFIX/include -L$CSCLIBS" $CHICKEN_INSTALL $PROX -D no-library-checks -feature disable-iup-web -deploy -prefix $DEPLOYTARG iup
 # iup:1.0.2 
 CSC_OPTIONS="-I$PREFIX/include -L$CSCLIBS" $CHICKEN_INSTALL $PROX -D no-library-checks canvas-draw
 # CSC_OPTIONS="-I$PREFIX/include -L$CSCLIBS" $CHICKEN_INSTALL $PROX -D no-library-checks -deploy -prefix $DEPLOYTARG canvas-draw
-# Note uuid needed only for zmq 2.x series
-# zpatchlev=-rc2
-if [[ -e /usr/lib/ ]]; then
-  echo "Using system installed zmq library"
-# ZEROMQ=zeromq-3.2.2
-# wget
-# UTIL_LINUX=2.20.1
-if ! [[ -e util-linux-${UTIL_LINUX}.tar.gz ]] ; then
-    # wget
-    wget${UTIL_LINUX}/util-linux-${UTIL_LINUX}.tar.gz
-if [[ -e util-linux-${UTIL_LINUX}.tar.gz ]] ; then
-    tar xfz util-linux-${UTIL_LINUX}.tar.gz
-    cd util-linux-${UTIL_LINUX}
-    mkdir -p build
-    cd build
-    if [[ $UTIL_LINUX = "2.22" ]] ; then
-    ../configure --prefix=$PREFIX \
---enable-shared                   \
---disable-use-tty-group		  \
---disable-makeinstall-chown       \
---disable-makeinstall-setuid      \
---disable-libtool-lock		  \
---disable-login			  \
---disable-sulogin		  \
---disable-su			  \
---disable-schedutils		  \
---disable-libmount		  \
---disable-mount			  \
---disable-losetup		  \
---disable-fsck			  \
---disable-partx			  \
---disable-mountpoint		  \
---disable-fallocate		  \
---disable-unshare		  \
---disable-eject			  \
---disable-agetty		  \
---disable-cramfs		  \
---disable-switch_root		  \
---disable-pivot_root		  \
---disable-kill			  \
---disable-libblkid		  \
---disable-utmpdump		  \
---disable-rename		  \
---disable-chsh-only-listed	  \
---disable-wall			  \
---disable-pg-bell		  \
---disable-require-password	  \
---disable-libtool-lock		  \
---disable-nls			  \
---disable-dmesg                   \
-    else
-      ../configure --prefix=$PREFIX \
-  --enable-shared         \
-  --disable-mount         \
-  --disable-fsck          \
-  --disable-partx         \
-  --disable-largefile     \
-  --disable-tls           \
-  --disable-libmount      \
-  --disable-mountpoint    \
-  --disable-nls           \
-  --disable-rpath         \
-  --disable-agetty        \
-  --disable-cramfs        \
-  --disable-switch_root   \
-  --disable-pivot_root    \
-  --disable-fallocate     \
-  --disable-unshare       \
-  --disable-rename        \
-  --disable-schedutils    \
-  --disable-libblkid      \
-  --disable-wall CFLAGS='-fPIC'
-#  --disable-makeinstall-chown \
-#  --disable-makeinstall-setuid \
-#   --disable-chsh-only-listed
-#   --disable-pg-bell       let pg not ring the bell on invalid keys
-#   --disable-require-password
-#   --disable-use-tty-group do not install wall and write setgid tty
-#   --disable-makeinstall-chown
-#   --disable-makeinstall-setuid
-    fi
-    (cd libuuid;make install)
-    # make
-    # make install
-    cp $PREFIX/include/uuid/uuid.h $PREFIX/include/uuid.h
-if ! [[ -e ${ZEROMQ}${zpatchlev}.tar.gz ]] ; then
-    wget${ZEROMQ}${zpatchlev}.tar.gz
-if [[ -e ${ZEROMQ}${zpatchlev}.tar.gz ]] ; then
-    tar xfz ${ZEROMQ}.tar.gz
-    cd ${ZEROMQ}
-    ln -s $PREFIX/include/uuid src
-    # LDFLAGS=-L$PREFIX/lib ./configure --prefix=$PREFIX 
-    ./configure --enable-static --prefix=$PREFIX --with-uuid=$PREFIX LDFLAGS="-L$PREFIX/lib" CPPFLAGS="-fPIC -I$PREFIX/include" LIBS="-lgcc"
-    # --disable-shared CPPFLAGS="-fPIC 
-    # LDFLAGS="-L/usr/lib64 -L$PREFIX/lib" ./configure --enable-static --prefix=$PREFIX 
-    make
-    make install
-fi # if zmq is in /usr/lib
+# disabled zmq # #======================================================================
+# disabled zmq # # Note uuid needed only for zmq 2.x series
+# disabled zmq # #======================================================================
+# disabled zmq # 
+# disabled zmq # #
+# disabled zmq # # zpatchlev=-rc2
+# disabled zmq # #
+# disabled zmq # 
+# disabled zmq # if [[ -e /usr/lib/ ]]; then
+# disabled zmq #   echo "Using system installed zmq library"
+# disabled zmq #   $CHICKEN_INSTALL zmq
+# disabled zmq # else
+# disabled zmq # ZEROMQ=zeromq-2.2.0
+# disabled zmq # # ZEROMQ=zeromq-3.2.2
+# disabled zmq # 
+# disabled zmq # # wget
+# disabled zmq # UTIL_LINUX=2.21
+# disabled zmq # # UTIL_LINUX=2.20.1
+# disabled zmq # if ! [[ -e util-linux-${UTIL_LINUX}.tar.gz ]] ; then
+# disabled zmq #     # wget
+# disabled zmq #     wget${UTIL_LINUX}/util-linux-${UTIL_LINUX}.tar.gz
+# disabled zmq # fi
+# disabled zmq # 
+# disabled zmq # if [[ -e util-linux-${UTIL_LINUX}.tar.gz ]] ; then
+# disabled zmq #     tar xfz util-linux-${UTIL_LINUX}.tar.gz
+# disabled zmq #     cd util-linux-${UTIL_LINUX}
+# disabled zmq #     mkdir -p build
+# disabled zmq #     cd build
+# disabled zmq #     if [[ $UTIL_LINUX = "2.22" ]] ; then
+# disabled zmq #     ../configure --prefix=$PREFIX \
+# disabled zmq # --enable-shared                   \
+# disabled zmq # --disable-use-tty-group		  \
+# disabled zmq # --disable-makeinstall-chown       \
+# disabled zmq # --disable-makeinstall-setuid      \
+# disabled zmq # --disable-libtool-lock		  \
+# disabled zmq # --disable-login			  \
+# disabled zmq # --disable-sulogin		  \
+# disabled zmq # --disable-su			  \
+# disabled zmq # --disable-schedutils		  \
+# disabled zmq # --disable-libmount		  \
+# disabled zmq # --disable-mount			  \
+# disabled zmq # --disable-losetup		  \
+# disabled zmq # --disable-fsck			  \
+# disabled zmq # --disable-partx			  \
+# disabled zmq # --disable-mountpoint		  \
+# disabled zmq # --disable-fallocate		  \
+# disabled zmq # --disable-unshare		  \
+# disabled zmq # --disable-eject			  \
+# disabled zmq # --disable-agetty		  \
+# disabled zmq # --disable-cramfs		  \
+# disabled zmq # --disable-switch_root		  \
+# disabled zmq # --disable-pivot_root		  \
+# disabled zmq # --disable-kill			  \
+# disabled zmq # --disable-libblkid		  \
+# disabled zmq # --disable-utmpdump		  \
+# disabled zmq # --disable-rename		  \
+# disabled zmq # --disable-chsh-only-listed	  \
+# disabled zmq # --disable-wall			  \
+# disabled zmq # --disable-pg-bell		  \
+# disabled zmq # --disable-require-password	  \
+# disabled zmq # --disable-libtool-lock		  \
+# disabled zmq # --disable-nls			  \
+# disabled zmq # --disable-dmesg                   \
+# disabled zmq # --without-ncurses                 
+# disabled zmq #     else
+# disabled zmq #       ../configure --prefix=$PREFIX \
+# disabled zmq #   --enable-shared         \
+# disabled zmq #   --disable-mount         \
+# disabled zmq #   --disable-fsck          \
+# disabled zmq #   --disable-partx         \
+# disabled zmq #   --disable-largefile     \
+# disabled zmq #   --disable-tls           \
+# disabled zmq #   --disable-libmount      \
+# disabled zmq #   --disable-mountpoint    \
+# disabled zmq #   --disable-nls           \
+# disabled zmq #   --disable-rpath         \
+# disabled zmq #   --disable-agetty        \
+# disabled zmq #   --disable-cramfs        \
+# disabled zmq #   --disable-switch_root   \
+# disabled zmq #   --disable-pivot_root    \
+# disabled zmq #   --disable-fallocate     \
+# disabled zmq #   --disable-unshare       \
+# disabled zmq #   --disable-rename        \
+# disabled zmq #   --disable-schedutils    \
+# disabled zmq #   --disable-libblkid      \
+# disabled zmq #   --disable-wall CFLAGS='-fPIC'
+# disabled zmq # 
+# disabled zmq # #  --disable-makeinstall-chown \
+# disabled zmq # #  --disable-makeinstall-setuid \
+# disabled zmq # 
+# disabled zmq # #   --disable-chsh-only-listed
+# disabled zmq # #   --disable-pg-bell       let pg not ring the bell on invalid keys
+# disabled zmq # #   --disable-require-password
+# disabled zmq # #   --disable-use-tty-group do not install wall and write setgid tty
+# disabled zmq # #   --disable-makeinstall-chown
+# disabled zmq # #   --disable-makeinstall-setuid
+# disabled zmq #     fi
+# disabled zmq #     
+# disabled zmq #     (cd libuuid;make install)
+# disabled zmq #     # make
+# disabled zmq #     # make install
+# disabled zmq #     cp $PREFIX/include/uuid/uuid.h $PREFIX/include/uuid.h
+# disabled zmq # fi
+# disabled zmq # 
+# disabled zmq # 
+# disabled zmq # cd $BUILDHOME
+# disabled zmq # 
+# disabled zmq # if ! [[ -e ${ZEROMQ}${zpatchlev}.tar.gz ]] ; then
+# disabled zmq #     wget${ZEROMQ}${zpatchlev}.tar.gz
+# disabled zmq # fi
+# disabled zmq # 
+# disabled zmq # if [[ -e ${ZEROMQ}${zpatchlev}.tar.gz ]] ; then
+# disabled zmq #     tar xfz ${ZEROMQ}.tar.gz
+# disabled zmq #     cd ${ZEROMQ}
+# disabled zmq #     ln -s $PREFIX/include/uuid src
+# disabled zmq #     # LDFLAGS=-L$PREFIX/lib ./configure --prefix=$PREFIX 
+# disabled zmq #     
+# disabled zmq #     ./configure --enable-static --prefix=$PREFIX --with-uuid=$PREFIX LDFLAGS="-L$PREFIX/lib" CPPFLAGS="-fPIC -I$PREFIX/include" LIBS="-lgcc"
+# disabled zmq #     # --disable-shared CPPFLAGS="-fPIC 
+# disabled zmq #     # LDFLAGS="-L/usr/lib64 -L$PREFIX/lib" ./configure --enable-static --prefix=$PREFIX 
+# disabled zmq #     make
+# disabled zmq #     make install
+# disabled zmq #     CSC_OPTIONS="-I$PREFIX/include -L$CSCLIBS" $CHICKEN_INSTALL $PROX zmq
+# disabled zmq #     # CSC_OPTIONS="-I$PREFIX/include -L$CSCLIBS" $CHICKEN_INSTALL $PROX -deploy -prefix $DEPLOYTARG zmq
+# disabled zmq # fi
+# disabled zmq # fi # if zmq is in /usr/lib
+# disabled zmq # 
 ## WEBKIT=WebKit-r131972
 ## if  ! [[ -e ${WEBKIT}.tar.bz2 ]] ; then
 ##    #

Index: utils/mk_wrapper
--- utils/mk_wrapper
+++ utils/mk_wrapper
@@ -3,11 +3,14 @@
 echo "#!/bin/bash"
 if [ "$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" != "" ];then
+  echo "INFO: LD_LIBRARY_PATH not set" >&2
 echo "$fullcmd \"\$@\""