Index: configf.scm
--- configf.scm
+++ configf.scm
@@ -233,10 +233,13 @@
   (let ((sectdat (hash-table-ref/default cfgdat section '())))
     (if (null? sectdat)
 	(map car sectdat))))
+(define (configf:get-section cfdat section)
+  (hash-table-ref/default cfgdat section '()))
 (define (setup)
   (let* ((configf (find-config))
 	 (config  (if configf (read-config configf #f #t) #f)))
     (if config
 	(setenv "RUN_AREA_HOME" (pathname-directory configf)))

Index: db.scm
--- db.scm
+++ db.scm
@@ -611,13 +611,12 @@
 ;; Misc. test related queries
-(define (db:test-get-paths-matching db keynames target)
-  (let* ((res '())
-	 (itempatt   (if (args:get-arg "-itempatt")(args:get-arg "-itempatt") "%"))
+(define (db:test-get-paths-matching db keynames target fnamepatt #!key (res '()))
+  (let* ((itempatt   (if (args:get-arg "-itempatt")(args:get-arg "-itempatt") "%"))
 	 (testpatt   (if (args:get-arg "-testpatt")(args:get-arg "-testpatt") "%"))
 	 (statepatt  (if (args:get-arg ":state")   (args:get-arg ":state")    "%"))
 	 (statuspatt (if (args:get-arg ":status")  (args:get-arg ":status")   "%"))
 	 (runname    (if (args:get-arg ":runname") (args:get-arg ":runname")  "%"))
 	 (keystr (string-intersperse 
@@ -634,11 +633,37 @@
      (lambda (p)
        (set! res (cons p res)))
-    res))
+    (if fnamepatt
+	(apply append 
+	       (map (lambda (p)
+		      (glob (conc p "/" fnamepatt)))
+		    res))
+	res)))
+;; look through tests from matching runs for a file
+(define (db:test-get-first-path-matching db keynames target fname)
+  ;; [refpaths] is the section where references to other megatest databases are stored
+  (let ((mt-paths (configf:get-section "refpaths"))
+	(res       (db:test-get-paths-matching db keynames target fname)))
+    (let loop ((pathdat (if (null? paths) #f (car mt-paths)))
+	       (tal     (if (null? paths) '()(cdr mt-paths))))
+      (if (not (null? res))
+	  (car res) ;; return first found
+	  (if path
+	      (let* ((db     (open-db path: (cadr pathdat)))
+		     (newres (db:test-get-paths-matching db keynames target fname)))
+		(debug:print 4 "INFO: Trying " (car pathdat) " at " (cadr pathdat))
+		(sqlite3:finalize! db)
+		(if (not (null? newres))
+		    (car newres)
+		    (if (null? tal)
+			#f
+			(loop (car tal)(cdr tal))))))))))
 (define (db:test-get-test-records-matching db keynames target)
   (let* ((res '())
 	 (itempatt   (if (args:get-arg "-itempatt")(args:get-arg "-itempatt") "%"))
 	 (testpatt   (if (args:get-arg "-testpatt")(args:get-arg "-testpatt") "%"))

ADDED   genexample.scm
Index: genexample.scm
--- /dev/null
+++ genexample.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+;; Copyright 2006-2012, Matthew Welland.
+;;  This program is made available under the GNU GPL version 2.0 or
+;;  greater. See the accompanying file COPYING for details.
+;;  This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
+(declare (unit genexample))
+(define (genexample:mk-megatest.config path)
+  (let ((keystr #f)
+	(keys   #f)
+	(lntree #f)
+	(firstd #f))
+    (debug:print 0 "Note: don't worry too much about typos in this process, you will be able to edit
+the generated files before starting your first runs")
+    ;; first prompt user for fields
+    ;;
+    (debug:print 0 "First you must specify fields or keys for your megatest area. These will 
+be used to organise your runs. One field should probably be \"RELEASE\". 
+Other examples of useful fields might be \"PLATFORM\", \"TARGET_OS\" or if you are in the
+semiconductor business perhaps things like \"TECHNOLOGY_NODE\", \"DESIGN_KIT\" or \"METAL_STACK\".
+The all caps is a convention because the variables you choose will be available to your tests
+as environment variables. You can edit these values later but it is generally a good idea to
+settle on them and get them right early on. Your runs will be stored in directories specified by
+your keys. Example, if you have keys OSFAMILY/VARIANT/OSVER/RELEASE you may get a test \"build\"
+in a directory like this: linux/ubuntu/11.04/rev_1.2/build
+Please enter your keys now, separated by spaces or slashes. Only alpha-numeric characters. 
+Upper case recommended.")
+    (set! keystr (read-line))
+    (set! keys   (apply append
+			(map string-split (string-split keystr "/"))))
+    ;; Now get the link tree location and a first disk
+    (debug:print 0 "Now you need an initial place to store your runs. These are called \"disks\" and you
+can add more at any time. To get going provide a writeable directory name. ")
+    (set! firstd (read-line))
+    (debug:print 0 "Megatest uses a tree of symlinks to provide a uniform structure for finding all the tests
+you run over time. Please provide a path where we can create this link tree.")
+    (set! lntree (read-line))
+    (with-output-to-file 
+	(lambda ()
+	  (print "[fields]")
+	  (map (lambda (k)(print k " TEXT")) keys)
+	  (print "")
+	  (print "[setup]")
+	  (print "# Adjust max_concurrent_jobs to limit how much you load your machines")
+	  (print "max_concurrent_jobs 50\n")
+	  (print "# This is your link path, you can move it but it is generally better to keep it stable")
+	  (print "linktree " lntree)
+	  (print "")))))

Index: megatest.scm
--- megatest.scm
+++ megatest.scm
@@ -73,19 +73,18 @@
   :variable               : set the variable name (optional)
   :value                  : value measured (required)
   :expected               : value expected (required)
   :tol                    : |value-expect| <= tol (required, can be <, >, >=, <= or number)
   :units                  : name of the units for value, expected_value etc. (optional)
   -load-test-data         : read test specific data for storage in the test_data table
                             from standard in. Each line is comma delimited with four
                             fields category,variable,value,comment
   -list-runs patt         : list runs matching pattern \"patt\", % is the wildcard
   -showkeys               : show the keys used in this megatest setup
-  -test-paths targpatt    : get the most recent test path(s) matching targpatt e.g. %/%... 
+  -test-path targpatt    : get the most recent test path(s) matching targpatt e.g. %/%... 
                             returns list sorted by age ascending, see examples below
   -rebuild-db             : bring the database schema up to date
   -update-meta            : update the tests metadata for all tests
@@ -101,16 +100,14 @@
   -pathmod path           : insert path, i.e. path/runame/itempath/logfile.html
                             will clear the field if no rundir/testname/itempath/logfile
                             if it contains forward slashes the path will be converted
                             to windows style
-Helpers (these only apply in test run mode)
-# Get test paths 
-megatest -test-paths -target ubuntu/n%/no% :runname w49% -testpatt test_mt%
+# Get test path, the '.' is required, could use '*' or a specific path/file
+megatest -test-path . -target ubuntu/n%/no% :runname w49% -testpatt test_mt%
 Called as " (string-intersperse (argv) " ")))
 ;;  -gui                    : start a gui interface
 ;;  -config fname           : override the runconfig file with fname
@@ -172,10 +169,11 @@
 			;; queries
 			"-test-paths" ;; get path(s) to a test, ordered by youngest first
+			"-test-path"  ;; -test-paths is deprecated
 			"-runall"    ;; run all tests
@@ -447,11 +445,11 @@
 ;; Get paths to tests
 ;; Get test paths matching target, runname, testpatt, and itempatt
-(if (args:get-arg "-test-paths")
+(if (or (args:get-arg "-test-path")(args:get-arg "-test-paths"))
     ;; if we are in a test use the MT_CMDINFO data
     (if (getenv "MT_CMDINFO")
 	(let* ((startingdir (current-directory))
 	       (cmdinfo   (read (open-input-string (base64:base64-decode (getenv "MT_CMDINFO")))))
 	       (testpath  (assoc/default 'testpath  cmdinfo))
@@ -469,11 +467,11 @@
 		(debug:print 0 "ERROR: -target is required.")
 		(exit 1)))
 	  (if (not (setup-for-run))
-		(debug:print 0 "Failed to setup, giving up on -test-paths, exiting")
+		(debug:print 0 "Failed to setup, giving up on -test-path, exiting")
 		(exit 1)))
 	  (set! db (open-db))    
 	  (if (not (args:get-arg "-server"))
 	      (server:client-setup db))
 	  (let* ((itempatt (args:get-arg "-itempatt"))
@@ -484,12 +482,12 @@
 	    (for-each (lambda (path)
 			(print path))
 	;; else do a general-run-call
-	 "-test-paths"
-	 "Get paths to tests"
+	 "-test-path"
+	 "Get paths to test"
 	 (lambda (db target runname keys keynames keyvallst)
 	   (let* ((itempatt (args:get-arg "-itempatt"))
 		  (paths    (rdb:test-get-paths-matching db keynames target)))
 	     (for-each (lambda (path)
 			 (print path))

Index: tests/Makefile
--- tests/Makefile
+++ tests/Makefile
@@ -9,46 +9,46 @@
 runall : test1 test2
 test1 : cleanprep
-	$(MEGATEST) -runtests ez_pass -reqtarg ubuntu/nfs/none :runname $(RUNNAME)_a $(SERVER)
+	cd fullrun;$(MEGATEST) -runtests ez_pass -reqtarg ubuntu/nfs/none :runname $(RUNNAME)_a $(SERVER)
 test2 : cleanprep
-	$(MEGATEST) -runtests runfirst -reqtarg ubuntu/nfs/none :runname $(RUNNAME)_b  $(SERVER) -debug 10
+	cd fullrun;$(MEGATEST) -runtests runfirst -reqtarg ubuntu/nfs/none :runname $(RUNNAME)_b  $(SERVER) -debug 10
 test3 : cleanprep
-	$(MEGATEST) -runall -reqtarg ubuntu/nfs/none :runname $(RUNNAME)_b -m "This is a comment specific to a run" -v $(SERVER)
+	cd fullrun;$(MEGATEST) -runall -reqtarg ubuntu/nfs/none :runname $(RUNNAME)_b -m "This is a comment specific to a run" -v $(SERVER)
 test4 : cleanprep
-	$(MEGATEST) -runall -reqtarg ubuntu/nfs/none :runname $(RUNNAME)_aa -v $(SERVER) 2&>1 aa.log &
-	$(MEGATEST) -runall -reqtarg ubuntu/nfs/none :runname $(RUNNAME)_ab -v $(SERVER) 2&>1 ab.log &
-	$(MEGATEST) -runall -reqtarg ubuntu/nfs/none :runname $(RUNNAME)_ac -v $(SERVER) 2&>1 ac.log &
-	$(MEGATEST) -runall -reqtarg ubuntu/nfs/none :runname $(RUNNAME)_ad -v $(SERVER) 2&>1 ad.log &	
-	$(MEGATEST) -runtests runfirst -itempatt %/1 -reqtarg ubuntu/nfs/none :runname $(RUNNAME)_itempatt -v
-	$(MEGATEST) -runtests runfirst -itempatt %blahha% -reqtarg ubuntu/nfs/none :runname $(RUNNAME)_itempatt -debug 10
+	cd fullrun;$(MEGATEST) -runall -reqtarg ubuntu/nfs/none :runname $(RUNNAME)_aa -v $(SERVER) 2&>1 aa.log &
+	cd fullrun;$(MEGATEST) -runall -reqtarg ubuntu/nfs/none :runname $(RUNNAME)_ab -v $(SERVER) 2&>1 ab.log &
+	cd fullrun;$(MEGATEST) -runall -reqtarg ubuntu/nfs/none :runname $(RUNNAME)_ac -v $(SERVER) 2&>1 ac.log &
+	cd fullrun;$(MEGATEST) -runall -reqtarg ubuntu/nfs/none :runname $(RUNNAME)_ad -v $(SERVER) 2&>1 ad.log &	
+	cd fullrun;$(MEGATEST) -runtests runfirst -itempatt %/1 -reqtarg ubuntu/nfs/none :runname $(RUNNAME)_itempatt -v
+	cd fullrun;$(MEGATEST) -runtests runfirst -itempatt %blahha% -reqtarg ubuntu/nfs/none :runname $(RUNNAME)_itempatt -debug 10
 cleanprep : ../*.scm Makefile *.config
 	sqlite3 megatest.db "delete from metadat where var='SERVER';"
 	mkdir -p /tmp/mt_runs /tmp/mt_links
 	cd ..;make install
-	$(MEGATEST) -remove-runs :runname $(RUNNAME)% -target %/%/% -testpatt % -itempatt %
-	$(BINPATH)/dboard -rows 15 &
+	cd fullrun;$(MEGATEST) -remove-runs :runname $(RUNNAME)% -target %/%/% -testpatt % -itempatt %
+	cd fullrun;$(BINPATH)/dboard -rows 15 &
 	touch cleanprep
 test :
 	csi -b -I .. ../megatest.scm -- -runall -target ubuntu/afs/tmp :runname blah
 	cd ../;make test
 	make runall
 dashboard :
 	cd ../;make install
-	$(BINPATH)/dboard &
+	cd fullrun;$(BINPATH)/dboard &
 remove :
-	(cd ../;make);$(MEGATEST) -remove-runs :runname $(RUN)  -testpatt % -itempatt % :sysname % :fsname % :datapath %
+	(cd ../;make);cd fullrun;$(MEGATEST) -remove-runs :runname $(RUN)  -testpatt % -itempatt % :sysname % :fsname % :datapath %
 clean  : 
 	rm cleanprep
 runforever :
-	while(ls); do runname=`date +%F-%R:%S`;$(MEGATEST) -runall -target ubuntu/nfs/none :runname $$runname;/home/matt/data/megatest/megatest -runall -target ubuntu/nfs/none :runname $$runname;/home/matt/data/megatest/megatest -runall -target ubuntu/nfs/none :runname $$runname;done
+	while(ls); do runname=`date +%F-%R:%S`;(cd fullrun;$(MEGATEST) -runall -target ubuntu/nfs/none :runname $$runname;/home/matt/data/megatest/megatest -runall -target ubuntu/nfs/none :runname $$runname;/home/matt/data/megatest/megatest -runall -target ubuntu/nfs/none :runname $$runname);done

DELETED tests/common_runconfigs.config
Index: tests/common_runconfigs.config
--- tests/common_runconfigs.config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-FOOBARBAZZZZ not a useful value
-FREDDY $sysname/$fsname
-TOMMY  [system pwd]
-CURRENT     /blah
-ALT_VAR we should not see this one
-CURRENT     /tmp/nada
-UNIQUEVAR   this one should be set

ADDED   tests/fullrun/common_runconfigs.config
Index: tests/fullrun/common_runconfigs.config
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/common_runconfigs.config
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+FOOBARBAZZZZ not a useful value
+FREDDY $sysname/$fsname
+TOMMY  [system pwd]
+CURRENT     /blah
+ALT_VAR we should not see this one
+CURRENT     /tmp/nada
+UNIQUEVAR   this one should be set

ADDED   tests/fullrun/megatest.config
Index: tests/fullrun/megatest.config
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/megatest.config
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+sysname TEXT
+fsname TEXT
+datapath TEXT
+# refareas can be searched to find previous runs
+# the path points to where megatest.db exists
+area1 /tmp/oldarea/megatest
+# exectutable /path/to/megatest
+max_concurrent_jobs 200
+linktree /tmp/mt_links
+useshell yes
+# ## launcher launches jobs, the job is managed on the target host
+## by megatest, comment out launcher to run local
+# workhosts localhost hermes
+launcher nbfake
+# launcher nodanggood
+## use "xterm -e csi -- " as a launcher to examine the launch environment.
+## exit with (exit)
+## get a shell with (system "bash")
+# launcher xterm -e csi --
+state start end 
+status pass fail n/a 0 1 running
+# These are set before all tests, override them 
+# in the testconfig [pre-launch-env-overrides] section
+SPECIAL_ENV_VARS overide them here - should be seen at launch and in the runs
+TESTVAR [system realpath .]
+DEADVAR [system ls]
+WACKYVAR  #{system ls > /dev/null}
+WACKYVAR2 #{get validvalues state}
+WACKYVAR3 #{getenv USER}
+WACKYVAR4 #{scheme (+ 5 6 7)}
+WACKYVAR5 #{getenv sysname}/#{getenv fsname}/#{getenv datapath}
+WACKYVAR6 #{scheme (args:get-arg "-target")}
+# XTERM   [system xterm]
+# RUNDEAD [system exit 56]
+## disks are:
+## name host:/path/to/area
+## -or-
+## name /path/to/area
+1 /tmp/mt_runs
+[include #{getenv USER}_testing.config]

ADDED   tests/fullrun/runconfigs.config
Index: tests/fullrun/runconfigs.config
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/runconfigs.config
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+[include common_runconfigs.config]
+WACKYVAR0 #{get ubuntu/nfs/none CURRENT}
+WACKYVAR1 #{scheme (args:get-arg "-target")}
+WACKYVAR2 #{runconfigs-get CURRENT}

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/exit_0/
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/exit_0/
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/exit_0/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# a bunch of steps in 2 second increments
+for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17;do
+  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state start :status running -setlog results$i.html
+  sleep 2
+  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state end :status 0
+exit 0

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/exit_0/testconfig
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/exit_0/testconfig
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/exit_0/testconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+author matt
+owner  bob
+description This test checks that a multi-lineitem test with mix of pass and non-fail rolls up a PASS
+tags first,single
+reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/exit_1/
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/exit_1/
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/exit_1/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# a bunch of steps in 2 second increments
+for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17;do
+  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state start :status running -setlog results$i.html
+  sleep 2
+  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state end :status 0
+exit 1

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/exit_1/testconfig
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/exit_1/testconfig
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/exit_1/testconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+priority 9
+author matt
+owner  bob
+description This test checks that a multi-lineitem test with mix of pass and non-fail rolls up a PASS
+tags first,single
+reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/ez_exit2_fail/testconfig
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/ez_exit2_fail/testconfig
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/ez_exit2_fail/testconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+exit2       exit 2
+lookithome  ls /home
+author matt
+owner  bob
+description This test runs two steps; the first exits with
+     code 2 (a fail because not using logpro) and the second
+     is a pass
+tags first,single
+reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/ez_fail/testconfig
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/ez_fail/testconfig
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/ez_fail/testconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+priority 10
+lookittmp   sleep 5s;ls /tmp
+lookithome  sleep 2;ls /home
+# should fail on next step
+lookitnada  sleep 3;ls /nada
+lookitusr   sleep 2;ls /usr
+author matt
+owner  bob
+description This test runs a single ezstep which is expected to pass, no logpro file.
+tags first,single
+reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/ez_pass/testconfig
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/ez_pass/testconfig
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/ez_pass/testconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+lookittmp   ls /tmp
+lookithome  ls /home
+author matt
+owner  bob
+description This test runs a single ezstep which is expected to pass, no logpro file.
+tags first,single
+reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/ezlog_fail/example.logpro
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/ezlog_fail/example.logpro
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/ezlog_fail/example.logpro
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+;; (c) 2006,2007,2008,2009 Matthew Welland
+;;   License GPL.
+;; define your hooks
+(hook:first-error   "echo \"Error hook activated: #{escaped errmsg}\"")
+(hook:first-warning "echo \"Got warning: #{escaped warnmsg}\"")
+(hook:value "echo \"Value hook activated: expected=#{expected}, measured=#{measured}, tolerance=#{tolerance}, message=#{message}\"")
+;; first ensure your run at least started
+(trigger "Init"     #/This is a header/)
+(trigger "InitEnd"  #/^\s*$/)
+(section "Init" "Init" "InitEnd")
+(trigger "Body"     #/^.*$/) ;; anything starts the body
+;; (trigger "EndBody"  #/This had better never match/)
+(section "Body"     "Body" "EndBody")
+(trigger "Blah2"    #/^begin Blah2/)
+(trigger "Blah2End" #/^end Blah2/)
+(section "Blah2"    "Blah2" "Blah2End")
+(expect:required in "Init"  = 1 "Header"      #/This is a header/)
+(expect:required in "LogFileBody" > 0 "Something required but not found" #/This is required but not found/)
+(expect:value    in "LogFileBody" 1.9 0.1 "Output voltage" #/Measured voltage output:\s*([\d\.\+\-e]+)v/)
+(expect:value    in "LogFileBody" 0.5 0.1 "Output current" #/Measured output current:\s*([\d\.\+\-e]+)mA/)
+(expect:value    in "LogFileBody" 110e9 2e9 "A big number (first)" #/Freq:\s*([\d\.\+\-e]+)\s+Hz/)
+(expect:value    in "LogFileBody" 110e9 1e9 "A big number (second), hook not called" #/Freq:\s*([\d\.\+\-e]+)Hz/)
+(expect:value    in "LogFileBody" 110e9 1e9 "A big number (never activated)" #/Freq:\s*([\d\.\+\-e]+)zH/)
+;; Using match number
+(expect:value    in "LogFileBody" 1.9 0.1 "Time Voltage" #/out: (\d+)\s+(\d+)/ match: 2)
+;; Comparison instead of tolerance
+(expect:value    in "LogFileBody" 1.9 >   "Time voltage" #/out: (\d+)\s+(\d+)/ match: 2)
+(expect:ignore   in "Blah2" < 99 "FALSE ERROR" #/ERROR/)
+(expect:ignore   in "Body"  < 99 "Ignore the word error in comments" #/^\/\/.*error/)
+(expect:warning  in "Body"  = 0 "Any warning" #/WARNING/)
+(expect:error    in "Body"  = 0 "ERROR BLAH"  (list #/ERROR/ #/error/)) ;; but disallow any other errors
+;(expect in "Init"  < 1 "Junk"        #/This is bogus/)

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/ezlog_fail/lookithome.logpro
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/ezlog_fail/lookithome.logpro
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/ezlog_fail/lookithome.logpro
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+;; (c) 2006,2007,2008,2009 Matthew Welland
+;;   License GPL.
+(expect:required in "LogFileBody" > 0 "Must be some files in the dir" #/.*/)
+(expect:ignore   in "LogFileBody"  < 99 "Ignore the word error in comments" #/^\/\/.*error/)
+(expect:warning  in "LogFileBody"  = 0 "Any warning" #/WARNING/)
+(expect:error    in "LogFileBody"  = 0 "Any error"  (list #/ERROR/ #/error/)) ;; but disallow any other errors

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/ezlog_fail/lookittmp.logpro
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/ezlog_fail/lookittmp.logpro
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/ezlog_fail/lookittmp.logpro
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+;; (c) 2006,2007,2008,2009 Matthew Welland
+;;   License GPL.
+(expect:warning  in "LogFileBody"  = 0 "Any warning" #/WARNING/)
+(expect:error    in "LogFileBody"  = 0 "Any error"  (list #/ERROR/ #/.*/)) ;; force an error

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/ezlog_fail/testconfig
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/ezlog_fail/testconfig
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/ezlog_fail/testconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+lookittmp   ls /tmp
+lookithome  ls /home
+author matt
+owner  bob
+description This test runs two ezstep, the first of which is expected to fail using a simple logpro file.
+tags first,single
+reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/ezlog_fail_then_pass/firststep.logpro
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/ezlog_fail_then_pass/firststep.logpro
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/ezlog_fail_then_pass/firststep.logpro
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+;; (c) 2006,2007,2008,2009 Matthew Welland
+;;   License GPL.
+(expect:required in "LogFileBody" > 0 "Must be some files in the dir" #/.*/)
+(expect:ignore   in "LogFileBody"  < 99 "Ignore the word error in comments" #/^\/\/.*error/)
+(expect:warning  in "LogFileBody"  = 0 "Any warning" #/WARNING/)
+(expect:error    in "LogFileBody"  = 0 "Any error"  (list #/ERROR/ #/error/)) ;; but disallow any other errors

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/ezlog_fail_then_pass/
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/ezlog_fail_then_pass/
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/ezlog_fail_then_pass/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+megatest -step yepstep :state start :status n/a
+ls /tmp
+megatest -step yepstep :state end :status $?
+megatest -load-test-data << EOF
+OPER,du,   1.2,  1.2, <   , GBytes  ,System didn't use too much space
+# a bunch of steps in 2 second increments
+for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17;do
+  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state start :status running -setlog results$i.html
+  sleep 2
+  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state end :status 0
+megatest -test-status :state COMPLETED :status AUTO

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/ezlog_fail_then_pass/testconfig
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/ezlog_fail_then_pass/testconfig
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/ezlog_fail_then_pass/testconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+author matt
+owner  bob
+description This test runs a single ezstep which is logpro clean
+    but fails based on -test-data loaded.
+tags first,single
+reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/ezlog_pass/example.logpro
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/ezlog_pass/example.logpro
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/ezlog_pass/example.logpro
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+;; (c) 2006,2007,2008,2009 Matthew Welland
+;;   License GPL.
+;; define your hooks
+(hook:first-error   "echo \"Error hook activated: #{escaped errmsg}\"")
+(hook:first-warning "echo \"Got warning: #{escaped warnmsg}\"")
+(hook:value "echo \"Value hook activated: expected=#{expected}, measured=#{measured}, tolerance=#{tolerance}, message=#{message}\"")
+;; first ensure your run at least started
+(trigger "Init"     #/This is a header/)
+(trigger "InitEnd"  #/^\s*$/)
+(section "Init" "Init" "InitEnd")
+(trigger "Body"     #/^.*$/) ;; anything starts the body
+;; (trigger "EndBody"  #/This had better never match/)
+(section "Body"     "Body" "EndBody")
+(trigger "Blah2"    #/^begin Blah2/)
+(trigger "Blah2End" #/^end Blah2/)
+(section "Blah2"    "Blah2" "Blah2End")
+(expect:required in "Init"  = 1 "Header"      #/This is a header/)
+(expect:required in "LogFileBody" > 0 "Something required but not found" #/This is required but not found/)
+(expect:value    in "LogFileBody" 1.9 0.1 "Output voltage" #/Measured voltage output:\s*([\d\.\+\-e]+)v/)
+(expect:value    in "LogFileBody" 0.5 0.1 "Output current" #/Measured output current:\s*([\d\.\+\-e]+)mA/)
+(expect:value    in "LogFileBody" 110e9 2e9 "A big number (first)" #/Freq:\s*([\d\.\+\-e]+)\s+Hz/)
+(expect:value    in "LogFileBody" 110e9 1e9 "A big number (second), hook not called" #/Freq:\s*([\d\.\+\-e]+)Hz/)
+(expect:value    in "LogFileBody" 110e9 1e9 "A big number (never activated)" #/Freq:\s*([\d\.\+\-e]+)zH/)
+;; Using match number
+(expect:value    in "LogFileBody" 1.9 0.1 "Time Voltage" #/out: (\d+)\s+(\d+)/ match: 2)
+;; Comparison instead of tolerance
+(expect:value    in "LogFileBody" 1.9 >   "Time voltage" #/out: (\d+)\s+(\d+)/ match: 2)
+(expect:ignore   in "Blah2" < 99 "FALSE ERROR" #/ERROR/)
+(expect:ignore   in "Body"  < 99 "Ignore the word error in comments" #/^\/\/.*error/)
+(expect:warning  in "Body"  = 0 "Any warning" #/WARNING/)
+(expect:error    in "Body"  = 0 "ERROR BLAH"  (list #/ERROR/ #/error/)) ;; but disallow any other errors
+;(expect in "Init"  < 1 "Junk"        #/This is bogus/)

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/ezlog_pass/lookittmp.logpro
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/ezlog_pass/lookittmp.logpro
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/ezlog_pass/lookittmp.logpro
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+;; (c) 2006,2007,2008,2009 Matthew Welland
+;;   License GPL.
+(expect:required in "LogFileBody" > 0 "Must be some files in the dir" #/.*/)
+(expect:ignore   in "LogFileBody"  < 99 "Ignore the word error in comments" #/^\/\/.*error/)
+(expect:warning  in "LogFileBody"  = 0 "Any warning" #/WARNING/)
+(expect:error    in "LogFileBody"  = 0 "Any error"  (list #/ERROR/ #/error/)) ;; but disallow any other errors

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/ezlog_pass/testconfig
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/ezlog_pass/testconfig
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/ezlog_pass/testconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+lookittmp   ls /tmp
+lookithome  ls /home
+author matt
+owner  bob
+description This test runs a single ezstep which is expected to pass using a simple logpro file.
+tags first,single
+reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/ezlog_warn/lookithome.logpro
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/ezlog_warn/lookithome.logpro
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/ezlog_warn/lookithome.logpro
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+;; (c) 2006,2007,2008,2009 Matthew Welland
+;;   License GPL.
+;; Force a warn for this test
+(expect:required in "LogFileBody" > 0 "Must be some files in the dir" #/.*/)
+(expect:ignore   in "LogFileBody"  < 99 "Ignore the word error in comments" #/^\/\/.*error/)
+(expect:warning  in "LogFileBody"  = 0 "Any warning" #/warn/)
+(expect:error    in "LogFileBody"  = 0 "Any error"  (list #/ERROR/ #/error/)) ;; but disallow any other errors

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/ezlog_warn/lookittmp.logpro
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/ezlog_warn/lookittmp.logpro
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/ezlog_warn/lookittmp.logpro
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+;; (c) 2006,2007,2008,2009 Matthew Welland
+;;   License GPL.
+(expect:warning  in "LogFileBody"  = 0 "Any warning" #/.*/)
+;; Can't have a required since it will mask the warns! Could make the warn non-overlapping with the
+;; required I suppose...
+;; (expect:required in "LogFileBody" > 0 "Must be some files in the dir" #/.*/)
+(expect:ignore   in "LogFileBody"  < 99 "Ignore the word error in comments" #/^\/\/.*error/)
+(expect:error    in "LogFileBody"  = 0 "Any error"  (list #/ERROR/ #/error/)) ;; but disallow any other errors

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/ezlog_warn/testconfig
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/ezlog_warn/testconfig
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/ezlog_warn/testconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+lookittmp   ls /tmp
+lookithome  ls $HOME
+author matt
+owner  bob
+description This test runs two ezsteps the first of which is expected to fail using a simple logpro file.
+tags first,single
+reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/lineitem_fail/
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/lineitem_fail/
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/lineitem_fail/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+$MT_MEGATEST -load-test-data << EOF
+foo,bar,   1.2,  1.9, >
+foo,rab, 1.0e9, 10e9, 1e9
+foo,bla,   1.2,  1.9, <
+foo,bal,   1.2,  1.2, <   ,     ,Check for overload
+foo,alb,   1.2,  1.2, <=  , Amps,This is the high power circuit test
+foo,abl,   1.2,  1.3, 0.1
+foo,bra,   1.2, pass, silly stuff
+faz,bar,    10,  8mA,     ,     ,"this is a comment"
+# a bunch of steps in 2 second increments
+for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17;do
+  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state start :status running -setlog results$i.html
+  sleep 2
+  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state end :status 0
+# Needed to force rolling up the results and set the test to COMPLETED
+$MT_MEGATEST -test-status :state COMPLETED :status AUTO

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/lineitem_fail/testconfig
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/lineitem_fail/testconfig
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/lineitem_fail/testconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+author matt
+owner  bob
+description This test checks that a multi-lineitem test with mix of pass and non-fail rolls up a PASS
+tags first,single
+reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/lineitem_pass/
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/lineitem_pass/
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/lineitem_pass/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# category variable value expected  tol/comp units comment
+$MT_MEGATEST -load-test-data << EOF
+foo,       bar,     1.9,  1.8,      >
+foo,       rab,   1.0e9,  2e9,      1e9
+foo,       bla,     1.2,  1.9,      <
+foo,       bal,    -1.1,    0,      <   ,         , Check for overload
+foo,       alb,     1.2,  1.2,      <=  ,     Amps, This is the high power circuit test
+foo,       abl,     1.2,  1.3,      0.1
+foo,       bra,     1.2, pass,      silly stuff
+faz,       bar,      10,  8mA,          ,         ,"this is a comment"
+# a bunch of steps in 2 second increments
+for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17;do
+  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state start :status running -setlog results$i.html
+  sleep 2
+  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state end :status 0
+# Needed to force rolling up the results and set the test to COMPLETED
+$MT_MEGATEST -test-status :state COMPLETED :status AUTO

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/lineitem_pass/testconfig
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/lineitem_pass/testconfig
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/lineitem_pass/testconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+author matt
+owner  bob
+description This test checks that a multi-lineitem test with mix of pass and non-fail rolls up a PASS
+tags first,single
+reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/logpro_required_fail/lookittmp.logpro
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/logpro_required_fail/lookittmp.logpro
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/logpro_required_fail/lookittmp.logpro
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+;; (c) 2006,2007,2008,2009 Matthew Welland
+;;   License GPL.
+(expect:required in "LogFileBody" > 0 "A file name that should never exist!" #/This is a awfully stupid file name that should never be found in the temp dir/)
+;; (expect:warning  in "LogFileBody"  = 0 "Any warning" #/WARNING/)
+;; (expect:error    in "LogFileBody"  = 0 "Any error"  (list #/ERROR/ #/.*/)) ;; force an error

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/logpro_required_fail/testconfig
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/logpro_required_fail/testconfig
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/logpro_required_fail/testconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+lookittmp   ls /tmp
+author matt
+owner  bob
+description This test runs two ezstep, the first of which is expected to fail using a simple logpro file.
+tags logpro
+reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/manual_example/results/results.csv
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/manual_example/results/results.csv
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/manual_example/results/results.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+category, variable, expected,   value,  tol,   units,  comment

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/manual_example/
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/manual_example/
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/manual_example/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+if [[ $TARGETDISPLAY = "" || $TARGETHOST = "" || $TARGETDIR = "" || $TARGETUSER = "" ]]; then
+    msg="You must set the TARGETDISPLAY, TARGETHOST, TARGETDIR and TARGETUSER variables for manual tests"
+    echo $msg
+    megatest -test-status :state COMPLETED :status FAIL -m $msg
+    exit 1
+    megatest -step setup :state start :status n/a
+    xterm -display $TARGETDISPLAY -e ./
+    megatest -step setup :state end :status $?

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/manual_example/
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/manual_example/
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/manual_example/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+megatest -step rsyncto :state start :status n/a
+echo "First, lets populate your area with necessary files, you may be prompted for your Unix password several times"
+megatest -step rsyncto :state end :status n/a
+megatest -step runtest :state start :status n/a
+remotecmd="cd $TARGETDIR;xterm -display $TARGETDISPLAY"
+echo Launching $remotecmd on $TARGETHOST as $TARGETUSER
+megatest -step runtest :state end :status $?
+megatest -step gatherdata :state start :status n/a
+if [[ -e $MT_TEST_RUN_DIR/results/results.csv ]]; then
+    megatest -load-test-data < $MT_TEST_RUN_DIR/results/results.csv
+if [[ -e $MT_TEST_RUN_DIR/results/final_results.log && $MT_TEST_RUN_DIR/final_results.logpro ]]; then
+    logpro $MT_TEST_RUN_DIR/final_results.logpro $MT_TEST_RUN_DIR/final_results.html < $MT_TEST_RUN_DIR/results/final_results.log
+    if [[ $? = 0 ]]; then
+	finalstatus=PASS
+    else
+	finalstatus=FAIL
+    fi
+    megatest -test-status :state COMPLETED :status $finalstatus -setlog final_results.html

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/manual_example/testconfig
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/manual_example/testconfig
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/manual_example/testconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+setup ./
+# launch launchxterm
+author matt
+owner  bob
+description This test runs a single ezstep which is expected to pass
+            using a simple logpro file.
+tags first,single
+reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/neverrun/testconfig
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/neverrun/testconfig
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/neverrun/testconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+runscript idontexist

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/priority_1/
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/priority_1/
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/priority_1/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# a bunch of steps in 2 second increments
+for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17;do
+  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state start :status running -setlog results$i.html
+  sleep 2
+  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state end :status 0
+exit 0

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/priority_1/testconfig
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/priority_1/testconfig
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/priority_1/testconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+priority 1
+author matt
+owner  bob
+description This test checks that a multi-lineitem test with mix of pass and non-fail rolls up a PASS
+tags first,single
+reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/priority_10/
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/priority_10/
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/priority_10/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# a bunch of steps in 2 second increments
+for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17;do
+  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state start :status running -setlog results$i.html
+  sleep 2
+  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state end :status 0
+exit 0

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/priority_10/testconfig
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/priority_10/testconfig
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/priority_10/testconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+priority 10
+author matt
+owner  bob
+description This test checks that a multi-lineitem test with mix of pass and non-fail rolls up a PASS
+tags first,single
+reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/priority_10_waiton_1/
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/priority_10_waiton_1/
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/priority_10_waiton_1/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# a bunch of steps in 2 second increments
+for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17;do
+  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state start :status running -setlog results$i.html
+  sleep 2
+  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state end :status 0
+exit 0

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/priority_10_waiton_1/testconfig
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/priority_10_waiton_1/testconfig
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/priority_10_waiton_1/testconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+priority 10
+waiton priority_1
+author matt
+owner  bob
+description This test checks that a multi-lineitem test with mix of pass and non-fail rolls up a PASS
+tags first,single
+reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/priority_2/
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/priority_2/
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/priority_2/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# a bunch of steps in 2 second increments
+for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17;do
+  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state start :status running -setlog results$i.html
+  sleep 2
+  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state end :status 0
+exit 0

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/priority_2/testconfig
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/priority_2/testconfig
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/priority_2/testconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+priority 2
+author matt
+owner  bob
+description This test checks that a multi-lineitem test with mix of pass and non-fail rolls up a PASS
+tags first,single
+reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/priority_3/
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/priority_3/
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/priority_3/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# a bunch of steps in 2 second increments
+for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17;do
+  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state start :status running -setlog results$i.html
+  sleep 2
+  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state end :status 0
+exit 0

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/priority_3/testconfig
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/priority_3/testconfig
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/priority_3/testconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+priority 3
+author matt
+owner  bob
+description This test checks that a multi-lineitem test with mix of pass and non-fail rolls up a PASS
+tags first,single
+reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/priority_4/
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/priority_4/
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/priority_4/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# a bunch of steps in 2 second increments
+for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17;do
+  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state start :status running -setlog results$i.html
+  sleep 2
+  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state end :status 0
+exit 0

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/priority_4/testconfig
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/priority_4/testconfig
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/priority_4/testconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+priority 4
+author matt
+owner  bob
+description This test checks that a multi-lineitem test with mix of pass and non-fail rolls up a PASS
+tags first,single
+reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/priority_5/
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/priority_5/
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/priority_5/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# a bunch of steps in 2 second increments
+for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17;do
+  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state start :status running -setlog results$i.html
+  sleep 2
+  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state end :status 0
+exit 0

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/priority_5/testconfig
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/priority_5/testconfig
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/priority_5/testconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+priority 5
+author matt
+owner  bob
+description This test checks that a multi-lineitem test with mix of pass and non-fail rolls up a PASS
+tags first,single
+reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/priority_6/
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/priority_6/
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/priority_6/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# a bunch of steps in 2 second increments
+for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17;do
+  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state start :status running -setlog results$i.html
+  sleep 2
+  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state end :status 0
+exit 0

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/priority_6/testconfig
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/priority_6/testconfig
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/priority_6/testconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+priority 6
+author matt
+owner  bob
+description This test checks that a multi-lineitem test with mix of pass and non-fail rolls up a PASS
+tags first,single
+reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/priority_7/
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/priority_7/
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/priority_7/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# a bunch of steps in 2 second increments
+for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17;do
+  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state start :status running -setlog results$i.html
+  sleep 2
+  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state end :status 0
+exit 0

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/priority_7/testconfig
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/priority_7/testconfig
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/priority_7/testconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+priority 7
+author matt
+owner  bob
+description This test checks that a multi-lineitem test with mix of pass and non-fail rolls up a PASS
+tags first,single
+reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/priority_8/
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/priority_8/
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/priority_8/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# a bunch of steps in 2 second increments
+for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17;do
+  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state start :status running -setlog results$i.html
+  sleep 2
+  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state end :status 0
+exit 0

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/priority_8/testconfig
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/priority_8/testconfig
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/priority_8/testconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+priority 8
+author matt
+owner  bob
+description This test checks that a multi-lineitem test with mix of pass and non-fail rolls up a PASS
+tags first,single
+reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/priority_9/
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/priority_9/
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/priority_9/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# a bunch of steps in 2 second increments
+for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17;do
+  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state start :status running -setlog results$i.html
+  sleep 2
+  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state end :status 0
+exit 0

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/priority_9/testconfig
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/priority_9/testconfig
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/priority_9/testconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+priority 9
+author matt
+owner  bob
+description This test checks that a multi-lineitem test with mix of pass and non-fail rolls up a PASS
+tags first,single
+reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/runfirst/
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/runfirst/
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/runfirst/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# megatest -step wasting_time :state start :status n/a -m "This is a test step comment"
+# sleep 20
+# megatest -step wasting_time :state end :status $?
+touch ../I_was_here
+mkdir -p $MT_RUN_AREA_HOME/tmp/$USER/$sysname/$fsname/$datapath/$MT_RUNNAME
+echo 1 2 3 4 5 > $MT_RUN_AREA_HOME/tmp/$USER/$sysname/$fsname/$datapath/$MT_RUNNAME/the_ans
+$MT_MEGATEST -runstep wasting_time -logpro wasting_time.logpro "sleep 8;echo all done eh?" -m "This is a test step comment"
+$MT_MEGATEST -load-test-data << EOF
+foo,bal,1.2,1.2,<,,Check for overload
+foo,alb,1.2,1.2,<=,Amps,This is the high power circuit test
+foo,bra,1.2,pass,silly stuff
+faz,bar,10,8mA,,,"this is a comment"
+$MT_MEGATEST -load-test-data << EOF
+cat,  var, val, exp, comp, units, comment, status, type
+$MT_MEGATEST -test-status :state COMPLETED :status $? -m "This is a test level comment" :value 10e6 :expected_value 1.1e6 :tol 100e3 :category nada :variable sillyvar :units mFarks :comment "This is the value/expected comment"
+# $MT_MEGATEST -test-status :state COMPLETED :status FAIL

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/runfirst/testconfig
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/runfirst/testconfig
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/runfirst/testconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# These are set before the test is launched on the originating
+# host. This can be used to control remote launch tools, e.g. to
+# to choose the target host, select the launch tool etc.
+SPECIAL_ENV_VAR override with everything after the first space.
+SEASON summer winter fall spring
+BLOCK a  b
+TOCK  1  2
+author matt
+owner  bob
+description This test must
+ be run before the other tests
+tags first,single
+reviewed 1/1/1965

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/runfirst/wasting_time.logpro
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/runfirst/wasting_time.logpro
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/runfirst/wasting_time.logpro
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+;; put stuff here
+;; NOTE: This is not legit logpro code!!! 
+;; Test for 0=PASS, 1=WARN, >2 = FAIL
+;; (define season (get-environment-variable "SEASON"))
+;; (exit 
+;;  (case (string->symbol season)
+;;    ((summer) 0)
+;;    ((winter) 1)
+;;    ((fall)   2)
+;;    (else     0)))

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/singletest/
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/singletest/
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/singletest/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# megatest -step wasting_time :state start :status n/a -m "This is a test step comment"
+# sleep 20
+# megatest -step wasting_time :state end :status $?
+$MT_MEGATEST -runstep wasting_time -logpro wasting_time.logpro "sleep 5;echo all done eh?" -m "This is a test step comment"
+$MT_MEGATEST -test-status :state COMPLETED :status $? -m "This is a test level comment" -set-toplog the_top_log.html :first_err "This is the first error"

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/singletest/testconfig
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/singletest/testconfig
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/singletest/testconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+diskspace 1M
+memory    1G
+# These are set before the test is launched on the originating
+# host. This can be used to control remote launch tools, e.g. to
+# to choose the target host, select the launch tool etc.
+SPECIAL_ENV_VAR override with everything after the first space.

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/singletest/wasting_time.logpro
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/singletest/wasting_time.logpro
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/singletest/wasting_time.logpro
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+;; put stuff here
+;; NOTE: This is not legit logpro code!!! 
+;; Test for 0=PASS, 1=WARN, >2 = FAIL
+;; (define season (get-environment-variable "SEASON"))
+;; (exit 
+;;  (case (string->symbol season)
+;;    ((summer) 0)
+;;    ((winter) 1)
+;;    ((fall)   2)
+;;    (else     0)))

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/singletest2/
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/singletest2/
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/singletest2/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# megatest -step wasting_time :state start :status n/a -m "This is a test step comment"
+# sleep 20
+# megatest -step wasting_time :state end :status $?
+$MT_MEGATEST -runstep wasting_time -logpro wasting_time.logpro "sleep 5;echo all done eh?" -m "This is a test step comment"
+$MT_MEGATEST -test-status :state COMPLETED :status $? -m "This is a test level comment" -set-toplog the_top_log.html :first_warn "This is the first warning"

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/singletest2/testconfig
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/singletest2/testconfig
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/singletest2/testconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+diskspace 1M
+memory    1G
+waiton singletest
+# These are set before the test is launched on the originating
+# host. This can be used to control remote launch tools, e.g. to
+# to choose the target host, select the launch tool etc.
+SPECIAL_ENV_VAR override with everything after the first space.

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/singletest2/wasting_time.logpro
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/singletest2/wasting_time.logpro
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/singletest2/wasting_time.logpro
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+;; put stuff here
+;; NOTE: This is not legit logpro code!!! 
+;; Test for 0=PASS, 1=WARN, >2 = FAIL
+;; (define season (get-environment-variable "SEASON"))
+;; (exit 
+;;  (case (string->symbol season)
+;;    ((summer) 0)
+;;    ((winter) 1)
+;;    ((fall)   2)
+;;    (else     0)))

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/sqlitespeed/runscript.rb
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/sqlitespeed/runscript.rb
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/sqlitespeed/runscript.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env ruby
+require "#{ENV['MT_RUN_AREA_HOME']}/supportfiles/ruby/librunscript.rb"
+# run_record(stepname, cmd) - will record in db if exit code of script was zero or not
+run_and_record('create db',"sqlite3 testing.db << EOF\ncreate table if not exists blah(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,name TEXT);\n.q\nEOF","")
+if (! File.exists?("../../runfirst/I_was_here"))
+    puts "ERROR: This test was started before the prerequisites ran!"
+    system "megatest -test-status :state INCOMPLETE :status FAIL"
+    exit 1
+# file_size_checker(stepname, filename, minsize, maxsize) - negative means ignore
+# file_size_checker('create db','testing.db',100,-1)
+num_records=rand(5) # 0000
+record_step("add #{num_records}","start","n/a")
+(0..num_records).each do |i|
+  randstring="a;lskdfja;sdfj;alsdfj;aslfdj;alsfja;lsfdj;alsfja;lsjfd;lasfjl;asdfja;slfj;alsjf;asljf;alsjf;lasdjf;lasjf;lasjf;alsjf;lashflkashflkerhflkdsvnlasldhlfaldf"
+  # status=system "sqlite3 testing.db \"insert into blah (name) values ('#{randstring}');\""
+  system "megatest -step testing :state wrote_junk :status #{num_records}"
+  sleep(5)
+  puts "i=#{i}"
+if status==0
+  status='pass'
+  status='fail'
+record_step("add #{num_records}","end",status)

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/sqlitespeed/testconfig
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/sqlitespeed/testconfig
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/sqlitespeed/testconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+runscript runscript.rb
+tags non important,dumb junk
+waiton    runfirst
+MANYITEMS [system (env > envfile.txt;echo aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai)]

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/test_mt_vars/
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/test_mt_vars/
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/test_mt_vars/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+! grep ALT_VAR

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/test_mt_vars/
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/test_mt_vars/
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/test_mt_vars/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+! grep BOGOUS

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/test_mt_vars/
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/test_mt_vars/
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/test_mt_vars/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+grep CURRENT | grep /tmp/nada

ADDED   tests/fullrun/tests/test_mt_vars/testconfig
Index: tests/fullrun/tests/test_mt_vars/testconfig
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/test_mt_vars/testconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+lookittmp   ls /tmp
+lookithome  ls /home
+# $CURRENT should be /tmp/nada
+# $BOGOUS should NOT be set
+# ALT_VAR should NOT be set
+waiton runfirst
+priority 0
+NUMNUM [system cat $MT_RUN_AREA_HOME/tmp/$USER/$sysname/$fsname/$datapath/$MT_RUNNAME/$PREDICTABLE]
+author matt
+owner  bob
+description This test runs a single ezstep which is expected to pass, no logpro file.
+tags first,single
+reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

DELETED tests/megatest.config
Index: tests/megatest.config
--- tests/megatest.config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-sysname TEXT
-fsname TEXT
-datapath TEXT
-# exectutable /path/to/megatest
-max_concurrent_jobs 200
-linktree /tmp/mt_links
-useshell yes
-# ## launcher launches jobs, the job is managed on the target host
-## by megatest, comment out launcher to run local
-# workhosts localhost hermes
-launcher nbfake
-# launcher nodanggood
-## use "xterm -e csi -- " as a launcher to examine the launch environment.
-## exit with (exit)
-## get a shell with (system "bash")
-# launcher xterm -e csi --
-state start end 
-status pass fail n/a 0 1 running
-# These are set before all tests, override them 
-# in the testconfig [pre-launch-env-overrides] section
-SPECIAL_ENV_VARS overide them here - should be seen at launch and in the runs
-TESTVAR [system realpath .]
-DEADVAR [system ls]
-WACKYVAR  #{system ls > /dev/null}
-WACKYVAR2 #{get validvalues state}
-WACKYVAR3 #{getenv USER}
-WACKYVAR4 #{scheme (+ 5 6 7)}
-WACKYVAR5 #{getenv sysname}/#{getenv fsname}/#{getenv datapath}
-WACKYVAR6 #{scheme (args:get-arg "-target")}
-# XTERM   [system xterm]
-# RUNDEAD [system exit 56]
-## disks are:
-## name host:/path/to/area
-## -or-
-## name /path/to/area
-1 /tmp/mt_runs
-[include #{getenv USER}_testing.config]

DELETED tests/runconfigs.config
Index: tests/runconfigs.config
--- tests/runconfigs.config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-[include common_runconfigs.config]
-WACKYVAR0 #{get ubuntu/nfs/none CURRENT}
-WACKYVAR1 #{scheme (args:get-arg "-target")}
-WACKYVAR2 #{runconfigs-get CURRENT}

DELETED tests/tests/exit_0/
Index: tests/tests/exit_0/
--- tests/tests/exit_0/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# a bunch of steps in 2 second increments
-for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17;do
-  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state start :status running -setlog results$i.html
-  sleep 2
-  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state end :status 0
-exit 0

DELETED tests/tests/exit_0/testconfig
Index: tests/tests/exit_0/testconfig
--- tests/tests/exit_0/testconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-author matt
-owner  bob
-description This test checks that a multi-lineitem test with mix of pass and non-fail rolls up a PASS
-tags first,single
-reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

DELETED tests/tests/exit_1/
Index: tests/tests/exit_1/
--- tests/tests/exit_1/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# a bunch of steps in 2 second increments
-for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17;do
-  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state start :status running -setlog results$i.html
-  sleep 2
-  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state end :status 0
-exit 1

DELETED tests/tests/exit_1/testconfig
Index: tests/tests/exit_1/testconfig
--- tests/tests/exit_1/testconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-priority 9
-author matt
-owner  bob
-description This test checks that a multi-lineitem test with mix of pass and non-fail rolls up a PASS
-tags first,single
-reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

DELETED tests/tests/ez_exit2_fail/testconfig
Index: tests/tests/ez_exit2_fail/testconfig
--- tests/tests/ez_exit2_fail/testconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-exit2       exit 2
-lookithome  ls /home
-author matt
-owner  bob
-description This test runs two steps; the first exits with
-     code 2 (a fail because not using logpro) and the second
-     is a pass
-tags first,single
-reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

DELETED tests/tests/ez_fail/testconfig
Index: tests/tests/ez_fail/testconfig
--- tests/tests/ez_fail/testconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-priority 10
-lookittmp   sleep 5s;ls /tmp
-lookithome  sleep 2;ls /home
-# should fail on next step
-lookitnada  sleep 3;ls /nada
-lookitusr   sleep 2;ls /usr
-author matt
-owner  bob
-description This test runs a single ezstep which is expected to pass, no logpro file.
-tags first,single
-reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

DELETED tests/tests/ez_pass/testconfig
Index: tests/tests/ez_pass/testconfig
--- tests/tests/ez_pass/testconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-lookittmp   ls /tmp
-lookithome  ls /home
-author matt
-owner  bob
-description This test runs a single ezstep which is expected to pass, no logpro file.
-tags first,single
-reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

DELETED tests/tests/ezlog_fail/example.logpro
Index: tests/tests/ezlog_fail/example.logpro
--- tests/tests/ezlog_fail/example.logpro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-;; (c) 2006,2007,2008,2009 Matthew Welland
-;;   License GPL.
-;; define your hooks
-(hook:first-error   "echo \"Error hook activated: #{escaped errmsg}\"")
-(hook:first-warning "echo \"Got warning: #{escaped warnmsg}\"")
-(hook:value "echo \"Value hook activated: expected=#{expected}, measured=#{measured}, tolerance=#{tolerance}, message=#{message}\"")
-;; first ensure your run at least started
-(trigger "Init"     #/This is a header/)
-(trigger "InitEnd"  #/^\s*$/)
-(section "Init" "Init" "InitEnd")
-(trigger "Body"     #/^.*$/) ;; anything starts the body
-;; (trigger "EndBody"  #/This had better never match/)
-(section "Body"     "Body" "EndBody")
-(trigger "Blah2"    #/^begin Blah2/)
-(trigger "Blah2End" #/^end Blah2/)
-(section "Blah2"    "Blah2" "Blah2End")
-(expect:required in "Init"  = 1 "Header"      #/This is a header/)
-(expect:required in "LogFileBody" > 0 "Something required but not found" #/This is required but not found/)
-(expect:value    in "LogFileBody" 1.9 0.1 "Output voltage" #/Measured voltage output:\s*([\d\.\+\-e]+)v/)
-(expect:value    in "LogFileBody" 0.5 0.1 "Output current" #/Measured output current:\s*([\d\.\+\-e]+)mA/)
-(expect:value    in "LogFileBody" 110e9 2e9 "A big number (first)" #/Freq:\s*([\d\.\+\-e]+)\s+Hz/)
-(expect:value    in "LogFileBody" 110e9 1e9 "A big number (second), hook not called" #/Freq:\s*([\d\.\+\-e]+)Hz/)
-(expect:value    in "LogFileBody" 110e9 1e9 "A big number (never activated)" #/Freq:\s*([\d\.\+\-e]+)zH/)
-;; Using match number
-(expect:value    in "LogFileBody" 1.9 0.1 "Time Voltage" #/out: (\d+)\s+(\d+)/ match: 2)
-;; Comparison instead of tolerance
-(expect:value    in "LogFileBody" 1.9 >   "Time voltage" #/out: (\d+)\s+(\d+)/ match: 2)
-(expect:ignore   in "Blah2" < 99 "FALSE ERROR" #/ERROR/)
-(expect:ignore   in "Body"  < 99 "Ignore the word error in comments" #/^\/\/.*error/)
-(expect:warning  in "Body"  = 0 "Any warning" #/WARNING/)
-(expect:error    in "Body"  = 0 "ERROR BLAH"  (list #/ERROR/ #/error/)) ;; but disallow any other errors
-;(expect in "Init"  < 1 "Junk"        #/This is bogus/)

DELETED tests/tests/ezlog_fail/lookithome.logpro
Index: tests/tests/ezlog_fail/lookithome.logpro
--- tests/tests/ezlog_fail/lookithome.logpro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-;; (c) 2006,2007,2008,2009 Matthew Welland
-;;   License GPL.
-(expect:required in "LogFileBody" > 0 "Must be some files in the dir" #/.*/)
-(expect:ignore   in "LogFileBody"  < 99 "Ignore the word error in comments" #/^\/\/.*error/)
-(expect:warning  in "LogFileBody"  = 0 "Any warning" #/WARNING/)
-(expect:error    in "LogFileBody"  = 0 "Any error"  (list #/ERROR/ #/error/)) ;; but disallow any other errors

DELETED tests/tests/ezlog_fail/lookittmp.logpro
Index: tests/tests/ezlog_fail/lookittmp.logpro
--- tests/tests/ezlog_fail/lookittmp.logpro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-;; (c) 2006,2007,2008,2009 Matthew Welland
-;;   License GPL.
-(expect:warning  in "LogFileBody"  = 0 "Any warning" #/WARNING/)
-(expect:error    in "LogFileBody"  = 0 "Any error"  (list #/ERROR/ #/.*/)) ;; force an error

DELETED tests/tests/ezlog_fail/testconfig
Index: tests/tests/ezlog_fail/testconfig
--- tests/tests/ezlog_fail/testconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-lookittmp   ls /tmp
-lookithome  ls /home
-author matt
-owner  bob
-description This test runs two ezstep, the first of which is expected to fail using a simple logpro file.
-tags first,single
-reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

DELETED tests/tests/ezlog_fail_then_pass/firststep.logpro
Index: tests/tests/ezlog_fail_then_pass/firststep.logpro
--- tests/tests/ezlog_fail_then_pass/firststep.logpro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-;; (c) 2006,2007,2008,2009 Matthew Welland
-;;   License GPL.
-(expect:required in "LogFileBody" > 0 "Must be some files in the dir" #/.*/)
-(expect:ignore   in "LogFileBody"  < 99 "Ignore the word error in comments" #/^\/\/.*error/)
-(expect:warning  in "LogFileBody"  = 0 "Any warning" #/WARNING/)
-(expect:error    in "LogFileBody"  = 0 "Any error"  (list #/ERROR/ #/error/)) ;; but disallow any other errors

DELETED tests/tests/ezlog_fail_then_pass/
Index: tests/tests/ezlog_fail_then_pass/
--- tests/tests/ezlog_fail_then_pass/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-megatest -step yepstep :state start :status n/a
-ls /tmp
-megatest -step yepstep :state end :status $?
-megatest -load-test-data << EOF
-OPER,du,   1.2,  1.2, <   , GBytes  ,System didn't use too much space
-# a bunch of steps in 2 second increments
-for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17;do
-  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state start :status running -setlog results$i.html
-  sleep 2
-  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state end :status 0
-megatest -test-status :state COMPLETED :status AUTO

DELETED tests/tests/ezlog_fail_then_pass/testconfig
Index: tests/tests/ezlog_fail_then_pass/testconfig
--- tests/tests/ezlog_fail_then_pass/testconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-author matt
-owner  bob
-description This test runs a single ezstep which is logpro clean
-    but fails based on -test-data loaded.
-tags first,single
-reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

DELETED tests/tests/ezlog_pass/example.logpro
Index: tests/tests/ezlog_pass/example.logpro
--- tests/tests/ezlog_pass/example.logpro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-;; (c) 2006,2007,2008,2009 Matthew Welland
-;;   License GPL.
-;; define your hooks
-(hook:first-error   "echo \"Error hook activated: #{escaped errmsg}\"")
-(hook:first-warning "echo \"Got warning: #{escaped warnmsg}\"")
-(hook:value "echo \"Value hook activated: expected=#{expected}, measured=#{measured}, tolerance=#{tolerance}, message=#{message}\"")
-;; first ensure your run at least started
-(trigger "Init"     #/This is a header/)
-(trigger "InitEnd"  #/^\s*$/)
-(section "Init" "Init" "InitEnd")
-(trigger "Body"     #/^.*$/) ;; anything starts the body
-;; (trigger "EndBody"  #/This had better never match/)
-(section "Body"     "Body" "EndBody")
-(trigger "Blah2"    #/^begin Blah2/)
-(trigger "Blah2End" #/^end Blah2/)
-(section "Blah2"    "Blah2" "Blah2End")
-(expect:required in "Init"  = 1 "Header"      #/This is a header/)
-(expect:required in "LogFileBody" > 0 "Something required but not found" #/This is required but not found/)
-(expect:value    in "LogFileBody" 1.9 0.1 "Output voltage" #/Measured voltage output:\s*([\d\.\+\-e]+)v/)
-(expect:value    in "LogFileBody" 0.5 0.1 "Output current" #/Measured output current:\s*([\d\.\+\-e]+)mA/)
-(expect:value    in "LogFileBody" 110e9 2e9 "A big number (first)" #/Freq:\s*([\d\.\+\-e]+)\s+Hz/)
-(expect:value    in "LogFileBody" 110e9 1e9 "A big number (second), hook not called" #/Freq:\s*([\d\.\+\-e]+)Hz/)
-(expect:value    in "LogFileBody" 110e9 1e9 "A big number (never activated)" #/Freq:\s*([\d\.\+\-e]+)zH/)
-;; Using match number
-(expect:value    in "LogFileBody" 1.9 0.1 "Time Voltage" #/out: (\d+)\s+(\d+)/ match: 2)
-;; Comparison instead of tolerance
-(expect:value    in "LogFileBody" 1.9 >   "Time voltage" #/out: (\d+)\s+(\d+)/ match: 2)
-(expect:ignore   in "Blah2" < 99 "FALSE ERROR" #/ERROR/)
-(expect:ignore   in "Body"  < 99 "Ignore the word error in comments" #/^\/\/.*error/)
-(expect:warning  in "Body"  = 0 "Any warning" #/WARNING/)
-(expect:error    in "Body"  = 0 "ERROR BLAH"  (list #/ERROR/ #/error/)) ;; but disallow any other errors
-;(expect in "Init"  < 1 "Junk"        #/This is bogus/)

DELETED tests/tests/ezlog_pass/lookittmp.logpro
Index: tests/tests/ezlog_pass/lookittmp.logpro
--- tests/tests/ezlog_pass/lookittmp.logpro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-;; (c) 2006,2007,2008,2009 Matthew Welland
-;;   License GPL.
-(expect:required in "LogFileBody" > 0 "Must be some files in the dir" #/.*/)
-(expect:ignore   in "LogFileBody"  < 99 "Ignore the word error in comments" #/^\/\/.*error/)
-(expect:warning  in "LogFileBody"  = 0 "Any warning" #/WARNING/)
-(expect:error    in "LogFileBody"  = 0 "Any error"  (list #/ERROR/ #/error/)) ;; but disallow any other errors

DELETED tests/tests/ezlog_pass/testconfig
Index: tests/tests/ezlog_pass/testconfig
--- tests/tests/ezlog_pass/testconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-lookittmp   ls /tmp
-lookithome  ls /home
-author matt
-owner  bob
-description This test runs a single ezstep which is expected to pass using a simple logpro file.
-tags first,single
-reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

DELETED tests/tests/ezlog_warn/lookithome.logpro
Index: tests/tests/ezlog_warn/lookithome.logpro
--- tests/tests/ezlog_warn/lookithome.logpro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-;; (c) 2006,2007,2008,2009 Matthew Welland
-;;   License GPL.
-;; Force a warn for this test
-(expect:required in "LogFileBody" > 0 "Must be some files in the dir" #/.*/)
-(expect:ignore   in "LogFileBody"  < 99 "Ignore the word error in comments" #/^\/\/.*error/)
-(expect:warning  in "LogFileBody"  = 0 "Any warning" #/warn/)
-(expect:error    in "LogFileBody"  = 0 "Any error"  (list #/ERROR/ #/error/)) ;; but disallow any other errors

DELETED tests/tests/ezlog_warn/lookittmp.logpro
Index: tests/tests/ezlog_warn/lookittmp.logpro
--- tests/tests/ezlog_warn/lookittmp.logpro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-;; (c) 2006,2007,2008,2009 Matthew Welland
-;;   License GPL.
-(expect:warning  in "LogFileBody"  = 0 "Any warning" #/.*/)
-;; Can't have a required since it will mask the warns! Could make the warn non-overlapping with the
-;; required I suppose...
-;; (expect:required in "LogFileBody" > 0 "Must be some files in the dir" #/.*/)
-(expect:ignore   in "LogFileBody"  < 99 "Ignore the word error in comments" #/^\/\/.*error/)
-(expect:error    in "LogFileBody"  = 0 "Any error"  (list #/ERROR/ #/error/)) ;; but disallow any other errors

DELETED tests/tests/ezlog_warn/testconfig
Index: tests/tests/ezlog_warn/testconfig
--- tests/tests/ezlog_warn/testconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-lookittmp   ls /tmp
-lookithome  ls $HOME
-author matt
-owner  bob
-description This test runs two ezsteps the first of which is expected to fail using a simple logpro file.
-tags first,single
-reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

DELETED tests/tests/lineitem_fail/
Index: tests/tests/lineitem_fail/
--- tests/tests/lineitem_fail/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-$MT_MEGATEST -load-test-data << EOF
-foo,bar,   1.2,  1.9, >
-foo,rab, 1.0e9, 10e9, 1e9
-foo,bla,   1.2,  1.9, <
-foo,bal,   1.2,  1.2, <   ,     ,Check for overload
-foo,alb,   1.2,  1.2, <=  , Amps,This is the high power circuit test
-foo,abl,   1.2,  1.3, 0.1
-foo,bra,   1.2, pass, silly stuff
-faz,bar,    10,  8mA,     ,     ,"this is a comment"
-# a bunch of steps in 2 second increments
-for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17;do
-  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state start :status running -setlog results$i.html
-  sleep 2
-  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state end :status 0
-# Needed to force rolling up the results and set the test to COMPLETED
-$MT_MEGATEST -test-status :state COMPLETED :status AUTO

DELETED tests/tests/lineitem_fail/testconfig
Index: tests/tests/lineitem_fail/testconfig
--- tests/tests/lineitem_fail/testconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-author matt
-owner  bob
-description This test checks that a multi-lineitem test with mix of pass and non-fail rolls up a PASS
-tags first,single
-reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

DELETED tests/tests/lineitem_pass/
Index: tests/tests/lineitem_pass/
--- tests/tests/lineitem_pass/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# category variable value expected  tol/comp units comment
-$MT_MEGATEST -load-test-data << EOF
-foo,       bar,     1.9,  1.8,      >
-foo,       rab,   1.0e9,  2e9,      1e9
-foo,       bla,     1.2,  1.9,      <
-foo,       bal,    -1.1,    0,      <   ,         , Check for overload
-foo,       alb,     1.2,  1.2,      <=  ,     Amps, This is the high power circuit test
-foo,       abl,     1.2,  1.3,      0.1
-foo,       bra,     1.2, pass,      silly stuff
-faz,       bar,      10,  8mA,          ,         ,"this is a comment"
-# a bunch of steps in 2 second increments
-for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17;do
-  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state start :status running -setlog results$i.html
-  sleep 2
-  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state end :status 0
-# Needed to force rolling up the results and set the test to COMPLETED
-$MT_MEGATEST -test-status :state COMPLETED :status AUTO

DELETED tests/tests/lineitem_pass/testconfig
Index: tests/tests/lineitem_pass/testconfig
--- tests/tests/lineitem_pass/testconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-author matt
-owner  bob
-description This test checks that a multi-lineitem test with mix of pass and non-fail rolls up a PASS
-tags first,single
-reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

DELETED tests/tests/logpro_required_fail/lookittmp.logpro
Index: tests/tests/logpro_required_fail/lookittmp.logpro
--- tests/tests/logpro_required_fail/lookittmp.logpro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-;; (c) 2006,2007,2008,2009 Matthew Welland
-;;   License GPL.
-(expect:required in "LogFileBody" > 0 "A file name that should never exist!" #/This is a awfully stupid file name that should never be found in the temp dir/)
-;; (expect:warning  in "LogFileBody"  = 0 "Any warning" #/WARNING/)
-;; (expect:error    in "LogFileBody"  = 0 "Any error"  (list #/ERROR/ #/.*/)) ;; force an error

DELETED tests/tests/logpro_required_fail/testconfig
Index: tests/tests/logpro_required_fail/testconfig
--- tests/tests/logpro_required_fail/testconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-lookittmp   ls /tmp
-author matt
-owner  bob
-description This test runs two ezstep, the first of which is expected to fail using a simple logpro file.
-tags logpro
-reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

DELETED tests/tests/manual_example/results/results.csv
Index: tests/tests/manual_example/results/results.csv
--- tests/tests/manual_example/results/results.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1 +0,0 @@
-category, variable, expected,   value,  tol,   units,  comment

DELETED tests/tests/manual_example/
Index: tests/tests/manual_example/
--- tests/tests/manual_example/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-if [[ $TARGETDISPLAY = "" || $TARGETHOST = "" || $TARGETDIR = "" || $TARGETUSER = "" ]]; then
-    msg="You must set the TARGETDISPLAY, TARGETHOST, TARGETDIR and TARGETUSER variables for manual tests"
-    echo $msg
-    megatest -test-status :state COMPLETED :status FAIL -m $msg
-    exit 1
-    megatest -step setup :state start :status n/a
-    xterm -display $TARGETDISPLAY -e ./
-    megatest -step setup :state end :status $?

DELETED tests/tests/manual_example/
Index: tests/tests/manual_example/
--- tests/tests/manual_example/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-megatest -step rsyncto :state start :status n/a
-echo "First, lets populate your area with necessary files, you may be prompted for your Unix password several times"
-megatest -step rsyncto :state end :status n/a
-megatest -step runtest :state start :status n/a
-remotecmd="cd $TARGETDIR;xterm -display $TARGETDISPLAY"
-echo Launching $remotecmd on $TARGETHOST as $TARGETUSER
-megatest -step runtest :state end :status $?
-megatest -step gatherdata :state start :status n/a
-if [[ -e $MT_TEST_RUN_DIR/results/results.csv ]]; then
-    megatest -load-test-data < $MT_TEST_RUN_DIR/results/results.csv
-if [[ -e $MT_TEST_RUN_DIR/results/final_results.log && $MT_TEST_RUN_DIR/final_results.logpro ]]; then
-    logpro $MT_TEST_RUN_DIR/final_results.logpro $MT_TEST_RUN_DIR/final_results.html < $MT_TEST_RUN_DIR/results/final_results.log
-    if [[ $? = 0 ]]; then
-	finalstatus=PASS
-    else
-	finalstatus=FAIL
-    fi
-    megatest -test-status :state COMPLETED :status $finalstatus -setlog final_results.html

DELETED tests/tests/manual_example/testconfig
Index: tests/tests/manual_example/testconfig
--- tests/tests/manual_example/testconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-setup ./
-# launch launchxterm
-author matt
-owner  bob
-description This test runs a single ezstep which is expected to pass
-            using a simple logpro file.
-tags first,single
-reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

DELETED tests/tests/neverrun/testconfig
Index: tests/tests/neverrun/testconfig
--- tests/tests/neverrun/testconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-runscript idontexist

DELETED tests/tests/priority_1/
Index: tests/tests/priority_1/
--- tests/tests/priority_1/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# a bunch of steps in 2 second increments
-for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17;do
-  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state start :status running -setlog results$i.html
-  sleep 2
-  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state end :status 0
-exit 0

DELETED tests/tests/priority_1/testconfig
Index: tests/tests/priority_1/testconfig
--- tests/tests/priority_1/testconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-priority 1
-author matt
-owner  bob
-description This test checks that a multi-lineitem test with mix of pass and non-fail rolls up a PASS
-tags first,single
-reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

DELETED tests/tests/priority_10/
Index: tests/tests/priority_10/
--- tests/tests/priority_10/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# a bunch of steps in 2 second increments
-for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17;do
-  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state start :status running -setlog results$i.html
-  sleep 2
-  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state end :status 0
-exit 0

DELETED tests/tests/priority_10/testconfig
Index: tests/tests/priority_10/testconfig
--- tests/tests/priority_10/testconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-priority 10
-author matt
-owner  bob
-description This test checks that a multi-lineitem test with mix of pass and non-fail rolls up a PASS
-tags first,single
-reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

DELETED tests/tests/priority_10_waiton_1/
Index: tests/tests/priority_10_waiton_1/
--- tests/tests/priority_10_waiton_1/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# a bunch of steps in 2 second increments
-for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17;do
-  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state start :status running -setlog results$i.html
-  sleep 2
-  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state end :status 0
-exit 0

DELETED tests/tests/priority_10_waiton_1/testconfig
Index: tests/tests/priority_10_waiton_1/testconfig
--- tests/tests/priority_10_waiton_1/testconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-priority 10
-waiton priority_1
-author matt
-owner  bob
-description This test checks that a multi-lineitem test with mix of pass and non-fail rolls up a PASS
-tags first,single
-reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

DELETED tests/tests/priority_2/
Index: tests/tests/priority_2/
--- tests/tests/priority_2/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# a bunch of steps in 2 second increments
-for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17;do
-  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state start :status running -setlog results$i.html
-  sleep 2
-  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state end :status 0
-exit 0

DELETED tests/tests/priority_2/testconfig
Index: tests/tests/priority_2/testconfig
--- tests/tests/priority_2/testconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-priority 2
-author matt
-owner  bob
-description This test checks that a multi-lineitem test with mix of pass and non-fail rolls up a PASS
-tags first,single
-reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

DELETED tests/tests/priority_3/
Index: tests/tests/priority_3/
--- tests/tests/priority_3/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# a bunch of steps in 2 second increments
-for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17;do
-  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state start :status running -setlog results$i.html
-  sleep 2
-  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state end :status 0
-exit 0

DELETED tests/tests/priority_3/testconfig
Index: tests/tests/priority_3/testconfig
--- tests/tests/priority_3/testconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-priority 3
-author matt
-owner  bob
-description This test checks that a multi-lineitem test with mix of pass and non-fail rolls up a PASS
-tags first,single
-reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

DELETED tests/tests/priority_4/
Index: tests/tests/priority_4/
--- tests/tests/priority_4/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# a bunch of steps in 2 second increments
-for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17;do
-  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state start :status running -setlog results$i.html
-  sleep 2
-  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state end :status 0
-exit 0

DELETED tests/tests/priority_4/testconfig
Index: tests/tests/priority_4/testconfig
--- tests/tests/priority_4/testconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-priority 4
-author matt
-owner  bob
-description This test checks that a multi-lineitem test with mix of pass and non-fail rolls up a PASS
-tags first,single
-reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

DELETED tests/tests/priority_5/
Index: tests/tests/priority_5/
--- tests/tests/priority_5/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# a bunch of steps in 2 second increments
-for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17;do
-  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state start :status running -setlog results$i.html
-  sleep 2
-  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state end :status 0
-exit 0

DELETED tests/tests/priority_5/testconfig
Index: tests/tests/priority_5/testconfig
--- tests/tests/priority_5/testconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-priority 5
-author matt
-owner  bob
-description This test checks that a multi-lineitem test with mix of pass and non-fail rolls up a PASS
-tags first,single
-reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

DELETED tests/tests/priority_6/
Index: tests/tests/priority_6/
--- tests/tests/priority_6/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# a bunch of steps in 2 second increments
-for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17;do
-  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state start :status running -setlog results$i.html
-  sleep 2
-  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state end :status 0
-exit 0

DELETED tests/tests/priority_6/testconfig
Index: tests/tests/priority_6/testconfig
--- tests/tests/priority_6/testconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-priority 6
-author matt
-owner  bob
-description This test checks that a multi-lineitem test with mix of pass and non-fail rolls up a PASS
-tags first,single
-reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

DELETED tests/tests/priority_7/
Index: tests/tests/priority_7/
--- tests/tests/priority_7/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# a bunch of steps in 2 second increments
-for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17;do
-  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state start :status running -setlog results$i.html
-  sleep 2
-  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state end :status 0
-exit 0

DELETED tests/tests/priority_7/testconfig
Index: tests/tests/priority_7/testconfig
--- tests/tests/priority_7/testconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-priority 7
-author matt
-owner  bob
-description This test checks that a multi-lineitem test with mix of pass and non-fail rolls up a PASS
-tags first,single
-reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

DELETED tests/tests/priority_8/
Index: tests/tests/priority_8/
--- tests/tests/priority_8/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# a bunch of steps in 2 second increments
-for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17;do
-  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state start :status running -setlog results$i.html
-  sleep 2
-  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state end :status 0
-exit 0

DELETED tests/tests/priority_8/testconfig
Index: tests/tests/priority_8/testconfig
--- tests/tests/priority_8/testconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-priority 8
-author matt
-owner  bob
-description This test checks that a multi-lineitem test with mix of pass and non-fail rolls up a PASS
-tags first,single
-reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

DELETED tests/tests/priority_9/
Index: tests/tests/priority_9/
--- tests/tests/priority_9/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# a bunch of steps in 2 second increments
-for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17;do
-  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state start :status running -setlog results$i.html
-  sleep 2
-  $MT_MEGATEST -step step$i :state end :status 0
-exit 0

DELETED tests/tests/priority_9/testconfig
Index: tests/tests/priority_9/testconfig
--- tests/tests/priority_9/testconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-priority 9
-author matt
-owner  bob
-description This test checks that a multi-lineitem test with mix of pass and non-fail rolls up a PASS
-tags first,single
-reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt

DELETED tests/tests/runfirst/
Index: tests/tests/runfirst/
--- tests/tests/runfirst/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# megatest -step wasting_time :state start :status n/a -m "This is a test step comment"
-# sleep 20
-# megatest -step wasting_time :state end :status $?
-touch ../I_was_here
-mkdir -p $MT_RUN_AREA_HOME/tmp/$USER/$sysname/$fsname/$datapath/$MT_RUNNAME
-echo 1 2 3 4 5 > $MT_RUN_AREA_HOME/tmp/$USER/$sysname/$fsname/$datapath/$MT_RUNNAME/the_ans
-$MT_MEGATEST -runstep wasting_time -logpro wasting_time.logpro "sleep 8;echo all done eh?" -m "This is a test step comment"
-$MT_MEGATEST -load-test-data << EOF
-foo,bal,1.2,1.2,<,,Check for overload
-foo,alb,1.2,1.2,<=,Amps,This is the high power circuit test
-foo,bra,1.2,pass,silly stuff
-faz,bar,10,8mA,,,"this is a comment"
-$MT_MEGATEST -load-test-data << EOF
-cat,  var, val, exp, comp, units, comment, status, type
-$MT_MEGATEST -test-status :state COMPLETED :status $? -m "This is a test level comment" :value 10e6 :expected_value 1.1e6 :tol 100e3 :category nada :variable sillyvar :units mFarks :comment "This is the value/expected comment"
-# $MT_MEGATEST -test-status :state COMPLETED :status FAIL

DELETED tests/tests/runfirst/testconfig
Index: tests/tests/runfirst/testconfig
--- tests/tests/runfirst/testconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# These are set before the test is launched on the originating
-# host. This can be used to control remote launch tools, e.g. to
-# to choose the target host, select the launch tool etc.
-SPECIAL_ENV_VAR override with everything after the first space.
-SEASON summer winter fall spring
-BLOCK a  b
-TOCK  1  2
-author matt
-owner  bob
-description This test must
- be run before the other tests
-tags first,single
-reviewed 1/1/1965

DELETED tests/tests/runfirst/wasting_time.logpro
Index: tests/tests/runfirst/wasting_time.logpro
--- tests/tests/runfirst/wasting_time.logpro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-;; put stuff here
-;; NOTE: This is not legit logpro code!!! 
-;; Test for 0=PASS, 1=WARN, >2 = FAIL
-;; (define season (get-environment-variable "SEASON"))
-;; (exit 
-;;  (case (string->symbol season)
-;;    ((summer) 0)
-;;    ((winter) 1)
-;;    ((fall)   2)
-;;    (else     0)))

DELETED tests/tests/singletest/
Index: tests/tests/singletest/
--- tests/tests/singletest/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# megatest -step wasting_time :state start :status n/a -m "This is a test step comment"
-# sleep 20
-# megatest -step wasting_time :state end :status $?
-$MT_MEGATEST -runstep wasting_time -logpro wasting_time.logpro "sleep 5;echo all done eh?" -m "This is a test step comment"
-$MT_MEGATEST -test-status :state COMPLETED :status $? -m "This is a test level comment" -set-toplog the_top_log.html :first_err "This is the first error"

DELETED tests/tests/singletest/testconfig
Index: tests/tests/singletest/testconfig
--- tests/tests/singletest/testconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-diskspace 1M
-memory    1G
-# These are set before the test is launched on the originating
-# host. This can be used to control remote launch tools, e.g. to
-# to choose the target host, select the launch tool etc.
-SPECIAL_ENV_VAR override with everything after the first space.

DELETED tests/tests/singletest/wasting_time.logpro
Index: tests/tests/singletest/wasting_time.logpro
--- tests/tests/singletest/wasting_time.logpro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-;; put stuff here
-;; NOTE: This is not legit logpro code!!! 
-;; Test for 0=PASS, 1=WARN, >2 = FAIL
-;; (define season (get-environment-variable "SEASON"))
-;; (exit 
-;;  (case (string->symbol season)
-;;    ((summer) 0)
-;;    ((winter) 1)
-;;    ((fall)   2)
-;;    (else     0)))

DELETED tests/tests/singletest2/
Index: tests/tests/singletest2/
--- tests/tests/singletest2/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# megatest -step wasting_time :state start :status n/a -m "This is a test step comment"
-# sleep 20
-# megatest -step wasting_time :state end :status $?
-$MT_MEGATEST -runstep wasting_time -logpro wasting_time.logpro "sleep 5;echo all done eh?" -m "This is a test step comment"
-$MT_MEGATEST -test-status :state COMPLETED :status $? -m "This is a test level comment" -set-toplog the_top_log.html :first_warn "This is the first warning"

DELETED tests/tests/singletest2/testconfig
Index: tests/tests/singletest2/testconfig
--- tests/tests/singletest2/testconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-diskspace 1M
-memory    1G
-waiton singletest
-# These are set before the test is launched on the originating
-# host. This can be used to control remote launch tools, e.g. to
-# to choose the target host, select the launch tool etc.
-SPECIAL_ENV_VAR override with everything after the first space.

DELETED tests/tests/singletest2/wasting_time.logpro
Index: tests/tests/singletest2/wasting_time.logpro
--- tests/tests/singletest2/wasting_time.logpro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-;; put stuff here
-;; NOTE: This is not legit logpro code!!! 
-;; Test for 0=PASS, 1=WARN, >2 = FAIL
-;; (define season (get-environment-variable "SEASON"))
-;; (exit 
-;;  (case (string->symbol season)
-;;    ((summer) 0)
-;;    ((winter) 1)
-;;    ((fall)   2)
-;;    (else     0)))

DELETED tests/tests/sqlitespeed/runscript.rb
Index: tests/tests/sqlitespeed/runscript.rb
--- tests/tests/sqlitespeed/runscript.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env ruby
-require "#{ENV['MT_RUN_AREA_HOME']}/supportfiles/ruby/librunscript.rb"
-# run_record(stepname, cmd) - will record in db if exit code of script was zero or not
-run_and_record('create db',"sqlite3 testing.db << EOF\ncreate table if not exists blah(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,name TEXT);\n.q\nEOF","")
-if (! File.exists?("../../runfirst/I_was_here"))
-    puts "ERROR: This test was started before the prerequisites ran!"
-    system "megatest -test-status :state INCOMPLETE :status FAIL"
-    exit 1
-# file_size_checker(stepname, filename, minsize, maxsize) - negative means ignore
-# file_size_checker('create db','testing.db',100,-1)
-num_records=rand(5) # 0000
-record_step("add #{num_records}","start","n/a")
-(0..num_records).each do |i|
-  randstring="a;lskdfja;sdfj;alsdfj;aslfdj;alsfja;lsfdj;alsfja;lsjfd;lasfjl;asdfja;slfj;alsjf;asljf;alsjf;lasdjf;lasjf;lasjf;alsjf;lashflkashflkerhflkdsvnlasldhlfaldf"
-  # status=system "sqlite3 testing.db \"insert into blah (name) values ('#{randstring}');\""
-  system "megatest -step testing :state wrote_junk :status #{num_records}"
-  sleep(5)
-  puts "i=#{i}"
-if status==0
-  status='pass'
-  status='fail'
-record_step("add #{num_records}","end",status)

DELETED tests/tests/sqlitespeed/testconfig
Index: tests/tests/sqlitespeed/testconfig
--- tests/tests/sqlitespeed/testconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-runscript runscript.rb
-tags non important,dumb junk
-waiton    runfirst
-MANYITEMS [system (env > envfile.txt;echo aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai)]

DELETED tests/tests/test_mt_vars/
Index: tests/tests/test_mt_vars/
--- tests/tests/test_mt_vars/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-! grep ALT_VAR

DELETED tests/tests/test_mt_vars/
Index: tests/tests/test_mt_vars/
--- tests/tests/test_mt_vars/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-! grep BOGOUS

DELETED tests/tests/test_mt_vars/
Index: tests/tests/test_mt_vars/
--- tests/tests/test_mt_vars/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-grep CURRENT | grep /tmp/nada

DELETED tests/tests/test_mt_vars/testconfig
Index: tests/tests/test_mt_vars/testconfig
--- tests/tests/test_mt_vars/testconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-lookittmp   ls /tmp
-lookithome  ls /home
-# $CURRENT should be /tmp/nada
-# $BOGOUS should NOT be set
-# ALT_VAR should NOT be set
-waiton runfirst
-priority 0
-NUMNUM [system cat $MT_RUN_AREA_HOME/tmp/$USER/$sysname/$fsname/$datapath/$MT_RUNNAME/$PREDICTABLE]
-author matt
-owner  bob
-description This test runs a single ezstep which is expected to pass, no logpro file.
-tags first,single
-reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt