Index: common.scm
--- common.scm
+++ common.scm
@@ -43,14 +43,18 @@
 (define home (getenv "HOME"))
 (define user (getenv "USER"))
 (define *db-keys* #f)
-(define *configinfo* #f)
-(define *configdat*  #f)
-(define *toppath*    #f)
+(define *configinfo*   #f)   ;; raw results from setup, includes toppath and table from megatest.config
+(define *runconfigdat* #f)   ;; run configs data
+(define *configdat*    #f)   ;; megatest.config data
+(define *configstatus* #f)   ;; status of data; 'fulldata : all processing done, #f : no data yet, 'partialdata : partial read done
+(define *toppath*      #f)
 (define *already-seen-runconfig-info* #f)
 (define *waiting-queue*     (make-hash-table))
 (define *test-meta-updated* (make-hash-table))
 (define *globalexitstatus*  0) ;; attempt to work around possible thread issues
 (define *passnum*           0) ;; when running track calls to run-tests or similar
 (define *write-frequency*   (make-hash-table)) ;; run-id => (vector (current-seconds) 0))
@@ -447,36 +451,42 @@
     (if rtestpatt (debug:print-info 0 "TESTPATT from runconfigs: " rtestpatt))
+(define (common:get-linktree)
+  (or (getenv "MT_LINKTREE")
+      (if *configdat*
+	  (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "linktree"))))
 (define (common:args-get-runname)
-  (or (args:get-arg "-runname")
-      (args:get-arg ":runname")
-      (getenv "MT_RUNNAME")))
+  (let ((res (or (args:get-arg "-runname")
+		 (args:get-arg ":runname")
+		 (getenv "MT_RUNNAME"))))
+    ;; (if res (set-environment-variable "MT_RUNNAME" res)) ;; not sure if this is a good idea. side effect and all ...
+    res))
 (define (common:args-get-target #!key (split #f))
-  (let* ((keys    (keys:config-get-fields *configdat*))
+  (let* ((keys    (if *configdat* (keys:config-get-fields *configdat*) '()))
 	 (numkeys (length keys))
-	 (target  (if (args:get-arg "-reqtarg")
-		      (args:get-arg "-reqtarg")
-		      (if (args:get-arg "-target")
-			  (args:get-arg "-target")
-			  (getenv "MT_TARGET"))))
+	 (target  (or (args:get-arg "-reqtarg")
+		      (args:get-arg "-target")
+		      (getenv "MT_TARGET")))
 	 (tlist   (if target (string-split target "/" #t) '()))
 	 (valid   (if target
-		      (and (not (null? tlist))
-			   (eq? numkeys (length tlist))
-			   (null? (filter string-null? tlist)))
+		      (or (null? keys) ;; probably don't know our keys yet
+			  (and (not (null? tlist))
+			       (eq? numkeys (length tlist))
+			       (null? (filter string-null? tlist))))
     (if valid
 	(if split
 	(if target
-	      (debug:print 0 "ERROR: Invalid target, spaces or blanks not allowed \"" target "\", target should be: " (string-intersperse keys "/"))
+	      (debug:print 0 "ERROR: Invalid target, spaces or blanks not allowed \"" target "\", target should be: " (string-intersperse keys "/") ", have " tlist " for elements")
 ;; M I S C   L I S T S
@@ -709,11 +719,16 @@
 ;; E N V I R O N M E N T   V A R S
 (define (save-environment-as-files fname #!key (ignorevars (list "USER" "HOME" "DISPLAY" "LS_COLORS" "XKEYSYMDB" "EDITOR" "MAKEFLAGS" "MAKEF" "MAKEOVERRIDES")))
   (let ((envvars (get-environment-variables))
-        (whitesp (regexp "[^a-zA-Z0-9_\\-:,.\\/%$]")))
+        (whitesp (regexp "[^a-zA-Z0-9_\\-:,.\\/%$]"))
+	(mungeval (lambda (val)
+		    (cond
+		     ((eq? val #t) "") ;; convert #t to empty string
+		     ((eq? val #f) #f) ;; convert #f to itself (still thinking about this one
+		     (else val)))))
      (with-output-to-file (conc fname ".csh")
        (lambda ()
           (for-each (lambda (keyval)
 		      (let* ((key   (car keyval))
 			     (val   (cdr keyval))
@@ -721,11 +736,11 @@
 			(print (if (member key ignorevars)
 				   "# setenv "
 				   "setenv ")
-			       key " " delim val delim)))
+			       key " " delim (mungeval val) delim)))
      (with-output-to-file (conc fname ".sh")
        (lambda ()
           (for-each (lambda (keyval)
 		      (let* ((key (car keyval))
@@ -734,11 +749,11 @@
 			(print (if (member key ignorevars)
 				   "# export "
 				   "export ")
-			       key "=" delim val delim)))
+			       key "=" delim (mungeval val) delim)))
 ;; set some env vars from an alist, return an alist with original values
 ;; (("VAR" "value") ...)
 (define (alist->env-vars lst)

Index: configf.scm
--- configf.scm
+++ configf.scm
@@ -99,10 +99,12 @@
 		;; (print "fullcmd=" fullcmd)
 		   (debug:print 0 "WARNING: failed to process config input \"" l "\"")
+		   (debug:print 0 " message: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))
+		   ;; (print "exn=" (condition->list exn))
 		   (set! result (conc "#{( " cmdtype ") " cmd"}")))
 		 (if (or allow-system
 			 (not (member cmdtype '("system" "shell"))))
 		     (with-input-from-string fullcmd
 		       (lambda ()
@@ -159,11 +161,18 @@
 			(configf:process-line inl ht allow-processing)))))
 	    (if (and (string? res)
 		     (not (equal? (hash-table-ref/default settings "trim-trailing-spaces" "no") "no")))
 		(string-substitute "\\s+$" "" res)
+(define (calc-allow-system allow-system section sections)
+  (if sections
+      (and (or (equal? "default" section)
+	       (member section sections))
+	   allow-system) ;; account for sections and return allow-system as it might be a symbol such as return-strings
+      allow-system))
 ;; read a config file, returns hash table of alists
 ;; read a config file, returns hash table of alists
 ;; adds to ht if given (must be #f otherwise)
 ;; envion-patt is a regex spec that identifies sections that will be eval'd
@@ -182,11 +191,11 @@
       (let ((inp        (open-input-file path))
 	    (res        (if (not ht)(make-hash-table) ht))
 	    (metapath   (if (or (debug:debug-mode 9)
 			    path #f)))
-	(let loop ((inl               (configf:read-line inp res allow-system settings)) ;; (read-line inp))
+	(let loop ((inl               (configf:read-line inp res (calc-allow-system allow-system curr-section sections) settings)) ;; (read-line inp))
 		   (curr-section-name (if curr-section curr-section "default"))
 		   (var-flag #f);; turn on for key-var-pr and cont-ln-rx, turn off elsewhere
 		   (lead     #f))
 	  (debug:print-info 8 "curr-section-name: " curr-section-name " var-flag: " var-flag "\n   inl: \"" inl "\"")
 	  (if (eof-object? inl) 
@@ -195,15 +204,15 @@
 		(hash-table-delete! res "") ;; we are using "" as a dumping ground and must remove it before returning the ht
 		(debug:print 9 "END: " path)
-	       (configf:comment-rx _                  (loop (configf:read-line inp res allow-system settings) curr-section-name #f #f))
-	       (configf:blank-l-rx _                  (loop (configf:read-line inp res allow-system settings) curr-section-name #f #f))
+	       (configf:comment-rx _                  (loop (configf:read-line inp res (calc-allow-system allow-system curr-section-name sections) settings) curr-section-name #f #f))
+	       (configf:blank-l-rx _                  (loop (configf:read-line inp res (calc-allow-system allow-system curr-section-name sections) settings) curr-section-name #f #f))
 	       (configf:settings   ( x setting val  ) (begin
 							(hash-table-set! settings setting val)
-							(loop (configf:read-line inp res allow-system settings) curr-section-name #f #f)))
+							(loop (configf:read-line inp res (calc-allow-system allow-system curr-section-name sections) settings) curr-section-name #f #f)))
 	       (configf:include-rx ( x include-file ) (let* ((curr-conf-dir (pathname-directory path))
 							     (full-conf     (if (absolute-pathname? include-file)
 										 (conc (if curr-conf-dir
@@ -214,31 +223,31 @@
 							      ;; (push-directory conf-dir)
 							      (debug:print 9 "Including: " full-conf)
 							      (read-config full-conf res allow-system environ-patt: environ-patt curr-section: curr-section-name sections: sections settings: settings keep-filenames: keep-filenames)
 							      ;; (pop-directory)
-							      (loop (configf:read-line inp res allow-system settings) curr-section-name #f #f))
+							      (loop (configf:read-line inp res (calc-allow-system allow-system curr-section-name sections) settings) curr-section-name #f #f))
 							      (debug:print '(2 9) "INFO: include file " include-file " not found (called from " path ")")
 							      (debug:print 2 "        " full-conf)
-							      (loop (configf:read-line inp res allow-system settings) curr-section-name #f #f)))))
+							      (loop (configf:read-line inp res (calc-allow-system allow-system curr-section-name sections) settings) curr-section-name #f #f)))))
 	       (configf:section-rx ( x section-name ) (begin
 							;; call post-section-procs
 							 (lambda (dat)
 							   (let ((patt (car dat))
 								 (proc (cdr dat)))
 							     (if (string-match patt curr-section-name)
 								 (proc curr-section-name section-name res path))))
-							(loop (configf:read-line inp res allow-system settings)
+							(loop (configf:read-line inp res (calc-allow-system allow-system curr-section-name sections) settings)
 							      ;; if we have the sections list then force all settings into "" and delete it later?
 							      (if (or (not sections) 
 								      (member section-name sections))
 								  section-name "") ;; stick everything into ""
 							      #f #f)))
-	       (configf:key-sys-pr ( x key cmd      ) (if allow-system
+	       (configf:key-sys-pr ( x key cmd      ) (if (calc-allow-system allow-system curr-section-name sections)
 							  (let ((alist    (hash-table-ref/default res curr-section-name '()))
 								(val-proc (lambda ()
 									    (let* ((start-time (current-seconds))
 										   (cmdres     (process:cmd-run->list cmd))
 										   (delta      (- (current-seconds) start-time))
@@ -256,17 +265,24 @@
 										  (string-intersperse res " "))))))
 							    (hash-table-set! res curr-section-name 
 									     (config:assoc-safe-add alist
-												    (case allow-system
+												    (case (calc-allow-system allow-system curr-section-name sections)
 												      ((return-procs) val-proc)
 												      ((return-string) cmd)
 												      (else (val-proc)))
 												    metadata: metapath))
-							    (loop (configf:read-line inp res allow-system settings) curr-section-name #f #f))
-							  (loop (configf:read-line inp res allow-system settings) curr-section-name #f #f)))
+							    (loop (configf:read-line inp res (calc-allow-system allow-system curr-section-name sections) settings) curr-section-name #f #f))
+							  (loop (configf:read-line inp res (calc-allow-system allow-system curr-section-name sections) settings) curr-section-name #f #f)))
+	       (configf:key-no-val ( x key val)            (let* ((alist   (hash-table-ref/default res curr-section-name '()))
+								  (fval    (or (if (string? val) val #f) ""))) ;; fval should be either "" or " " (one or more spaces)
+							     (debug:print 10 "   setting: [" curr-section-name "] " key " = #t")
+							     (safe-setenv key fval)
+							     (hash-table-set! res curr-section-name 
+									      (config:assoc-safe-add alist key fval metadata: metapath))
+							     (loop (configf:read-line inp res (calc-allow-system allow-system curr-section-name sections) settings) curr-section-name key #f)))
 	       (configf:key-val-pr ( x key unk1 val unk2 ) (let* ((alist   (hash-table-ref/default res curr-section-name '()))
 								  (envar   (and environ-patt (string-search (regexp environ-patt) curr-section-name)))
 								  (realval (if envar
 									       (config:eval-string-in-environment val)
@@ -273,16 +289,11 @@
 							     (debug:print-info 6 "read-config env setting, envar: " envar " realval: " realval " val: " val " key: " key " curr-section-name: " curr-section-name)
 							     (if envar (safe-setenv key realval))
 							     (debug:print 10 "   setting: [" curr-section-name "] " key " = " val)
 							     (hash-table-set! res curr-section-name 
 									      (config:assoc-safe-add alist key realval metadata: metapath))
-							     (loop (configf:read-line inp res allow-system settings) curr-section-name key #f)))
-	       (configf:key-no-val ( x key val)             (let* ((alist   (hash-table-ref/default res curr-section-name '())))
-							      (debug:print 10 "   setting: [" curr-section-name "] " key " = #t")
-							      (hash-table-set! res curr-section-name 
-									       (config:assoc-safe-add alist key #t metadata: metapath))
-							      (loop (configf:read-line inp res allow-system settings) curr-section-name key #f)))
+							     (loop (configf:read-line inp res (calc-allow-system allow-system curr-section-name sections) settings) curr-section-name key #f)))
 	       ;; if a continued line
 	       (configf:cont-ln-rx ( x whsp val     ) (let ((alist (hash-table-ref/default res curr-section-name '())))
 						(if var-flag             ;; if set to a string then we have a continued var
 						    (let ((newval (conc 
 								   (config-lookup res curr-section-name var-flag) "\n"
@@ -292,15 +303,15 @@
 						      ;; (print "val: " val "\nnewval: \"" newval "\"\nvarflag: " var-flag)
 						      (hash-table-set! res curr-section-name 
 								       (config:assoc-safe-add alist var-flag newval metadata: metapath))
-						      (loop (configf:read-line inp res allow-system settings) curr-section-name var-flag (if lead lead whsp)))
-						    (loop (configf:read-line inp res allow-system settings) curr-section-name #f #f))))
+						      (loop (configf:read-line inp res (calc-allow-system allow-system curr-section-name sections) settings) curr-section-name var-flag (if lead lead whsp)))
+						    (loop (configf:read-line inp res (calc-allow-system allow-system curr-section-name sections) settings) curr-section-name #f #f))))
 	       (else (debug:print 0 "ERROR: problem parsing " path ",\n   \"" inl "\"")
 		     (set! var-flag #f)
-		     (loop (configf:read-line inp res allow-system settings) curr-section-name #f #f))))))))
+		     (loop (configf:read-line inp res (calc-allow-system allow-system curr-section-name sections) settings) curr-section-name #f #f))))))))
 ;; pathenvvar will set the named var to the path of the config
 (define (find-and-read-config fname #!key (environ-patt #f)(given-toppath #f)(pathenvvar #f))
   (let* ((curr-dir   (current-directory))
          (configinfo (find-config fname toppath: given-toppath))

Index: dashboard-tests.scm
--- dashboard-tests.scm
+++ dashboard-tests.scm
@@ -235,11 +235,11 @@
 ;; if there is a submegatest create a button to launch dashboard in that area
 (define (submegatest-panel dbstruct keydat testdat runname testconfig)
   (let* ((subarea (configf:lookup testconfig "setup" "submegatest"))
 	 (area-exists (and subarea (file-exists? subarea))))
-    (debug:print-info 0 "Megatest subarea=" subarea ", area-exists=" area-exists)
+    ;; (debug:print-info 0 "Megatest subarea=" subarea ", area-exists=" area-exists)
     (if subarea
 	 #:title "Megatest Run Info" ; #:expand "YES"
 	  "Launch Dashboard"

Index: dashboard.scm
--- dashboard.scm
+++ dashboard.scm
@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@
 (import (prefix iup iup:))
 (use canvas-draw)
 (import canvas-draw-iup)
-(use sqlite3 srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69)
+(use sqlite3 srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69 defstruct sparse-vectors)
 (import (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:))
 (declare (uses common))
 (declare (uses margs))
 (declare (uses keys))
@@ -81,72 +81,189 @@
 (if (args:get-arg "-h")
       (print help)
-(if (not (launch:setup-for-run))
+(if (not (launch:setup))
       (print "Failed to find megatest.config, exiting") 
       (exit 1)))
-(define *useserver* (cond
-		     ((args:get-arg "-use-local") #f)
-		     ((configf:lookup *configdat* "dashboard" "use-server")
-		      (let ((ans (config:lookup *configdat* "dashboard" "use-server")))
-			(if (equal? ans "yes") #t #f)))
-		     (else #t)))
-(define *dbdir* (db:dbfile-path #f)) ;; (conc (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "linktree") "/.db"))
-(define *dbstruct-local*  (make-dbr:dbstruct path:  *dbdir*
-					     local: #t))
-(define *db-file-path* (db:dbfile-path 0))
+;; create a stuct for all the miscellaneous state
+(defstruct d:alldat 
+  allruns 
+  allruns-by-id
+  buttondat 
+  curr-tab-num
+  dbdir
+  dbfpath
+  dbkeys 
+  dblocal
+  header      
+  hide-empty-runs
+  hide-not-hide  ;; toggle for hide/not hide
+  hide-not-hide-button
+  hide-not-hide-tabs
+  item-test-names
+  keys
+  last-db-update 
+  num-tests
+  numruns
+  please-update  
+  ro
+  searchpatts
+  start-run-offset
+  start-test-offset
+  state-ignore-hash
+  status-ignore-hash
+  tot-runs   
+  update-mutex
+  updaters
+  updating
+  useserver  
+ )
+(define *alldat* (make-d:alldat
+		  header: #f 
+		  allruns: '()
+		  allruns-by-id: (make-hash-table)
+		  buttondat: (make-hash-table)
+		  searchpatts: (make-hash-table)
+		  numruns: 16
+		  last-db-update: 0
+		  please-update: #t
+		  updating: #f
+		  update-mutex: (make-mutex)
+		  item-test-names: '()
+		  num-tests: 15
+		  start-run-offset: 0
+		  start-test-offset: 0
+		  status-ignore-hash: (make-hash-table)
+		  state-ignore-hash: (make-hash-table)
+		  hide-empty-runs: #f
+		  hide-not-hide: #t
+		  hide-not-hide-button: #f
+		  hide-not-hide-tabs: #f
+		  curr-tab-num: 0
+		  updaters: (make-hash-table)
+		  ))
+;; simple two dimentional sparse array
+(define (make-sparse-array)
+  (let ((a (make-sparse-vector)))
+    (sparse-vector-set! a 0 (make-sparse-vector))
+    a))
+(define (sparse-array? a)
+  (and (sparse-vector? a)
+       (sparse-vector? (sparse-vector-ref a 0))))
+(define (sparse-array-ref a x y)
+  (let ((row (sparse-vector-ref a x)))
+    (if row
+	(sparse-vector-ref row y)
+	#f)))
+(define (sparse-array-set! a x y val)
+  (let ((row (sparse-vector-ref a x)))
+    (if row
+	(sparse-vector-set! row y val)
+	(let ((new-row (make-sparse-vector)))
+	  (sparse-vector-set! a x new-row)
+	  (sparse-vector-set! new-row y val)))))
+;; data for runs, tests etc
+(defstruct d:rundat
+  ;; new system
+  runs-index    ;; target/runname => colnum
+  tests-index   ;; testname/itempath => rownum
+  matrix-dat    ;; vector of vectors rows/cols
+  )
+(define (d:rundat-make-init)
+  (make-d:rundat
+   runs-index: (make-hash-table)
+   tests-index: (make-hash-table)
+   matrix-dat: (make-sparse-array)))
+(defstruct d:testdat
+  id       ;; testid
+  state    ;; test state
+  status   ;; test status
+  )
+(define (d:rundat-get-col-num dat target runname force-set)
+  (let* ((runs-index (d:rundat-runs-index dat))
+	 (col-name   (conc target "/" runname))
+	 (res        (hash-table-ref/default runs-index col-name #f)))
+    (if res
+	res
+	(if force-set
+	    (let ((max-col-num (+ 1 (apply max -1 (hash-table-values runs-index)))))
+	      (hash-table-set! runs-index col-name max-col-num)
+	      max-col-num)))))
+(define (d:rundat-get-row-num dat testname itempath force-set)
+  (let* ((tests-index (d:rundat-runs-index dat))
+	 (row-name    (conc testname "/" itempath))
+	 (res         (hash-table-ref/default runs-index row-name #f)))
+    (if res
+	res
+	(if force-set
+	    (let ((max-row-num (+ 1 (apply max -1 (hash-table-values tests-index)))))
+	      (hash-table-set! runs-index row-name max-row-num)
+	      max-row-num)))))
+;; default is to NOT set the cell if the column and row names are not pre-existing
+(define (d:rundat-set-test-cell dat target runname testname itempath test-id state status #!key (force-set #f))
+  (let* ((col-num  (d:rundat-get-col-num dat target runname force-set))
+	 (row-num  (d:rundat-get-row-num dat testname itempath force-set)))
+    (if (and row-num col-num)
+	(let ((tdat (d:testdat 
+		     id: test-id
+		     state: state
+		     status: status)))
+	  (sparse-array-set! (d:rundat-matrix-dat dat) col-num row-num tdat)
+	  tdat)
+	#f)))
+(d:alldat-useserver-set! *alldat* (cond
+				   ((args:get-arg "-use-local") #f)
+				   ((configf:lookup *configdat* "dashboard" "use-server")
+				    (let ((ans (config:lookup *configdat* "dashboard" "use-server")))
+				      (if (equal? ans "yes") #t #f)))
+				   (else #t)))
+(d:alldat-dbdir-set! *alldat* (db:dbfile-path #f)) ;; (conc (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "linktree") "/.db"))
+(d:alldat-dblocal-set! *alldat* (make-dbr:dbstruct path:  (d:alldat-dbdir *alldat*)
+						   local: #t))
+(d:alldat-dbfpath-set! *alldat* (db:dbfile-path 0))
 ;; HACK ALERT: this is a hack, please fix.
-(define *read-only* (not (file-read-access? *db-file-path*)))
-(define toplevel #f)
-(define dlg      #f)
-(define max-test-num 0)
-(define *keys*   (if *useserver*
-		     (rmt:get-keys)
-		     (db:get-keys *dbstruct-local*)))
-(define *dbkeys*  (append *keys* (list "runname")))
-(define *header*       #f)
-(define *allruns*     '())
-(define *allruns-by-id* (make-hash-table)) ;; 
-(define *runchangerate* (make-hash-table))
-(define *buttondat*    (make-hash-table)) ;; <run-id color text test run-key>
-(define *alltestnamelst* '())
-(define *searchpatts*  (make-hash-table))
-(define *num-runs*      8)
-(define *tot-run-count* (if *useserver*
-			    (rmt:get-num-runs "%")
-			    (db:get-num-runs *dbstruct-local* "%")))
-;; (define *tot-run-count* (db:get-num-runs *dbstruct-local* "%"))
-;; Update management
-(define *last-update*   (current-seconds))
-(define *last-db-update-time* 0)
-(define *please-update-buttons* #t)
-(define *delayed-update* 0)
-(define *update-is-running* #f)
-(define *update-mutex* (make-mutex))
-(define *all-item-test-names* '())
-(define *num-tests*     15)
-(define *start-run-offset*  0)
-(define *start-test-offset* 0)
-(define *examine-test-dat* (make-hash-table))
+(d:alldat-ro-set! *alldat* (not (file-read-access? (d:alldat-dbfpath *alldat*))))
+(d:alldat-keys-set! *alldat* (if (d:alldat-useserver *alldat*)
+				 (rmt:get-keys)
+				 (db:get-keys (d:alldat-dblocal *alldat*))))
+(d:alldat-dbkeys-set! *alldat* (append (d:alldat-keys *alldat*) (list "runname")))
+(d:alldat-tot-runs-set! *alldat* (if (d:alldat-useserver *alldat*)
+				     (rmt:get-num-runs "%")
+				     (db:get-num-runs (d:alldat-dblocal *alldat*) "%")))
 (define *exit-started* #f)
-(define *status-ignore-hash* (make-hash-table))
-(define *state-ignore-hash*  (make-hash-table))
+;; *updaters* (make-hash-table))
+;; sorting global data (would apply to many testsuites so leave it global for now)
 (define *tests-sort-options* (vector (vector "Sort +a" 'testname   "ASC")
 				     (vector "Sort -a" 'testname   "DESC")
 				     (vector "Sort +t" 'event_time "ASC")
 				     (vector "Sort -t" 'event_time "DESC")
 				     (vector "Sort +s" 'statestatus "ASC")
@@ -174,18 +291,10 @@
 (define (get-curr-sort)
   (vector-ref *tests-sort-options* *tests-sort-reverse*))
-(define *hide-empty-runs* #f)
-(define *hide-not-hide* #t) ;; toggle for hide/not hide
-(define *hide-not-hide-button* #f)
-(define *hide-not-hide-tabs* #f)
-(define *current-tab-number* 0)
-(define *updaters* (make-hash-table))
 (define uidat #f)
 (define-inline (dboard:uidat-get-keycol  vec)(vector-ref vec 0))
@@ -243,20 +352,20 @@
 ;; create a virtual table of all the tests
 ;; keypatts: ( (KEY1 "abc%def")(KEY2 "%") )
 (define (update-rundat runnamepatt numruns testnamepatt keypatts)
   (let* ((referenced-run-ids '())
-	 (allruns     (if *useserver*
-			  (rmt:get-runs runnamepatt numruns *start-run-offset* keypatts)
-			  (db:get-runs *dbstruct-local* runnamepatt numruns ;; (+ numruns 1) ;; (/ numruns 2))
-				      *start-run-offset* keypatts)))
+	 (allruns     (if (d:alldat-useserver *alldat*)
+			  (rmt:get-runs runnamepatt numruns (d:alldat-start-run-offset *alldat*) keypatts)
+			  (db:get-runs (d:alldat-dblocal *alldat*) runnamepatt numruns ;; (+ numruns 1) ;; (/ numruns 2))
+				      (d:alldat-start-run-offset *alldat*) keypatts)))
 	 (header      (db:get-header allruns))
 	 (runs        (db:get-rows   allruns))
 	 (result      '())
 	 (maxtests    0)
-	 (states      (hash-table-keys *state-ignore-hash*))
-	 (statuses    (hash-table-keys *status-ignore-hash*))
+	 (states      (hash-table-keys (d:alldat-state-ignore-hash *alldat*)))
+	 (statuses    (hash-table-keys (d:alldat-status-ignore-hash *alldat*)))
 	 (sort-info   (get-curr-sort))
 	 (sort-by     (vector-ref sort-info 1))
 	 (sort-order  (vector-ref sort-info 2))
 	 (bubble-type (if (member sort-order '(testname))
@@ -264,28 +373,28 @@
     ;; trim runs to only those that are changing often here
     (for-each (lambda (run)
 		(let* ((run-id      (db:get-value-by-header run header "id"))
-		       (key-vals    (if *useserver* 
+		       (key-vals    (if (d:alldat-useserver *alldat*) 
 					(rmt:get-key-vals run-id)
-					(db:get-key-vals *dbstruct-local* run-id)))
-		       (prev-dat    (let ((rec (hash-table-ref/default *allruns-by-id* run-id #f)))
+					(db:get-key-vals (d:alldat-dblocal *alldat*) run-id)))
+		       (prev-dat    (let ((rec (hash-table-ref/default (d:alldat-allruns-by-id *alldat*) run-id #f)))
 				      (if rec rec (vector run '() key-vals -100)))) ;; -100 is before time began
 		       (prev-tests  (vector-ref prev-dat 1))
 		       (last-update (vector-ref prev-dat 3))
-		       (tmptests    (if *useserver*
+		       (tmptests    (if (d:alldat-useserver *alldat*)
 					(rmt:get-tests-for-run run-id testnamepatt states statuses
 							       #f #f
-							       *hide-not-hide*
+							       (d:alldat-hide-not-hide *alldat*)
-					(db:get-tests-for-run *dbstruct-local* run-id testnamepatt states statuses
+					(db:get-tests-for-run (d:alldat-dblocal *alldat*) run-id testnamepatt states statuses
 							      #f #f
-							      *hide-not-hide*
+							      (d:alldat-hide-not-hide *alldat*)
 		       (tests       (let ((newdat (filter
@@ -295,32 +404,28 @@
 								      (lambda (a b)
 									(eq? (db:test-get-id a)(db:test-get-id b)))))))
 				      (if (eq? *tests-sort-reverse* 3) ;; +event_time
 					(sort newdat compare-tests)
-		  ;; NOTE: bubble-up also sets the global *all-item-test-names*
+		  ;; NOTE: bubble-up also sets the global (d:alldat-item-test-names *alldat*)
 		  ;; (tests       (bubble-up tmptests priority: bubble-type))
 		  ;; NOTE: 11/01/2013 This routine is *NOT* getting called excessively.
 		  ;; (debug:print 0 "Getting data for run " run-id " with key-vals=" key-vals)
 		  ;; Not sure this is needed?
 		  (set! referenced-run-ids (cons run-id referenced-run-ids))
 		  (if (> (length tests) maxtests)
 		      (set! maxtests (length tests)))
-		  (if (or (not *hide-empty-runs*) ;; this reduces the data burden when set
+		  (if (or (not (d:alldat-hide-empty-runs *alldat*)) ;; this reduces the data burden when set
 			  (not (null? tests)))
 		      (let ((dstruct (vector run tests key-vals (- (current-seconds) 10))))
-			;;
-			;; compare the tests with the tests in *allruns-by-id* same run-id 
-			;; if different then increment value in *runchangerate*
-			;;
-			(hash-table-set! *allruns-by-id* run-id dstruct)
+			(hash-table-set! (d:alldat-allruns-by-id *alldat*) run-id dstruct)
 			(set! result (cons dstruct result))))))
-    (set! *header*  header)
-    (set! *allruns* result)
-    (debug:print-info 6 "*allruns* has " (length *allruns*) " runs")
+    (d:alldat-header-set! *alldat* header)
+    (d:alldat-allruns-set! *alldat* result)
+    (debug:print-info 6 "(d:alldat-allruns *alldat*) has " (length (d:alldat-allruns *alldat*)) " runs")
 (define *collapsed* (make-hash-table))
 ; (define *row-lookup* (make-hash-table)) ;; testname => (rownum lableobj)
@@ -444,30 +549,30 @@
 		   (hash-table-set! tests tname (cons testdat (hash-table-ref/default tests tname '())))
 		   ;; This is item, append it
 		   (hash-table-set! tests tname (append (hash-table-ref/default tests tname '())(list testdat))))))
 	  ;; Set all tests with items 
-	  (set! *all-item-test-names* (append (if (null? tnames)
-						  '()
-						  (filter (lambda (tname)
-							    (let ((tlst (hash-table-ref tests tname)))
-							      (and (list tlst)
-								   (> (length tlst) 1))))
-							  tnames))
-					      *all-item-test-names*))
+	  (d:alldat-item-test-names-set! *alldat* (append (if (null? tnames)
+							      '()
+							      (filter (lambda (tname)
+									(let ((tlst (hash-table-ref tests tname)))
+									  (and (list tlst)
+									       (> (length tlst) 1))))
+								      tnames))
+							  (d:alldat-item-test-names *alldat*)))
 	  (let loop ((hed (car tnames))
 		     (tal (cdr tnames))
 		     (res '()))
 	    (let ((newres (append res (hash-table-ref tests hed))))
 	      (if (null? tal)
 		  (loop (car tal)(cdr tal) newres))))))))
 (define (update-buttons uidat numruns numtests)
-  (let* ((runs        (if (> (length *allruns*) numruns)
-			  (take-right *allruns* numruns)
-			  (pad-list *allruns* numruns)))
+  (let* ((runs        (if (> (length (d:alldat-allruns *alldat*)) numruns)
+			  (take-right (d:alldat-allruns *alldat*) numruns)
+			  (pad-list (d:alldat-allruns *alldat*) numruns)))
 	 (lftcol      (dboard:uidat-get-lftcol uidat))
 	 (tableheader (dboard:uidat-get-header uidat))
 	 (table       (dboard:uidat-get-runsvec uidat))
 	 (coln        0))
     (set! *alltestnamelst* '())
@@ -475,36 +580,36 @@
      (lambda (rundat)
        (if (vector? rundat)
 	   (let* ((testdat   (vector-ref rundat 1))
 		  (testnames (map test:test-get-fullname testdat)))
-	     (if (not (and *hide-empty-runs*
+	     (if (not (and (d:alldat-hide-empty-runs *alldat*)
 			   (null? testnames)))
 		 (for-each (lambda (testname)
 			     (if (not (member testname *alltestnamelst*))
 				   (set! *alltestnamelst* (append *alltestnamelst* (list testname))))))
     (set! *alltestnamelst* (collapse-rows *alltestnamelst*)) ;;; argh. please clean up this sillyness
-    (set! *alltestnamelst* (let ((xl (if (> (length *alltestnamelst*) *start-test-offset*)
-					 (drop *alltestnamelst* *start-test-offset*)
+    (set! *alltestnamelst* (let ((xl (if (> (length *alltestnamelst*) (d:alldat-start-test-offset *alldat*))
+					 (drop *alltestnamelst* (d:alldat-start-test-offset *alldat*))
-			     (append xl (make-list (- *num-tests* (length xl)) ""))))
+			     (append xl (make-list (- (d:alldat-num-tests *alldat*) (length xl)) ""))))
     (update-labels uidat)
      (lambda (rundat)
        (if (not rundat) ;; handle padded runs
 	   ;;           ;; id run-id testname state status event-time host cpuload diskfree uname rundir item-path run-duration
-	   (set! rundat (vector (make-vector 20 #f) '() (map (lambda (x) "") *keys*))));; 3)))
+	   (set! rundat (vector (make-vector 20 #f) '() (map (lambda (x) "") (d:alldat-keys *alldat*)))));; 3)))
        (let* ((run      (vector-ref rundat 0))
 	      (testsdat (vector-ref rundat 1))
 	      (key-val-dat (vector-ref rundat 2))
-	      (run-id   (db:get-value-by-header run *header* "id"))
+	      (run-id   (db:get-value-by-header run (d:alldat-header *alldat*) "id"))
 	      (key-vals (append key-val-dat
-				(list (let ((x (db:get-value-by-header run *header* "runname")))
+				(list (let ((x (db:get-value-by-header run (d:alldat-header *alldat*) "runname")))
 					(if x x "")))))
 	      (run-key  (string-intersperse key-vals "\n")))
 	 ;; fill in the run header key values
 	 (let ((rown      0)
@@ -519,11 +624,11 @@
 	 ;; For this run now fill in the buttons for each test
 	 (let ((rown 0)
 	       (columndat  (vector-ref table coln)))
 	    (lambda (testname)
-	      (let ((buttondat  (hash-table-ref/default *buttondat* (mkstr coln rown) #f)))
+	      (let ((buttondat  (hash-table-ref/default (d:alldat-buttondat *alldat*) (mkstr coln rown) #f)))
 		(if buttondat
 		    (let* ((test       (let ((matching (filter 
 							(lambda (x)(equal? (test:test-get-fullname x) testname))
 					 (if (null? matching)
@@ -564,29 +669,28 @@
 (define (mkstr . x)
   (string-intersperse (map conc x) ","))
 (define (set-bg-on-filter)
   (let ((search-changed (not (null? (filter (lambda (key)
-					      (not (equal? (hash-table-ref *searchpatts* key) "%")))
-					    (hash-table-keys *searchpatts*)))))
-	(state-changed  (not (null? (hash-table-keys *state-ignore-hash*))))
-	(status-changed (not (null? (hash-table-keys *status-ignore-hash*)))))
-    (iup:attribute-set! *hide-not-hide-tabs* "BGCOLOR"
+					      (not (equal? (hash-table-ref (d:alldat-searchpatts *alldat*) key) "%")))
+					    (hash-table-keys (d:alldat-searchpatts *alldat*))))))
+	(state-changed  (not (null? (hash-table-keys (d:alldat-state-ignore-hash *alldat*)))))
+	(status-changed (not (null? (hash-table-keys (d:alldat-status-ignore-hash *alldat*))))))
+    (iup:attribute-set! (d:alldat-hide-not-hide-tabs *alldat*) "BGCOLOR"
 			(if (or search-changed
 			    "190 180 190"
 			    "190 190 190"
 (define (update-search x val)
-  (hash-table-set! *searchpatts* x val)
+  (hash-table-set! (d:alldat-searchpatts *alldat*) x val)
 (define (mark-for-update)
-  (set! *last-db-update-time* 0)
-  (set! *delayed-update* 1))
+  (d:alldat-last-db-update-set! *alldat* 0))
 ;; R U N C O N T R O L
@@ -632,13 +736,13 @@
 		(iup:attribute-set! lb "VALUE" newval)
 (define (dashboard:update-target-selector key-lbs #!key (action-proc #f))
   (let* ((runconf-targs (common:get-runconfig-targets))
-	 (db-target-dat (if *useserver* 
+	 (db-target-dat (if (d:alldat-useserver *alldat*) 
-			    (db:get-targets *dbstruct-local*)))
+			    (db:get-targets (d:alldat-dblocal *alldat*))))
 	 (header        (vector-ref db-target-dat 0))
 	 (db-targets    (vector-ref db-target-dat 1))
 	 (all-targets   (append db-targets
 				(map (lambda (x)
@@ -757,11 +861,11 @@
       ;; (canvas-origin-set! cnv 0 (- (/ sizey 2)))
       (if (hash-table-ref/default tests-draw-state 'first-time #t)
 	    (hash-table-set! tests-draw-state 'first-time #f)
 	    (hash-table-set! tests-draw-state 'scalef 1)
-	    (hash-table-set! tests-draw-state 'dotscale 60)
+	    (hash-table-set! tests-draw-state 'dotscale 10.5)
 	    (hash-table-set! tests-draw-state 'tests-info (make-hash-table))
 	    (hash-table-set! tests-draw-state 'selected-tests (make-hash-table))
 	    ;; set these 
 	    (hash-table-set! tests-draw-state 'test-browse-xoffset 20) ;; (- 0 (* (/ sizex 2) (* 8 xadj))))
 	    (hash-table-set! tests-draw-state 'test-browse-yoffset 20) ;; (- 0 (* (/ sizey 2) (* 8 (- 1 yadj)))))))
@@ -799,11 +903,11 @@
     ;; (hash-table-set! tests-draw-state 'scalef 1)
     ;; (hash-table-set! tests-draw-state 'dotscale 60)
     (tests:get-full-data test-names test-records '() all-tests-registry)
     (set! sorted-testnames (tests:sort-by-priority-and-waiton test-records))
-    ;; refer to *keys*, *dbkeys* for keys
+    ;; refer to (d:alldat-keys *alldat*), (d:alldat-dbkeys *alldat*) for keys
      ;; The command line display/exectution control
       #:title "Command to be exectuted"
@@ -868,13 +972,13 @@
 					    (iup:attribute-set! tb "VALUE" val)
 					    (dboard:data-set-run-name! *data* val)
 		(refresh-runs-list (lambda ()
 				     (let* ((target        (dboard:data-get-target-string *data*))
-					    (runs-for-targ (if *useserver*
-							       (rmt:get-runs-by-patt *keys* "%" target #f #f #f)
-							       (db:get-runs-by-patt *dbstruct-local* *keys* "%" target #f #f #f)))
+					    (runs-for-targ (if (d:alldat-useserver *alldat*)
+							       (rmt:get-runs-by-patt (d:alldat-keys *alldat*) "%" target #f #f #f)
+							       (db:get-runs-by-patt (d:alldat-dblocal *alldat*) (d:alldat-keys *alldat*) "%" target #f #f #f)))
 					    (runs-header   (vector-ref runs-for-targ 0))
 					    (runs-dat      (vector-ref runs-for-targ 1))
 					    (run-names     (cons default-run-name 
 								 (map (lambda (x)
 									(db:get-value-by-header x runs-header "runname"))
@@ -1089,32 +1193,207 @@
 ;; R U N
 ;; display and manage a single run at a time
-(define (tree-path->run-id path)
+(define (tree-path->run-id data path)
   (if (not (null? path))
-      (hash-table-ref/default (dboard:data-get-path-run-ids *data*) path #f)
+      (hash-table-ref/default (d:data-path-run-ids data) path #f)
 (define dashboard:update-run-summary-tab #f)
-;; (define (tests window-id)
-(define (dashboard:one-run db)
+;; This is the Run Summary tab
+(define (dashboard:one-run db data)
+  (let* ((tb      (iup:treebox
+		   #:value 0
+		   #:name "Runs"
+		   #:expand "YES"
+		   #:addexpanded "NO"
+		   #:selection-cb
+		   (lambda (obj id state)
+		     ;; (print "obj: " obj ", id: " id ", state: " state)
+		     (let* ((run-path (tree:node->path obj id))
+			    (run-id   (tree-path->run-id data (cdr run-path))))
+		       (if (number? run-id)
+			   (begin
+			     (d:data-curr-run-id-set! data run-id)
+			     (dashboard:update-run-summary-tab))
+			   (debug:print 0 "ERROR: tree-path->run-id returned non-number " run-id)))
+		       ;; (print "path: " (tree:node->path obj id) " run-id: " run-id)
+		       )))
+	 (cell-lookup (make-hash-table))
+	 (run-matrix (iup:matrix
+		      #:expand "YES"
+		      #:click-cb
+		      (lambda (obj lin col status)
+			(let* ((toolpath (car (argv)))
+			       (key      (conc lin ":" col))
+			       (test-id  (hash-table-ref/default cell-lookup key -1))
+			       (cmd      (conc toolpath " -test " (d:data-curr-run-id data) "," test-id "&")))
+			  (system cmd)))))
+	 (updater  (lambda ()
+		     (let* ((runs-dat     (if (d:alldat-useserver *alldat*)
+					      (rmt:get-runs-by-patt (d:alldat-keys *alldat*) "%" #f #f #f #f)
+					      (db:get-runs-by-patt db (d:alldat-keys *alldat*) "%" #f #f #f #f)))
+			    (runs-header  (vector-ref runs-dat 0)) ;; 0 is header, 1 is list of records
+			    (run-id       (d:data-curr-run-id data))
+			    (last-update  0) ;; fix me
+			    (tests-dat    (let ((tdat (if run-id
+							  (if (d:alldat-useserver *alldat*)
+							      (rmt:get-tests-for-run run-id 
+										     (hash-table-ref/default (d:alldat-searchpatts *alldat*) "test-name" "%/%")
+										     (hash-table-keys (d:alldat-state-ignore-hash *alldat*)) ;; '()
+										     (hash-table-keys (d:alldat-status-ignore-hash *alldat*)) ;; '()
+										     #f #f
+										     (d:alldat-hide-not-hide *alldat*)
+										     #f #f
+										     "id,testname,item_path,state,status"
+										     last-update) ;; get 'em all
+							      (db:get-tests-for-run db run-id 
+										    (hash-table-ref/default (d:alldat-searchpatts *alldat*) "test-name" "%/%")
+										    (hash-table-keys (d:alldat-state-ignore-hash *alldat*)) ;; '()
+										    (hash-table-keys (d:alldat-status-ignore-hash *alldat*)) ;; '()
+										    #f #f
+										    (d:alldat-hide-not-hide *alldat*)
+										    #f #f
+										    "id,testname,item_path,state,status"
+										    last-update))
+							  '()))) ;; get 'em all
+					    (sort tdat (lambda (a b)
+							 (let* ((aval (vector-ref a 2))
+								(bval (vector-ref b 2))
+								(anum (string->number aval))
+								(bnum (string->number bval)))
+							   (if (and anum bnum)
+							       (< anum bnum)
+							       (string<= aval bval)))))))
+			    (tests-mindat (dcommon:minimize-test-data tests-dat))
+			    (indices      (common:sparse-list-generate-index tests-mindat)) ;;  proc: set-cell))
+			    (row-indices  (cadr indices))
+			    (col-indices  (car indices))
+			    (max-row      (if (null? row-indices) 1 (common:max (map cadr row-indices))))
+			    (max-col      (if (null? col-indices) 1 (common:max (map cadr col-indices))))
+			    (max-visible  (max (- (d:alldat-num-tests *alldat*) 15) 3)) ;; (d:alldat-num-tests *alldat*) is proportional to the size of the window
+			    (numrows      1)
+			    (numcols      1)
+			    (changed      #f)
+			    (runs-hash    (let ((ht (make-hash-table)))
+					    (for-each (lambda (run)
+							(hash-table-set! ht (db:get-value-by-header run runs-header "id") run))
+						      (vector-ref runs-dat 1))
+					    ht))
+			    (run-ids      (sort (filter number? (hash-table-keys runs-hash))
+						(lambda (a b)
+						  (let* ((record-a (hash-table-ref runs-hash a))
+							 (record-b (hash-table-ref runs-hash b))
+							 (time-a   (db:get-value-by-header record-a runs-header "event_time"))
+							 (time-b   (db:get-value-by-header record-b runs-header "event_time")))
+						    (< time-a time-b))))))
+		       ;; (iup:attribute-set! tb "VALUE" "0")
+		       ;; (iup:attribute-set! tb "NAME" "Runs")
+		       ;; Update the runs tree
+		       (for-each (lambda (run-id)
+				   (let* ((run-record (hash-table-ref/default runs-hash run-id #f))
+					  (key-vals   (map (lambda (key)(db:get-value-by-header run-record runs-header key))
+							   (d:alldat-keys *alldat*)))
+					  (run-name   (db:get-value-by-header run-record runs-header "runname"))
+					  (col-name   (conc (string-intersperse key-vals "\n") "\n" run-name))
+					  (run-path   (append key-vals (list run-name)))
+					  (existing   (tree:find-node tb run-path)))
+				     (if (not (hash-table-ref/default (d:data-path-run-ids data) run-path #f))
+					 (begin
+					   (hash-table-set! (d:data-run-keys data) run-id run-path)
+					   ;; (iup:attribute-set! (dboard:data-get-runs-matrix *data*)
+					   ;;    		 (conc rownum ":" colnum) col-name)
+					   ;; (hash-table-set! runid-to-col run-id (list colnum run-record))
+					   ;; Here we update the tests treebox and tree keys
+					   (tree:add-node tb "Runs" run-path ;; (append key-vals (list run-name))
+							  userdata: (conc "run-id: " run-id))
+					   (hash-table-set! (d:data-path-run-ids data) run-path run-id)
+					   ;; (set! colnum (+ colnum 1))
+					   ))))
+				 run-ids)
+		       (iup:attribute-set! run-matrix "CLEARVALUE" "ALL") ;; NOTE: Was CONTENTS
+		       (iup:attribute-set! run-matrix "CLEARATTRIB" "CONTENTS")
+		       (iup:attribute-set! run-matrix "RESIZEMATRIX" "YES")
+		       (iup:attribute-set! run-matrix "NUMCOL" max-col )
+		       (iup:attribute-set! run-matrix "NUMLIN" (if (< max-row max-visible) max-visible max-row)) ;; min of 20
+		       ;; (iup:attribute-set! run-matrix "NUMCOL_VISIBLE" max-col)
+		       ;; (iup:attribute-set! run-matrix "NUMLIN_VISIBLE" (if (> max-row max-visible) max-visible max-row))
+		       ;; Row labels
+		       (for-each (lambda (ind)
+				   (let* ((name (car ind))
+					  (num  (cadr ind))
+					  (key  (conc num ":0")))
+				     (if (not (equal? (iup:attribute run-matrix key) name))
+					 (begin
+					   (set! changed #t)
+					   (iup:attribute-set! run-matrix key name)))))
+				 row-indices)
+		       ;; Cell contents
+		       (for-each (lambda (entry)
+				   (let* ((row-name  (cadr entry))
+					  (col-name  (car entry))
+					  (valuedat  (caddr entry))
+					  (test-id   (list-ref valuedat 0))
+					  (test-name row-name) ;; (list-ref valuedat 1))
+					  (item-path col-name) ;; (list-ref valuedat 2))
+					  (state     (list-ref valuedat 1))
+					  (status    (list-ref valuedat 2))
+					  (value     (gutils:get-color-for-state-status state status))
+					  (row-num   (cadr (assoc row-name row-indices)))
+					  (col-num   (cadr (assoc col-name col-indices)))
+					  (key       (conc row-num ":" col-num)))
+				     (hash-table-set! cell-lookup key test-id)
+				     (if (not (equal? (iup:attribute run-matrix key) (cadr value)))
+					 (begin
+					   (set! changed #t)
+					   (iup:attribute-set! run-matrix key (cadr value))
+					   (iup:attribute-set! run-matrix (conc "BGCOLOR" key) (car value))))))
+				 tests-mindat)
+		       ;; Col labels - do after setting Cell contents so they are accounted for in the size calc.
+		       (for-each (lambda (ind)
+				   (let* ((name (car ind))
+					  (num  (cadr ind))
+					  (key  (conc "0:" num)))
+				     (if (not (equal? (iup:attribute run-matrix key) name))
+					 (begin
+					   (set! changed #t)
+					   (iup:attribute-set! run-matrix key name)
+					   (iup:attribute-set! run-matrix "FITTOTEXT" (conc "C" num))))))
+				 col-indices)
+		       (if changed (iup:attribute-set! run-matrix "REDRAW" "ALL"))))))
+    (set! dashboard:update-run-summary-tab updater)
+    (d:data-runs-tree-set! data tb)
+    (iup:split
+     tb
+     run-matrix)))
+;; This is the New View tab
+(define (dashboard:new-view db data)
   (let* ((tb      (iup:treebox
 		   #:value 0
 		   #:name "Runs"
 		   #:expand "YES"
 		   #:addexpanded "NO"
 		   (lambda (obj id state)
 		     ;; (print "obj: " obj ", id: " id ", state: " state)
 		     (let* ((run-path (tree:node->path obj id))
-			    (run-id   (tree-path->run-id (cdr run-path))))
+			    (run-id   (tree-path->run-id data (cdr run-path))))
 		       (if (number? run-id)
-			     (dboard:data-set-curr-run-id! *data* run-id)
+			     (d:data-curr-run-id-set! data run-id)
 			   (debug:print 0 "ERROR: tree-path->run-id returned non-number " run-id)))
 		       ;; (print "path: " (tree:node->path obj id) " run-id: " run-id)
 	 (cell-lookup (make-hash-table))
@@ -1123,36 +1402,39 @@
 		      (lambda (obj lin col status)
 			(let* ((toolpath (car (argv)))
 			       (key      (conc lin ":" col))
 			       (test-id  (hash-table-ref/default cell-lookup key -1))
-			       (cmd      (conc toolpath " -test " (dboard:data-get-curr-run-id *data*) "," test-id "&")))
+			       (cmd      (conc toolpath " -test " (d:data-curr-run-id data) "," test-id "&")))
 			  (system cmd)))))
 	 (updater  (lambda ()
-		     (let* ((runs-dat     (if *useserver*
-					      (rmt:get-runs-by-patt *keys* "%" #f #f #f #f)
-					      (db:get-runs-by-patt db *keys* "%" #f #f #f #f)))
-			    (runs-header  (vector-ref runs-dat 0)) ;; 0 is header, 1 is list of records
-			    (run-id       (dboard:data-get-curr-run-id *data*))
-			    (tests-dat    (let ((tdat (if run-id
-							  (if *useserver*
-							      (rmt:get-tests-for-run run-id 
-										     (hash-table-ref/default *searchpatts* "test-name" "%/%")
-										     (hash-table-keys *state-ignore-hash*) ;; '()
-										     (hash-table-keys *status-ignore-hash*) ;; '()
-										     #f #f
-										     *hide-not-hide*
-										     #f #f
-										     "id,testname,item_path,state,status") ;; get 'em all
-							      (db:get-tests-for-run db run-id 
-										    (hash-table-ref/default *searchpatts* "test-name" "%/%")
-										    (hash-table-keys *state-ignore-hash*) ;; '()
-										    (hash-table-keys *status-ignore-hash*) ;; '()
-										    #f #f
-										    *hide-not-hide*
-										    #f #f
-										    "id,testname,item_path,state,status"))
+		     (let* ((runs-dat     (if (d:alldat-useserver *alldat*)
+					      (rmt:get-runs-by-patt (d:alldat-keys *alldat*) "%" #f #f #f #f)
+					      (db:get-runs-by-patt db (d:alldat-keys *alldat*) "%" #f #f #f #f)))
+			    (runs-header  (vector-ref runs-dat 0)) ;; 0 is header, 1 is list of records
+			    (run-id       (d:data-curr-run-id data))
+			    (last-update  0) ;; fix me
+			    (tests-dat    (let ((tdat (if run-id
+							  (if (d:alldat-useserver *alldat*)
+							      (rmt:get-tests-for-run run-id 
+										     (hash-table-ref/default (d:alldat-searchpatts *alldat*) "test-name" "%/%")
+										     (hash-table-keys (d:alldat-state-ignore-hash *alldat*)) ;; '()
+										     (hash-table-keys (d:alldat-status-ignore-hash *alldat*)) ;; '()
+										     #f #f
+										     (d:alldat-hide-not-hide *alldat*)
+										     #f #f
+										     "id,testname,item_path,state,status"
+										     last-update) ;; get 'em all
+							      (db:get-tests-for-run db run-id 
+										    (hash-table-ref/default (d:alldat-searchpatts *alldat*) "test-name" "%/%")
+										    (hash-table-keys (d:alldat-state-ignore-hash *alldat*)) ;; '()
+										    (hash-table-keys (d:alldat-status-ignore-hash *alldat*)) ;; '()
+										    #f #f
+										    (d:alldat-hide-not-hide *alldat*)
+										    #f #f
+										    "id,testname,item_path,state,status"
+										    last-update))
 							  '()))) ;; get 'em all
 					    (sort tdat (lambda (a b)
 							 (let* ((aval (vector-ref a 2))
 								(bval (vector-ref b 2))
 								(anum (string->number aval))
@@ -1164,11 +1446,11 @@
 			    (indices      (common:sparse-list-generate-index tests-mindat)) ;;  proc: set-cell))
 			    (row-indices  (cadr indices))
 			    (col-indices  (car indices))
 			    (max-row      (if (null? row-indices) 1 (common:max (map cadr row-indices))))
 			    (max-col      (if (null? col-indices) 1 (common:max (map cadr col-indices))))
-			    (max-visible  (max (- *num-tests* 15) 3)) ;; *num-tests* is proportional to the size of the window
+			    (max-visible  (max (- (d:alldat-num-tests *alldat*) 15) 3)) ;; (d:alldat-num-tests *alldat*) is proportional to the size of the window
 			    (numrows      1)
 			    (numcols      1)
 			    (changed      #f)
 			    (runs-hash    (let ((ht (make-hash-table)))
 					    (for-each (lambda (run)
@@ -1187,25 +1469,25 @@
 		       ;; (iup:attribute-set! tb "NAME" "Runs")
 		       ;; Update the runs tree
 		       (for-each (lambda (run-id)
 				   (let* ((run-record (hash-table-ref/default runs-hash run-id #f))
 					  (key-vals   (map (lambda (key)(db:get-value-by-header run-record runs-header key))
-							   *keys*))
+							   (d:alldat-keys *alldat*)))
 					  (run-name   (db:get-value-by-header run-record runs-header "runname"))
 					  (col-name   (conc (string-intersperse key-vals "\n") "\n" run-name))
 					  (run-path   (append key-vals (list run-name)))
 					  (existing   (tree:find-node tb run-path)))
-				     (if (not (hash-table-ref/default (dboard:data-get-path-run-ids *data*) run-path #f))
+				     (if (not (hash-table-ref/default (d:data-path-run-ids data) run-path #f))
-					   (hash-table-set! (dboard:data-get-run-keys *data*) run-id run-path)
+					   (hash-table-set! (d:data-run-keys data) run-id run-path)
 					   ;; (iup:attribute-set! (dboard:data-get-runs-matrix *data*)
 					   ;;    		 (conc rownum ":" colnum) col-name)
 					   ;; (hash-table-set! runid-to-col run-id (list colnum run-record))
 					   ;; Here we update the tests treebox and tree keys
 					   (tree:add-node tb "Runs" run-path ;; (append key-vals (list run-name))
 							  userdata: (conc "run-id: " run-id))
-					   (hash-table-set! (dboard:data-get-path-run-ids *data*) run-path run-id)
+					   (hash-table-set! (d:data-path-run-ids data) run-path run-id)
 					   ;; (set! colnum (+ colnum 1))
 		       (iup:attribute-set! run-matrix "CLEARVALUE" "ALL") ;; NOTE: Was CONTENTS
 		       (iup:attribute-set! run-matrix "CLEARATTRIB" "CONTENTS")
@@ -1261,20 +1543,20 @@
 					   (iup:attribute-set! run-matrix "FITTOTEXT" (conc "C" num))))))
 		       (if changed (iup:attribute-set! run-matrix "REDRAW" "ALL"))))))
     (set! dashboard:update-run-summary-tab updater)
-    (dboard:data-set-runs-tree! *data* tb)
+    (d:data-runs-tree-set! data tb)
 ;; R U N S 
-(define (make-dashboard-buttons db nruns ntests keynames)
+(define (make-dashboard-buttons db nruns ntests keynames runs-sum-dat new-view-dat)
   (let* ((nkeys   (length keynames))
 	 (runsvec (make-vector nruns))
 	 (header  (make-vector nruns))
 	 (lftcol  (make-vector ntests))
 	 (keycol  (make-vector ntests))
@@ -1316,32 +1598,32 @@
 	      ;; (iup:button "Sort -t"   #:action (lambda (obj)
 	      ;;   				 (next-sort-option)
 	      ;;   				 (iup:attribute-set! obj "TITLE" (vector-ref (vector-ref *tests-sort-options* *tests-sort-reverse*) 0))
 	      ;;   				 (mark-for-update)))
 	      (iup:button "HideEmpty" #:action (lambda (obj)
-						 (set! *hide-empty-runs* (not *hide-empty-runs*))
-						 (iup:attribute-set! obj "TITLE" (if *hide-empty-runs* "+HideE" "-HideE"))
+						 (d:alldat-hide-empty-runs-set! *alldat* (not (d:alldat-hide-empty-runs *alldat*)))
+						 (iup:attribute-set! obj "TITLE" (if (d:alldat-hide-empty-runs *alldat*) "+HideE" "-HideE"))
 	      (let ((hideit (iup:button "HideTests" #:action (lambda (obj)
-							       (set! *hide-not-hide* (not *hide-not-hide*))
-							       (iup:attribute-set! obj "TITLE" (if *hide-not-hide* "HideTests" "NotHide"))
+							       (d:alldat-hide-not-hide-set! *alldat* (not (d:alldat-hide-not-hide *alldat*)))
+							       (iup:attribute-set! obj "TITLE" (if (d:alldat-hide-not-hide *alldat*) "HideTests" "NotHide"))
-		(set! *hide-not-hide-button* hideit)
+		(d:alldat-hide-not-hide-button-set! *alldat* hideit) ;; never used, can eliminate ...
 	      (iup:button "Quit"      #:action (lambda (obj)
-						 ;; (if *dbstruct-local* (db:close-all *dbstruct-local*))
+						 ;; (if (d:alldat-dblocal *alldat*) (db:close-all (d:alldat-dblocal *alldat*)))
 	      (iup:button "Refresh"   #:action (lambda (obj)
 	      (iup:button "Collapse"  #:action (lambda (obj)
 						 (let ((myname (iup:attribute obj "TITLE")))
 						   (if (equal? myname "Collapse")
 							 (for-each (lambda (tname)
 								     (hash-table-set! *collapsed* tname #t))
-								   *all-item-test-names*)
+								   (d:alldat-item-test-names *alldat*))
 							 (iup:attribute-set! obj "TITLE" "Expand"))
 							 (for-each (lambda (tname)
 								     (hash-table-delete! *collapsed* tname))
 								   (hash-table-keys *collapsed*))
@@ -1354,38 +1636,38 @@
 	      (map (lambda (status)
 		     (iup:toggle status  #:action   (lambda (obj val)
 						      (if (eq? val 1)
-							  (hash-table-set! *status-ignore-hash* status #t)
-							  (hash-table-delete! *status-ignore-hash* status))
+							  (hash-table-set! (d:alldat-status-ignore-hash *alldat*) status #t)
+							  (hash-table-delete! (d:alldat-status-ignore-hash *alldat*) status))
 		   (map cadr *common:std-statuses*))) ;; '("PASS" "FAIL" "WARN" "CHECK" "WAIVED" "STUCK/DEAD" "n/a" "SKIP")))
 	      (map (lambda (state)
 		     (iup:toggle state   #:action   (lambda (obj val)
 						      (if (eq? val 1)
-							  (hash-table-set! *state-ignore-hash* state #t)
-							  (hash-table-delete! *state-ignore-hash* state))
+							  (hash-table-set! (d:alldat-state-ignore-hash *alldat*) state #t)
+							  (hash-table-delete! (d:alldat-state-ignore-hash *alldat*) state))
 		   (map cadr *common:std-states*))) ;; '("RUNNING" "COMPLETED" "INCOMPLETE" "LAUNCHED" "NOT_STARTED" "KILLED" "DELETED")))
 	     (iup:valuator #:valuechanged_cb (lambda (obj)
 					       (let ((val (inexact->exact (round (/ (string->number (iup:attribute obj "VALUE")) 10))))
 						     (oldmax   (string->number (iup:attribute obj "MAX")))
-						     (maxruns  *tot-run-count*))
-						 (set! *start-run-offset* val)
+						     (maxruns  (d:alldat-tot-runs *alldat*)))
+						 (d:alldat-start-run-offset-set! *alldat* val)
-						 (debug:print 6 "*start-run-offset* " *start-run-offset* " maxruns: " maxruns ", val: " val " oldmax: " oldmax)
+						 (debug:print 6 "(d:alldat-start-run-offset *alldat*) " (d:alldat-start-run-offset *alldat*) " maxruns: " maxruns ", val: " val " oldmax: " oldmax)
 						 (iup:attribute-set! obj "MAX" (* maxruns 10))))
 			   #:expand "HORIZONTAL"
-			   #:max (* 10 (length *allruns*))
+			   #:max (* 10 (length (d:alldat-allruns *alldat*)))
 			   #:min 0
 			   #:step 0.01)))
-					;(iup:button "inc rows" #:action (lambda (obj)(set! *num-tests* (+ *num-tests* 1))))
-					;(iup:button "dec rows" #:action (lambda (obj)(set! *num-tests* (if (> *num-tests* 0)(- *num-tests* 1) 0))))
+					;(iup:button "inc rows" #:action (lambda (obj)(d:alldat-num-tests-set! *alldat* (+ (d:alldat-num-tests *alldat*) 1))))
+					;(iup:button "dec rows" #:action (lambda (obj)(d:alldat-num-tests-set! *alldat* (if (> (d:alldat-num-tests *alldat*) 0)(- (d:alldat-num-tests *alldat*) 1) 0))))
     ;; create the left most column for the run key names and the test names 
     (set! lftlst (list (iup:hbox
@@ -1409,13 +1691,13 @@
 	(set! lftlst (append lftlst (list (iup:hbox  #:expand "HORIZONTAL"
 						     (iup:valuator #:valuechanged_cb (lambda (obj)
 										       (let ((val (string->number (iup:attribute obj "VALUE")))
 											     (oldmax  (string->number (iup:attribute obj "MAX")))
 											     (newmax  (* 10 (length *alltestnamelst*))))
-											 (set! *please-update-buttons* #t)
-											 (set! *start-test-offset* (inexact->exact (round (/ val 10))))
-											 (debug:print 6 "*start-test-offset* " *start-test-offset* " val: " val " newmax: " newmax " oldmax: " oldmax)
+											 (d:alldat-please-update-set! *alldat* #t)
+											 (d:alldat-start-test-offset-set! *alldat* (inexact->exact (round (/ val 10))))
+											 (debug:print 6 "(d:alldat-start-test-offset *alldat*) " (d:alldat-start-test-offset *alldat*) " val: " val " newmax: " newmax " oldmax: " oldmax)
 											 (if (< val 10)
 											     (iup:attribute-set! obj "MAX" newmax))
 								   #:expand "VERTICAL" 
 								   #:orientation "VERTICAL"
@@ -1468,17 +1750,17 @@
 				       #:size "60x15" 
 				       #:expand "HORIZONTAL"
 				       #:fontsize "10" 
 				       #:action (lambda (x)
 						  (let* ((toolpath (car (argv)))
-							 (buttndat (hash-table-ref *buttondat* button-key))
+							 (buttndat (hash-table-ref (d:alldat-buttondat *alldat*) button-key))
 							 (test-id  (db:test-get-id (vector-ref buttndat 3)))
 							 (run-id   (db:test-get-run_id (vector-ref buttndat 3)))
 							 (cmd  (conc toolpath " -test " run-id "," test-id "&")))
 					;(print "Launching " cmd)
 						    (system cmd))))))
-	  (hash-table-set! *buttondat* button-key (vector 0 "100 100 100" button-key #f #f)) 
+	  (hash-table-set! (d:alldat-buttondat *alldat*) button-key (vector 0 "100 100 100" button-key #f #f)) 
 	  (vector-set! testvec testnum butn)
 	  (loop runnum (+ testnum 1) testvec (cons butn res))))))
     ;; now assemble the hdrlst and bdylst and kick off the dialog
@@ -1491,60 +1773,64 @@
 					;; the header
 					(apply iup:hbox (reverse hdrlst))
 					(apply iup:hbox (reverse bdylst))))))
+	     (data (d:data-init (make-d:data)))
 	     (tabs (iup:tabs
 		    #:tabchangepos-cb (lambda (obj curr prev)
-					(set! *please-update-buttons* #t)
-					(set! *current-tab-number* curr))
+					(d:alldat-please-update-set! *alldat* #t)
+					(d:alldat-curr-tab-num-set! *alldat* curr))
 		    (dashboard:summary db)
-		    (dashboard:one-run db)
+		    (dashboard:one-run db  runs-sum-dat)
+		    (dashboard:new-view db new-view-dat)
 	;; (set! (iup:callback tabs tabchange-cb:) (lambda (a b c)(print "SWITCHED TO TAB: " a " " b " " c)))
 	(iup:attribute-set! tabs "TABTITLE0" "Summary")
 	(iup:attribute-set! tabs "TABTITLE1" "Runs")
 	(iup:attribute-set! tabs "TABTITLE2" "Run Summary")
-	(iup:attribute-set! tabs "TABTITLE3" "Run Control")
+	(iup:attribute-set! tabs "TABTITLE3" "New View")
+	(iup:attribute-set! tabs "TABTITLE4" "Run Control")
 	(iup:attribute-set! tabs "BGCOLOR" "190 190 190")
-	(set! *hide-not-hide-tabs* tabs)
+	(d:alldat-hide-not-hide-tabs-set! *alldat* tabs)
     (vector keycol lftcol header runsvec)))
 (if (or (args:get-arg "-rows")
 	(get-environment-variable "DASHBOARDROWS" ))
-      (set! *num-tests* (string->number (or (args:get-arg "-rows")
-					    (get-environment-variable "DASHBOARDROWS"))))
-      (update-rundat "%" *num-runs* "%/%" '()))
-    (set! *num-tests* (min (max (update-rundat "%" *num-runs* "%/%" '()) 8) 20)))
+      (d:alldat-num-tests-set! *alldat* (string->number
+					 (or (args:get-arg "-rows")
+					     (get-environment-variable "DASHBOARDROWS"))))
+      (update-rundat "%" (d:alldat-numruns *alldat*) "%/%" '()))
+    (d:alldat-num-tests-set! *alldat* (min (max (update-rundat "%" (d:alldat-numruns *alldat*) "%/%" '()) 8) 20)))
 (define *tim* (iup:timer))
 (define *ord* #f)
 (iup:attribute-set! *tim* "TIME" 300)
 (iup:attribute-set! *tim* "RUN" "YES")
 ;; Move this stuff to db.scm? I'm not sure that is the right thing to do...
-(define *last-db-update-time* (file-modification-time *db-file-path*)) ;; (conc *toppath* "/db/main.db")))
+(d:alldat-last-db-update-set! *alldat* (file-modification-time (d:alldat-dbfpath *alldat*))) ;; (conc *toppath* "/db/main.db")))
 (define *last-recalc-ended-time* 0)
 (define (dashboard:been-changed)
-  (> (file-modification-time *db-file-path*) *last-db-update-time*))
+  (> (file-modification-time (d:alldat-dbfpath *alldat*)) (d:alldat-last-db-update *alldat*)))
 (define (dashboard:set-db-update-time)
-  (set! *last-db-update-time* (file-modification-time *db-file-path*)))
+  (d:alldat-last-db-update-set! *alldat* (file-modification-time (d:alldat-dbfpath *alldat*))))
 (define (dashboard:recalc modtime please-update-buttons last-db-update-time)
   (or please-update-buttons
       (and (> (current-milliseconds)(+ *last-recalc-ended-time* 150))
 	   (> modtime last-db-update-time)
 	   (> (current-seconds)(+ last-db-update-time 1)))))
-(define *monitor-db-path* (conc *dbdir* "/monitor.db"))
+(define *monitor-db-path* (conc (d:alldat-dbdir *alldat*) "/monitor.db"))
 (define *last-monitor-update-time* 0)
 ;; Force creation of the db in case it isn't already there.
@@ -1554,50 +1840,52 @@
      (debug:print 0 "WARNING: error in accessing databases in get-youngest-run-db-mod-time: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))
      (current-seconds)) ;; something went wrong - just print an error and return current-seconds
    (apply max (map (lambda (filen)
 		     (file-modification-time filen))
-		   (glob (conc *dbdir* "/*.db"))))))
+		   (glob (conc (d:alldat-dbdir *alldat*) "/*.db"))))))
 (define (dashboard:run-update x)
-  (let* ((modtime         (dashboard:get-youngest-run-db-mod-time)) ;; (file-modification-time *db-file-path*))
+  (let* ((modtime         (dashboard:get-youngest-run-db-mod-time)) ;; (file-modification-time (d:alldat-dbfpath *alldat*)))
 	 (monitor-modtime (if (file-exists? *monitor-db-path*)
 			      (file-modification-time *monitor-db-path*)
 	 (run-update-time (current-seconds))
-	 (recalc          (dashboard:recalc modtime *please-update-buttons* *last-db-update-time*)))
-    (if (and (eq? *current-tab-number* 0)
+	 (recalc          (dashboard:recalc modtime (d:alldat-please-update *alldat*) (d:alldat-last-db-update *alldat*))))
+    (if (and (eq? (d:alldat-curr-tab-num *alldat*) 0)
 	     (or (> monitor-modtime *last-monitor-update-time*)
 		 (> (- run-update-time *last-monitor-update-time*) 5))) ;; update every 1/2 minute just in case
 	  (set! *last-monitor-update-time* run-update-time) ;; monitor-modtime)
 	  (if dashboard:update-servers-table (dashboard:update-servers-table))))
     (if recalc
-	  (case *current-tab-number* 
+	  (case (d:alldat-curr-tab-num *alldat*) 
 	     (if dashboard:update-summary-tab (dashboard:update-summary-tab)))
 	    ((1) ;; The runs table is active
-	     (update-rundat (hash-table-ref/default *searchpatts* "runname" "%") *num-runs*
-			    (hash-table-ref/default *searchpatts* "test-name" "%/%")
-			    ;; (hash-table-ref/default *searchpatts* "item-name" "%")
+	     (update-rundat (hash-table-ref/default (d:alldat-searchpatts *alldat*) "runname" "%") (d:alldat-numruns *alldat*)
+			    (hash-table-ref/default (d:alldat-searchpatts *alldat*) "test-name" "%/%")
+			    ;; (hash-table-ref/default (d:alldat-searchpatts *alldat*) "item-name" "%")
 			    (let ((res '()))
 			      (for-each (lambda (key)
 					  (if (not (equal? key "runname"))
-					      (let ((val (hash-table-ref/default *searchpatts* key #f)))
+					      (let ((val (hash-table-ref/default (d:alldat-searchpatts *alldat*) key #f)))
 						(if val (set! res (cons (list key val) res))))))
-					*dbkeys*)
+					(d:alldat-dbkeys *alldat*))
-	     (update-buttons uidat *num-runs* *num-tests*))
+	     (update-buttons uidat (d:alldat-numruns *alldat*) (d:alldat-num-tests *alldat*)))
+	     (dashboard:update-run-summary-tab))
+	    ((3)
-	     (let ((updater (hash-table-ref/default *updaters* *current-tab-number* #f)))
+	     (let ((updater (hash-table-ref/default (d:alldat-updaters *alldat*)
+						    (d:alldat-curr-tab-num *alldat*) #f)))
 	       (if updater (updater)))))
-	  (set! *please-update-buttons* #f)
-	  (set! *last-db-update-time* modtime)
-	  (set! *last-update* run-update-time)
+	  (d:alldat-please-update-set! *alldat* #f)
+	  (d:alldat-last-db-update-set! *alldat* modtime)
 	  (set! *last-recalc-ended-time* (current-milliseconds))))))
 ;; The heavy lifting starts here
@@ -1605,73 +1893,68 @@
 ;; ease debugging by loading ~/.dashboardrc
 (let ((debugcontrolf (conc (get-environment-variable "HOME") "/.dashboardrc")))
   (if (file-exists? debugcontrolf)
       (load debugcontrolf)))
- ((args:get-arg "-run")
-  (let ((runid (string->number (args:get-arg "-run"))))
-    (if runid
-	(begin
-	  (lambda (x)
-	    (on-exit std-exit-procedure)
-	    (examine-run *dbstruct-local* runid)))
-	(begin
-	  (print "ERROR: runid is not a number " (args:get-arg "-run"))
-	  (exit 1)))))
- ((args:get-arg "-test") ;; run-id,test-id
-  (let* ((dat     (let ((d (map string->number (string-split (args:get-arg "-test") ","))))
-		    (if (> (length d) 1)
-			d
-			(list #f #f))))
-	 (run-id  (car dat))
-	 (test-id (cadr dat)))
-    (if (and (number? run-id)
-	     (number? test-id)
-	     (>= test-id 0))
-	(examine-test run-id test-id)
-	(begin
-	  (debug:print 3 "INFO: tried to open test with invalid run-id,test-id. " (args:get-arg "-test"))
-	  (exit 1)))))
- ((args:get-arg "-guimonitor")
-  (gui-monitor *dbstruct-local*))
- (else
-  (set! uidat (make-dashboard-buttons *dbstruct-local* *num-runs* *num-tests* *dbkeys*))
-  (iup:callback-set! *tim*
-		     "ACTION_CB"
-		     (lambda (x)
-		       (let ((update-is-running #f))
-			 (mutex-lock! *update-mutex*)
-			 (set! update-is-running *update-is-running*)
-			 (if (not update-is-running)
-			     (set! *update-is-running* #t))
-			 (mutex-unlock! *update-mutex*)
-			 (if (not update-is-running)
-			   (begin
-			     (dashboard:run-update x)
-			     (mutex-lock! *update-mutex*)
-			     (set! *update-is-running* #f)
-			     (mutex-unlock! *update-mutex*))))
-		       1))))
-(let ((th1 (make-thread (lambda ()
-			  (thread-sleep! 1)
-			  (set! *please-update-buttons* #t)
-			  (dashboard:run-update 1)) "update buttons once"))
-			  ;; need to wait for first *update-is-running* #t
-			  ;; (let loop ()
-			  ;;   (mutex-lock! *update-mutex*)
-			  ;;   (if *update-is-running*
-			  ;;       (begin
-			  ;;         (set! *please-update-buttons* #t)
-			  ;;         (mark-for-update)
-			  ;;         (print "Did redraw trigger")) "First update after startup")
-			  ;;   (mutex-unlock! *update-mutex*)
-			  ;;   (thread-sleep! 1)
-			  ;;   (if (not *please-update-buttons*)
-			  ;;       (loop))))))
-      (th2 (make-thread iup:main-loop "Main loop")))
-  (thread-start! th1)
-  (thread-start! th2)
-  (thread-join! th2))
-;; (iup:main-loop)(db:close-all *dbstruct-local*)
+(define (main)
+  (let ((runs-sum-dat (d:data-init (make-d:data))) ;; data for run-summary tab
+	(new-view-dat (d:data-init (make-d:data))))
+    (cond 
+     ((args:get-arg "-run")
+      (let ((runid (string->number (args:get-arg "-run"))))
+	(if runid
+	    (begin
+	      (lambda (x)
+		(on-exit std-exit-procedure)
+		(examine-run (d:alldat-dblocal *alldat*) runid)))
+	    (begin
+	      (print "ERROR: runid is not a number " (args:get-arg "-run"))
+	      (exit 1)))))
+     ((args:get-arg "-test") ;; run-id,test-id
+      (let* ((dat     (let ((d (map string->number (string-split (args:get-arg "-test") ","))))
+			(if (> (length d) 1)
+			    d
+			    (list #f #f))))
+	     (run-id  (car dat))
+	     (test-id (cadr dat)))
+	(if (and (number? run-id)
+		 (number? test-id)
+		 (>= test-id 0))
+	    (examine-test run-id test-id)
+	    (begin
+	      (debug:print 3 "INFO: tried to open test with invalid run-id,test-id. " (args:get-arg "-test"))
+	      (exit 1)))))
+     ((args:get-arg "-guimonitor")
+      (gui-monitor (d:alldat-dblocal *alldat*)))
+     (else
+      (set! uidat (make-dashboard-buttons (d:alldat-dblocal *alldat*)
+					  (d:alldat-numruns *alldat*)
+					  (d:alldat-num-tests *alldat*)
+					  (d:alldat-dbkeys *alldat*)
+					   runs-sum-dat new-view-dat))
+      (iup:callback-set! *tim*
+			 "ACTION_CB"
+			 (lambda (x)
+			   (let ((update-is-running #f))
+			     (mutex-lock! (d:alldat-update-mutex *alldat*))
+			     (set! update-is-running (d:alldat-updating *alldat*))
+			     (if (not update-is-running)
+				 (d:alldat-updating-set! *alldat* #t))
+			     (mutex-unlock! (d:alldat-update-mutex *alldat*))
+			     (if (not update-is-running)
+				 (begin
+				   (dashboard:run-update x)
+				   (mutex-lock! (d:alldat-update-mutex *alldat*))
+				   (d:alldat-updating-set! *alldat* #f)
+				   (mutex-unlock! (d:alldat-update-mutex *alldat*)))))
+			   1))))
+    (let ((th1 (make-thread (lambda ()
+			      (thread-sleep! 1)
+			      (d:alldat-please-update-set! *alldat* #t)
+			      (dashboard:run-update 1)) "update buttons once"))
+	  (th2 (make-thread iup:main-loop "Main loop")))
+      (thread-start! th1)
+      (thread-start! th2)
+      (thread-join! th2))))

Index: db.scm
--- db.scm
+++ db.scm
@@ -728,11 +728,11 @@
 ;;  'closeall     - close all opened dbs
 ;;  run-ids: '(1 2 3 ...) or #f (for all)
 (define (db:multi-db-sync run-ids . options)
-  (let* ((toppath  (launch:setup-for-run))
+  (let* ((toppath  (launch:setup))
 	 (dbstruct (if toppath (make-dbr:dbstruct path: toppath) #f))
 	 (mtdb     (if toppath (db:open-megatest-db)))
 	 (allow-cleanup (if run-ids #f #t))
 	 (run-ids  (if run-ids 

Index: dcommon.scm
--- dcommon.scm
+++ dcommon.scm
@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@
 (use format)
 (require-library iup)
 (import (prefix iup iup:))
 (use canvas-draw)
-(use regex)
+(use regex defstruct)
 (declare (unit dcommon))
 (declare (uses megatest-version))
 (declare (uses gutils))
@@ -63,10 +63,15 @@
 (define (dboard:data-get-target-string vec)
   (let ((targ (dboard:data-get-target vec)))
     (if (list? targ)(string-intersperse targ "/") "no-target-specified")))
 (define (dboard:data-get-run-name      vec)    (vector-ref vec 19))
 (define (dboard:data-get-runs-listbox  vec)    (vector-ref vec 20))
+(defstruct d:data runs tests runs-matrix tests-tree run-keys
+  curr-test-ids updaters path-run-ids curr-run-id runs-tree test-patts
+  states statuses logs-textbox command command-tb target run-name
+  runs-listbox)
 (define (dboard:data-set-runs!          vec val)(vector-set! vec 0 val))
 (define (dboard:data-set-tests!         vec val)(vector-set! vec 1 val))
 (define (dboard:data-set-runs-matrix!   vec val)(vector-set! vec 2 val))
 (define (dboard:data-set-tests-tree!    vec val)(vector-set! vec 3 val))
@@ -98,10 +103,16 @@
 ;; Look up test-ids by (key1 key2 ... testname [itempath])
 (dboard:data-set-path-test-ids! *data* (make-hash-table))
 ;; Look up run-ids by ??
 (dboard:data-set-path-run-ids! *data* (make-hash-table))
+(define (d:data-init dat)
+  (d:data-run-keys-set!      dat (make-hash-table))
+  (d:data-curr-test-ids-set! dat (make-hash-table))
+  (d:data-path-run-ids-set!  dat (make-hash-table))
+  dat)
 ;; D O T F I L E
@@ -407,11 +418,11 @@
 				(row-indices  (car indices))
 				(col-indices  (cadr indices))
 				(max-row      (if (null? row-indices) 1 (apply max (map cadr row-indices))))
 				(max-col      (if (null? col-indices) 1 
 						  (apply max (map cadr col-indices))))
-				(max-visible  (max (- *num-tests* 15) 3))
+				(max-visible  (max (- (d:alldat-num-tests *alldat*) 15) 3))
 				(max-col-vis  (if (> max-col 10) 10 max-col))
 				(numrows      1)
 				(numcols      1))
 			   (iup:attribute-set! stats-matrix "CLEARVALUE" "CONTENTS")
 			   (iup:attribute-set! stats-matrix "NUMCOL" max-col )

ADDED   fsl-rebase.scm
Index: fsl-rebase.scm
--- /dev/null
+++ fsl-rebase.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+;; given branch and baseline commit generate list of commands to cherry pick commits
+;; Usage: fsl-rebase basecommit branch
+(use regex posix)
+(let* ((basecommit (cadr (argv)))
+       (branch     (caddr (argv)))
+       (cmd        (conc "fossil timeline after " basecommit " -n 1000000 -W 0"))
+       (theregex   (conc ;; "^[^\\]]+"
+			 "\\[([a-z0-9]+)\\]\\s+"
+			 "(.*)"
+			 "\\s+\\(.*tags:\\s+" branch 
+			 ;; ".*\\)"
+			 )))
+  (print "basecommit: " basecommit ", branch: " branch ", theregex: " theregex ", cmd: \"" cmd "\"")
+  (with-input-from-pipe
+   cmd
+   (lambda ()
+     (let loop ((inl (read-line))
+		(res '()))
+       (if (not (eof-object? inl))
+	   (let ((have-match (string-search theregex inl)))
+	     (if have-match
+		 (loop (read-line)
+		       (cons (conc "fossil merge --cherrypick " (cadr have-match)
+				   "\nfossil commit -m \"Cherry pick from " (cadr have-match)
+				   ": " (caddr have-match) "\"")
+			     res))
+		 (loop (read-line) res)))
+	   (map print res))))))
+;; (print "match: " inl "\n   $1: " (cadr have-match) " $2: " (caddr have-match))
+;; (print "no match: " theregex " " inl))
+;; (loop (read-line))))))))

Index: launch.scm
--- launch.scm
+++ launch.scm
@@ -138,15 +138,16 @@
     (if logpro-used
 	(rmt:test-set-log! run-id test-id (conc stepname ".html")))
     ;; set the test final status
     (let* ((process-exit-status (launch:einf-exit-code exit-info)) ;; (vector-ref exit-info 2))
 	   (this-step-status (cond
-			      ((and (eq? process-exit-status 2) logpro-used) 'warn)  ;; logpro 2 = warnings
-			      ((and (eq? process-exit-status 3) logpro-used) 'check) ;; logpro 3 = check
-			      ((and (eq? process-exit-status 4) logpro-used) 'waived) ;; logpro 4 = abort			      
-			      ((and (eq? process-exit-status 5) logpro-used) 'abort) ;; logpro 4 = abort
-			      ((eq? process-exit-status 0)                   'pass)  ;; logpro 0 = pass
+			      ((and (eq? process-exit-status 2) logpro-used) 'warn)   ;; logpro 2 = warnings
+			      ((and (eq? process-exit-status 3) logpro-used) 'check)  ;; logpro 3 = check
+			      ((and (eq? process-exit-status 4) logpro-used) 'waived) ;; logpro 4 = waived
+			      ((and (eq? process-exit-status 5) logpro-used) 'abort)  ;; logpro 5 = abort
+			      ((and (eq? process-exit-status 6) logpro-used) 'skip)   ;; logpro 6 = skip
+			      ((eq? process-exit-status 0)                   'pass)   ;; logpro 0 = pass
 			      (else 'fail)))
 	   (overall-status   (cond
 			      ((eq? (launch:einf-rollup-status exit-info) 2) 'warn) ;; rollup-status (vector-ref exit-info 3)
 			      ((eq? (launch:einf-rollup-status exit-info) 0) 'pass) ;; (vector-ref exit-info 3)
 			      (else 'fail)))
@@ -158,12 +159,11 @@
 			      (else 'fail)))
 	   (next-state       ;; "RUNNING") ;; WHY WAS THIS CHANGED TO NOT USE (null? tal) ??
 	     ((null? tal) ;; more to run?
-	     (else "RUNNING")))
-	   )
+	     (else "RUNNING"))))
       (debug:print 4 "Exit value received: " (launch:einf-exit-code exit-info) " logpro-used: " logpro-used 
 		   " this-step-status: " this-step-status " overall-status: " overall-status 
 		   " next-status: " next-status " rollup-status: "  (launch:einf-rollup-status exit-info)) ;; (vector-ref exit-info 3))
       (case next-status
@@ -176,16 +176,28 @@
 	 (launch:einf-rollup-status-set! exit-info 3) ;; (vector-set! exit-info 3 3) ;; rollup-status
 	 ;; NB// test-set-status! does rdb calls under the hood
 	 (tests:test-set-status! run-id test-id next-state "CHECK" 
 				 (if (eq? this-step-status 'check) "Logpro check found" #f)
+	((waived)
+	 (launch:einf-rollup-status-set! exit-info 4) ;; (vector-set! exit-info 3 3) ;; rollup-status
+	 ;; NB// test-set-status! does rdb calls under the hood
+	 (tests:test-set-status! run-id test-id next-state "WAIVED" 
+				 (if (eq? this-step-status 'check) "Logpro waived found" #f)
+				 #f))
-	 (launch:einf-rollup-status-set! exit-info 4) ;; (vector-set! exit-info 3 4) ;; rollup-status
+	 (launch:einf-rollup-status-set! exit-info 5) ;; (vector-set! exit-info 3 4) ;; rollup-status
 	 ;; NB// test-set-status! does rdb calls under the hood
 	 (tests:test-set-status! run-id test-id next-state "ABORT" 
 				 (if (eq? this-step-status 'abort) "Logpro abort found" #f)
+	((skip)
+	 (launch:einf-rollup-status-set! exit-info 6) ;; (vector-set! exit-info 3 4) ;; rollup-status
+	 ;; NB// test-set-status! does rdb calls under the hood
+	 (tests:test-set-status! run-id test-id next-state "SKIP" 
+				 (if (eq? this-step-status 'skip) "Logpro skip found" #f)
+				 #f))
 	 (tests:test-set-status! run-id test-id next-state "PASS" #f #f))
 	(else ;; 'fail
 	 (launch:einf-rollup-status-set! exit-info 1) ;; (vector-set! exit-info 3 1) ;; force fail, this used to be next-state but that doesn't make sense. should always be "COMPLETED" 
 	 (tests:test-set-status! run-id test-id "COMPLETED" "FAIL" (conc "Failed at step " stepname) #f)
@@ -269,15 +281,21 @@
 	  ;; (set-signal-handler! signal/int (lambda ()
 	  ;; Do not run the test if it is REMOVING, RUNNING, KILLREQ or REMOTEHOSTSTART,
-	  (let ((test-info (rmt:get-testinfo-state-status run-id test-id)))
+	  (let* ((test-info (rmt:get-test-info-by-id run-id test-id))
+		 (test-host (db:test-get-host        test-info))
+		 (test-pid  (db:test-get-process_id  test-info)))
 	     ((member (db:test-get-state test-info) '("INCOMPLETE" "KILLED" "UNKNOWN" "KILLREQ" "STUCK")) ;; prior run of this test didn't complete, go ahead and try to rerun
 	      (debug:print 0 "INFO: test is INCOMPLETE or KILLED, treat this execute call as a rerun request")
 	      (tests:test-force-state-status! run-id test-id "REMOTEHOSTSTART" "n/a")) ;; prime it for running
+	     ((member (db:test-get-state test-info) '("RUNNING" "REMOTEHOSTSTART"))
+	      (if (process:alive-on-host? test-host test-pid)
+		  (debug:print 0 "ERROR: test state is "  (db:test-get-state test-info) " and process " test-pid " is still running on host " test-host ", cannot proceed")
+		  (tests:test-force-state-status! run-id test-id "REMOTEHOSTSTART" "n/a")))
 	     ((not (member (db:test-get-state test-info) '("REMOVING" "REMOTEHOSTSTART" "RUNNING" "KILLREQ")))
 	      (tests:test-force-state-status! run-id test-id "REMOTEHOSTSTART" "n/a"))
 	     (else ;; (member (db:test-get-state test-info) '("REMOVING" "REMOTEHOSTSTART" "RUNNING" "KILLREQ"))
 	      (debug:print 0 "ERROR: test state is " (db:test-get-state test-info) ", cannot proceed")
@@ -284,11 +302,11 @@
 	  (debug:print 2 "Exectuing " test-name " (id: " test-id ") on " (get-host-name))
 	  (set! keys       (rmt:get-keys))
 	  ;; (runs:set-megatest-env-vars run-id inkeys: keys inkeyvals: keyvals) ;; these may be needed by the launching process
 	  ;; one of these is defunct/redundant ...
-	  (if (not (launch:setup-for-run force: #t))
+	  (if (not (launch:setup force: #t))
 		(debug:print 0 "Failed to setup, exiting") 
 		;; (sqlite3:finalize! db)
 		;; (sqlite3:finalize! tdb)
 		(exit 1)))
@@ -437,22 +455,18 @@
 							    (hash-table-ref/default testconfig "ezsteps" '())
 				       (if testconfig
 					   (hash-table-set! *testconfigs* test-name testconfig) ;; cached for lazy reads later ...
-					     ;; got here but there are race condiitions - re-do all setup and try one more time
-					     (if (launch:setup-for-run)
-						 (begin
-						   (launch:cache-config)
-						   (set! testconfig (full-runconfigs-read))) ;; redunantly redundant, but does it resolve the race?
+					     (launch:setup)
 					     (debug:print 0 "WARNING: no testconfig found for " test-name " in search path:\n  "
-							  (string-intersperse (tests:get-tests-search-path *configdat*) "\n  ")))))
+							  (string-intersperse (tests:get-tests-search-path *configdat*) "\n  "))))
 				       ;; after all that, still no testconfig? Time to abort
 				       (if (not testconfig)
 					     (debug:print 0 "ERROR: Failed to resolve megatest.config, runconfigs.config and testconfig issues. Giving up now")
-					     (exit 1)))s
+					     (exit 1)))
 				       (if (not (file-exists? ".ezsteps"))(create-directory ".ezsteps"))
 				       ;; if ezsteps was defined then we are sure to have at least one step but check anyway
 				       (if (not (> (length ezstepslst) 0))
 					   (debug:print 0 "ERROR: ezsteps defined but ezstepslst is zero length")
 					   (let loop ((ezstep (car ezstepslst))
@@ -459,13 +473,14 @@
 						      (tal    (cdr ezstepslst))
 						      (prevstep #f))
 					     ;; check exit-info (vector-ref exit-info 1)
 					     (if (launch:einf-exit-status exit-info) ;; (vector-ref exit-info 1)
 						 (let ((logpro-used (launch:runstep ezstep run-id test-id exit-info m tal testconfig)))
-						   (if (and (steprun-good? logpro-used (launch:einf-exit-code exit-info))
-							    (not (null? tal)))
-						       (loop (car tal) (cdr tal) stepname)))
+						   (if (steprun-good? logpro-used (launch:einf-exit-code exit-info))
+						       (if (not (null? tal))
+							   (loop (car tal) (cdr tal) stepname))
+						       (debug:print 4 "WARNING: step " (car ezstep) " failed. Stopping")))
 						 (debug:print 4 "WARNING: a prior step failed, stopping at " ezstep))))))))
 		 (monitorjob   (lambda ()
 				 (let* ((start-seconds (current-seconds))
 					(calc-minutes  (lambda ()
@@ -575,10 +590,14 @@
 				      (if (equal? (db:test-get-status testinfo) "AUTO") "AUTO" "PASS"))
 				     ((eq? (launch:einf-rollup-status exit-info) 1) "FAIL")  ;; (vector-ref exit-info 3)
 				     ((eq? (launch:einf-rollup-status exit-info) 2)	     ;;	(vector-ref exit-info 3)
 				      ;; if the current status is AUTO the defer to the calculated value but qualify (i.e. make this AUTO-WARN)
 				      (if (equal? (db:test-get-status testinfo) "AUTO") "AUTO-WARN" "WARN"))
+				     ((eq? (launch:einf-rollup-status exit-info) 3) "CHECK")
+				     ((eq? (launch:einf-rollup-status exit-info) 4) "WAIVED")
+				     ((eq? (launch:einf-rollup-status exit-info) 5) "ABORT")
+				     ((eq? (launch:einf-rollup-status exit-info) 6) "SKIP")
 				     (else "FAIL")))) ;; (db:test-get-status testinfo)))
 		    (debug:print-info 1 "Test exited in state=" (db:test-get-state testinfo) ", setting state/status based on exit code of " (launch:einf-exit-status exit-info) " and rollup-status of " (launch:einf-rollup-status exit-info))
 		    (tests:test-set-status! run-id 
@@ -595,13 +614,47 @@
 	    (mutex-unlock! m)
 	    (debug:print 2 "Output from running " fullrunscript ", pid " (launch:einf-pid exit-info) " in work area " 
 			 work-area ":\n====\n exit code " (launch:einf-exit-code exit-info) "\n" "====\n")
 	    (if (not (launch:einf-exit-status exit-info))
 		(exit 4)))))))
+(define (launch:cache-config)
+  ;; if we have a linktree and -runtests and -target and the directory exists dump the config
+  ;; to megatest-(current-seconds).cfg and symlink it to megatest.cfg
+  (if (and *configdat* 
+	   (or (args:get-arg "-run")
+	       (args:get-arg "-runtests")
+	       (args:get-arg "-execute")))
+      (let* ((linktree (get-environment-variable "MT_LINKTREE"))
+	     (target   (common:args-get-target))
+	     (runname  (or (args:get-arg "-runname")
+			   (args:get-arg ":runname")
+			   (getenv "MT_RUNNAME")))
+	     (fulldir  (conc linktree "/"
+			     target "/"
+			     runname)))
+	(debug:print-info 0 "Have -runtests with target=" target ", runname=" runname ", fulldir=" fulldir ", testpatt=" (or (args:get-arg "-testpatt") "%"))
+	(if (and linktree (file-exists? linktree)) ;; can't proceed without linktree
+	    (begin
+	      (if (not (file-exists? fulldir))
+		  (create-directory fulldir #t)) ;; need to protect with exception handler 
+	      (if (and target
+		       runname
+		       (file-exists? fulldir))
+		  (let ((tmpfile  (conc fulldir "/.megatest.cfg." (current-seconds)))
+			(targfile (conc fulldir "/.megatest.cfg-"  megatest-version "-" megatest-fossil-hash))
+			(rconfig  (conc fulldir "/.runconfig." megatest-version "-" megatest-fossil-hash)))
+		    (if (file-exists? rconfig) ;; only cache megatest.config AFTER runconfigs has been cached
+			(begin
+			  (debug:print-info 0 "Caching megatest.config in " fulldir "/.megatest.cfg")
+			  (configf:write-alist *configdat* tmpfile)
+			  (system (conc "ln -sf " tmpfile " " targfile))))
+		    )))))))
 ;; set up the very basics needed for doing anything here.
-(define (launch:setup-for-run #!key (force #f))
+(define (launch:setup-old #!key (force #f))
   ;; would set values for KEYS in the environment here for better support of env-override but 
   ;; have chicken/egg scenario. need to read megatest.config then read it again. Going to 
   ;; pass on that idea for now
   ;; special case
   (if (or force (not (hash-table? *configdat*)))  ;; no need to re-open on every call
@@ -665,61 +718,137 @@
 		(debug:print 0 "ERROR: failed to find the top path to your Megatest area.")
 		(exit 1)))
-(define (launch:cache-config)
-  ;; if we have a linktree and -runtests and -target and the directory exists dump the config
-  ;; to megatest-(current-seconds).cfg and symlink it to megatest.cfg
-  (if (and *configdat* 
-	   (or (args:get-arg "-run")
-	       (args:get-arg "-runtests")
-	       (args:get-arg "-execute")))
-      (let* ((linktree (get-environment-variable "MT_LINKTREE"))
-	     (target   (common:args-get-target))
-	     (runname  (or (args:get-arg "-runname")
-			   (args:get-arg ":runname")
-			   (getenv "MT_RUNNAME")))
-	     (fulldir  (conc linktree "/"
-			     target "/"
-			     runname)))
-	(debug:print-info 0 "Have -runtests with target=" target ", runname=" runname ", fulldir=" fulldir ", testpatt=" (or (args:get-arg "-testpatt") "%"))
-	(if (file-exists? linktree) ;; can't proceed without linktree
-	    (begin
-	      (if (not (file-exists? fulldir))
-		  (create-directory fulldir #t)) ;; need to protect with exception handler 
-	      (if (and target
-		       runname
-		       (file-exists? fulldir))
-		  (let ((tmpfile  (conc fulldir "/.megatest.cfg." (current-seconds)))
-			(targfile (conc fulldir "/.megatest.cfg-"  megatest-version "-" megatest-fossil-hash))
-			(rconfig  (conc fulldir "/.runconfig." megatest-version "-" megatest-fossil-hash)))
-		    (if (file-exists? rconfig) ;; only cache megatest.config AFTER runconfigs has been cached
-			(begin
-			  (debug:print-info 0 "Caching megatest.config in " fulldir "/.megatest.cfg")
-			  (configf:write-alist *configdat* tmpfile)
-			  (system (conc "ln -sf " tmpfile " " targfile))))
-		    )))))))
 ;; gather available information, if legit read configs in this order:
 ;;   if have cache;
 ;;      read it a return it
 ;;   else
 ;;     megatest.config     (do not cache)
 ;;     runconfigs.config   (cache if all vars avail)
 ;;     megatest.config     (cache if all vars avail)
+;;   returns:
+;;     *toppath*
+;;   side effects:
+;;     sets; *configdat*    (megatest.config info)
+;;           *runconfigdat* (runconfigs.config info)
+;;           *configstatus* (status of the read data)
-(define (launch:setup #!key (force #f))
-  (let* ((runname  (common:args-get-runname))
+(define (launch:setup-new #!key (force #f))
+  (let* ((toppath  (or *toppath* (getenv "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME"))) ;; preserve toppath
+	 (runname  (common:args-get-runname))
 	 (target   (common:args-get-target))
-	 (linktree (or (getenv "MT_LINKTREE")
-		       (if *configdat* (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "linktree") #f)))
+	 (linktree (common:get-linktree))
+	 (sections (if target (list "default" target) #f)) ;; for runconfigs
+	 (mtconfig (or (args:get-arg "-config") "megatest.config")) ;; allow overriding megatest.config 
 	 (rundir   (if (and runname target linktree)(conc linktree "/" target "/" runname) #f))
 	 (mtcachef (and rundir (conc rundir "/" ".megatest.cfg-"  megatest-version "-" megatest-fossil-hash)))
-	 (rccachef (and rundir (conc rundir "/" ".runconfigs.cfg-"  megatest-version "-" megatest-fossil-hash))))
-    #f))
+	 (rccachef (and rundir (conc rundir "/" ".runconfigs.cfg-"  megatest-version "-" megatest-fossil-hash)))
+	 (cancreate (and rundir (file-exists? rundir)(file-write-access? rundir))))
+    ;; (print "runname: " runname " target: " target " mtcachef: " mtcachef " rccachef: " rccachef)
+    (set! *toppath* toppath) ;; This is needed when we are running as a test using CMDINFO as a datasource
+    (cond
+     ;; data was read and cached and available in *configstatus*, toppath has already been set
+     ((eq? *configstatus* 'fulldata)
+      *toppath*)
+     ;; if mtcachef exists just read it, however we need to assume toppath is available in $MT_RUN_AREA_HOME
+     ((and mtcachef (file-exists? mtcachef) (get-environment-variable "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME"))
+      (set! *configdat*    (configf:read-alist mtcachef))
+      (set! *runconfigdat* (configf:read-alist rccachef))
+      (set! *configinfo*   (list *configdat*  (get-environment-variable "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME")))
+      (set! *configstatus* 'fulldata)
+      (set! *toppath*      (get-environment-variable "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME"))
+      *toppath*)
+     ;; we have all the info needed to fully process runconfigs and megatest.config
+     (mtcachef              
+      (let* ((first-pass    (find-and-read-config        ;; NB// sets MT_RUN_AREA_HOME as side effect
+			             mtconfig
+				     environ-patt: "env-override"
+				     given-toppath: toppath
+				     pathenvvar: "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME"))
+	     (first-rundat  (let ((toppath (if toppath 
+					       toppath
+					       (car first-pass))))
+			      (read-config (conc toppath "/runconfigs.config") *runconfigdat* #t 
+					   sections: sections))))
+	(set! *runconfigdat* first-rundat)
+	(if first-pass  ;; 
+	    (begin
+	      (set! *configdat*  (car first-pass))
+	      (set! *configinfo* first-pass)
+	      (set! *toppath*    (or toppath (cadr first-pass))) ;; use the gathered data unless already have it
+	      (set! toppath      *toppath*)
+	      (setenv "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME" *toppath*)
+	      ;; the seed read is done, now read runconfigs, cache it then read megatest.config one more time and cache it
+	      (let* ((keys         (rmt:get-keys))
+		     (key-vals     (keys:target->keyval keys target))
+		     (linktree     (or (getenv "MT_LINKTREE")
+				       (if *configdat* (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "linktree") #f)))
+		     (second-pass  (find-and-read-config
+				    mtconfig
+				    environ-patt: "env-override"
+				    given-toppath: toppath
+				    pathenvvar: "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME"))
+		     (runconfigdat (begin     ;; this read of the runconfigs will see any adjustments made by re-reading megatest.config
+				     (for-each (lambda (kt)
+						 (setenv (car kt) (cadr kt)))
+					       key-vals)
+				     (read-config (conc toppath "/runconfigs.config") *runconfigdat* #t 
+						  sections: sections))))
+		(if cancreate (configf:write-alist runconfigdat rccachef))
+		(set! *runconfigdat* runconfigdat)
+		(if cancreate (configf:write-alist *configdat* mtcachef))
+		(if cancreate (set! *configstatus* 'fulldata))))
+	    ;; no configs found? should not happen but let's try to recover gracefully, return an empty hash-table
+	    (set! *configdat* (make-hash-table))
+	    )))
+     ;; else read what you can and set the flag accordingly
+     (else
+      (let* ((cfgdat   (find-and-read-config 
+			(or (args:get-arg "-config") "megatest.config")
+			environ-patt: "env-override"
+			given-toppath: (get-environment-variable "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME")
+			pathenvvar: "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME")))
+	(if cfgdat
+	    (let* ((toppath  (or (get-environment-variable "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME")(cadr cfgdat)))
+		   (rdat     (read-config (conc toppath
+						"/runconfigs.config") *runconfigdat* #t sections: sections)))
+	      (set! *configinfo*   cfgdat)
+	      (set! *configdat*    (car cfgdat))
+	      (set! *runconfigdat* rdat)
+	      (set! *toppath*      toppath)
+	      (set! *configstatus* 'partial))
+	    (begin
+	      (debug:print 0 "ERROR: No " mtconfig " file found. Giving up.")
+	      (exit 2))))))
+    ;; additional house keeping
+    (let* ((linktree (or (getenv "MT_LINKTREE")
+			 (if *configdat* (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "linktree") #f))))
+      (if linktree
+	  (if (not (file-exists? linktree))
+	      (begin
+		(handle-exceptions
+		 exn
+		 (begin
+		   (debug:print 0 "ERROR: Something went wrong when trying to create linktree dir at " linktree)
+		   (debug:print 0 " message: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))
+		   (exit 1))
+		 (create-directory linktree #t))))
+	  (begin
+	    (debug:print 0 "ERROR: linktree not defined in [setup] section of megatest.config")
+	    ;; (exit 1)
+	    )))
+    (if (and *toppath*
+	     (directory-exists? *toppath*))
+	(setenv "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME" *toppath*)
+	(begin
+	  (debug:print 0 "ERROR: failed to find the top path to your Megatest area.")))
+    *toppath*))
+(define launch:setup launch:setup-new)
 (define (get-best-disk confdat testconfig)
   (let* ((disks   (or (and testconfig (hash-table-ref/default testconfig "disks" #f))
 		      (hash-table-ref/default confdat "disks" #f)))
 	 (minspace (let ((m (configf:lookup confdat "setup" "minspace")))

Index: megatest.scm
--- megatest.scm
+++ megatest.scm
@@ -468,11 +468,11 @@
       (save-environment-as-files (args:get-arg "-env2file"))
       (set! *didsomething* #t)))
 (if (args:get-arg "-list-disks")
-    (let ((toppath (launch:setup-for-run)))
+    (let ((toppath (launch:setup)))
 	(map (lambda (x)
@@ -720,11 +720,11 @@
 (if (args:get-arg "-server")
     ;; Server? Start up here.
-    (let ((tl        (launch:setup-for-run))
+    (let ((tl        (launch:setup))
 	  (run-id    (and (args:get-arg "-run-id")
 			  (string->number (args:get-arg "-run-id")))))
       (if run-id
 	    (server:launch run-id)
@@ -740,11 +740,11 @@
-	(if (launch:setup-for-run)
+	(if (launch:setup)
 	    (let ((run-id    (and (args:get-arg "-run-id")
 				  (string->number (args:get-arg "-run-id")))))
 	      ;; (set! *fdb*   (filedb:open-db (conc *toppath* "/db/paths.db")))
 	      ;; if not list or kill then start a client (if appropriate)
 	      (if (or (args-defined? "-h" "-version" "-gen-megatest-area" "-gen-megatest-test")
@@ -760,11 +760,11 @@
 ;;		       (set! *megatest-db* (make-dbr:dbstruct path: *toppath* local: #t))))))))))
 (if (or (args:get-arg "-list-servers")
 	(args:get-arg "-stop-server"))
-    (let ((tl (launch:setup-for-run)))
+    (let ((tl (launch:setup)))
       (if tl 
 	  (let* ((tdbdat  (tasks:open-db))
 		 (servers (tasks:get-all-servers (db:delay-if-busy tdbdat)))
 		 (fmtstr  "~5a~12a~8a~20a~24a~10a~10a~10a~10a\n")
 		 (servers-to-kill '())
@@ -830,10 +830,17 @@
       (set! *didsomething* #t)))
 ;; cache the runconfigs in $MT_LINKTREE/$MT_TARGET/$MT_RUNNAME/.runconfig
 (define (full-runconfigs-read)
+;; in the envprocessing branch the below code replaces the further below code
+;;  (if (eq? *configstatus* 'fulldata)
+;;      *runconfigdat*
+;;      (begin
+;;	(launch:setup)
+;;	*runconfigdat*)))
   (let* ((rundir (if (and (getenv "MT_LINKTREE")(getenv "MT_TARGET")(getenv "MT_RUNNAME"))
 		     (conc (getenv "MT_LINKTREE") "/" (getenv "MT_TARGET") "/" (getenv "MT_RUNNAME"))
 	 (cfgf   (if rundir (conc rundir "/.runconfig." megatest-version "-" megatest-fossil-hash) #f)))
     (if (and cfgf
@@ -855,16 +862,16 @@
 		   (directory-exists? rundir)
 		   (file-write-access? rundir))
 		(configf:write-alist data cfgf)
 		;; force re-read of megatest.config - this resolves circular references between megatest.config
-		(launch:setup-for-run force: #t)
+		(launch:setup force: #t)
 		(launch:cache-config))) ;; we can safely cache megatest.config since we have a valid runconfig
 (if (args:get-arg "-show-runconfig")
-    (let ((tl (launch:setup-for-run)))
+    (let ((tl (launch:setup)))
       (push-directory *toppath*)
       (let ((data (full-runconfigs-read)))
 	;; keep this one local
 	 ((and (args:get-arg "-section")
@@ -882,11 +889,11 @@
 	  (debug:print 0 "ERROR: -dumpmode of " (args:get-arg "-dumpmode") " not recognised")))
 	(set! *didsomething* #t))
 (if (args:get-arg "-show-config")
-    (let ((tl   (launch:setup-for-run))
+    (let ((tl   (launch:setup))
 	  (data *configdat*)) ;; (read-config "megatest.config" #f #t)))
       (push-directory *toppath*)
       ;; keep this one local
        ((and (args:get-arg "-section")
@@ -1019,11 +1026,11 @@
 ;; IDEA: megatest list -runname blah% ...
 (if (or (args:get-arg "-list-runs")
 	(args:get-arg "-list-db-targets"))
-    (if (launch:setup-for-run)
+    (if (launch:setup)
 	(let* (;; (dbstruct    (make-dbr:dbstruct path: *toppath* local: (args:get-arg "-local")))
 	       (runpatt     (args:get-arg "-list-runs"))
 	       (testpatt    (common:args-get-testpatt #f))
 	       ;; (if (args:get-arg "-testpatt") 
 	       ;;  	        (args:get-arg "-testpatt") 
@@ -1350,11 +1357,11 @@
 	  (set! *didsomething* #t))))
 ;; Don't think I need this. Incorporated into -list-runs instead
 ;; (if (and (args:get-arg "-since")
-;; 	 (launch:setup-for-run))
+;; 	 (launch:setup))
 ;;     (let* ((since-time (string->number (args:get-arg "-since")))
 ;; 	   (run-ids    (db:get-changed-run-ids since-time)))
 ;;       ;; (rmt:get-tests-for-runs-mindata run-ids testpatt states status not-in)
 ;;       (print (sort run-ids <))
 ;;       (set! *didsomething* #t)))
@@ -1508,11 +1515,11 @@
 	  (change-directory toppath)
 	  (if (not target)
 		(debug:print 0 "ERROR: -target is required.")
 		(exit 1)))
-	  (if (not (launch:setup-for-run))
+	  (if (not (launch:setup))
 		(debug:print 0 "Failed to setup, giving up on -test-paths or -test-files, exiting")
 		(exit 1)))
 	  (let* ((keys     (rmt:get-keys))
 		 ;; db:test-get-paths must not be run remote
@@ -1614,11 +1621,11 @@
 	     (test-id   (assoc/default 'test-id   cmdinfo))
 	     (itemdat   (assoc/default 'itemdat   cmdinfo))
 	     (work-area (assoc/default 'work-area cmdinfo))
 	     (db        #f))
 	(change-directory testpath)
-	(if (not (launch:setup-for-run))
+	(if (not (launch:setup))
 	      (debug:print 0 "Failed to setup, exiting")
 	      (exit 1)))
 	(if (and state status)
 	    (rmt:teststep-set-status! run-id test-id step state status msg logfile)
@@ -1662,11 +1669,11 @@
 	       (itemdat   (assoc/default 'itemdat   cmdinfo))
 	       (work-area (assoc/default 'work-area cmdinfo))
 	       (db        #f) ;; (open-db))
 	       (state     (args:get-arg ":state"))
 	       (status    (args:get-arg ":status")))
-	  (if (not (launch:setup-for-run))
+	  (if (not (launch:setup))
 		(debug:print 0 "Failed to setup, exiting")
 		(exit 1)))
 	  (if (args:get-arg "-runstep")(debug:print-info 1 "Running -runstep, first change to directory " work-area))
@@ -1767,11 +1774,11 @@
 (if (or (args:get-arg "-showkeys")
         (args:get-arg "-show-keys"))
     (let ((db #f)
 	  (keys #f))
-      (if (not (launch:setup-for-run))
+      (if (not (launch:setup))
 	    (debug:print 0 "Failed to setup, exiting")
 	    (exit 1)))
       (set! keys (rmt:get-keys)) ;;  db))
       (debug:print 1 "Keys: " (string-intersperse keys ", "))
@@ -1798,21 +1805,21 @@
 ;; Update the database schema, clean up the db
 (if (args:get-arg "-rebuild-db")
-      (if (not (launch:setup-for-run))
+      (if (not (launch:setup))
 	    (debug:print 0 "Failed to setup, exiting") 
 	    (exit 1)))
       ;; keep this one local
       (open-run-close patch-db #f)
       (set! *didsomething* #t)))
 (if (args:get-arg "-cleanup-db")
-      (if (not (launch:setup-for-run))
+      (if (not (launch:setup))
 	    (debug:print 0 "Failed to setup, exiting") 
 	    (exit 1)))
       ;; keep this one local
       ;; (open-run-close db:clean-up #f)
@@ -1827,11 +1834,11 @@
       (set! *didsomething* #t)))
 (if (args:get-arg "-mark-incompletes")
-      (if (not (launch:setup-for-run))
+      (if (not (launch:setup))
 	    (debug:print 0 "Failed to setup, exiting") b
 	    (exit 1)))
       (open-run-close db:find-and-mark-incomplete #f)
       (set! *didsomething* #t)))
@@ -1840,11 +1847,11 @@
 ;; Update the tests meta data from the testconfig files
 (if (args:get-arg "-update-meta")
-      (if (not (launch:setup-for-run))
+      (if (not (launch:setup))
 	    (debug:print 0 "Failed to setup, exiting") 
 	    (exit 1)))
       ;; now can find our db
       ;; keep this one local
@@ -1857,11 +1864,11 @@
 ;; fakeout readline
 (if (or (args:get-arg "-repl")
 	(args:get-arg "-load"))
-    (let* ((toppath (launch:setup-for-run))
+    (let* ((toppath (launch:setup))
 	   (dbstruct (if toppath (make-dbr:dbstruct path: toppath local: (args:get-arg "-local")) #f)))
       (if dbstruct
 	    (set! *db* dbstruct)
 	    (set! *client-non-blocking-mode* #t)
@@ -1888,11 +1895,11 @@
 (if (and (args:get-arg "-run-wait")
 	 (not (or (args:get-arg "-run")
 		  (args:get-arg "-runtests")))) ;; run-wait is built into runtests now
-      (if (not (launch:setup-for-run))
+      (if (not (launch:setup))
 	    (debug:print 0 "Failed to setup, exiting") 
 	    (exit 1)))
       (operate-on 'run-wait)
       (set! *didsomething* #t)))

Index: newdashboard.scm
--- newdashboard.scm
+++ newdashboard.scm
@@ -67,11 +67,11 @@
 (if (args:get-arg "-h")
       (print help)
-(if (not (launch:setup-for-run))
+(if (not (launch:setup))
       (print "Failed to find megatest.config, exiting") 
       (exit 1)))
 ;; (if (args:get-arg "-host")

Index: process.scm
--- process.scm
+++ process.scm
@@ -147,11 +147,27 @@
    ;; possibly pid is a process not a child, look in /proc to see if it is running still
    (file-exists? (conc "/proc/" pid))
    (let-values (((rpid exit-type exit-signal)(process-wait pid #t)))
        (and (number? rpid)
 	    (equal? rpid pid)))))
+(define (process:alive-on-host? host pid)
+  (let ((cmd (conc "ssh " host " ps -o pid= -p " pid)))
+    (handle-exceptions
+     exn
+     #f ;; anything goes wrong - assume the process in NOT running.
+     (with-input-from-pipe 
+      cmd
+      (lambda ()
+	(let loop ((inl (read-line)))
+	  (if (eof-object? inl)
+	      #f
+	      (let* ((clean-str (string-substitute "^[^\\d]*([0-9]+)[^\\d]*$" "\\1" inl))
+		     (innum     (string->number clean-str)))
+		(and innum
+		     (eq? pid innum))))))))))
 (define (process:get-sub-pids pid)
    (conc "pstree -A -p " pid) ;; | tr 'a-z\\-+`()\\.' ' ' " pid)
    (lambda ()
      (let loop ((inl (read-line))

Index: runs.scm
--- runs.scm
+++ runs.scm
@@ -40,11 +40,11 @@
 (define (runs:create-run-record)
   (let* ((mconfig      (if *configdat*
-		           (if (launch:setup-for-run)
+		           (if (launch:setup)
 		                 (debug:print 0 "ERROR: Called setup in a non-megatest area, exiting")
 		                 (exit 1)))))
 	  (runrec      (runs:runrec-make-record))
@@ -73,18 +73,25 @@
     (set! envdat (append 
 		  (list (list "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME" toppath)
 			(list "MT_RUNNAME"       runname)
 			(list "MT_TARGET"        target))))
-    ;; Now can read the runconfigs file
+    ;; Now can read the runconfigs file -- can replace this with call to launch:setup?
+    ;; 
+    ;; This block should be ok to remove - just keep the set of runconfig
-    (set! runconfig (read-config (conc  *toppath* "/runconfigs.config") #f #t sections: (list "default" target)))
-    (if (not (hash-table-ref/default runconfig (args:get-arg "-reqtarg") #f))
+    (if (not (eq? *configstatus* 'fulldata))
-	  (debug:print 0 "ERROR: [" (args:get-arg "-reqtarg") "] not found in " runconfigf)
-	  (if db (sqlite3:finalize! db))
-	  (exit 1)))
+	  (debug:print 0 "Processing runconfigs.config again...")
+	  (set! runconfig (read-config (conc  *toppath* "/runconfigs.config") #f #t sections: (list "default" target)))
+	  (if (not (hash-table-ref/default runconfig (args:get-arg "-reqtarg") #f))
+	      (begin
+		(debug:print 0 "ERROR: [" (args:get-arg "-reqtarg") "] not found in " runconfigf)
+		(if db (sqlite3:finalize! db))
+		(exit 1))))
+	(set! runconfig *runconfigdat*))
     ;; Now have runconfigs data loaded, set environment vars
     ;; Only now can we calculate the testpatt
     (set! testpatt (common:args-get-testpatt runconfig))
@@ -226,11 +233,11 @@
 ;;  test-names: Comma separated patterns same as test-patts but used in selection 
 ;;              of tests to run. The item portions are not respected.
 ;;              FIXME: error out if /patt specified
-(define (runs:run-tests target runname test-patts user flags #!key (run-count 3)) ;; test-names
+(define (runs:run-tests target runname test-patts user flags #!key (run-count 1)) ;; test-names
   (let* ((keys               (keys:config-get-fields *configdat*))
 	 (keyvals            (keys:target->keyval keys target))
 	 (run-id             (rmt:register-run keyvals runname "new" "n/a" user))  ;;  test-name)))
 	 (deferred          '()) ;; delay running these since they have a waiton clause
 	 (runconfigf         (conc  *toppath* "/runconfigs.config"))
@@ -1780,11 +1787,11 @@
       (debug:print 0 "ERROR: Missing required parameter for " switchname ", you must specify the run name with -runname runname")
       (exit 3))
       (let (;; (db   #f)
 	    (keys #f))
-	(if (launch:setup-for-run)
+	(if (launch:setup)
 	      (full-runconfigs-read) ;; cache the run config
 	      (launch:cache-config)) ;; do not cache here - need to be sure runconfigs is processed
 	      (debug:print 0 "Failed to setup, exiting")

Index: server.scm
--- server.scm
+++ server.scm
@@ -207,11 +207,11 @@
   (let ((tdbdat (tasks:open-db)))
     (let* ((host-port (let ((slst (string-split   host:port ":")))
 			(if (eq? (length slst) 2)
 			    (list (car slst)(string->number (cadr slst)))
-	   (toppath       (launch:setup-for-run))
+	   (toppath       (launch:setup))
 	   (server-db-dat (if (not host-port)(tasks:get-server (db:delay-if-busy tdbdat) run-id) #f)))
       (if (not run-id)
 	    (debug:print 0 "ERROR: must specify run-id when doing ping, -run-id n")
 	    (print "ERROR: No run-id")

Index: tests.scm
--- tests.scm
+++ tests.scm
@@ -735,45 +735,56 @@
 	     (getenv "MT_TEST_NAME") "/"
 	     (if (or (getenv "MT_ITEMPATH")
 		     (not (string=? "" (getenv "MT_ITEMPATH"))))
 		 (conc "/" (getenv "MT_ITEMPATH"))))))
+;; if .testconfig exists in test directory read and return it
+;; else if have cached copy in *testconfigs* return it IFF there is a section "have fulldata"
+;; else read the testconfig file
+;;   if have path to test directory save the config as .testconfig and return it
 (define (tests:get-testconfig test-name test-registry system-allowed #!key (force-create #f))
-  (let* ((treg              (or test-registry
-				(tests:get-all)))
-	 (test-path         (hash-table-ref/default 
-			     treg test-name 
-			     (conc *toppath* "/tests/" test-name)))
-	 (test-configf (conc test-path "/testconfig"))
-	 (testexists   (and (file-exists? test-configf)(file-read-access? test-configf)))
-	 (cache-path   (tests:get-test-path-from-environment))
-	 (cache-exists (and cache-path 
+  (let* ((cache-path   (tests:get-test-path-from-environment))
+	 (cache-file   (and cache-path (conc cache-path "/.testconfig")))
+	 (cache-exists (and cache-file
 			    (not force-create)  ;; if force-create then pretend there is no cache to read
-			    (file-exists? (conc cache-path "/.testconfig"))))
-	 (cache-file   (conc cache-path "/.testconfig"))
-	 (tcfg         (if testexists
-			   (or (and (not force-create)
-				    cache-exists
-				    (handle-exceptions
-				     exn
-				     (begin
-				       (debug:print 0 "WARNING: Failed to read " cache-file) 
-				       (make-hash-table)) ;; better to return a hash and keep going - I think
-				     (configf:read-alist cache-file)))
-			       (read-config test-configf #f system-allowed environ-patt: (if system-allowed
-											     "pre-launch-env-vars"
-											     #f)))
-			   #f)))
-    (hash-table-set! *testconfigs* test-name tcfg)
-    (if (and testexists
-	     cache-path
-	     (not cache-exists)
-	     (file-write-access? cache-path))
-	(let ((tpath (conc cache-path "/.testconfig")))
-	  (debug:print-info 1 "Caching testconfig for " test-name " in " tpath)
-	  (configf:write-alist tcfg tpath)))
-    tcfg))
+			    (file-exists? cache-file)))
+	 (cached-dat   (if (and (not force-create)
+				cache-exists)
+			   (handle-exceptions
+			    exn
+			    #f ;; any issues, just give up with the cached version and re-read
+			    (configf:read-alist cache-file))
+			   #f)))
+    (if cached-dat
+	cached-dat
+	(let ((dat (hash-table-ref/default *testconfigs* test-name #f)))
+	  (if (and  dat ;; have a locally cached version
+		    (hash-table-ref/default dat "have fulldata" #f)) ;; marked as good data?
+	      dat
+	      ;; no cached data available
+	      (let* ((treg         (or test-registry
+				       (tests:get-all)))
+		     (test-path    (or (hash-table-ref/default treg test-name #f)
+				       (conc *toppath* "/tests/" test-name)))
+		     (test-configf (conc test-path "/testconfig"))
+		     (testexists   (and (file-exists? test-configf)(file-read-access? test-configf)))
+		     (tcfg         (if testexists
+				       (read-config test-configf #f system-allowed
+						    environ-patt: (if system-allowed
+								      "pre-launch-env-vars"
+								      #f))
+				       #f)))
+		(if cache-file (hash-table-set! tcfg "have fulldata" #t)) ;; mark this as fully read data
+		(if tcfg (hash-table-set! *testconfigs* test-name tcfg))
+		(if (and testexists
+			 cache-file
+			 (file-write-access? cache-path))
+		    (let ((tpath (conc cache-path "/.testconfig")))
+		      (debug:print-info 1 "Caching testconfig for " test-name " in " tpath)
+		      (configf:write-alist tcfg tpath)))
+		tcfg))))))
 ;; sort tests by priority and waiton
 ;; Move test specific stuff to a test unit FIXME one of these days
 (define (tests:sort-by-priority-and-waiton test-records)
   (let* ((mungepriority (lambda (priority)
@@ -849,10 +860,11 @@
   (let-values (((fd temp-path) (file-mkstemp (conc "/tmp/" (current-user-name) ".XXXXXX"))))
     (let ((all-testnames (hash-table-keys test-records))
 	  (temp-port     (open-output-file* fd)))
       ;; (format temp-port "This file is ~A.~%" temp-path)
       (format temp-port "digraph tests {\n")
+      (format temp-port "  size=4,8\n")
       ;; (format temp-port "   splines=none\n")
        (lambda (testname)
 	 (let* ((testrec (hash-table-ref test-records testname))
 		(waitons (or (tests:testqueue-get-waitons testrec) '())))
@@ -880,11 +892,13 @@
   (let ((all-testnames (hash-table-keys test-records)))
     (if (null? all-testnames)
 	(let loop ((hed (car all-testnames))
 		   (tal (cdr all-testnames))
-		   (res (list "digraph tests {")))
+		   (res (list "digraph tests {"
+			      " size=\"11,11\";"
+			      " ratio=0.95;")))
 	  (let* ((testrec (hash-table-ref test-records hed))
 		 (waitons (or (tests:testqueue-get-waitons testrec) '()))
 		 (newres  (append res
 				  (if (null? waitons)
 				      (list (conc "   \"" hed "\";"))

Index: tests/fullrun/configs/mt_include_2.config
--- tests/fullrun/configs/mt_include_2.config
+++ tests/fullrun/configs/mt_include_2.config
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-disk0 #{getenv MT_RUN_AREA_HOME}/tmp/mt_runs
+disk0 #{scheme (create-directory "#{getenv MT_RUN_AREA_HOME}/tmp/mt_runs" #t)}

Index: tests/fullrun/megatest.config
--- tests/fullrun/megatest.config
+++ tests/fullrun/megatest.config
@@ -94,13 +94,10 @@
 #     (nb// this is in addition to NOT_STARTED which is automatically re-run)
 allow-auto-rerun INCOMPLETE ZERO_ITEMS
-# Try this
-reruns 0
 state start end 0 1 - 2
 status pass fail n/a 0 1 running - 2
 # These are set before all tests, override them 

Index: tests/fullrun/runconfigs.config
--- tests/fullrun/runconfigs.config
+++ tests/fullrun/runconfigs.config
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
 SOMEVAR This should show up in SOMEVAR3
 # target based getting of config file, look at afs.config and nfs.config
 [include #{getenv fsname}.config]
 [include #{getenv MT_RUN_AREA_HOME}/common_runconfigs.config]

Index: tests/fullrun/tests/all_toplevel/testconfig
--- tests/fullrun/tests/all_toplevel/testconfig
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/all_toplevel/testconfig
@@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
 calcresults megatest -list-runs $MT_RUNNAME -target $MT_TARGET
+check_triggers  cat $MT_RUN_AREA_HOME/triggers_$MT_RUN_NAME.dat
+check_triggers ;;
+  (expect:error in "LogFileBody" = 0 "No errors" #/error/i)
 waiton  #{getenv ALL_TOPLEVEL_TESTS}
 # This is a "toplevel" test, it does not require waitons to be non-FAIL to run

Index: tests/fullrun/tests/exit_0/testconfig
--- tests/fullrun/tests/exit_0/testconfig
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/exit_0/testconfig
@@ -8,8 +8,10 @@
 tags first,single
 reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt
-NOT_STARTED/ xterm -e bash -s -- 
-RUNNING/ xterm -e bash -s -- 
+# NOT_STARTED/ xterm -e bash -s -- 
+NOT_STARTED/   echo "trigger: exit_0, NOT_STARTED/" > $MT_RUN_AREA_HOME/triggers_$MT_RUN_NAME.dat
+RUNNING/       echo "trigger: exit_0, RUNNING/" >> $MT_RUN_AREA_HOME/triggers_$MT_RUN_NAME.dat

Index: tests/fullrun/tests/ez_fail_quick/testconfig
--- tests/fullrun/tests/ez_fail_quick/testconfig
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/ez_fail_quick/testconfig
@@ -5,11 +5,11 @@
 # should fail on next step
 lookitnada  ls /nada
 # run like this: cmd test-id test-rundir trigger
-COMPLETED/FAIL xterm;echo
+COMPLETED/FAIL   echo "trigger: ez_fail_quick, COMPLETED/FAIL" >> $MT_RUN_AREA_HOME/triggers_$MT_RUN_NAME.dat
 author matt
 owner  bob
 description This test runs a single ezstep which fails immediately.

Index: tests/fullrun/tests/priority_1/testconfig
--- tests/fullrun/tests/priority_1/testconfig
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/priority_1/testconfig
@@ -12,6 +12,6 @@
 tags first,single
 reviewed 09/10/2011, by Matt
+COMPLETED/   echo "trigger: priority_1, COMPLETED/" >> $MT_RUN_AREA_HOME/triggers_$MT_RUN_NAME.dat

Index: tests/fullrun/tests/test_mt_vars/testconfig
--- tests/fullrun/tests/test_mt_vars/testconfig
+++ tests/fullrun/tests/test_mt_vars/testconfig
@@ -22,17 +22,35 @@
 # verify that vars with $ signs get expanded
+emptyvars bash -c 'if [[ $VARNOVAL == "" ]];then echo HAVE_VARNOVAL;else echo "ERROR: VARNOVAL not found";fi'
+emptyvar_withspace bash -c 'if [[ $VARNOVAL_WITHSPACE == "" ]];then echo HAVE_VARNOVAL_WITHSPACE;else echo "ERROR: VARNOVAL_WITHSPACE not found";fi' egrep VARNO
 waiton runfirst
 priority 0
 NUMNUM [system cat $MT_RUN_AREA_HOME/tmp/$USER/$sysname/$fsname/$datapath/$MT_RUNNAME/$PREDICTABLE]
+emptyvars ;;
+  (expect:error in "LogFileBody" = 0 "VARNOVAL not found" #/ERROR: VARNOVAL not found/)
+  (expect:required in "LogFileBody" = 1 "HAVE_VARNOVAL"   #/HAVE_VARNOVAL/)
+emptyvar_withspace ;;
+  (expect:error in "LogFileBody" = 0 "VARNOVAL_WITHSPACE not found" #/ERROR: VARNOVAL_WITHSPACE not found/)
+  (expect:required in "LogFileBody" = 1 "HAVE_VARNOVAL_WITHSPACE"   #/HAVE_VARNOVAL_WITHSPACE/)
+ ;;
+  (expect:error in "LogFileBody" = 0 "No errors expected" #/ERR/i)
+  (expect:required in "LogFileBody" = 1 "VARNOVAL_WITHSPACE"  #/VARNOVAL_WITHSPACE/)
+  (expect:required in "LogFileBody" = 1 "VARNOVAL"            #/VARNOVAL/)
 author matt
 owner  bob
 description This test runs a single ezstep which is expected to pass, no logpro file.