Index: Makefile
--- Makefile
+++ Makefile
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@
process.scm runs.scm tasks.scm tests.scm genexample.scm \
http-transport.scm filedb.scm \
client.scm synchash.scm daemon.scm mt.scm \
ezsteps.scm lock-queue.scm sdb.scm \
rmt.scm api.scm tdb.scm rpc-transport.scm \
- portlogger.scm archive.scm env.scm
+ portlogger.scm archive.scm env.scm diff-report.scm
# Eggs to install (straightforward ones)
EGGS=matchable readline apropos base64 regex-literals format regex-case test coops trace csv \
dot-locking posix-utils posix-extras directory-utils hostinfo tcp-server rpc csv-xml fmt \
json md5 awful http-client spiffy uri-common intarweb spiffy-request-vars \
ADDED diff-report.scm
Index: diff-report.scm
--- /dev/null
+++ diff-report.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+(declare (unit diff-report))
+(declare (uses common))
+(declare (uses rmt))
+(include "common_records.scm")
+(use matchable)
+(use fmt)
+(use ducttape-lib)
+(define css "")
+(define (diff:tests-mindat->hash tests-mindat)
+ (let* ((res (make-hash-table)))
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (item)
+ (let* ((test-name+item-path (cons (list-ref item 0) (list-ref item 1)))
+ (value (list-ref item 2)))
+ (hash-table-set! res test-name+item-path value)))
+ tests-mindat)
+ res))
+;; return 1 if status1 is better
+;; return 0 if status1 and 2 are equally good
+;; return -1 if status2 is better
+(define (diff:status-compare3 status1 status2)
+ (let*
+ ((status-goodness-ranking (list "PASS" "WARN" "WAIVED" "SKIP" "FAIL" "ABORT" #f))
+ (mem1 (member status1 status-goodness-ranking))
+ (mem2 (member status2 status-goodness-ranking))
+ )
+ (cond
+ ((and (not mem1) (not mem2)) 0)
+ ((not mem1) -1)
+ ((not mem2) 1)
+ ((= (length mem1) (length mem2)) 0)
+ ((> (length mem1) (length mem2)) 1)
+ (else -1))))
+(define (diff:xor-tests-mindat src-tests-mindat dest-tests-mindat #!key (hide-clean #f) (consistent-fail-not-clean #f))
+ (let* ((src-hash (diff:tests-mindat->hash src-tests-mindat))
+ (dest-hash (diff:tests-mindat->hash dest-tests-mindat))
+ (all-keys
+ (reverse (sort
+ (delete-duplicates
+ (append (hash-table-keys src-hash) (hash-table-keys dest-hash)))
+ (lambda (a b)
+ (cond
+ ((< 0 (string-compare3 (car a) (car b))) #t)
+ ((> 0 (string-compare3 (car a) (car b))) #f)
+ ((< 0 (string-compare3 (cdr a) (cdr b))) #t)
+ (else #f)))
+ ))))
+ (let ((res
+ (map ;; TODO: rename xor to delta globally in dcommon and dashboard
+ (lambda (key)
+ (let* ((test-name (car key))
+ (item-path (cdr key))
+ (dest-value (hash-table-ref/default dest-hash key (list 0 "NULL" "NULL"))) ;; (list test-id state status)
+ (dest-test-id (list-ref dest-value 0))
+ (dest-state (list-ref dest-value 1))
+ (dest-status (list-ref dest-value 2))
+ (src-value (hash-table-ref/default src-hash key (list 0 "NULL" "NULL"))) ;; (list test-id state status)
+ (src-test-id (list-ref src-value 0))
+ (src-state (list-ref src-value 1))
+ (src-status (list-ref src-value 2))
+ (incomplete-statuses '("DELETED" "INCOMPLETE" "STUCK/DEAD" "N/A")) ;; if any of these statuses apply, treat test as incomplete
+ (dest-complete
+ (and dest-value dest-state dest-status
+ (equal? dest-state "COMPLETED")
+ (not (member dest-status incomplete-statuses))))
+ (src-complete
+ (and src-value src-state src-status
+ (equal? src-state "COMPLETED")
+ (not (member src-status incomplete-statuses))))
+ (status-compare-result (diff:status-compare3 src-status dest-status))
+ (xor-new-item
+ (cond
+ ;; complete, for this case means: state=compelte AND status not in ( deleted uncomplete stuck/dead n/a )
+ ;; neither complete -> bad
+ ;; src !complete, dest complete -> better
+ ((and (not dest-complete) (not src-complete))
+ (list dest-test-id "BOTH-BAD" "BOTH-INCOMPLETE") src-value dest-value)
+ ((not dest-complete)
+ (list src-test-id "NOT-IN-DEST" "DEST-INCOMPLETE") src-value dest-value)
+ ((not src-complete)
+ (list dest-test-id "NOT-IN-SRC" "SRC-INCOMPLETE") src-value dest-value)
+ ((and
+ (equal? src-state dest-state)
+ (equal? src-status dest-status))
+ (if (and consistent-fail-not-clean (not (member dest-status '("PASS" "SKIP" "WAIVED" "WARN"))))
+ (list dest-test-id (conc "BOTH-BAD") (conc "CLEAN-" dest-status) src-value dest-value)
+ (list dest-test-id (conc "CLEAN") (conc "CLEAN-" dest-status) src-value dest-value)))
+ ;; better or worse: pass > warn > waived > skip > fail > abort
+ ;; pass > warn > waived > skip > fail > abort
+ ((= 1 status-compare-result) ;; src is better, dest is worse
+ (list dest-test-id "WORSE" (conc src-status "->" dest-status) src-value dest-value))
+ (else
+ (list dest-test-id "BETTER" (conc src-status "->" dest-status) src-value dest-value)))))
+ (list test-name item-path xor-new-item)))
+ all-keys)))
+ (if hide-clean
+ (filter
+ (lambda (item)
+ (not
+ (equal?
+ (list-ref (list-ref item 2) 1))))
+ res)
+ res))))
+(define (diff:run-name->run-id run-name)
+ (if (number? run-name)
+ run-name
+ (let* ((qry-res (rmt:get-runs run-name 1 0 '())))
+ (if (eq? 2 (vector-length qry-res))
+ (vector-ref (car (vector-ref qry-res 1)) 1)
+ #f))))
+(define (diff:target+run-name->run-id target run-name)
+ (let* ((keys (rmt:get-keys))
+ (target-parts (if target (string-split target "/") (map (lambda (x) "%") keys))))
+ (if (not (eq? (length keys) (length keys)))
+ (begin
+ (print "Error: Target ("target") item count does not match fields count target tokens="target-parts" fields="keys)
+ #f)
+ (let* ((target-map (zip keys target-parts))
+ (qry-res (rmt:get-runs run-name 1 0 target-map)))
+ (if (eq? 2 (vector-length qry-res))
+ (let ((first-ent (vector-ref qry-res 1)))
+ (if (> (length first-ent) 0)
+ (vector-ref (car first-ent) 1)
+ #f))
+ #f)))))
+(define (diff:run-id->tests-mindat run-id #!key (testpatt "%/%"))
+ (let* ((states '())
+ (statuses '())
+ (offset #f)
+ (limit #f)
+ (not-in #t)
+ (sort-by #f)
+ (sort-order #f)
+ (qryvals "id,testname,item_path,state,status")
+ (qryvals "id,testname,item_path,state,status")
+ (last-update 0)
+ (mode #f)
+ )
+ (map
+ ;; (lambda (row)
+ ;; (match row
+ ;; ((#(id test-name item-path state status)
+ ;; (list test-name item-path (list id state status))))
+ ;; (else #f)))
+ (lambda (row)
+ (let* ((id (vector-ref row 0))
+ (test-name (vector-ref row 1))
+ (item-path (vector-ref row 2))
+ (state (vector-ref row 3))
+ (status (vector-ref row 4)))
+ (list test-name item-path (list id state status))))
+ (rmt:get-tests-for-run run-id
+ testpatt states statuses
+ offset limit
+ not-in sort-by sort-order
+ qryvals
+ last-update
+ mode))))
+(define (diff:diff-runs src-run-id dest-run-id)
+ (let* ((src-tests-mindat (diff:run-id->tests-mindat src-run-id))
+ (dest-tests-mindat (diff:run-id->tests-mindat dest-run-id)))
+ (diff:xor-tests-mindat src-tests-mindat dest-tests-mindat consistent-fail-not-clean: #t)))
+(define (diff:rundiff-find-by-state run-diff state)
+ (filter
+ (lambda (x)
+ (equal? (list-ref (caddr x) 1) state))
+ run-diff))
+(define (diff:rundiff-clean-breakdown run-diff)
+ (map
+ (lambda (run-diff-item)
+ (match run-diff-item
+ ((test-name item-path (junk-id diff-state diff-status (src-test-id src-state src-status) (dest-test-id dest-state dest-status)))
+ (list test-name item-path "CLEAN" src-status))
+ (else "")))
+ (diff:rundiff-find-by-state run-diff "CLEAN")))
+(define (diff:summarize-run-diff run-diff)
+ (let* ((diff-states (list "CLEAN" "BETTER" "WORSE" "BOTH-BAD" "NOT-IN-DEST" "NOT-IN-SRC" )))
+ (map
+ (lambda (state)
+ (list state
+ (length (diff:rundiff-find-by-state run-diff state))))
+ diff-states)))
+;; Presentation code below, business logic above ;;
+(define (diff:stml->string in-stml)
+ (with-output-to-string
+ (lambda ()
+ (s:output-new
+ (current-output-port)
+ in-stml))))
+(define (diff:state-status->bgcolor state status)
+ (match (list state status)
+ (("CLEAN" _) "#88ff88")
+ (("BETTER" _) "#33ff33")
+ (("WORSE" _) "#ff3333")
+ (("BOTH-BAD" _) "#ff3333")
+ ((_ "WARN") "#ffff88")
+ ((_ "FAIL") "#ff8888")
+ ((_ "ABORT") "#ff0000")
+ ((_ "PASS") "#88ff88")
+ ((_ "SKIP") "#ffff00")
+ (else "#ffffff")))
+(define (diff:test-state-status->diff-report-cell state status)
+ (s:td 'bgcolor (diff:state-status->bgcolor state status) status))
+(define (diff:diff-state-status->diff-report-cell state status)
+ (s:td state 'bgcolor (diff:state-status->bgcolor state status)))
+(define (diff:megatest-html-logo)
+ "
+___ ___ _ _
+| \\/ | ___ __ _ __ _| |_ ___ ___| |_
+| |\\/| |/ _ \\/ _` |/ _` | __/ _ \\/ __| __|
+| | | | __/ (_| | (_| | || __/\\__ \\ |_
+|_| |_|\\___|\\__, |\\__,_|\\__\\___||___/\\__|
+ |___/
+(define (diff:megatest-html-diff-logo)
+ "
+___ ___ _ _
+| \\/ | ___ __ _ __ _| |_ ___ ___| |_ | _ \\(_)/ _|/ _|
+| |\\/| |/ _ \\/ _` |/ _` | __/ _ \\/ __| __| | | | | | |_| |_
+| | | | __/ (_| | (_| | || __/\\__ \\ |_ | |_| | | _| _|
+|_| |_|\\___|\\__, |\\__,_|\\__\\___||___/\\__| |____/|_|_| |_|
+ |___/
+(define (diff:run-id->target+run-name+starttime run-id)
+ (let* ((target (rmt:get-target run-id))
+ (runinfo (rmt:get-run-info run-id)) ; vector of header (list) and result (vector)
+ (info-hash (alist->hash-table
+ (map (lambda (x) (cons (car x) (cadr x))) ; make it a useful hash
+ (zip (vector-ref runinfo 0) (vector->list (vector-ref runinfo 1))))))
+ (run-name (hash-table-ref/default info-hash "runname" "N/A"))
+ (start-time (hash-table-ref/default info-hash "event_time" 0)))
+ (list target run-name start-time)))
+(define (diff:deliver-diff-report src-run-id dest-run-id
+ #!key
+ (html-output-file #f)
+ (email-subject-prefix "[MEGATEST DIFF]")
+ (email-recipients-list '()) )
+ (let* ((src-info (diff:run-id->target+run-name+starttime src-run-id))
+ (src-target (car src-info))
+ (src-run-name (cadr src-info))
+ (src-start (conc (seconds->string (caddr src-info)) " " (local-timezone-abbreviation)))
+ (dest-info (diff:run-id->target+run-name+starttime dest-run-id))
+ (dest-target (car dest-info))
+ (dest-run-name (cadr dest-info))
+ (dest-start (conc (seconds->string (caddr dest-info)) " " (local-timezone-abbreviation)))
+ (run-diff (diff:diff-runs src-run-id dest-run-id ))
+ (test-count (length run-diff))
+ (summary-table
+ (apply s:table 'cellspacing "0" 'border "1"
+ (s:tr
+ (s:th "Diff type")
+ (s:th "% share")
+ (s:th "Count"))
+ (map
+ (lambda (state-count)
+ (s:tr
+ (diff:diff-state-status->diff-report-cell (car state-count) #f)
+ (s:td 'align "right" (fmt #f
+ (decimal-align 3
+ (fix 2
+ (num/fit 6
+ (* 100 (/ (cadr state-count) test-count)))))))
+ (s:td 'align "right" (cadr state-count))))
+ (diff:summarize-run-diff run-diff))))
+ (meta-table
+ (s:table 'cellspacing "0" 'border "1"
+ (s:tr
+ (s:td 'colspan "2"
+ (s:table 'cellspacing "0" 'border "1"
+ (s:tr
+ (s:th 'align "LEFT" "") (s:th "SOURCE RUN") (s:th "DESTINATION RUN"))
+ (s:tr
+ (s:th 'align "LEFT" "Started") (s:td src-start) (s:td dest-start))
+ (s:tr
+ (s:th 'align "LEFT" "TARGET") (s:td src-target) (s:td dest-target))
+ (s:tr
+ (s:th 'align "LEFT" "RUN NAME") (s:td src-run-name) (s:td dest-run-name)))))))
+ (main-table
+ (apply s:table 'cellspacing "0" 'border "1"
+ (s:tr
+ (s:th "Test name")
+ (s:th "Item Path")
+ (s:th (conc "SOURCE"))
+ (s:th (conc "DEST"))
+ (s:th "Diff"))
+ (map
+ (lambda (run-diff-item)
+ (match run-diff-item
+ ((test-name item-path (junk-id diff-state diff-status (src-test-id src-state src-status) (dest-test-id dest-state dest-status)))
+ (s:tr
+ (s:td test-name)
+ (s:td item-path)
+ (diff:test-state-status->diff-report-cell src-state src-status)
+ (diff:test-state-status->diff-report-cell dest-state dest-status)
+ (diff:diff-state-status->diff-report-cell diff-state diff-status)))
+ (else "")))
+ (filter (lambda (run-diff-item)
+ (match run-diff-item
+ ((test-name item-path (junk-id diff-state diff-status (src-test-id src-state src-status) (dest-test-id dest-state dest-status)))
+ (not (equal? diff-state "CLEAN")))
+ (else #f)))
+ run-diff))))
+ (email-subject (conc email-subject-prefix " " src-target "/" src-run-name" vs. "dest-target"/"dest-run-name))
+ (html-body (diff:stml->string (s:body
+ (diff:megatest-html-diff-logo)
+ (s:h2 "Summary")
+ (s:table 'border "0"
+ (s:tr
+ (s:td "Diff calculated at")
+ (s:td (conc (seconds->string) " " (local-timezone-abbreviation))))
+ (s:tr
+ (s:td "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME" ) (s:td *toppath*))
+ (s:tr 'valign "TOP"
+ (s:td summary-table)
+ (s:td meta-table)))
+ (s:h2 "Diffs + consistently failing tests")
+ main-table)))
+ )
+ (if html-output-file
+ (with-output-to-file html-output-file (lambda () (print html-body))))
+ (when (and email-recipients-list (> (length email-recipients-list) 0))
+ (sendmail (string-join email-recipients-list ",") email-subject html-body use_html: #t))
+ html-body))
+;; (let* ((src-run-name "all57")
+;; (dest-run-name "all60")
+;; (src-run-id (diff:run-name->run-id src-run-name))
+;; (dest-run-id (diff:run-name->run-id dest-run-name))
+;; (to-list (list "bjbarcla")))
+;; (diff:deliver-diff-report src-run-id dest-run-id email-recipients-list: to-list html-output-file: "/tmp/bjbarcla/zippy.html")
+;; )
+(define (do-diff-report src-target src-runname dest-target dest-runname html-file to-list-raw)
+ (let* (;;(src-target "nope%")
+ ;;(src-runname "all57")
+ ;;(dest-target "%")
+ ;;(dest-runname "all60")
+ (src-run-id (diff:target+run-name->run-id src-target src-runname))
+ (dest-run-id (diff:target+run-name->run-id dest-target dest-runname))
+ ;(html-file "/tmp/bjbarcla/zippy.html")
+ (to-list (if (string? to-list-raw) (string-split to-list-raw ",:") #f))
+ )
+ (cond
+ ((not src-run-id)
+ (print "No match for source target/runname="src-target"/"src-runname)
+ (print "Cannot proceed.")
+ #f)
+ ((not dest-run-id)
+ (print "No match for source target/runname="dest-target"/"dest-runname)
+ (print "Cannot proceed.")
+ #f)
+ (else
+ (diff:deliver-diff-report src-run-id dest-run-id email-recipients-list: to-list html-output-file: html-file)))))
Index: ducttape/MANIFEST
--- /dev/null
+++ ducttape/MANIFEST
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
ADDED ducttape/Makefile
Index: ducttape/Makefile
--- /dev/null
+++ ducttape/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+SHELL=/bin/tcsh -f
+ @echo ""
+ @echo "make targets:"
+ @echo "============="
+ @echo "install - build and install general_lib egg as icfadm"
+ @echo "test - run unit tests on ducttape-lib.scm (tests code, not egg)"
+ @echo "eggs-info - show chicken-install commands to get eggs upon which ducttape-lib depends"
+ @echo "test_example - compile an example scm against installed general_lib egg"
+ @echo "clean - remove binaries and other build artifacts"
+ @echo ""
+ rm -f *.so *.import.scm test_ducttape test_example foo *.c *.o
+ chicken-install
+ chicken-install -no-install
+ csc test_ducttape.scm
+ ./test_ducttape
+ if (-e foo) rm -f foo
+ @csc test_example.scm
+ @./test_example
+ @rm test_example
+ @echo chicken-install ansi-escape-sequences
+ @echo chicken-install slice
+ @echo chicken-install rfc3339
ADDED ducttape/ducttape-lib.meta
Index: ducttape/ducttape-lib.meta
--- /dev/null
+++ ducttape/ducttape-lib.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+;;; ducttape-lib.meta -*- Hen -*-
+((egg "ducttape-lib.egg")
+ (synopsis "Miscellaneous tool and standard print routines.")
+ (category env)
+ (author "Brandon Barclay")
+ (doc-from-wiki)
+ (license "GPL-2")
+ ;; srfi-69, posix, srfi-18
+ (depends regex)
+ (test-depends test)
+ ; suspicious - (files "ducttape-lib")
+ )
ADDED ducttape/ducttape-lib.scm
Index: ducttape/ducttape-lib.scm
--- /dev/null
+++ ducttape/ducttape-lib.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,812 @@
+(module ducttape-lib
+ (
+ runs-ok
+ ducttape-debug-level
+ ducttape-debug-regex-filter
+ ducttape-silent-mode
+ ducttape-quiet-mode
+ ducttape-log-file
+ ducttape-color-mode
+ iputs-preamble
+ script-name
+ idbg
+ ierr
+ iwarn
+ inote
+ iputs
+ re-match?
+ ; launch-repl
+ keyword-skim
+ skim-cmdline-opts-noarg-by-regex
+ skim-cmdline-opts-withargs-by-regex
+ concat-lists
+ process-command-line
+ ducttape-append-logfile
+ ducttape-activate-logfile
+ isys
+ do-or-die
+ counter-maker
+ dir-is-writable?
+ mktemp
+ get-tmpdir
+ sendmail
+ find-exe
+ zeropad
+ string-leftpad
+ string-rightpad
+ seconds->isodate
+ seconds->wwdate
+ seconds->wwdate-values
+ isodate->seconds
+ isodate->wwdate
+ wwdate->seconds
+ wwdate->isodate
+ current-wwdate
+ current-isodate
+ )
+ (import scheme chicken extras ports data-structures )
+ (use posix regex ansi-escape-sequences test srfi-1 irregex slice srfi-13 rfc3339 scsh-process directory-utils uuid-lib filepath srfi-19 ) ; linenoise
+ (include "mimetypes.scm") ; provides ext->mimetype
+ (include "workweekdate.scm")
+ (define ducttape-lib-version 1.00)
+ (define (toplevel-command sym proc) (lambda () #f))
+;;;; utility procedures
+ ;; begin credit: megatest's process.scm
+ (define (port->list fh )
+ (if (eof-object? fh) #f
+ (let loop ((curr (read-line fh))
+ (result '()))
+ (if (not (eof-object? curr))
+ (loop (read-line fh)
+ (append result (list curr)))
+ result))))
+ (define (conservative-read port)
+ (let loop ((res ""))
+ (if (not (eof-object? (peek-char port)))
+ (loop (conc res (read-char port)))
+ res)))
+ ;; end credit: megatest's process.scm
+ (define (counter-maker)
+ (let ((acc 0))
+ (lambda ( #!optional (increment 1) )
+ (set! acc (+ increment acc))
+ acc)))
+ (define (port->string port #!optional ) ; todo - add newline
+ (let ((linelist (port->list port)))
+ (if linelist
+ (string-join linelist "\n")
+ "")))
+ (define (outport->foreach outport foreach-thunk)
+ (let loop ((line (foreach-thunk)))
+ (if line
+ (begin
+ (write-line line outport)
+ (loop (foreach-thunk))
+ )
+ (begin
+ ;;
+ ;;close-[input|output]-port implicitly calling process-wait on process pipe ports. This leads to errors like
+ ;;Error: (process-wait) waiting for child process failed - No child processes: 10872
+ (close-output-port outport)
+ #f))))
+ ;; weird - alist-ref arg order changes signature csc vs. csi... explitly defining.
+ (define (my-alist-ref key alist)
+ (let ((res (assoc key alist)))
+ (if res (cdr res) #f)))
+ (define (keyword-skim-alist args alist)
+ (let loop ((result-alist '()) (result-args args) (rest-alist alist))
+ (cond
+ ((null? rest-alist) (values result-alist result-args))
+ (else
+ (let ((keyword (caar rest-alist))
+ (defval (cdar rest-alist)))
+ (let-values (((kwval result-args2)
+ (keyword-skim
+ keyword
+ defval
+ result-args)))
+ (loop
+ (cons (cons keyword kwval) result-alist)
+ result-args2
+ (cdr rest-alist))))))))
+ (define (isys command . rest-args)
+ (let-values
+ (((opt-alist args)
+ (keyword-skim-alist
+ rest-args
+ '( ( foreach-stdout-thunk: . #f )
+ ( foreach-stdin-thunk: . #f )
+ ( stdin-proc: . #f ) ) )))
+ (let* ((foreach-stdout-thunk
+ (my-alist-ref foreach-stdout-thunk: opt-alist))
+ (foreach-stdin-thunk
+ (my-alist-ref foreach-stdin-thunk: opt-alist))
+ (stdin-proc
+ (if foreach-stdin-thunk
+ (lambda (port)
+ (outport->foreach port foreach-stdin-thunk))
+ (my-alist-ref stdin-proc: opt-alist))))
+ ;; TODO: support command is list.
+ (let-values (((stdout stdin pid stderr)
+ (if (null? args)
+ (process* command)
+ (process* command args))))
+ ;(if foreach-stdin-thunk
+ ; (set! stdin-proc
+ ; (lambda (port)
+ ; (outport->foreach port foreach-stdin-thunk))))
+ (if stdin-proc
+ (stdin-proc stdin))
+ (let ((stdout-res
+ (if foreach-stdout-thunk ;; don't accumulate stdout if we have a thunk; probably doing this because stdout is BIG so lets not waste memory
+ (begin
+ (port-for-each foreach-stdout-thunk (lambda () (read-line stdout)))
+ "foreach-stdout-thunk ate stdout"
+ )
+ (if stdin-proc
+ "foreach-stdin-thunk/stdin-proc blocks stdout"
+ (port->string stdout))))
+ (stderr-res
+ (if stdin-proc
+ "foreach-stdin-thunk/stdin-proc blocks stdout"
+ (port->string stderr))))
+ ;; if we've used a stdin-proc, we've closed stdin port, which unfortunately causes a wait-pid internally, causing stdout and stderr ports to auto-close. don't close them again. (so sad - we lost stdout and stderr contents when we write to stdin)
+ ;; see -
+ (if (not stdin-proc)
+ (close-input-port stdout)
+ (close-input-port stderr))
+ (let-values (((anotherpid normalexit? exitstatus) (process-wait pid)))
+ (values exitstatus stdout-res stderr-res)))))))
+ (define (do-or-die command #!key nodie (foreach-stdout #f) (stdin-proc #f))
+ (let-values (((exit-code stdout-str stderr-str) (isys command foreach-stdout-thunk: foreach-stdout stdin-proc: stdin-proc )))
+ (if (equal? 0 exit-code)
+ stdout-str
+ (begin
+ (ierr (conc "Command > " command " " "< failed with " exit-code " because: \n" stderr-str) )
+ (if nodie #f (exit exit-code))))))
+ ;; this is broken. one day i will fix it and thus understand run/collecting... don't use isys-broken.
+ (define (isys-broken command-list)
+ (let-values ( ( (rv outport errport) (run/collecting (1 2) ("ls" "-l") ) ) )
+ (print "rv is " rv)
+ (print "op is " outport)
+ (print "ep is " errport)
+ (values rv (port->string outport) (port->string errport))))
+ ;; runs-ok: evaluate expression while suppressing exceptions.
+ ; on caught exception, returns #f
+ ; otherwise, returns expression value
+ (define (runs-ok thunk)
+ (handle-exceptions exn #f (begin (thunk) #t)))
+ ;; concat-lists: result list = lista + listb
+ (define (concat-lists lista listb) ;; ok, I just reimplemented append...
+ (foldr cons listb lista))
+;;; setup general_lib env var parameters
+ ;; show warning/note/error/debug prefixes using ansi colors
+ (define ducttape-color-mode
+ (make-parameter (get-environment-variable "DUCTTAPE_COLORIZE")))
+ ;; if defined, has number value. if number value > 0, show debug messages
+ ;; value should be decremented in subshells -- idea is raising debug level will show debug messages deeper and deeper in process call stack
+ (define ducttape-debug-level
+ (make-parameter
+ (let ( (raw-debug-level (get-environment-variable "DUCTTAPE_DEBUG_LEVEL")) )
+ (if raw-debug-level
+ (let ((num-debug-level (runs-ok (string->number raw-debug-level))))
+ (if (integer? num-debug-level)
+ (begin
+ (let ((new-num-debug-level (- num-debug-level 1)))
+ (if (> new-num-debug-level 0) ;; decrement
+ (setenv "DUCTTAPE_DEBUG_LEVEL" (number->string new-num-debug-level))
+ (unsetenv "DUCTTAPE_DEBUG_LEVEL")))
+ num-debug-level) ; it was set and > 0, mode is value
+ (begin
+ (unsetenv "DUCTTAPE_DEBUG_LEVEL") ;; value was invalid, unset it
+ #f))) ; value was invalid, mode is f
+ #f)))) ; var not set, mode is f
+ (define ducttape-debug-mode (if (ducttape-debug-level) #t #f))
+ ;; ducttape-debug-regex-filter suppresses non-matching debug messages
+ (define ducttape-debug-regex-filter
+ (make-parameter
+ (let ((raw-debug-pattern (get-environment-variable "DUCTTAPE_DEBUG_PATTERN")))
+ (if raw-debug-pattern
+ raw-debug-pattern
+ "."))))
+ ;; silent mode suppresses Note and Warning type messages
+ (define ducttape-silent-mode
+ (make-parameter (get-environment-variable "DUCTTAPE_SILENT_MODE")))
+ ;; quiet mode suppresses Note type messages
+ (define ducttape-quiet-mode
+ (make-parameter (get-environment-variable "DUCTTAPE_QUIET_MODE")))
+ ;; if log file is defined, warning/note/error/debug messages are appended
+ ;; to named logfile.
+ (define ducttape-log-file
+ (make-parameter (get-environment-variable "DUCTTAPE_LOG_FILE")))
+;;; standard messages printing implementation
+ ; get the name of the current script/binary being run
+ (define (script-name)
+ (car (reverse (string-split (car (argv)) "/"))))
+ (define (ducttape-timestamp)
+ (rfc3339->string (time->rfc3339 (seconds->local-time))))
+ (define (iputs-preamble msg-type #!optional (suppress-color #f))
+ (let ((do-color (and
+ (not suppress-color)
+ (ducttape-color-mode)
+ (terminal-port? (current-error-port)))))
+ (case msg-type
+ ((note)
+ (if do-color
+ (set-text (list 'fg-green 'bg-black 'bold) "Note:")
+ "Note:"
+ ))
+ ((warn)
+ (if do-color
+ (set-text (list 'fg-yellow 'bg-black 'bold) "Warning:")
+ "Warning:"
+ ))
+ ((err)
+ (if do-color
+ (set-text (list 'fg-red 'bg-black 'bold) "Error:")
+ "Error:"
+ ))
+ ((dbg)
+ (if do-color
+ (set-text (list 'fg-blue 'bg-magenta) "Debug:")
+ "Debug:"
+ )))))
+ (define (ducttape-append-logfile msg-type message #!optional (suppress-preamble #f))
+ (let
+ ((txt
+ (string-join
+ (list
+ (ducttape-timestamp)
+ (script-name)
+ (if suppress-preamble
+ message
+ (string-join (list (iputs-preamble msg-type #t) message) " ")))
+ " | ")))
+ (if (ducttape-log-file)
+ (runs-ok
+ (call-with-output-file (ducttape-log-file)
+ (lambda (output-port)
+ (format output-port "~A ~%" txt)
+ )
+ #:append))
+ #t)))
+ (define (ducttape-activate-logfile #!optional (logfile #f))
+ ;; from python
+ ; message = "START - pid=%d ppid=%d argv=(%s) pwd=%s user=%s host=%s"%(pid,ppid," ".join("'"+x+"'" for x in sys.argv),os.environ['PWD'],os.getenv('USER','nouser'),os.getenv('HOST','nohost') )
+ (let ((pid (number->string (current-process-id)))
+ (ppid (number->string (parent-process-id)))
+ (argv
+ (string-join
+ (map
+ (lambda (x)
+ (string-join (list "\"" x "\"") "" ))
+ (argv))
+ " "))
+ (pwd (or (get-environment-variable "PWD") "nopwd"))
+ (user (or (get-environment-variable "USER") "nouser"))
+ (host (or (get-environment-variable "HOST") "nohost")))
+ (if logfile
+ (begin
+ (ducttape-log-file logfile)
+ (setenv "DUCTTAPE_LOG_FILE" (ducttape-log-file))))
+ (ducttape-append-logfile 'note (format #f "START - pid=~A ppid=~A argv=(~A) pwd=~A user=~A host=~A" pid ppid argv pwd user host) #t)))
+ ;; immediately activate logfile (will be noop if logfile disabled)
+ (ducttape-activate-logfile)
+ ;; log exit code
+ (define (set-exit-handler)
+ (let ((orig-exit-handler (exit-handler)))
+ (exit-handler
+ (lambda (exitcode)
+ (ducttape-append-logfile 'note (format #f "Exit ~A by sys.exit" exitcode) #t)
+ (orig-exit-handler exitcode)))))
+ (set-exit-handler)
+ ;; TODO: hook exception handler so we can log exception before we sign off.
+ (define (idbg first-message . rest-args)
+ (let* ((debug-level-threshold
+ (if (> (length rest-args) 0) (car rest-args) 1))
+ (message-list
+ (if (> (length rest-args) 1)
+ (cons first-message (cdr rest-args))
+ (list first-message)) )
+ (message (apply conc
+ (map ->string message-list))))
+ (ducttape-append-logfile 'dbg message)
+ (if (ducttape-debug-level)
+ (if (<= debug-level-threshold (ducttape-debug-level))
+ (if (string-search (ducttape-debug-regex-filter) message)
+ (begin
+ (format (current-error-port) "~A ~A (~A)~%" (iputs-preamble 'dbg) message (script-name))))))))
+ (define (ierr message-first . message-rest)
+ (let* ((message
+ (apply conc
+ (map ->string (cons message-first message-rest)))))
+ (ducttape-append-logfile 'err message)
+ (format (current-error-port) "~A ~A (~A)~%" (iputs-preamble 'err) message (script-name))))
+ (define (iwarn message-first . message-rest)
+ (let* ((message
+ (apply conc
+ (map ->string (cons message-first message-rest)))))
+ (ducttape-append-logfile 'warn message)
+ (if (not (ducttape-silent-mode))
+ (begin
+ (format (current-error-port) "~A ~A (~A)~%" (iputs-preamble 'warn) message (script-name))))))
+ (define (inote message-first . message-rest)
+ (let* ((message
+ (apply conc
+ (map ->string (cons message-first message-rest)))))
+ (ducttape-append-logfile 'note message)
+ (if (not (or (ducttape-silent-mode) (ducttape-quiet-mode)))
+ (begin
+ (format (current-error-port) "~A ~A (~A)~%" (iputs-preamble 'note) message (script-name))))))
+ (define (iputs kind message #!optional (debug-level-threshold 1))
+ (cond
+ ((member kind (string-split "NOTE/Note/note/n/N" "/")) (inote message))
+ ((member kind (string-split "Error/ERROR/error/Err/ERR/err/E/e" "/")) (ierr message))
+ ((member kind
+ (string-split "Warning/WARNING/warning/Warn/WARN/warn/W/w" "/"))
+ (iwarn message))
+ ((member kind (string-split "Debug/DEBUG/debug/Dbg/DBG/dbg/D/d" "/"))
+ (idbg message debug-level-threshold))))
+ (define (mkdir-recursive path-so-far hier-list-to-create)
+ (if (null? hier-list-to-create)
+ path-so-far
+ (let* ((next-hier-item (car hier-list-to-create))
+ (rest-hier-items (cdr hier-list-to-create))
+ (path-to-mkdir (string-concatenate (list path-so-far "/" next-hier-item))))
+ (if (runs-ok (lambda () (create-directory path-to-mkdir)))
+ (mkdir-recursive path-to-mkdir rest-hier-items)
+ #f))))
+ ; ::mkdir-if-not-exists::
+ ; make a dir recursively if it does not
+ ; already exist.
+ ; on success - returns path
+ ; on fail - returns #f
+ (define (mkdirp-if-not-exists the-dir)
+ (let ( (path-list (string-split the-dir "/")))
+ (mkdir-recursive "/" path-list)))
+ ; ::mkdir-if-not-exists::
+ ; make a dir recursively if it does not
+ ; already exist.
+ ; on success - returns path
+ ; on fail - returns #f
+ (define (mkdirp-if-not-exists the-dir)
+ (let ( (path-list (string-split the-dir "/")))
+ (mkdir-recursive "/" path-list)))
+ (define (dir-is-writable? the-dir)
+ (let ((dummy-file (string-concatenate (list the-dir "/.dummyfile"))))
+ (and
+ (file-exists? the-dir)
+ (cond
+ ((runs-ok (lambda ()(with-output-to-file dummy-file (lambda () (print "foo")))))
+ (begin
+ (runs-ok (lambda () (delete-file dummy-file) ))
+ the-dir))
+ (else #f)))))
+ (define (get-tmpdir )
+ (let* ((tmproot
+ (dir-is-writable?
+ (or
+ (get-environment-variable "TMPDIR")
+ "/tmp")))
+ (user
+ (or
+ (get-environment-variable "USER")
+ "USER_Envvar_not_set"))
+ (tmppath
+ (string-concatenate
+ (list tmproot "/env21-general-" user ))))
+ (dir-is-writable?
+ (mkdirp-if-not-exists
+ tmppath))))
+ (define (mktemp
+ #!optional
+ (prefix "general_lib_tmpfile")
+ (dir #f))
+ (let-values
+ (((fd path)
+ (file-mkstemp
+ (conc
+ (if dir dir (get-tmpdir))
+ "/" prefix ".XXXXXX"))))
+ (close-output-port (open-output-file* fd))
+ path))
+ ;;
+ ;; write send-email using:
+ ;; - isys-foreach-stdin-line
+ ;; - formatting in
+ (define (sendmail to_addr subject body
+ #!key
+ (from_addr "admin")
+ cc_addr
+ bcc_addr
+ more-headers
+ use_html
+ (attach-files-list '())
+ (images-with-content-id-alist '())
+ )
+ (define (sendmail-proc sendmail-port)
+ (define (wl line-str)
+ (write-line line-str sendmail-port))
+ (define (get-uuid)
+ (string-upcase (uuid->string (uuid-generate))))
+ (let ((mailpart-uuid (get-uuid))
+ (mailpart-body-uuid (get-uuid)))
+ (define (boundary)
+ (wl (conc "--" mailpart-uuid)))
+ (define (body-boundary)
+ (wl (conc "--" mailpart-body-uuid)))
+ (define (email-mime-header)
+ (wl (conc "From: " from_addr))
+ (wl (conc "To: " to_addr))
+ (if cc_addr
+ (wl (conc "Cc: " cc_addr)))
+ (if bcc_addr
+ (wl (conc "Bcc: " bcc_addr)))
+ (if more-headers
+ (wl more-headers))
+ (wl (conc "Subject: " subject))
+ (wl "MIME-Version: 1.0")
+ (wl (conc "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"" mailpart-uuid "\""))
+ (wl "")
+ (boundary)
+ (wl (conc "Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=\"" mailpart-body-uuid "\""))
+ (wl "")
+ )
+ (define (email-text-body)
+ (body-boundary)
+ (wl "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1")
+ (wl "Content-Disposition: inline")
+ (wl "")
+ (wl body)
+ (body-boundary))
+ (define (email-html-body)
+ (body-boundary)
+ (wl "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1")
+ (wl "")
+ (wl "You need to enable HTML option for email")
+ (body-boundary)
+ (wl "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1")
+ (wl "Content-Disposition: inline")
+ (wl "")
+ (wl body)
+ (body-boundary))
+ (define (attach-file file #!key (content-id #f))
+ (let* ((filename
+ (filepath:take-file-name file))
+ (ext-with-dot
+ (filepath:take-extension file))
+ (ext (string-take-right
+ ext-with-dot
+ (- (string-length ext-with-dot) 1)))
+ (mimetype (ext->mimetype ext))
+ (uuencode-command (conc "uuencode " file " " filename)))
+ (boundary)
+ (wl (conc "Content-Type: " mimetype "; name=\"" filename "\""))
+ (wl "Content-Transfer-Encoding: uuencode")
+ (if content-id
+ (wl (conc "Content-Id: " content-id)))
+ (wl (conc "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" filename "\""))
+ (wl "")
+ (do-or-die
+ uuencode-command
+ foreach-stdout:
+ (lambda (line)
+ (wl line)))))
+ (define (embed-image file+content-id)
+ (let ((file (car file+content-id))
+ (content-id (cdr file+content-id)))
+ (attach-file file content-id: content-id)))
+ ;; send the email
+ (email-mime-header)
+ (if use_html
+ (email-html-body)
+ (email-text-body))
+ (for-each attach-file attach-files-list)
+ (for-each embed-image images-with-content-id-alist)
+ (boundary)
+ (close-output-port sendmail-port)))
+ (do-or-die "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t"
+ stdin-proc: sendmail-proc))
+ ;; like shell "which" command
+ (define (find-exe exe)
+ (let* ((path-items
+ (string-split
+ (or
+ (get-environment-variable "PATH") "")
+ ":")))
+ (let loop ((rest-path-items path-items))
+ (if (null? rest-path-items)
+ #f
+ (let* ((this-dir (car rest-path-items))
+ (next-rest (cdr rest-path-items))
+ (candidate (conc this-dir "/" exe)))
+ (if (file-execute-access? candidate)
+ candidate
+ (loop next-rest)))))))
+ ;; (define (launch-repl )
+ ;; (use linenoise)
+ ;; (current-input-port (make-linenoise-port))
+ ;; (let ((histfile (conc (or (get-environment-variable "HOME") ".") "/." (script-name) "-hist")))
+ ;; (set-history-length! 30000)
+ ;; (load-history-from-file histfile)
+ ;; (let loop ((l (linenoise "> ")))
+ ;; (cond ((equal? l "bye")
+ ;; (save-history-to-file histfile)
+ ;; "Bye!")
+ ;; ((eof-object? l)
+ ;; (save-history-to-file histfile)
+ ;; (exit))
+ ;; (else
+ ;; (display l)
+ ;; (handle-exceptions exn
+ ;; ;;(print-call-chain (current-error-port))
+ ;; (let ((message ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn)))
+ ;; (print "exn> " message )
+ ;; ;;(pp (condition->list exn))
+ ;; ;;(exit)
+ ;; ;;(display "Went wrong")
+ ;; (newline))
+ ;; (print (eval l)))))
+ ;; (newline)
+ ;; (history-add l)
+ ;; (loop (linenoise "> ")))))
+ ;; (define (launch-repl2 )
+ ;; (use readline)
+ ;; (use apropos)
+ ;; (use trace)
+ ;; ;(import csi)
+ ;; (current-input-port (make-readline-port (conc (script-name) "> ") "... "))
+ ;; ; (install-history-file #f (conc (or (get-environment-variable "HOME") ".") "/." (script-name) "_history"))
+ ;; (parse-and-bind "set editing-mode emacs")
+ ;; (install-history-file)
+ ;; (let loop ((foo #f))
+ ;; (let ((expr (read)))
+ ;; (cond
+ ;; ((eof-object? expr) (exit))
+ ;; (else
+ ;; (handle-exceptions exn
+ ;; ;;(print-call-chain (current-error-port))
+ ;; (let ((message ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn)))
+ ;; (print "exn> " message )
+ ;; ;;(pp (condition->list exn))
+ ;; ;;(exit)
+ ;; ;;(display "Went wrong")
+ ;; (newline))
+ ;; (print (eval expr))))))
+ ;; (loop #f))
+ ;; )
+;;;; process command line options
+ ;; get command line switches (have no subsequent arg; eg. [-foo])
+ ;; assumes these are switches without arguments
+ ;; will return list of matches
+ ;; removes matches from command-line-arguments parameter
+ (define (skim-cmdline-opts-noarg-by-regex switch-pattern)
+ (let* (
+ (irr (irregex switch-pattern))
+ (matches (filter
+ (lambda (x)
+ (irregex-match irr x))
+ (command-line-arguments)))
+ (non-matches (filter
+ (lambda (x)
+ (not (member x matches)))
+ (command-line-arguments))))
+ (command-line-arguments non-matches)
+ matches))
+ (define (keyword-skim keyword default args #!optional (eqpred equal?))
+ (let loop ( (kwval default) (args-remaining args) (args-to-return '()) )
+ (cond
+ ((null? args-remaining)
+ (values
+ (if (list? kwval) (reverse kwval) kwval)
+ (reverse args-to-return)))
+ ((and (> (length args-remaining) 1) (eqpred keyword (car args-remaining)))
+ (if (list? default)
+ (if (equal? default kwval)
+ (loop (list (cadr args-remaining)) (cddr args-remaining) args-to-return)
+ (loop (cons (cadr args-remaining) kwval) (cddr args-remaining) args-to-return))
+ (loop (cadr args-remaining) (cddr args-remaining) args-to-return)))
+ (else (loop kwval (cdr args-remaining) (cons (car args-remaining) args-to-return))))))
+ ;; get command line switches (have a subsequent arg; eg. [-foo bar])
+ ;; assumes these are switches without arguments
+ ;; will return list of arguments to matches
+ ;; removes matches from command-line-arguments parameter
+ (define (re-match? re str)
+ (irregex-match re str))
+ (define (skim-cmdline-opts-withargs-by-regex switch-pattern)
+ (let-values
+ (((result new-cmdline-args)
+ (keyword-skim switch-pattern
+ '()
+ (command-line-arguments)
+ re-match?
+ )))
+ (command-line-arguments new-cmdline-args)
+ result))
+ ;; recognize ducttape-lib command line switches (--quiet, --silent, --color, -d.., -dp.., -logfile)
+ ;; - reset parameters; reset DUCTTAPE_* env vars to match user specified intent
+ ;; - mutate (command-line-arguments) parameter to subtract these recognized and handled switches
+ ;; * beware -- now (argv) and (command-line-arguments) are inconsistent... cannot mutate (argv) alas. Use (command-line-arguments)
+ (define (process-command-line)
+ ;; --quiet
+ (let ((quiet-opts (skim-cmdline-opts-noarg-by-regex "--?quiet")))
+ (if (not (null? quiet-opts))
+ (begin
+ (setenv "DUCTTAPE_QUIET_MODE" "1")
+ (ducttape-quiet-mode "1"))))
+ ;; --silent
+ (let ((silent-opts (skim-cmdline-opts-noarg-by-regex "--?silent")))
+ (if (not (null? silent-opts))
+ (begin
+ (setenv "DUCTTAPE_SILENT_MODE" "1")
+ (ducttape-silent-mode "1"))))
+ ;; -color
+ (let ((color-opts (skim-cmdline-opts-noarg-by-regex "--?colou?r(ize)?")))
+ (if (not (null? color-opts))
+ (begin
+ (setenv "DUCTTAPE_COLORIZE" "1")
+ (ducttape-color-mode "1"))))
+ ;; -nocolor
+ (let ((nocolor-opts (skim-cmdline-opts-noarg-by-regex "--?nocolou?r(ize)?")))
+ (if (not (null? nocolor-opts))
+ (begin
+ (unsetenv "DUCTTAPE_COLORIZE" )
+ (ducttape-color-mode #f))))
+ ;; -logfile
+ (let ((logfile-opts (skim-cmdline-opts-withargs-by-regex "--?log(-?file)?")))
+ (if (not (null? logfile-opts))
+ (begin
+ (ducttape-log-file (car (reverse logfile-opts)))
+ (setenv "DUCTTAPE_LOG_FILE" (ducttape-log-file)))))
+ ;; -d -dd -d#
+ (let ((debug-opts (skim-cmdline-opts-noarg-by-regex "-d(d*|\\d+)"))
+ (initial-debuglevel (if (ducttape-debug-level) (ducttape-debug-level) 0) ))
+ (if (not (null? debug-opts))
+ (begin
+ (ducttape-debug-level
+ (let loop ((opts debug-opts) (debuglevel initial-debuglevel))
+ (if (null? opts)
+ debuglevel
+ (let*
+ ( (curopt (car opts))
+ (restopts (cdr opts))
+ (ds (string-match "-(d+)" curopt))
+ (dnum (string-match "-d(\\d+)" curopt)))
+ (cond
+ (ds (loop restopts (+ debuglevel (string-length (cadr ds)))))
+ (dnum (loop restopts (string->number (cadr dnum)))))))))
+ (setenv "DUCTTAPE_DEBUG_LEVEL" (number->string (ducttape-debug-level))))))
+ ;; -dp / --debug-pattern
+ (let ((debugpat-opts (skim-cmdline-opts-withargs-by-regex "--?(debug-pattern|dp)")))
+ (if (not (null? debugpat-opts))
+ (begin
+ (ducttape-debug-regex-filter (string-join debugpat-opts "|"))
+ (setenv "DUCTTAPE_DEBUG_PATTERN" (ducttape-debug-regex-filter))))))
+ ;; handle command line immediately;
+ (process-command-line)
+ ) ; end module
ADDED ducttape/ducttape-lib.setup
Index: ducttape/ducttape-lib.setup
--- /dev/null
+++ ducttape/ducttape-lib.setup
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+(standard-extension 'ducttape-lib '1.0.0)
ADDED ducttape/mimetypes.scm
Index: ducttape/mimetypes.scm
--- /dev/null
+++ ducttape/mimetypes.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,782 @@
+;; gathered from macosx:
+;; cat /etc/apache2/mime.types | grep -v '^#' | perl -ne 'print "(\"$2\" . \"$1\")\n" if /(\S+)\s+(\S+)/' > mimetypes.scm
+;; + manual manipulation
+(define ducttape_ext2mimetype '(("ez" . "application/andrew-inset")
+("aw" . "application/applixware")
+("atom" . "application/atom+xml")
+("atomcat" . "application/atomcat+xml")
+("atomsvc" . "application/atomsvc+xml")
+("ccxml" . "application/ccxml+xml")
+("cdmia" . "application/cdmi-capability")
+("cdmic" . "application/cdmi-container")
+("cdmid" . "application/cdmi-domain")
+("cdmio" . "application/cdmi-object")
+("cdmiq" . "application/cdmi-queue")
+("cu" . "application/cu-seeme")
+("davmount" . "application/davmount+xml")
+("dbk" . "application/docbook+xml")
+("dssc" . "application/dssc+der")
+("xdssc" . "application/dssc+xml")
+("ecma" . "application/ecmascript")
+("emma" . "application/emma+xml")
+("epub" . "application/epub+zip")
+("exi" . "application/exi")
+("pfr" . "application/font-tdpfr")
+("gml" . "application/gml+xml")
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+("dgc" . "application/x-dgc-compressed")
+("dir" . "application/x-director")
+("wad" . "application/x-doom")
+("ncx" . "application/x-dtbncx+xml")
+("dtb" . "application/x-dtbook+xml")
+("res" . "application/x-dtbresource+xml")
+("dvi" . "application/x-dvi")
+("evy" . "application/x-envoy")
+("eva" . "application/x-eva")
+("bdf" . "application/x-font-bdf")
+("gsf" . "application/x-font-ghostscript")
+("psf" . "application/x-font-linux-psf")
+("otf" . "application/x-font-otf")
+("pcf" . "application/x-font-pcf")
+("snf" . "application/x-font-snf")
+("ttf" . "application/x-font-ttf")
+("pfa" . "application/x-font-type1")
+("woff" . "application/x-font-woff")
+("arc" . "application/x-freearc")
+("spl" . "application/x-futuresplash")
+("gca" . "application/x-gca-compressed")
+("ulx" . "application/x-glulx")
+("gnumeric" . "application/x-gnumeric")
+("gramps" . "application/x-gramps-xml")
+("gtar" . "application/x-gtar")
+("hdf" . "application/x-hdf")
+("install" . "application/x-install-instructions")
+("iso" . "application/x-iso9660-image")
+("jnlp" . "application/x-java-jnlp-file")
+("latex" . "application/x-latex")
+("lzh" . "application/x-lzh-compressed")
+("mie" . "application/x-mie")
+("prc" . "application/x-mobipocket-ebook")
+("m3u8" . "application/x-mpegurl")
+("application" . "application/x-ms-application")
+("lnk" . "application/x-ms-shortcut")
+("wmd" . "application/x-ms-wmd")
+("wmz" . "application/x-ms-wmz")
+("xbap" . "application/x-ms-xbap")
+("mdb" . "application/x-msaccess")
+("obd" . "application/x-msbinder")
+("crd" . "application/x-mscardfile")
+("clp" . "application/x-msclip")
+("exe" . "application/x-msdownload")
+("mvb" . "application/x-msmediaview")
+("wmf" . "application/x-msmetafile")
+("mny" . "application/x-msmoney")
+("pub" . "application/x-mspublisher")
+("scd" . "application/x-msschedule")
+("trm" . "application/x-msterminal")
+("wri" . "application/x-mswrite")
+("nc" . "application/x-netcdf")
+("nzb" . "application/x-nzb")
+("p12" . "application/x-pkcs12")
+("p7b" . "application/x-pkcs7-certificates")
+("p7r" . "application/x-pkcs7-certreqresp")
+("rar" . "application/x-rar-compressed")
+("ris" . "application/x-research-info-systems")
+("sh" . "application/x-sh")
+("shar" . "application/x-shar")
+("swf" . "application/x-shockwave-flash")
+("xap" . "application/x-silverlight-app")
+("sql" . "application/x-sql")
+("sit" . "application/x-stuffit")
+("sitx" . "application/x-stuffitx")
+("srt" . "application/x-subrip")
+("sv4cpio" . "application/x-sv4cpio")
+("sv4crc" . "application/x-sv4crc")
+("t3" . "application/x-t3vm-image")
+("gam" . "application/x-tads")
+("tar" . "application/x-tar")
+("tcl" . "application/x-tcl")
+("tex" . "application/x-tex")
+("tfm" . "application/x-tex-tfm")
+("texinfo" . "application/x-texinfo")
+("obj" . "application/x-tgif")
+("ustar" . "application/x-ustar")
+("src" . "application/x-wais-source")
+("der" . "application/x-x509-ca-cert")
+("fig" . "application/x-xfig")
+("xlf" . "application/x-xliff+xml")
+("xpi" . "application/x-xpinstall")
+("xz" . "application/x-xz")
+("z1" . "application/x-zmachine")
+("xaml" . "application/xaml+xml")
+("xdf" . "application/xcap-diff+xml")
+("xenc" . "application/xenc+xml")
+("xhtml" . "application/xhtml+xml")
+("xml" . "application/xml")
+("dtd" . "application/xml-dtd")
+("xop" . "application/xop+xml")
+("xpl" . "application/xproc+xml")
+("xslt" . "application/xslt+xml")
+("xspf" . "application/xspf+xml")
+("mxml" . "application/xv+xml")
+("yang" . "application/yang")
+("yin" . "application/yin+xml")
+("zip" . "application/zip")
+("adp" . "audio/adpcm")
+("au" . "audio/basic")
+("mid" . "audio/midi")
+("mp4a" . "audio/mp4")
+("m4a" . "audio/mp4a-latm")
+("mpga" . "audio/mpeg")
+("oga" . "audio/ogg")
+("s3m" . "audio/s3m")
+("sil" . "audio/silk")
+("uva" . "audio/")
+("eol" . "audio/")
+("dra" . "audio/vnd.dra")
+("dts" . "audio/vnd.dts")
+("dtshd" . "audio/vnd.dts.hd")
+("lvp" . "audio/vnd.lucent.voice")
+("pya" . "audio/")
+("ecelp4800" . "audio/vnd.nuera.ecelp4800")
+("ecelp7470" . "audio/vnd.nuera.ecelp7470")
+("ecelp9600" . "audio/vnd.nuera.ecelp9600")
+("rip" . "audio/")
+("weba" . "audio/webm")
+("aac" . "audio/x-aac")
+("aif" . "audio/x-aiff")
+("caf" . "audio/x-caf")
+("flac" . "audio/x-flac")
+("mka" . "audio/x-matroska")
+("m3u" . "audio/x-mpegurl")
+("wax" . "audio/x-ms-wax")
+("wma" . "audio/x-ms-wma")
+("ram" . "audio/x-pn-realaudio")
+("rmp" . "audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin")
+("wav" . "audio/x-wav")
+("xm" . "audio/xm")
+("cdx" . "chemical/x-cdx")
+("cif" . "chemical/x-cif")
+("cmdf" . "chemical/x-cmdf")
+("cml" . "chemical/x-cml")
+("csml" . "chemical/x-csml")
+("xyz" . "chemical/x-xyz")
+("bmp" . "image/bmp")
+("cgm" . "image/cgm")
+("g3" . "image/g3fax")
+("gif" . "image/gif")
+("ief" . "image/ief")
+("jp2" . "image/jp2")
+("jpeg" . "image/jpeg")
+("ktx" . "image/ktx")
+("pict" . "image/pict")
+("png" . "image/png")
+("btif" . "image/prs.btif")
+("sgi" . "image/sgi")
+("svg" . "image/svg+xml")
+("tiff" . "image/tiff")
+("psd" . "image/vnd.adobe.photoshop")
+("uvi" . "image/vnd.dece.graphic")
+("sub" . "image/vnd.dvb.subtitle")
+("djvu" . "image/vnd.djvu")
+("dwg" . "image/vnd.dwg")
+("dxf" . "image/vnd.dxf")
+("fbs" . "image/vnd.fastbidsheet")
+("fpx" . "image/vnd.fpx")
+("fst" . "image/vnd.fst")
+("mmr" . "image/")
+("rlc" . "image/")
+("mdi" . "image/")
+("wdp" . "image/")
+("npx" . "image/")
+("wbmp" . "image/vnd.wap.wbmp")
+("xif" . "image/vnd.xiff")
+("webp" . "image/webp")
+("3ds" . "image/x-3ds")
+("ras" . "image/x-cmu-raster")
+("cmx" . "image/x-cmx")
+("fh" . "image/x-freehand")
+("ico" . "image/x-icon")
+("pntg" . "image/x-macpaint")
+("sid" . "image/x-mrsid-image")
+("pcx" . "image/x-pcx")
+("pic" . "image/x-pict")
+("pnm" . "image/x-portable-anymap")
+("pbm" . "image/x-portable-bitmap")
+("pgm" . "image/x-portable-graymap")
+("ppm" . "image/x-portable-pixmap")
+("qtif" . "image/x-quicktime")
+("rgb" . "image/x-rgb")
+("tga" . "image/x-tga")
+("xbm" . "image/x-xbitmap")
+("xpm" . "image/x-xpixmap")
+("xwd" . "image/x-xwindowdump")
+("eml" . "message/rfc822")
+("igs" . "model/iges")
+("msh" . "model/mesh")
+("dae" . "model/vnd.collada+xml")
+("dwf" . "model/vnd.dwf")
+("gdl" . "model/vnd.gdl")
+("gtw" . "model/vnd.gtw")
+("mts" . "model/vnd.mts")
+("vtu" . "model/vnd.vtu")
+("wrl" . "model/vrml")
+("x3db" . "model/x3d+binary")
+("x3dv" . "model/x3d+vrml")
+("x3d" . "model/x3d+xml")
+("manifest" . "text/cache-manifest")
+("appcache" . "text/cache-manifest")
+("ics" . "text/calendar")
+("css" . "text/css")
+("csv" . "text/csv")
+("html" . "text/html")
+("n3" . "text/n3")
+("txt" . "text/plain")
+("dsc" . "text/prs.lines.tag")
+("rtx" . "text/richtext")
+("sgml" . "text/sgml")
+("tsv" . "text/tab-separated-values")
+("t" . "text/troff")
+("ttl" . "text/turtle")
+("uri" . "text/uri-list")
+("vcard" . "text/vcard")
+("curl" . "text/vnd.curl")
+("dcurl" . "text/vnd.curl.dcurl")
+("scurl" . "text/vnd.curl.scurl")
+("mcurl" . "text/vnd.curl.mcurl")
+("sub" . "text/vnd.dvb.subtitle")
+("fly" . "text/")
+("flx" . "text/vnd.fmi.flexstor")
+("gv" . "text/vnd.graphviz")
+("3dml" . "text/vnd.in3d.3dml")
+("spot" . "text/")
+("jad" . "text/")
+("wml" . "text/vnd.wap.wml")
+("wmls" . "text/vnd.wap.wmlscript")
+("s" . "text/x-asm")
+("c" . "text/x-c")
+("f" . "text/x-fortran")
+("java" . "text/x-java-source")
+("opml" . "text/x-opml")
+("p" . "text/x-pascal")
+("nfo" . "text/x-nfo")
+("etx" . "text/x-setext")
+("sfv" . "text/x-sfv")
+("uu" . "text/x-uuencode")
+("vcs" . "text/x-vcalendar")
+("vcf" . "text/x-vcard")
+("3gp" . "video/3gpp")
+("3g2" . "video/3gpp2")
+("h261" . "video/h261")
+("h263" . "video/h263")
+("h264" . "video/h264")
+("jpgv" . "video/jpeg")
+("jpm" . "video/jpm")
+("mj2" . "video/mj2")
+("ts" . "video/mp2t")
+("mp4" . "video/mp4")
+("mpeg" . "video/mpeg")
+("ogv" . "video/ogg")
+("qt" . "video/quicktime")
+("uvh" . "video/vnd.dece.hd")
+("uvm" . "video/")
+("uvp" . "video/vnd.dece.pd")
+("uvs" . "video/")
+("uvv" . "video/")
+("dvb" . "video/vnd.dvb.file")
+("fvt" . "video/vnd.fvt")
+("mxu" . "video/vnd.mpegurl")
+("pyv" . "video/")
+("uvu" . "video/vnd.uvvu.mp4")
+("viv" . "video/")
+("dv" . "video/x-dv")
+("webm" . "video/webm")
+("f4v" . "video/x-f4v")
+("fli" . "video/x-fli")
+("flv" . "video/x-flv")
+("m4v" . "video/x-m4v")
+("mkv" . "video/x-matroska")
+("mng" . "video/x-mng")
+("asf" . "video/x-ms-asf")
+("vob" . "video/x-ms-vob")
+("wm" . "video/x-ms-wm")
+("wmv" . "video/x-ms-wmv")
+("wmx" . "video/x-ms-wmx")
+("wvx" . "video/x-ms-wvx")
+("avi" . "video/x-msvideo")
+("movie" . "video/x-sgi-movie")
+("smv" . "video/x-smv")
+("ice" . "x-conference/x-cooltalk")))
+(define (ext->mimetype ext)
+ (let ((x (assoc ext ducttape_ext2mimetype)))
+ (if x (cdr x) "text/plain")))
ADDED ducttape/sample_ducttape.scm
Index: ducttape/sample_ducttape.scm
--- /dev/null
+++ ducttape/sample_ducttape.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+(include "ducttape-lib.scm")
+(import ducttape-lib)
+(inote "hello world")
+(exit 0)
ADDED ducttape/test_ducttape.scm
Index: ducttape/test_ducttape.scm
--- /dev/null
+++ ducttape/test_ducttape.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env csi -script
+(use test)
+(include "ducttape-lib.scm")
+(import ducttape-lib)
+(import ansi-escape-sequences)
+(use trace)
+(set! systype (do-or-die (if (file-exists? "/bin/uname") "/bin/uname" "/usr/bin/uname")))
+;(trace skim-cmdline-opts-withargs-by-regex)
+;(trace keyword-skim)
+;(trace re-match?)
+(define (reset-ducttape)
+ (unsetenv "ducttape_DEBUG_LEVEL")
+ (ducttape-debug-level #f)
+ (unsetenv "ducttape_DEBUG_PATTERN")
+ (ducttape-debug-regex-filter ".")
+ (unsetenv "ducttape_LOG_FILE")
+ (ducttape-log-file #f)
+ (unsetenv "ducttape_SILENT_MODE")
+ (ducttape-silent-mode #f)
+ (unsetenv "ducttape_QUIET_MODE")
+ (ducttape-quiet-mode #f)
+ (unsetenv "ducttape_COLOR_MODE")
+ (ducttape-color-mode #f)
+(define (reset-ducttape-with-cmdline-list cmdline-list)
+ (reset-ducttape)
+ (command-line-arguments cmdline-list)
+ (process-command-line)
+(define (direct-iputs-test)
+ (ducttape-color-mode #f)
+ (ierr "I'm an error")
+ (iwarn "I'm a warning")
+ (inote "I'm a note")
+ (ducttape-debug-level 1)
+ (idbg "I'm a debug statement")
+ (ducttape-debug-level #f)
+ (idbg "I'm a hidden debug statement")
+ (ducttape-silent-mode #t)
+ (iwarn "I shouldn't show up")
+ (inote "I shouldn't show up either")
+ (ierr "I should show up 1")
+ (ducttape-silent-mode #f)
+ (ducttape-quiet-mode #t)
+ (iwarn "I should show up 2")
+ (inote "I shouldn't show up though")
+ (ierr "I should show up 3")
+ (ducttape-quiet-mode #f)
+ (ducttape-debug-level 1)
+ (idbg "foo")
+ (iputs "dbg" "debug message")
+ (iputs "e" "error message")
+ (iputs "w" "warning message")
+ (iputs "n" "note message")
+ (ducttape-color-mode #t)
+ (ierr "I'm an error COLOR")
+ (iwarn "I'm a warning COLOR")
+ (inote "I'm a note COLOR")
+ (idbg "I'm a debug COLOR")
+ )
+(define (test-argprocessor-funcs)
+ (test-group
+ "Command line processor utility functions"
+ (set! testargs1 '( "-d" "-d" "-d3" "-ddd" "-foo" "fooarg" "-foo" "fooarg2" "-lastArgIsDecoy" "-foo"))
+ (command-line-arguments testargs1)
+ (set! expected_result '("-d" "-d" "-d3" "-ddd"))
+ (set! expected_sideeffect '("-foo" "fooarg" "-foo" "fooarg2" "-lastArgIsDecoy" "-foo"))
+ (test "skim-cmdline-opts-noarg-by-regex result" expected_result (skim-cmdline-opts-noarg-by-regex "-d(d+|\\d+)?"))
+ (test "skim-cmdline-opts-noarg-by-regex sideeffect" expected_sideeffect (command-line-arguments))
+ (command-line-arguments testargs1)
+ (set! expected_result '("fooarg" "fooarg2" ))
+ (set! expected_sideeffect '( "-d" "-d" "-d3" "-ddd" "-lastArgIsDecoy" "-foo"))
+ (test
+ "skim-cmdline-opts-withargs-by-regex result"
+ expected_result
+ (skim-cmdline-opts-withargs-by-regex "--?foo"))
+ (test
+ "skim-cmdline-opts-withargs-by-regex sideeffect"
+ expected_sideeffect
+ (command-line-arguments))
+ ))
+(define (test-misc)
+ (test-group
+ "misc"
+ (let ((tmpfile (mktemp)))
+ (test-assert "mktemp: temp file created" (file-exists? tmpfile))
+ (if (file-exists? tmpfile)
+ (delete-file tmpfile))
+ )))
+(define (test-systemstuff)
+ (test-group
+ "system commands"
+ (let-values (((ec o e) (isys (find-exe "true"))))
+ (test-assert "isys: /bin/true should have exit code 0" (equal? ec 0)))
+ (let-values (((ec o e) (isys (find-exe "false"))))
+ (test-assert "isys: /bin/false should have exit code 1" (equal? ec 1)))
+ (let-values (((ec o e) (isys "/bin/echo" "foo" "bar" "baz")))
+ (test-assert "isys: /bin/echo should have exit code 0" (equal? ec 0))
+ (test-assert "isys: /bin/echo should have stdout 'foo bar baz'" (equal? o "foo bar baz")))
+ (let-values (((ec o e) (isys "/bin/ls /zzzzz")))
+ (let ((expected-code
+ (if (equal? systype "Darwin") 1 2))
+ (expected-err
+ (if (equal? systype "Darwin")
+ "ls: /zzzzz: No such file or directory"
+ "/bin/ls: cannot access /zzzzz: No such file or directory"))
+ )
+ (test "isys: /bin/ls /zzzzz should have exit code 2" expected-code ec)
+ (test "isys: /bin/ls /zzzzz should have empty stdout" "" o)
+ (test
+ "isys: /bin/ls /zzzzz should have stderr"
+ expected-err
+ e))
+ )
+ (let-values (((ec o e) (isys "/bin/ls /etc/passwd")))
+ (test "isys: /bin/ls /etc/passwd should have exit code 0" 0 ec)
+ (test "isys: /bin/ls /etc/passwd should have stdout" "/etc/passwd" o)
+ (test
+ "isys: /bin/ls /etc/passwd should have empty stderr"
+ ""
+ e))
+ (let ((res (do-or-die "/bin/ls /etc/passwd")))
+ (test
+ "do-or-die: ls /etc/passwd should work"
+ "/etc/passwd" res ))
+ (let ((res (do-or-die "/bin/ls /zzzzz" nodie: #t)))
+ (test
+ "do-or-die: ls /zzzzz should die"
+ #f res ))
+ ; test reading from process stdout line at a time
+ (let* (
+ (lineno (counter-maker))
+ ; print each line with an index
+ (eachline-fn (lambda (line)
+ (print "GOTLINE " (lineno) "> " line)))
+ (res
+ (do-or-die "/bin/ls -l /etc | head; true"
+ foreach-stdout: eachline-fn )))
+ (test-assert "ls -l /etc should not be empty"
+ (not (equal? res ""))))
+ ;; test writing to process stdout line at a time
+ (let* ((tmpfile (mktemp))
+ (cmd (conc "cat > " tmpfile)))
+ (let-values (((c o e)
+ (isys cmd stdin-proc:
+ (lambda (myport)
+ (write-line "hello" myport)
+ (write-line "hello2" myport)
+ (close-output-port myport)))))
+ (test "isys-sp: cat should exit 0" 0 c)
+ (let ((mycmd (conc "cat " tmpfile)))
+ (test "isys-sp: cat output should match input" "hello\nhello2" (do-or-die mycmd)))
+ (delete-file tmpfile)
+ ))
+ (let* ((tmpfile (mktemp))
+ (cmd (conc "cat > " tmpfile)))
+ (do-or-die cmd stdin-proc:
+ (lambda (myport)
+ (write-line "hello" myport)
+ (write-line "hello2" myport)
+ (close-output-port myport))
+ cmd)
+ (test "dod-sp: cat output should match input" "hello\nhello2" (do-or-die (conc "cat " tmpfile)))
+ (delete-file tmpfile))
+ (let*
+ ((thefile (conc "/tmp/" (get-environment-variable "USER") "9-lines"))
+ (counter (counter-maker))
+ (stdin-writer
+ (lambda ()
+ (if (< (counter) 10)
+ (number->string (counter 0))
+ #f)))
+ (cmd (conc "cat > " thefile)))
+ (let-values
+ (((c o e)
+ (isys cmd foreach-stdin-thunk: stdin-writer)))
+ (test-assert "isys-fsl: cat should return 0" (equal? c 0))
+ (test-assert
+ "isys-fsl: cat should have written a file"
+ (file-exists? thefile))
+ (if
+ (file-exists? thefile)
+ (begin
+ (test "isys-fsl: cat file should have right contents" "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9" (do-or-die (conc "cat " thefile)))
+ (delete-file thefile)))))
+ ) ; end test-group
+ ) ; end define
+(define (test-argprocessor )
+ (test-group
+ "Command line processor parameter settings"
+ (reset-ducttape-with-cmdline-list '())
+ (test-assert "(nil) debug mode should be off" (not (ducttape-debug-level)))
+ (test-assert "(nil): debug pattern should be '.'" (equal? "." (ducttape-debug-regex-filter)))
+ (test-assert "(nil): colors should be off" (not (ducttape-color-mode)))
+ (test-assert "(nil): silent mode should be off" (not (ducttape-silent-mode)))
+ (test-assert "(nil): quiet mode should be off" (not (ducttape-quiet-mode)))
+ (test-assert "(nil): logfile should be off" (not (ducttape-log-file)))
+ (reset-ducttape-with-cmdline-list '("-d"))
+ (test-assert "-d: debug mode should be on at level 1" (eq? 1 (ducttape-debug-level)))
+ (reset-ducttape-with-cmdline-list '("-dd"))
+ (test "-dd: debug level should be 2" 2 (ducttape-debug-level))
+ (reset-ducttape-with-cmdline-list '("-ddd"))
+ (test "-ddd: debug level should be 3" 3 (ducttape-debug-level))
+ (reset-ducttape-with-cmdline-list '("-d2"))
+ (test "-d2: debug level should be 2" 2 (ducttape-debug-level))
+ (reset-ducttape-with-cmdline-list '("-d3"))
+ (test "-d3: debug level should be 3" 3 (ducttape-debug-level))
+ (reset-ducttape-with-cmdline-list '("-dp" "foo"))
+ (test "-dp foo: debug pattern should be 'foo'" "foo" (ducttape-debug-regex-filter))
+ (reset-ducttape-with-cmdline-list '("--debug-pattern" "foo"))
+ (test "--debug-pattern foo: debug pattern should be 'foo'" "foo" (ducttape-debug-regex-filter))
+ (reset-ducttape-with-cmdline-list '("-dp" "foo" "-dp" "bar"))
+ (test "-dp foo -dp bar: debug pattern should be 'foo|bar'" "foo|bar" (ducttape-debug-regex-filter))
+ (reset-ducttape-with-cmdline-list '("--quiet"))
+ (test-assert "-quiet: quiet mode should be active" (ducttape-quiet-mode))
+ (reset-ducttape-with-cmdline-list '("--silent"))
+ (test-assert "-silent: silent mode should be active" (ducttape-silent-mode))
+ (reset-ducttape-with-cmdline-list '("--color"))
+ (test-assert "-color: color mode should be active" (ducttape-color-mode))
+ (reset-ducttape-with-cmdline-list '("--log" "foo"))
+ (test "--log foo: logfile should be 'foo'" "foo" (ducttape-log-file))
+(define (test-wwdate)
+ (test-group
+ "wwdate conversion tests"
+ (let ((test-table
+ '(("16ww01.5" . "2016-01-01")
+ ("16ww18.5" . "2016-04-29")
+ ("1999ww33.5" . "1999-08-13")
+ ("16ww18.4" . "2016-04-28")
+ ("16ww18.3" . "2016-04-27")
+ ("13ww01.0" . "2012-12-30")
+ ("13ww52.6" . "2013-12-28")
+ ("16ww53.3" . "2016-12-28"))))
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (test-pair)
+ (let ((wwdate (car test-pair))
+ (isodate (cdr test-pair)))
+ (test
+ (conc "(isodate->wwdate "isodate ") => "wwdate)
+ wwdate
+ (isodate->wwdate isodate))
+ (test
+ (conc "(wwdate->isodate "wwdate ") => "isodate)
+ isodate
+ (wwdate->isodate wwdate))))
+ test-table))))
+(define (main)
+ ;; (test )
+; (test-group "silly settext group"
+; (test #f "\x1b[1mfoo\x1b[0m" (set-text (list 'bold) "foo"))
+; (test "settext bold" "\x1b[1mfoo\x1b[0m" (set-text (list 'bold) "foo"))
+; )
+ ; visually inspect this
+ (direct-iputs-test)
+ ; following use unit test test-egg
+ (reset-ducttape)
+ (test-argprocessor-funcs)
+ (reset-ducttape)
+ (test-argprocessor)
+ (test-systemstuff)
+ (test-misc)
+ (test-wwdate)
+ ) ; end main()
+(sendmail "" "6hello subject" "test body" )
+(let* ((image-file "/nfs/site/home/bjbarcla/megatest-logo.png")
+ (cid "mtlogo")
+ (image-alist (list (cons image-file cid)))
+ (body (conc "Hello world
+ (sendmail "" "7hello subject" body use_html: #t images-with-content-id-alist: image-alist)
+ (print "sent image mail"))
+;(sendmail "bjbarcla" "2hello subject html" "test bodyhello
italics" use_html: #t)
+;(sendmail "bb" "4hello attach subject html" "hmm
" use_html: #t attach-files-list: '( "/Users/bb/Downloads/wdmycloud-manual-4779-705103.pdf" ) )
ADDED ducttape/test_example.scm
Index: ducttape/test_example.scm
--- /dev/null
+++ ducttape/test_example.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+(use ducttape-lib)
+(inote "Hello world")
ADDED ducttape/useargs-example.scm
Index: ducttape/useargs-example.scm
--- /dev/null
+++ ducttape/useargs-example.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+(use ducttape-lib)
+(let (
+ (customers (skim-cmdline-opts-withargs-by-regex "--cust(omer)?"))
+ (magicmode (skim-cmdline-opts-noarg-by-regex "--magic"))
+ )
+ (print "your customers are " customers)
+ (if (null? magicmode)
+ (print "no unicorns for you")
+ (print "magic!")
+ )
+ )
+(idbg "hello")
+(idbg "hello2" 2)
+(idbg "hello2" 3)
+(inote "note")
+(iwarn "warn")
+(ierr "err")
ADDED ducttape/workweekdate.scm
Index: ducttape/workweekdate.scm
--- /dev/null
+++ ducttape/workweekdate.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+(use srfi-19)
+(use test)
+;;(use format)
+(use regex)
+;(declare (unit wwdate))
+;; utility procedures to convert among
+;; different ways to express date (wwdate, seconds since epoch, isodate)
+;; samples:
+;; isodate -> "2016-01-01"
+;; wwdate -> "16ww01.5"
+;; seconds -> 1451631600
+;; procedures provided:
+;; ====================
+;; seconds->isodate
+;; seconds->wwdate
+;; isodate->seconds
+;; isodate->wwdate
+;; wwdate->seconds
+;; wwdate->isodate
+;; srfi-19 used extensively; this doc is better tha the eggref:
+;; Author: 16ww18.6
+(define (date->seconds date)
+ (inexact->exact
+ (string->number
+ (date->string date "~s"))))
+(define (seconds->isodate seconds)
+ (let* ((date (seconds->date seconds))
+ (result (date->string date "~Y-~m-~d")))
+ result))
+(define (isodate->seconds isodate)
+ "Takes a string input of the form 'YY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM-DD' and returns epoch time; for YY, assume after Y2K"
+ (let* ((numlist (map string->number (string-split isodate "-")))
+ (raw-year (car numlist))
+ (year (if (< raw-year 100) (+ raw-year 2000) raw-year))
+ (month (list-ref numlist 1))
+ (day (list-ref numlist 2))
+ (date (make-date 0 0 0 0 day month year))
+ (seconds (date->seconds date)))
+ seconds))
+;; adapted from perl Intel::WorkWeek perl module
+;; workweek year consists of numbered weeks starting from week 1
+;; days of week are numbered starting from 0 on sunday
+;; weeks begin on sunday- day number 0 and end saturday- day 6
+;; week 1 is defined as the week containing jan 1 of the year
+;; workweek year does not match calendar year in workweek 1
+;; since workweek 1 contains jan1 and workweek begins sunday,
+;; days prior to jan1 in workweek 1 belong to the next workweek year
+(define (seconds->wwdate-values seconds)
+ (define (date-difference->seconds d1 d2)
+ (- (date->seconds d1) (date->seconds d2)))
+ (let* ((thisdate (seconds->date seconds))
+ (thisdow (string->number (date->string thisdate "~w")))
+ (year (date-year thisdate))
+ ;; intel workweek 1 begins on sunday of week containing jan1
+ (jan1 (make-date 0 0 0 0 1 1 year))
+ (jan1dow (date-week-day jan1))
+ (ww01 (date-subtract-duration jan1 (seconds->time (* 60 60 24 jan1dow))))
+ (ww01_delta_seconds (date-difference->seconds thisdate ww01))
+ (wwnum_initial (inexact->exact (add1 (floor (/ ww01_delta_seconds 24 3600 7) ))))
+ ;; we could be in ww1 of next year
+ (this-saturday (seconds->date
+ (+ seconds
+ (* 60 60 24 (- 6 thisdow)))))
+ (this-week-ends-next-year?
+ (> (date-year this-saturday) year))
+ (intelyear
+ (if this-week-ends-next-year?
+ (add1 year)
+ year))
+ (intelweek
+ (if this-week-ends-next-year?
+ 1
+ wwnum_initial)))
+ (values intelyear intelweek thisdow)))
+(define (string-leftpad in width pad-char)
+ (let* ((unpadded-str (->string in))
+ (padlen_temp (- width (string-length unpadded-str)))
+ (padlen (if (< padlen_temp 0) 0 padlen_temp))
+ (padding (make-string padlen pad-char)))
+ (conc padding unpadded-str)))
+(define (string-rightpad in width pad-char)
+ (let* ((unpadded-str (->string in))
+ (padlen_temp (- width (string-length unpadded-str)))
+ (padlen (if (< padlen_temp 0) 0 padlen_temp))
+ (padding (make-string padlen pad-char)))
+ (conc unpadded-str padding)))
+(define (zeropad num width)
+ (string-leftpad num width #\0))
+(define (seconds->wwdate seconds)
+ (let-values (((intelyear intelweek day-of-week-num)
+ (seconds->wwdate-values seconds)))
+ (let ((intelyear-str
+ (zeropad
+ (->string
+ (if (> intelyear 1999)
+ (- intelyear 2000) intelyear))
+ 2))
+ (intelweek-str
+ (zeropad (->string intelweek) 2))
+ (dow-str (->string day-of-week-num)))
+ (conc intelyear-str "ww" intelweek-str "." dow-str))))
+(define (isodate->wwdate isodate)
+ (seconds->wwdate
+ (isodate->seconds isodate)))
+(define (wwdate->seconds wwdate)
+ (let ((match (string-match "^(\\d+)ww(\\d+).(\\d)$" wwdate)))
+ (if
+ (not match)
+ #f
+ (let* (
+ (intelyear-raw (string->number (list-ref match 1)))
+ (intelyear (if (< intelyear-raw 100)
+ (+ intelyear-raw 2000)
+ intelyear-raw))
+ (intelww (string->number (list-ref match 2)))
+ (dayofweek (string->number (list-ref match 3)))
+ (day-of-seconds (* 60 60 24 ))
+ (week-of-seconds (* day-of-seconds 7))
+ ;; get seconds at ww1.0
+ (new-years-date (make-date 0 0 0 0 1 1 intelyear))
+ (new-years-seconds
+ (date->seconds new-years-date))
+ (new-years-dayofweek (date-week-day new-years-date))
+ (ww1.0_seconds (- new-years-seconds
+ (* day-of-seconds
+ new-years-dayofweek)))
+ (workweek-adjustment (* week-of-seconds (sub1 intelww)))
+ (weekday-adjustment (* dayofweek day-of-seconds))
+ (result (+ ww1.0_seconds workweek-adjustment weekday-adjustment)))
+ result))))
+(define (wwdate->isodate wwdate)
+ (seconds->isodate (wwdate->seconds wwdate)))
+(define (current-wwdate)
+ (seconds->wwdate (current-seconds)))
+(define (current-isodate)
+ (seconds->isodate (current-seconds)))
+(define (wwdate-tests)
+ (test-group
+ "date conversion tests"
+ (let ((test-table
+ '(("16ww01.5" . "2016-01-01")
+ ("16ww18.5" . "2016-04-29")
+ ("1999ww33.5" . "1999-08-13")
+ ("16ww18.4" . "2016-04-28")
+ ("16ww18.3" . "2016-04-27")
+ ("13ww01.0" . "2012-12-30")
+ ("13ww52.6" . "2013-12-28")
+ ("16ww53.3" . "2016-12-28"))))
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (test-pair)
+ (let ((wwdate (car test-pair))
+ (isodate (cdr test-pair)))
+ (test
+ (conc "(isodate->wwdate "isodate ") => "wwdate)
+ wwdate
+ (isodate->wwdate isodate))
+ (test
+ (conc "(wwdate->isodate "wwdate ") => "isodate)
+ isodate
+ (wwdate->isodate wwdate))))
+ test-table))))
Index: megatest.scm
--- megatest.scm
+++ megatest.scm
@@ -43,10 +43,11 @@
(declare (uses tdb))
(declare (uses mt))
(declare (uses api))
(declare (uses tasks)) ;; only used for debugging.
(declare (uses env))
+(declare (uses diff-report))
(define *db* #f) ;; this is only for the repl, do not use in general!!!!
(include "common_records.scm")
(include "key_records.scm")
@@ -175,10 +176,18 @@
-archive cmd : archive runs specified by selectors to one of disks specified
in the [archive-disks] section.
cmd: keep-html, restore, save, save-remove
-generate-html : create a simple html tree for browsing your runs
+Diff report
+ -diff-rep : generate diff report (must include -src-target, -src-runname, -target, -runname
+ and either -diff-email or -diff-html)
+ -src-target
+ -src-runname
+ -diff-email : comma separated list of email addresses to send diff report
+ -diff-html : path to html file to generate
Spreadsheet generation
-extract-ods fname.ods : extract an open document spreadsheet from the database
-pathmod path : insert path, i.e. path/runame/itempath/logfile.html
will clear the field if no rundir/testname/itempath/logfile
if it contains forward slashes the path will be converted
@@ -267,10 +276,15 @@
"-recover-test" ;; run-id,test-id - used internally to recover a test stuck in RUNNING state
+ "-src-target"
+ "-src-runname"
+ "-diff-email"
+ "-diff-html"
(list "-h" "-help" "--help"
@@ -326,11 +340,13 @@
"-v" ;; verbose 2, more than normal (normal is 1)
"-q" ;; quiet 0, errors/warnings only
- )
+ "-diff-rep"
+ )
;; Add args that use remargs here
@@ -353,13 +369,25 @@
(define *watchdog* (make-thread common:watchdog "Watchdog thread"))
(if (not (args:get-arg "-server"))
(thread-start! *watchdog*)) ;; if starting a server; wait till we get to running state before kicking off watchdog
;;(BB> "thread-start! watchdog")
+;; bracket open-output-file with code to make leading directory if it does not exist and handle exceptions
+(define (open-logfile logpath)
+ (condition-case
+ (let* ((log-dir (or (pathname-directory logpath) ".")))
+ (if (not (directory-exists? log-dir))
+ (system (conc "mkdir -p " log-dir)))
+ (open-output-file logpath))
+ (exn ()
+ (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "Could not open log file for write: "logpath)
+ (define *didsomething* #t)
+ (exit 1))))
(if (args:get-arg "-log")
- (let ((oup (open-output-file (args:get-arg "-log"))))
+ (let ((oup (open-logfile (args:get-arg "-log"))))
(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Sending log output to " (args:get-arg "-log"))
(set! *default-log-port* oup)))
(if (or (args:get-arg "-h")
(args:get-arg "-help")
@@ -1868,10 +1896,30 @@
;; fakeout readline
(include "readline-fix.scm")
+(when (args:get-arg "-diff-rep")
+ (when (and
+ (not (args:get-arg "-diff-html"))
+ (not (args:get-arg "-diff-email")))
+ (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Must specify -diff-html or -diff-email with -diff-rep")
+ (set! *didsomething* 1)
+ (exit 1))
+ (let* ((toppath (launch:setup)))
+ (do-diff-report
+ (args:get-arg "-src-target")
+ (args:get-arg "-src-runname")
+ (args:get-arg "-target")
+ (args:get-arg "-runname")
+ (args:get-arg "-diff-html")
+ (args:get-arg "-diff-email"))
+ (set! *didsomething* #t)
+ (exit 0)))
(if (or (getenv "MT_RUNSCRIPT")
(args:get-arg "-repl")
(args:get-arg "-load"))
(let* ((toppath (launch:setup))
(dbstruct (if (and toppath