Index: db.scm
--- db.scm
+++ db.scm
@@ -1961,16 +1961,19 @@
 ;; Update run_stats for given run_id
 ;; input data is a list (state status count)
 (define (db:update-run-stats dbstruct run-id stats)
+  (mutex-lock! *db-stats-mutex*)
    (lambda (db)
      ;; remove previous data
      (let* ((stmt1 (sqlite3:prepare db "DELETE FROM run_stats WHERE run_id=? AND state=? AND status=?;"))
 	    (stmt2 (sqlite3:prepare db "INSERT INTO run_stats (run_id,state,status,count) VALUES (?,?,?,?);"))
@@ -1980,10 +1983,11 @@
 		   (sqlite3:execute stmt1 run-id (car dat)(cadr dat))
 		   (apply sqlite3:execute stmt2 run-id dat))
        (sqlite3:finalize! stmt1)
        (sqlite3:finalize! stmt2)
+       (mutex-unlock! *db-stats-mutex*)
 (define (db:get-main-run-stats dbstruct run-id)
@@ -3171,42 +3175,46 @@
 			   (db:test-get-testname testdat)
 	 (item-path    (db:test-get-item-path testdat))
          (tl-testdat   (db:get-test-info dbstruct run-id test-name ""))
          (tl-test-id   (db:test-get-id tl-testdat)))
-    (sqlite3:with-transaction
-     db
-     (lambda ()
-       (db:test-set-state-status-by-id dbstruct run-id test-id state status comment)
-       (if (not (equal? item-path "")) ;; only roll up IF incoming test is an item
-	   (let* ((state-status-counts  (db:get-all-state-status-counts-for-test db run-id test-name item-path)) ;; item-path is used to exclude current state/status of THIS test
-		  (running              (length (filter (lambda (x)
-							  (member (dbr:counts-state x) *common:running-states*))
-							state-status-counts)))
-		  (bad-not-started      (length (filter (lambda (x)
-							  (and (equal? (dbr:counts-state x) "NOT_STARTED")
-							       (not (member (dbr:counts-status x)
-									    *common:not-started-ok-statuses*))))
-							state-status-counts)))
-		  (all-curr-states   (common:special-sort  ;; worst -> best (sort of)
-                                      (delete-duplicates
-                                       (cons state (map dbr:counts-state state-status-counts)))
-                                      *common:std-states* >))
-                  (all-curr-statuses (common:special-sort  ;; worst -> best
-                                      (delete-duplicates
-				       (cons status (map dbr:counts-status state-status-counts)))
-				      *common:std-statuses* >))
-		  (newstate          (if (> running 0)
-					 "RUNNING"
-					 (if (> bad-not-started 0)
-					     "COMPLETED"
-					     (car all-curr-states))))
-		  (newstatus         (if (> bad-not-started 0)
-					 "CHECK"
-					 (car all-curr-statuses))))
-	     ;; (print "Setting toplevel to: " newstate "/" newstatus)
-	     (db:test-set-state-status-by-id dbstruct run-id tl-test-id newstate newstatus #f)))))))
+    (mutex-lock! *db-stats-mutex*)
+    (let ((tr-res
+           (sqlite3:with-transaction
+            db
+            (lambda ()
+              (db:test-set-state-status-by-id dbstruct run-id test-id state status comment)
+              (if (not (equal? item-path "")) ;; only roll up IF incoming test is an item
+                  (let* ((state-status-counts  (db:get-all-state-status-counts-for-test db run-id test-name item-path)) ;; item-path is used to exclude current state/status of THIS test
+                         (running              (length (filter (lambda (x)
+                                                                 (member (dbr:counts-state x) *common:running-states*))
+                                                               state-status-counts)))
+                         (bad-not-started      (length (filter (lambda (x)
+                                                                 (and (equal? (dbr:counts-state x) "NOT_STARTED")
+                                                                      (not (member (dbr:counts-status x)
+                                                                                   *common:not-started-ok-statuses*))))
+                                                               state-status-counts)))
+                         (all-curr-states   (common:special-sort  ;; worst -> best (sort of)
+                                             (delete-duplicates
+                                              (cons state (map dbr:counts-state state-status-counts)))
+                                             *common:std-states* >))
+                         (all-curr-statuses (common:special-sort  ;; worst -> best
+                                             (delete-duplicates
+                                              (cons status (map dbr:counts-status state-status-counts)))
+                                             *common:std-statuses* >))
+                         (newstate          (if (> running 0)
+                                                "RUNNING"
+                                                (if (> bad-not-started 0)
+                                                    "COMPLETED"
+                                                    (car all-curr-states))))
+                         (newstatus         (if (> bad-not-started 0)
+                                                "CHECK"
+                                                (car all-curr-statuses))))
+                    ;; (print "Setting toplevel to: " newstate "/" newstatus)
+                    (db:test-set-state-status-by-id dbstruct run-id tl-test-id newstate newstatus #f))))))
+          (mutex-unlock! *db-stats-mutex*))
+      trres)))
 (define db:roll-up-pass-fail-counts db:set-state-status-and-roll-up-items)
 ;; call with state = #f to roll up with out accounting for state/status of this item

Index: rmt.scm
--- rmt.scm
+++ rmt.scm
@@ -75,11 +75,11 @@
       (set! *runremote* (make-remote))
       (mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
       (debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case  1")
       (rmt:send-receive cmd rid params attemptnum: attemptnum))
      ;; ensure we have a homehost record
-     ((not (pair? (remote-hh-dat *runremote*)))  ;; have a homehost record?
+     ((not (pair? (remote-hh-dat *runremote*)))  ;; not on homehost
       (thread-sleep! 0.1) ;; since we shouldn't get here, delay a little
       (remote-hh-dat-set! *runremote* (common:get-homehost))
       (mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
       (debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case  2")
       (rmt:send-receive cmd rid params attemptnum: attemptnum))
@@ -141,18 +141,20 @@
             ;; (rmt:send-receive cmd rid params attemptnum: attemptnum))   ;)  ;)
      ;; if not on homehost ensure we have a connection to a live server
      ;; NOTE: we *have* a homehost record by now
-     ((and (not (cdr (remote-hh-dat *runremote*)))        ;; not on a homehost 
-           (not (remote-conndat *runremote*))             ;; and no connection
-           (server:read-dotserver *toppath*))             ;; .server file exists
-      ;; something caused the server entry in tdb to disappear, but the server is still running
-      (server:remove-dotserver-file *toppath* ".*")
-      (mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
-      (debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case  20")
-      (rmt:send-receive cmd rid params attemptnum: (add1 attemptnum)))
+     ;; ((and (not (cdr (remote-hh-dat *runremote*)))        ;; not on a homehost 
+     ;;       (not (remote-conndat *runremote*))             ;; and no connection
+     ;;       (server:read-dotserver *toppath*))             ;; .server file exists
+     ;;  ;; something caused the server entry in tdb to disappear, but the server is still running
+     ;;  (server:remove-dotserver-file *toppath* ".*")
+     ;;  (mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
+     ;;  (debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case  20")
+     ;;  (rmt:send-receive cmd rid params attemptnum: (add1 attemptnum)))
      ((and (not (cdr (remote-hh-dat *runremote*)))        ;; not on a homehost 
            (not (remote-conndat *runremote*)))            ;; and no connection
       (debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case  6  hh-dat: " (remote-hh-dat *runremote*) " conndat: " (remote-conndat *runremote*))
       (mutex-unlock! *rmt-mutex*)
       (tasks:start-and-wait-for-server (tasks:open-db) 0 15)
@@ -178,11 +180,11 @@
 			  (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: transport " (remote-transport *runremote*) " not supported")
 	     (success  (if (vector? dat) (vector-ref dat 0) #f))
 	     (res      (if (vector? dat) (vector-ref dat 1) #f)))
 	(if (vector? conninfo)(http-transport:server-dat-update-last-access conninfo)) ;; refresh access time
-        (debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case  9. conninfo=" conninfo " dat=" dat)
+        (debug:print-info 12 *default-log-port* "rmt:send-receive, case  9. conninfo=" conninfo " dat=" dat " *runremote* = "*runremote*)
 	(if success
 	    (case (remote-transport *runremote*)
 	      ((http) res)
 	       (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: transport " (remote-transport *runremote*) " is unknown")

Index: tasks.scm
--- tasks.scm
+++ tasks.scm
@@ -448,14 +448,16 @@
     (reverse res)))
 ;; no elegance here ...
 (define (tasks:kill-server hostname pid #!key (kill-switch ""))
+  (server:remove-dotserver-file *toppath* ".*")
   (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Attempting to kill server process " pid " on host " hostname)
   (setenv "TARGETHOST" hostname)
   (setenv "TARGETHOST_LOGF" "server-kills.log")
   (system (conc "nbfake kill "kill-switch" "pid))
   (unsetenv "TARGETHOST_LOGF")
   (unsetenv "TARGETHOST"))
 ;; look up a server by run-id and send it a kill, also delete the record for that server
@@ -466,10 +468,11 @@
 	(let ((hostname (vector-ref sdat 6))
 	      (pid      (vector-ref sdat 5))
 	      (server-id (vector-ref sdat 0)))
 	  (tasks:server-set-state! (db:delay-if-busy tdbdat) server-id "killed")
 	  (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Killing server " server-id " for run-id " run-id " on host " hostname " with pid " pid)
+          (server:remove-dotserver-file *toppath* ".*")
 	  (tasks:kill-server hostname pid)
 	  (tasks:server-delete-record (db:delay-if-busy tdbdat) server-id tag) )
 	(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "No server found for run-id " run-id ", nothing to kill"))
     ;; (sqlite3:finalize! tdb)