Index: api.scm
--- api.scm
+++ api.scm
@@ -114,11 +114,11 @@
 ;; These are called by the server on recipt of /api calls
 ;;    - keep it simple, only return the actual result of the call, i.e. no meta info here
 ;;    - returns #( flag result )
-(define (api:execute-requests dbstruct dat)
+(define (api:execute-requests dbstruct dat queues)
    (let ((call-chain (get-call-chain)))
      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: api:execute-requests received an exception from peer, dat=" dat)
      (print-call-chain (current-error-port))
@@ -147,11 +147,13 @@
                  (case cmd
                    ;; READ/WRITE QUERIES
-                   ((get-keys-write)                        (db:get-keys dbstruct)) ;; force a dummy "write" query to force server; for debug in -repl
+                   ((get-keys-write)                  (api:queued-request queues 'write params
+									  (lambda ()
+									    (db:get-keys dbstruct)))) ;; force a dummy "write" query to force server; for debug in -repl
                    ;; SERVERS
                    ((start-server)                    (apply server:kind-run params))
                    ((kill-server)                     (set! *server-run* #f))
@@ -322,11 +324,11 @@
 (define (api:process-request dbstruct $) ;; the $ is the request vars proc
   (set! *api-process-request-count* (+ *api-process-request-count* 1))
   (let* ((cmd     ($ 'cmd))
 	 (paramsj ($ 'params))
 	 (params  (db:string->obj paramsj transport: 'http)) ;; incoming data from the POST (or is it a GET?)
-	 (resdat  (api:execute-requests dbstruct (vector cmd params))) ;; process the request, resdat = #( flag result )
+	 (resdat  (api:execute-requests dbstruct (vector cmd params) *queues*)) ;; process the request, resdat = #( flag result ), we resort to a global here for the queues.
 	 (success (vector-ref resdat 0))
 	 (res     (vector-ref resdat 1))) ;; (vector flag payload), get the payload, ignore the flag (why?)
     (if (not success)
 	(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: success flag is #f for " cmd " with params " params))
     (if (> *api-process-request-count* *max-api-process-requests*)
@@ -340,5 +342,82 @@
     ;;          (boolean? res))
     ;;      res 
     ;;      (list "ERROR, not string, list, number or boolean" 1 cmd params res)))))
     (db:obj->string res transport: 'http)))
+(define api:queue-mutex (make-mutex))
+;; api queued request handler
+;; qry-type: read write transaction
+(define (api:queued-request queues qry-type params proc)
+  ;; add proc to read, write queue or if transaction do it immediately (for now, not sure but might need to process differently.)
+  (if queues
+      (begin
+	(mutex-lock! (api:queues-mutex queues))
+	(let ((dat (vector proc params #f))) ;; #f is placeholder for the result
+	  (case qry-type
+	    ((read)
+	     (api:queues-readq-set!  queues (cons dat (api:queues-readq queues)))
+	     (mutex-unlock! (api:queues-mutex queues)(api:queues-read-cvar queues)) ;; unlock mutex and proceed when condition var is triggered
+	     (vector-ref dat 2)) ;; return the value from the query to the caller
+	    ((write)
+	     (api:queues-writeq-set! queues (cons dat (api:queues-writeq queues)))
+	     (mutex-unlock! (api:queues-mutex queues)(api:queues-write-cvar queues)) ;; unlock mutex and proceed when condition var is triggered
+	     (vector-ref dat 2))
+	    (else
+	     (mutex-unlock! (api:queues-mutex queues))
+	     (proc)))))
+      (proc)))
+;; process queues
+(define (api:process-queues queues)
+  (mutex-lock (api:queues-mutex queues))
+  (let* ((now        (current-milliseconds))
+	 (due        (- now 500)) ;; we will process the queue if it has not been processed in 500 ms
+	 (reads      (api:queues-readq      queues))
+	 (writes     (api:queues-writeq     queues))
+	 (last-read  (api:queues-last-read  queues))
+	 (last-write (api:queues-last-write queues)))
+    (cond
+     ((and (>= last-read last-write) ;; nudge the system to toggle between processing the reads and processing the writes
+	   (not (null? reads))
+	   (> due last-read))
+      (db:with-db                    ;; process the procs inside a transaction
+       (api:queues-dbstruct queues)
+       #f
+       #f
+       (lambda (db)
+	 (sqlite3:with-transaction   ;; the transaction
+	  db
+	  (lambda ()
+	    (for-each
+	     (lambda (procdat)
+	       (vector-set! procdat 2 ((vector-ref procdat 0)))) ;; set vector 3rd pos to the result of calculating proc
+	     reads)))))
+      ;; now reset the queue values
+      (api:queues-read-set!      queues '())
+      (api:queues-last-read-set! queues now)
+      (condition-variable-broadcast! (api:queues-read-cvar queues)))
+     ((and (not (null? writes))
+	   (> due last-write))
+      (db:with-db
+       (api:queues-dbstruct queues)
+       #f
+       #f
+       (lambda (db)
+	 (sqlite3:with-transaction
+	  db
+	  (lambda ()
+	    (for-each
+	     (lambda (procdat)
+	       (vector-set! procdat 2 ((vector-ref procdat 0))))
+	     writes)))))
+      ;; now reset the queue values
+      (api:queues-write-set!    queues '())
+      (api:queues-last-write-set! queues now)
+      (condition-variable-broadcast! (api:queues-write-cvar queues))))
+    (mutex-unlock (api:queues-mutex queues))))

Index: common.scm
--- common.scm
+++ common.scm
@@ -126,18 +126,19 @@
 (define *time-to-exit*      #f)
 (define *server-run*        #t)
 (define *run-id*            #f)
 (define *server-kind-run*   (make-hash-table))
 (define *home-host*         #f)
 ;; (define *total-non-write-delay* 0)
 (define *heartbeat-mutex*   (make-mutex))
 (define *api-process-request-count* 0)
 (define *max-api-process-requests* 0)
 (define *server-overloaded*  #f)
 ;; client
-(define *rmt-mutex*         (make-mutex))     ;; remote access calls mutex 
+(define *rmt-mutex*         (make-mutex))     ;; remote access calls mutex
 ;; RPC transport
 (define *rpc:listener*      #f)
 ;; KEY info
@@ -165,10 +166,25 @@
   (server-timeout    (server:get-timeout)) ;; default from server:get-timeout
   (force-server      #f)
   (ro-mode           #f)  
   (ro-mode-checked   #f)) ;; flag that indicates we have checked for ro-mode
+;; api queued requests structure and global (temporary solution)
+(defstruct api:queues
+  (enable      #f)
+  (dbstruct    #f)                   ;; must be initialized!
+  (mutex       (make-mutex))
+  (readq      '())
+  (writeq     '())
+  (last-read   (current-milliseconds))
+  (last-write  (current-milliseconds))
+  (read-cvar   (make-condition-variable "reads"))
+  (write-cvar  (make-condition-variable "writes"))
+  )
+(define *queues*            (make-api:queues enable: #t)) ;; set up the queues for coalescing queries
 ;; launching and hosts
 (defstruct host
   (reachable    #f)
   (last-update  0)
   (last-used    0)

Index: rmt.scm
--- rmt.scm
+++ rmt.scm
@@ -85,11 +85,11 @@
     ;; ensure we have a record for our connection for given area
     (if (not runremote)                   ;; can remove this one. should never get here.         
 	  (set! *runremote* (make-remote))
 	  (set! runremote   *runremote*))) ;; new runremote will come from this on next iteration
     ;; DOT SET_HOMEHOST; // leaving off - doesn't really add to the clarity
     ;; DOT MUTEXLOCK -> SET_HOMEHOST [label="no homehost?"];
     ;; ensure we have a homehost record
     (if (not (pair? (remote-hh-dat runremote)))  ;; not on homehost
@@ -335,11 +335,11 @@
 	 (db-file-path   (db:dbfile-path)) ;;  0))
 	 (dbstruct-local (db:setup #t))  ;; make-dbr:dbstruct path:  dbdir local: #t)))
 	 (read-only      (not (file-write-access? db-file-path)))
 	 (start          (current-milliseconds))
 	 (resdat         (if (not (and read-only qry-is-write))
-			     (let ((v (api:execute-requests dbstruct-local (vector (symbol->string cmd) params))))
+			     (let ((v (api:execute-requests dbstruct-local (vector (symbol->string cmd) params) *queues*)))
 			       (handle-exceptions ;; there has been a long history of receiving strange errors from values returned by the client when things go wrong..
 				exn               ;;  This is an attempt to detect that situation and recover gracefully
 				  (debug:print0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: bad data from server " v " message: "  ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))
 				  (vector #t '())) ;; should always get a vector but if something goes wrong return a dummy