19 check-ins using file server.scm version d8295b1488
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00:02 | Unknown work check-in: b0a0d0377c user: matt tags: sqlite3-logging | |
| ||
16:39 | Cherry picked the test matching (test vs. test/) fix to trunk check-in: 517fde8bdf user: mrwellan tags: trunk, v1.508 | |
| ||
20:11 | Tweaked delays to reduce db load. Shrunk maxretries to match check-in: da9a8edadb user: mrwellan tags: trunk, v1.507 | |
15:21 | Another tweak to how -itempatt works with new matching. check-in: 273fe5758e user: mrwellan tags: trunk, v1.505 | |
15:12 | Better emulation of old -itempatt behaviour check-in: fbe6447144 user: mrwellan tags: trunk, v1.505 | |
14:19 | Better emulation of old -itempatt behaviour check-in: ed14608d1b user: mrwellan tags: trunk, v1.504 | |
11:14 | Removed messages from usage of -items. Bumped version check-in: b3d2bfeeb7 user: mrwellan tags: trunk, v1.503 | |
| ||
23:59 | Added missing logging switch, added corrected support to make file, increased logging sqlite timeout check-in: 7ab21a4d6d user: matt tags: trunk | |
17:51 | Added tests to Makefile test1 check-in: 71930574fa user: mrwellan tags: trunk, v1.502 | |
17:47 | Fixed case where un-runnable tests due to dependencies caused megatest to never exit check-in: b005b34ebc user: mrwellan tags: trunk | |
15:23 | Merged in logging to sqlite db code check-in: 427183e35c user: mrwellan tags: trunk | |
14:28 | Merged trunk into sqlite3-logging check-in: 13d3e653d6 user: mrwellan tags: sqlite3-logging | |
| ||
01:06 | Propagated -logging to tests (note: this doesn't help with sub-invocations) check-in: fc03199f62 user: matt tags: sqlite3-logging | |
00:11 | Merged trunk into logging check-in: 7d49a78e24 user: matt tags: sqlite3-logging | |
| ||
12:00 | Merged in needed change to Makefile for logging check-in: 7ee796c14e user: matt tags: sqlite3-logging | |
09:30 | Merged sqlite3 db logging to new branch check-in: 69f6bf8f5a user: matt tags: sqlite3-logging | |
| ||
18:17 | Make rpc vs. normal calls more consistent check-in: 49f93afd9b user: mrwellan tags: rpc-db-access | |
15:53 | tweaked-installall.sh check-in: 71b201eb77 user: mrwellan tags: rpc-db-access | |
15:45 | Cleaned up login for rpc. Fixes to install process for IUP check-in: acc6c48585 user: mrwellan tags: rpc-db-access, merged-to-trunk-via-cherrypick | |