Comment: | Ensure api calls to db do NOT occur on non-server processes. |
Downloads: | Tarball | ZIP archive | SQL archive |
Timelines: | family | ancestors | descendants | both | v2.0001 |
Files: | files | file ages | folders |
SHA1: |
7696fcfff8c0b5b775c095670f7ac0d6 |
User & Date: | matt on 2022-01-06 18:18:39 |
Other Links: | branch diff | manifest | tags |
| ||
17:11 | wip. not much improvement... check-in: 49f0afc304 user: matt tags: v2.0001 | |
| ||
18:18 | Ensure api calls to db do NOT occur on non-server processes. check-in: 7696fcfff8 user: matt tags: v2.0001 | |
08:36 | Added simple ulex (used as a sanity checker check-in: acda13e7e1 user: matt tags: v2.0001 | |
Modified rmtmod.scm from [f907b596d1] to [dd95d47953].
︙ | ︙ | |||
1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 | (servdat-uconn *db-serv-info*)) (let* ((uconn (servdat-uconn *db-serv-info*))) (wait-and-close uconn)) (let* ((port (portlogger:open-run-close portlogger:find-port)) (handler-proc (lambda (rem-host-port qrykey cmd params) ;; (set! *db-last-access* (current-seconds)) (assert (list? params) "FATAL: handler called with non-list params") (api:execute-requests *dbstruct-db* cmd params)))) ;; (api:process-request *dbstuct-db* (if (not *db-serv-info*) (set! *db-serv-info* (make-servdat host: hostn port: port))) (let* ((uconn (run-listener handler-proc port)) (rport (udat-port uconn))) ;; the real port (servdat-host-set! *db-serv-info* hostn) | > > | 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 | (servdat-uconn *db-serv-info*)) (let* ((uconn (servdat-uconn *db-serv-info*))) (wait-and-close uconn)) (let* ((port (portlogger:open-run-close portlogger:find-port)) (handler-proc (lambda (rem-host-port qrykey cmd params) ;; (set! *db-last-access* (current-seconds)) (assert (list? params) "FATAL: handler called with non-list params") (assert (args:get-arg "-server") "FATAL: handler called on non-server side. cmd="cmd", params="params) (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "handler call: "cmd", params="params) (api:execute-requests *dbstruct-db* cmd params)))) ;; (api:process-request *dbstuct-db* (if (not *db-serv-info*) (set! *db-serv-info* (make-servdat host: hostn port: port))) (let* ((uconn (run-listener handler-proc port)) (rport (udat-port uconn))) ;; the real port (servdat-host-set! *db-serv-info* hostn) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 | (let loop ((count 0) (bad-sync-count 0) (start-time (current-milliseconds))) (if (and (not is-main) (common:low-noise-print 60 "servdat-status")) (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "servdat-status is " (servdat-status *db-serv-info*))) | < > | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | < | | | | | | | > > > < < < | 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 2160 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175 2176 | (let loop ((count 0) (bad-sync-count 0) (start-time (current-milliseconds))) (if (and (not is-main) (common:low-noise-print 60 "servdat-status")) (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "servdat-status is " (servdat-status *db-serv-info*))) (mutex-lock! *heartbeat-mutex*) ;; set up the database handle (if (not *dbstruct-db*) ;; no db opened yet, open the db and register with main if appropriate (let ((watchdog (bdat-watchdog *bdat*))) (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "SERVER: dbprep") (db:setup dbname) ;; sets *dbstruct-db* as side effect (servdat-status-set! *db-serv-info* 'db-opened) ;; IFF I'm not main, call into main and register self (if (not is-main) (let ((res (rmt:register-server sinfo *toppath* iface port server-key dbname))) (if res ;; we are the server (servdat-status-set! *db-serv-info* 'have-interface-and-db) ;; now check that the db locker is alive, clear it out if not (let* ((serv-info (rmt:server-info *toppath* dbname))) (match serv-info ((host port servkey pid ipaddr apath dbpath) (if (not (server-ready? uconn (conc host":"port) servkey)) (begin (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Server registered but not alive. Removing and trying again.") (rmt:deregister-server sinfo apath host port servkey dbpath) ;; servkey pid ipaddr apath dbpath) (loop (+ count 1) bad-sync-count start-time)))) (else (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "We are not the server for "dbname", exiting. Server info is: "serv-info) (exit))))))) (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "SERVER: running, db "dbname" opened, megatest version: " (common:get-full-version)) ;; start the watchdog ;; is this really needed? #;(if watchdog (if (not (member (thread-state watchdog) '(ready running blocked sleeping dead))) (begin (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Starting watchdog thread (in state "(thread-state watchdog)")") (thread-start! watchdog)) (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Not starting watchdog thread (in state "(thread-state watchdog)")")) (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: *watchdog* not setup, cannot start it.")) #;(loop (+ count 1) bad-sync-count start-time) )) (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "syncing "*toppath*" "dbname" at "(current-seconds)) (db:sync-inmem->disk *dbstruct-db* *toppath* dbname force-sync: #t) (mutex-unlock! *heartbeat-mutex*) ;; when things go wrong we don't want to be doing the various ;; queries too often so we strive to run this stuff only every ;; four seconds or so. (let* ((sync-time (- (current-milliseconds) start-time)) (rem-time (quotient (- 4000 sync-time) 1000))) (if (and (<= rem-time 4) (> rem-time 0)) (thread-sleep! rem-time))) ;; Transfer *db-last-access* to last-access to use in checking that we are still alive (set! last-access *db-last-access*) (if (< count 1) ;; 3x3 = 9 secs aprox (loop (+ count 1) bad-sync-count (current-milliseconds))) (if (common:low-noise-print 60 "dbstats") (begin (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Server stats:") (db:print-current-query-stats))) (let* ((hrs-since-start (/ (- (current-seconds) server-start-time) 3600))) (cond ((not *server-run*) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
2188 2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 | (loop 0 bad-sync-count (current-milliseconds))) (else (set! *unclean-shutdown* #f) (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Server timed out. seconds since last db access: " (- (current-seconds) last-access)) (shutdown-server-sequence (get-host-name) port) #;(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Sending 'quit to server, received: " (open-send-receive-nn (conc iface":"port) ;; do this here and not in server-shutdown | | < | 2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 | (loop 0 bad-sync-count (current-milliseconds))) (else (set! *unclean-shutdown* #f) (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Server timed out. seconds since last db access: " (- (current-seconds) last-access)) (shutdown-server-sequence (get-host-name) port) #;(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Sending 'quit to server, received: " (open-send-receive-nn (conc iface":"port) ;; do this here and not in server-shutdown (sexpr->string 'quit)))))))))) (define (rmt:get-reasonable-hostname) (let* ((inhost (or (args:get-arg "-server") "-"))) (if (equal? inhost "-") (get-host-name) inhost))) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 2216 2217 | (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Entered rmt:server-launch") (let* ((th2 (make-thread (lambda () (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Server run thread started") (rmt:run (rmt:get-reasonable-hostname))) "Server run")) (th3 (make-thread (lambda () (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Server monitor thread started") | > | | | < < | < | 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 | (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Entered rmt:server-launch") (let* ((th2 (make-thread (lambda () (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Server run thread started") (rmt:run (rmt:get-reasonable-hostname))) "Server run")) (th3 (make-thread (lambda () (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Server monitor thread started") (if (args:get-arg "-server") (rmt:keep-running dbname))) "Keep running"))) (thread-start! th2) (thread-sleep! 0.252) ;; give the server time to settle before starting the keep-running monitor. (thread-start! th3) (set! *didsomething* #t) (thread-join! th2) (thread-join! th3)) #f) ;; Generate a unique signature for this process, used at both client and ;; server side (define (rmt:mk-signature) (message-digest-string (md5-primitive) (with-output-to-string (lambda () |
︙ | ︙ |
Modified tests/simplerun/Makefile from [1a5a527039] to [18ac57f19f].
1 2 | cleanup : | | | 1 2 3 4 5 | cleanup : killall mtest dboard -v -9 || true rm -rf *.log *.bak NB* logs/* .meta .db |
Modified tests/simplerun/debug.scm from [95b92a9335] to [f6de86f926].
︙ | ︙ | |||
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | (module junk * (import big-chicken rmtmod apimod dbmod srfi-18) (define (make-run-id) | | | > > | | 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 | (module junk * (import big-chicken rmtmod apimod dbmod srfi-18) (define (make-run-id) #;(let* ((s (conc (current-process-id))) (l (string-length s))) (string->number (conc (string-ref s (- l 1)))) ) 1) (define (run) (let* ((th1 (make-thread (lambda () (let loop ((r 1) ;; (* 20 (make-run-id))) (i 1)) (print "register-test "r" test"i) (rmt:register-test r "test1" (conc "item_" i)) (if (< i 100000) (loop r (+ i 1)) (if (< r 100) (begin |
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